118. The Almighty Bulbasaur

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Seeing Bulbasaur confirmed it had been successfully teleported, and at this time, Ash and the others called for the next steps.

"Professor, please send over Bulbasaur!" Ash smiled at Bulbasaur, then looked at Professor Oak and made his request.

"No problem, but you've already tamed six Pokémon. Which one are you planning to exchange?" Professor Oak nodded and asked Ash.

"Hmm~~~ I'll send Butterfree," Ash thought for a moment. For now, his Eevee, Axew, and Pidgeotto still needed more training.

Butterfree and Gyarados had already evolved. Although they were still honing their skills, Ash decided to send Butterfree to Professor Oak for care.

Since he had two Flying types, Pidgeotto and Butterfree, and Pidgeotto hadn't evolved yet, he planned to send Butterfree.

"Butterfree? No problem, let's start the exchange!" Professor Oak didn't waste any time—he was busy, after all.

"Okay, let's get Bulbasaur first!" Professor Oak took out Bulbasaur's Poké Ball, then walked to the teleportation machine.

Ash released Butterfree and explained the situation, reassuring it that it would continue training. Although Butterfree felt a bit reluctant, it nodded and prepared for teleportation. Both Ash and the Professor placed their Poké Balls on the teleporter.

The teleportation button was pressed, and soon, a current enveloped the Poké Balls as they were quickly transported away.

Moments later, a light faded, and a new Poké Ball dropped into the slot of the machine. Ash grabbed it, while Professor Oak stood in front of the screen.

"Buterfree has arrived!" Professor Oak held up the Poké Ball with a slight wave, then opened it.

Butterfree appeared on the screen, giving a Bug Buzz as if to say goodbye to Ash. Ash waved and said his farewell before ending the call with the Professor.

"Come out, Bulbasaur!"

Everyone stepped outside, and Ash released Bulbasaur from its Poké Ball.

"Please help teach me from now on!" Ash said, extending his hand.

Bulbasaur responded by extending its Vine Whip and shook hands with Ash. Melanie then helped treat Bulbasaur's injuries one last time before it was time to part ways.

"Let's get going!" Ash said his goodbyes to Melanie after the treatment, though it had taken longer than expected.

Melanie and her Pokémon gathered to see Ash and Bulbasaur off.

"Take good care of Bulbasaur. And Bulbasaur, grow strong with Ash," Melanie said, though she still looked a bit concerned. She trusted Ash, or she wouldn't have entrusted Bulbasaur to him.

Bulbasaur gave a confident nod in response, and then Ash, Bulbasaur, and the others continued their journey. This time, it was a real farewell. After all the challenges they'd faced, Brock no longer felt any reluctance.

The group set off again, still aiming for Vermilion City, though the journey was far from over.

By the time they left Melanie, it was already afternoon. After several hours of walking through the jungle, dusk began to settle in, and they had to stop to camp for the night.

Everyone had gotten used to this routine, and with Brock around, the camping experience had improved significantly, so there was nothing to complain about.

That evening, after dinner, Ash took his Pokémon for special training. After Pikachu finished practicing Electro Ball, the session wrapped up.

Ash handed the training booster to Axew. With Bulbasaur now part of the team, Ash took the opportunity to familiarize himself with its abilities and moves.

Bulbasaur, it turned out, had significant battle experience, a lot of energy stored within, and had learned several powerful moves.

After Ash had Bulbasaur try out all of its moves, he decided which ones it should focus on for the moment.

Tackle, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Synthesis, and Sleep Powder—Bulbasaur's move set was intentionally diverse, allowing it to attack, heal, and control the battlefield. It was an all-around powerhouse.

To be honest, Bulbasaur had learned so many advanced moves that it seemed to have surpassed its current level. By all logic, it should have evolved by now, but it remained a Bulbasaur.

The training session stretched late into the night. Brock and Misty were already asleep, and the Pokémon had settled down near the tent. Ash sat on a tree stump, gazing up at the stars, when Bulbasaur approached him.

"Aren't you going to rest yet?" Ash asked, turning to face Bulbasaur, who lay down beside him.


Ash couldn't fully understand Pokémon language like Melanie could, but he still got the gist of it.

"When you were with Melanie, you had to stay up and keep watch, right? Are you still used to that?" Ash guessed, trying to connect with Bulbasaur. He wasn't sure if he was right, but it was his best way to communicate.

Bulbasaur nodded, almost human-like in its response. Back when it was protecting the other Pokémon at Melanie's place, it would stay up at night to make sure they were safe, only resting after ensuring there was no danger.

Even though Bulbasaur had left with Ash, it hadn't broken that habit. Ash didn't mind. In fact, he thought it was a good trait.

"Well then, I'll leave everyone's safety to you!" Ash said, turning his gaze back to the stars.

"Bulba-saur!" Bulbasaur responded confidently.

"By the way," Ash began, looking at Bulbasaur again, "you've beaten so many strong opponents and learned so many moves. You should have evolved by now, right? Why haven't you?"

Although Ash had seen the Pokémon anime, he still didn't fully understand why some Pokémon, like Bulbasaur, chose not to evolve. Sure, evolution brought power, but it also came with changes. Pikachu was a unique case.

In Pikachu's case, Ash knew that evolving into Raichu would make Pikachu slower and heavier, making it harder for him to sit on Ash's shoulder or move around freely outside the Poké Ball. Ash suspected that was the real reason Pikachu didn't want to evolve—it valued its freedom more than the extra strength.

Bulbasaur, though, was different. Ash couldn't figure out its reason for staying as it was.

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