116. Conquering Bulbasaur

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As Pikachu shattered all the leaves, Bulbasaur seized the moment and released its Vine Whip from under its bulb.

The two vines shot toward Pikachu like bolts of lightning. While Pikachu had been prepared to resist Razor Leaf, he hadn't anticipated Bulbasaur's rapid change in tactics.

Ash frowned slightly. Pikachu's speed was his greatest strength, but it also had a flaw—when Pikachu launched physical attacks, he had to either rush forward or use his tail. In both cases, Pikachu's small body required him to move entirely, making it difficult to focus on multiple angles.

This was the same weakness Paul had pointed out when Ash and he first battled in Sinnoh. 

Bulbasaur, however, was different. After using Razor Leaf, it could immediately follow up with Vine Whip.

In an instant, the vines wrapped around Pikachu, binding him tightly. Without hesitation, Bulbasaur yanked Pikachu into the air and slammed him into the ground—once, twice, three times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pikachu was left dazed by the brutal attack. Bulbasaur didn't let up, pulling Pikachu closer with Vine Whip, ready to deliver a final blow.

Pikachu knew that if he was pulled in any further, things would end badly.

Ash, meanwhile, watched the unfolding scene, but still did not act. 

"It's dangerous! If this continues, Pikachu will lose! Why isn't Ash doing anything?" Misty cried out, her voice filled with concern. Brock remained silent, his eyes locked on Ash. Despite the tense situation, Ash's expression remained calm, and Brock wondered, *What is Ash thinking?*

As Pikachu drew closer to Bulbasaur, Ash still didn't move.

"Just a little longer... wait, Pikachu!" Ash's thoughts echoed. Pikachu seemed to sense Ash's message, remaining calm and waiting for the right moment.

"A bit more... just a bit more!"

Then, when Bulbasaur had nearly pulled Pikachu within striking range, Ash's eyes flashed.

"Now, Pikachu! Use Electro Ball!"


Pikachu responded instantly. His eyes sparkled, and lightning surged from his tail, forming a bright Energy Ball.

Bulbasaur didn't have time to react. Pikachu's Electro Ball struck with devastating force at point-blank range.


The Electro Ball exploded in an instant. While Electric-type attacks weren't particularly effective against Bulbasaur, the close-range hit, combined with Bulbasaur's own momentum, made the explosion powerful. Bulbasaur let out a howl, its Vine Whip loosening as it was swallowed by the force of the blast.

Pikachu was also blown back by the explosion, but he quickly stabilized in midair. Having practiced Electro Ball countless times, Pikachu was used to its recoil and easily regained his balance.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

At Ash's command, Pikachu quickly adjusted his body midair. His tail began to glow with a metallic sheen as he descended.

With a powerful flick of his tail, Pikachu swept away the smoke from the earlier explosion, revealing Bulbasaur beneath it. Electrical sparks still danced on Bulbasaur's body, and as it looked up, it realized what was coming too late. A look of surprise flashed across its face.


The Iron Tail connected with Bulbasaur's forehead with a resounding crash. The impact sent Bulbasaur flying backwards, slamming into a nearby tree with great force. It then bounced off the tree and collapsed onto the ground, unable to move.

Ash knew this was his moment. "Go, Poké Ball!"

With a determined look, Ash pulled the brim of his cap backward and threw the Poké Ball. It hit Bulbasaur, opening up and converting Bulbasaur into red light, drawing it inside.

The Poké Ball landed on the ground, shaking back and forth as the red light blinked. Everyone watched with bated breath, their eyes glued to the ball.


The Poké Ball emitted a soft chime, and the light on its button faded. Bulbasaur did not break free, meaning the capture was successful.

"That's right! It's Ash!" Misty cheered, unable to contain her excitement as Ash successfully captured Bulbasaur.

But just then, the Poké Ball on the ground emitted a bright flash of light and vanished with a soft whoosh.

In the Pokémon world, Trainers are allowed to carry only six Pokémon at a time. When a Trainer captures more than six, the extra Pokémon are automatically sent to a designated storage location, such as Professor Oak's lab.

This feature was initially strict in the early anime, where extra Pokémon were immediately sent away. Later, the system was updated to allow Poké Balls to minimize and remain with the Trainer until a Pokémon was sent back manually. When buying Poké Balls, Trainers also set a teleportation point where their extra Pokémon would be sent.

If no location is set, the Poké Ball is locked until a Pokémon is transferred back.