95 Axew VS Sandshrew

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"In that case, let's get started!" A.J. said, not holding back after hearing Ash's words. He swung the whip in his hand, and as it cracked against the ground with a sharp snap, Sandshrew leaped into action, responding immediately to the sound.

Sandshrew curled up into a tight ball and launched into a Rollout attack, spinning rapidly toward Axew. The speed of this Rollout was impressive, far quicker than the attacks of the Trainers they had faced earlier, but Ash remained calm.

"Axew, dodge it!" Ash commanded.

Axew quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding Sandshrew's attack. However, Sandshrew continued rolling, maintaining its ball-like form. Without a word, A.J. cracked his whip again.

The whip's sharp sound echoed as Sandshrew landed, pivoted, and rebounded, speeding back toward Axew, who had just touched down. Seeing Sandshrew's relentless approach, Ash's eyes narrowed.

"Axew, use Scratch to counter!" Ash instructed.

Axew swung its sharp claws as it rushed toward Sandshrew. The two collided with a powerful clash—Axew's claws meeting Sandshrew's tough scales.

Bang! The impact was intense as both Pokémon were thrown back by the force of the collision.

Axew skidded backward, kicking up dust as it tried to regain its footing. Sandshrew, meanwhile, was also knocked back but managed to somersault in the air before landing on its feet.

"So that's it—A.J. is using the whip to command Sandshrew!" Brock observed from the sidelines, arms crossed as he watched the battle unfold. "It's the first time I've seen a method like this. He doesn't need to speak; he can command his Pokémon just with the sound of the whip."

This unique method of battle tested the opponent's skill. Without verbal commands, it was hard for the opposing Trainer to predict the next move, forcing them to react purely based on Sandshrew's actions. A slower Trainer wouldn't be able to keep up. Fortunately, Ash's quick reflexes had kept him in the game so far, but if he didn't turn things around soon, he might fall behind.

"No wonder they call him the Beast Tamer," Misty added, feeling a bit nervous despite her confidence in Ash. "He's like an animal trainer."

"Axew, use Dragon Dance!" Ash called out without wasting any time.

Axew let out a low growl, and a blue aura enveloped its body, boosting its strength and speed. Seeing this, A.J. acted quickly, cracking his whip again.

Sandshrew jumped up and planted its front feet on the ground, angling its hind legs toward Axew. With a powerful kick, Sandshrew sent a cloud of sand flying toward Axew.

"Watch out!" Ash warned.

Axew instinctively dodged, but the sand spread over a wide area, and some of it hit Axew, blinding it temporarily.

"Axew!" Axew shook its head and tried to clear the sand from its eyes with its claws, but the dust in the air made it hard to see. Ash kept his guard up, knowing A.J. would take this opportunity to attack.

Snap! The sound of A.J.'s whip echoed again, but Sandshrew was nowhere to be seen. The dust began to settle, revealing a hole in the ground where Sandshrew had vanished. It was clear that Sandshrew had used Dig to burrow underground.

Ash's expression grew serious as he realized Sandshrew was waiting underground for A.J.'s next command. Meanwhile, Axew finally cleared its eyes.

"Axew, use Dragon Dance again!" Ash commanded, deciding to boost Axew's stats further while waiting for Sandshrew to reappear.

Axew began to perform Dragon Dance once more, the blue light surrounding it intensifying as its power and speed continued to grow. Ash knew that the key to winning this battle would be to remain patient and strike when the time was right.

Axew continued to search for Sandshrew, its eyes scanning the ground. As it executed another Dragon Dance at Ash's command, its strength and speed increased further. Just then, A.J. snapped his whip once more.


The ground beneath Axew cracked open, and Axew quickly looked down. From the fissure, a yellow ball shot up at high speed—it was Sandshrew, spinning furiously. The impact struck Axew, knocking it back as it struggled to regain its balance.

"Go, Sandshrew!" A.J. finally spoke, seizing the opportunity. Sandshrew, still spinning in the air, adjusted its trajectory and launched itself toward Axew, ready to deliver a finishing blow.

"Bite, Axew!" Ash's eyes gleamed with determination. As Sandshrew rapidly approached, Axew opened its mouth, and its sharp teeth began to glow with a brilliant light.

Axew bit down on Sandshrew as it collided with him. The force of Sandshrew's Rapid Spin pushed Axew back, but gradually, the momentum began to slow. Axew's powerful bite was stopping Sandshrew in its tracks.

"What?!" A.J. exclaimed, shocked at the sight.

A smirk formed on Ash's lips. He knew that no matter how strong Sandshrew was, it couldn't take down Axew in one hit, especially without a type advantage. Axew's resilience was one of its greatest strengths.

"Hmph! Axew, finish it off with Dragon Rage!" Ash commanded.

With Sandshrew immobilized in Axew's jaws, the little dragon's belly began to glow with a fierce blue light. Sensing the danger, A.J. shouted desperately, "Sandshrew, break free!"

Sandshrew struggled with all its might, causing Axew to shake, but Axew held firm, its jaws clamped tightly on Sandshrew. The curled-up Sandshrew, normally so tough to damage, found it nearly impossible to break free once caught in Axew's powerful bite.

Axew released its Dragon Rage, sending a surge of energy directly into Sandshrew, who had no chance to defend itself.

The battle had taken a decisive turn in Ash's favor, showcasing not only his strategic thinking but also the deep bond and trust he shared with his Pokémon.

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