91. Electro Ball Practice

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Early in the morning, Ash began a new training regimen for his Pokémon, carefully planning specific exercises for each one. The Pokémon were all focused and ready.

"Pikachu, continue with your training just like yesterday." Pikachu, Ash's main partner, was determined. After mastering Iron Tail, Pikachu helped Ash win the Pewter Gym Badge.

However, Pikachu's Thunderbolt was still not perfected. Ash had tried using the water wheel to shortcut Thunderbolt practice, but the electric-type move remained flawed.

In the games, Thunderbolt is a move typically learned at a high level. While it might be normal for the protagonist to use it, in this case, Pikachu still hadn't mastered it.

Thunderbolt enhances the power of Thunder Shock, but when Ash asked Pikachu to push Thunder Shock to its limit, the results were underwhelming. The power had improved, but it still didn't reach Thunderbolt's level.

Ash then thought of a new strategy: Electro Ball. Pikachu, as the mascot of the series, often learns new moves in each season, and Ash remembered that Pikachu learned Electro Ball after reaching the Sinnoh region. Although Ash's journey in the anime only went up to this point, he knew from playing the games that Electro Ball was a strong move Pikachu could learn relatively early.

Electro Ball's power depends on the user's speed, making it perfect for Pikachu. Since Pikachu won't evolve, its greatest strength is speed, and Pikachu can outrun most Pokémon.

Compared to Thunderbolt, Electro Ball can be learned much earlier and aligns better with Pikachu's speed. Instead of fixating on Thunderbolt, Ash decided to focus on mastering Electro Ball.

Of course, this didn't mean giving up on Thunderbolt. It was simply more practical to concentrate on what Pikachu could excel at now, without pushing its potential too hard.

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu nodded seriously at Ash. The two had been training hard since they left Cerulean City, and the results were starting to show.

"Alright, let's try again. Focus all the electricity on your tail, and remember to control the power without releasing it!"

Ash instructed Pikachu, knowing that Electro Ball was different from other electric-type moves. Most electric moves are unleashed in wide bursts, but Electro Ball required concentrated energy.

This precision was new for Pikachu, and gathering energy in one spot made it unstable, causing Pikachu to struggle over the past few days.


With Ash's encouragement, Pikachu tried again, leaping into the air and focusing electricity on its tail.

Zzzt! Zzzt!

Electric arcs crackled from Pikachu's lightning-shaped tail, creating a hissing sound as they formed a golden energy ball, about the size of a baby's fist.


The light ball formed, but before Pikachu could celebrate, electricity began to surge uncontrollably from the Energy Ball. The next moment, it exploded with a loud bang.


A cloud of smoke filled the air as Pikachu let out a panicked cry, disappearing into the thick haze. "Pikachu!" Ash shouted, rushing forward. Pikachu tumbled out of the smoke, and Ash quickly caught him in his arms.

"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash asked, his voice filled with concern as he held Pikachu close.

Unlike Iron Tail, Electro Ball has the potential to backfire if it explodes prematurely, putting Pikachu right in the blast zone. Even though Pikachu is an Electric-type, making it resistant to electrical damage, the force of the explosion still packed a punch, especially at such close range.

In the anime, Pikachu can use Electro Ball effortlessly after arriving in the Unova Region, having already gained substantial experience from several regional leagues. But now, Ash was working hard to help Pikachu master it earlier to boost their strength.


Pikachu shook himself awake in Ash's arms, then looked up at Ash with renewed determination, as if encouraging his trainer not to give up.

"Alright, let's try again! We can do this!" Ash said, his voice full of resolve.

This wasn't the first time they'd faced this challenge. Ever since they left Cerulean City, they'd been waking up early and staying up late to train. Now, Pikachu could barely condense a fist-sized Energy Ball, but controlling it was still a struggle.

Despite the setbacks, neither Ash nor Pikachu were ready to quit. Motivated by Ash's words, Pikachu quickly jumped down and prepared to try again.

Ash didn't just focus on Pikachu, though. He had a training regimen for all his Pokémon, making sure they each received the attention they needed.

Among them, Pikachu, Eevee, and Axew were showing the fastest improvements in speed. Gyarados, having recently evolved, was now the powerhouse of the team, easily surpassing the others in strength. Butterfree, having already evolved, had seen a significant boost in its abilities as well.

Pidgeotto's evolution cycle was longer, requiring more time to fully develop its potential. However, it was still improving by learning new moves.

After Gyarados evolved, Ash had it showcase all its unique moves, including Dragon Rage, Bite, Ice Fang, and Water Pulse. This made Ash realize that the real world was different from the games. In the games, Pokémon learn new moves upon evolving, while retaining their old ones, which are gradually replaced as they level up. But here, moves like Magikarp's Splash and Tackle didn't disappear after evolving into Gyarados; they just became less relevant.

Additionally, the number of moves a Pokémon could learn after evolution wasn't limited to just one. This was particularly true for Pokémon like Caterpie and Magikarp, who were weak in their early stages and couldn't learn many powerful moves until they evolved. Once they did evolve, they gained several new moves, reflecting all the potential they had built up. In contrast, Pokémon that were already strong in their early stages didn't experience the same kind of dramatic growth after evolution, often learning fewer moves at a time.

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