101. Let's Go Together

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"You jerk, are you even listening to me? Graduates from our Pokémon Academy are all elite trainers, so they don't need those unnecessary battle tests!" The long-haired boy clenched his fists, gritting his teeth as he spoke.

He had always considered himself to be someone special and had never been so ignored and underestimated. Now, he was itching to rush over and take down Ash.

"So, has any of the elites from your academy ever won the Pokémon League Championship?" Ash asked lazily, stifling a yawn, clearly bored by the conversation.

Hearing this, several students' faces changed. They didn't know how to respond because the answer was obvious, leaving them speechless.

"Based on what you just said, if I remember correctly, the best any Pokémon Academy participant has done over the years is reaching the top 16." Brock, a Gym trainer, rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he spoke.

He seemed oblivious to the fact that the boys' faces had turned pale at his words, but what Brock said was true.

In fact, even the students themselves didn't fully understand the situation. It was strange that despite their knowledge of Pokémon, they could never achieve great results in the League. Over time, they simply chalked it up to their opponents being too strong.

Many of them didn't see any problem with focusing on their studies. After all, attending school took up a lot of time.

The wealthy often care about their reputation, but when they spend so much money without success, it's a big embarrassment.

"Damn it! If that's the case, we'll show you what we're made of!"

Having been ridiculed by Ash and Brock, the students—who were still kids after all—couldn't take it anymore. They clenched their fists, ready to handle things differently.

"Yeah, we're really mad now. We're going to teach you a lesson!" The others chimed in, and all five of them glared at Ash and the others. Brock frowned slightly as he noticed this.

"Ash, looks like they want to settle this with a battle!"

"That's perfect!" Ash smiled faintly, not because he disliked the rich, but because he couldn't stand their arrogance.

Cutting corners to get ahead while looking down on Trainers who earn their Badges through hard work—Ash deliberately said those things to provoke them.

"You think you can just dismiss us like that?" one of them shouted, already pulling out a Poké Ball.

"Hold on a second!" Ash calmly watched as the other pulled out the Poké Ball.

"What? Are you scared?"

"What I mean is, don't waste time. All of you... come at me together!" Ash looked at them with a bit of disdain.

Ash didn't take them seriously at all. Although he was still relatively weak in the anime, he had already defeated their so-called top student, Sundae. Given that, it wasn't hard to imagine the strength of the others. He wasn't afraid of them at all.

"How dare you underestimate us!"

"If that's the way you want it, don't blame us when you lose!" Enraged by Ash's words, they all pulled out their Poké Balls.

"Come on, Growlithe! (Oddish, Weepinbell, Pidgeotto, Raticate)!"

Several trainers threw their Poké Balls simultaneously, and five Pokémon appeared side by side, looking quite formidable. Seeing this, Misty felt a bit concerned—after all, they were up against five opponents.

Sure, Ash had handled the Rocket duo before, but facing five at once made her uneasy.

"Come on, big talker! Bring out your Pokémon!" one of the boys taunted, confident that no one could handle five challengers at once.

"Don't worry. Just make sure you don't regret it later!" Ash replied with a sly grin. He then pulled out his Poké Ball and threw it with force.


As the Poké Ball landed, a massive figure began to materialize. The boys couldn't help but look up as a deafening roar echoed, accompanied by a powerful gust of wind.


The light faded, revealing a huge blue Gyarados. It slowly lowered its head, glaring down at the trainers and their Pokémon, who looked like mere ants to it, with a fierce glint in its eyes.

The small Pokémon in front of Gyarados were immediately intimidated by its overwhelming presence. Oddish and Raticate cowered and backed away, while the other three Pokémon were slightly more composed, though not by much.

Seeing the towering Gyarados, not only the Pokémon but also the boys were struck with fear. The red-haired leader of the group quickly tried to regain his composure.

"D-Don't be stupid! No matter how strong it is, it's still just one Pokémon."

"Let's all attack together! Pidgeotto, use Hurricane!" shouted the green-haired boy, gritting his teeth as he initiated the first move.

Though Pidgeotto was scared, it followed orders, soaring into the air and flapping its wings rapidly, creating a powerful gust of wind that swept toward Gyarados.

The onlookers could feel the force of the wind, but when it reached Gyarados, the massive Pokémon merely narrowed its eyes slightly. Its enormous body remained steadfast, unaffected by the attack.

"That's what you call wind? Keep your eyes open and see what a real storm looks like!"

"Gyarados, use Dragon Rage!" Ash ordered, a confident smirk on his face as he adjusted his hat.

Gyarados' trident-shaped horns began to glow with a blue light. A fierce wind swirled around its body before it unleashed a massive Twister with a roar. The tornado was laced with sparks of electricity as it rapidly expanded, absorbing everything in its path.

The surrounding leaves and turf were swept up into the vortex as the powerful Twister shot forward, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake as it headed straight toward the opposing Pokémon.

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