112. The Land of Pokémon

Bonus chapter for Cajun sS becoming a member of Gale force

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"Huh? Are these Melanie's Pokémon? They don't seem to like us very much," Misty asked, a little surprised as she observed the Pokémon nearby.

There were many Pokémon around, of all different kinds. When they saw Melanie, they immediately gathered by her side, clearly fond of her, but they seemed a bit wary of Ash and the others.

"No, they're all wild Pokémon," Melanie explained. "In fact, they were either injured by humans or abandoned by their Trainers. They came here after being traumatized, so they're a little scared of outsiders."

After hearing this, Misty and Brock began to understand the situation.

"So, Melanie, are you the one taking care of them?" Misty asked.

"Yes! Our village has a traditional remedy passed down for generations, and we also take in Pokémon that need care," Melanie said, kneeling down to gently comfort the Pokémon around her.

"That makes sense! So that's why there are so many traps set up," Ash realized. The traps were there to protect the Pokémon from outsiders.

"What a kind-hearted girl! Not only is she cute, but she also loves Pokémon so much!" Brock exclaimed, watching the Pokémon being cared for. True to form, he quickly became infatuated.

Misty sighed, speechless once again at Brock's antics.

"It must be very hard to take care of so many Pokémon," Misty remarked as she looked around. Unlike a Pokémon Center, this place was more rustic, and it seemed exhausting for one person to handle everything.

"It's okay! I've been learning to care for Pokémon since I was a child, so I'm used to it. The only challenge is finding herbs sometimes. In fact, I was just heading out to gather some when I heard Brock's voice," Melanie explained.

"Really? I know about detoxifying herbs too! Why don't I go find some for you?" Brock offered enthusiastically.

"Oh, that's too much trouble for you," Melanie said, a little embarrassed. After all, their traps nearly caused an accident, so she felt awkward asking for help.

"It's no trouble at all! Think of it as my way of repaying you for saving us!" Brock declared confidently, thumping his chest.

"Alright then, thank you!" Melanie replied, touched by his gesture, feeling reassured that they had helped the right people.

Thanks to Brock's offer, the group stayed to help Melanie gather detoxifying herbs. The surrounding area was rich in resources, so finding what they needed wasn't difficult.

They soon collected plenty of herbs—not only detoxifying ones but also some healing herbs and even a few Oran Berries to restore Pokémon's strength.

"Detoxifying herbs and healing potions... Brock, do you like Melanie?" Misty teased playfully on the way back, though she already suspected the answer.

Brock's face flushed red, and Ash looked surprised. Usually, when Brock met someone he found attractive, he acted infatuated but never blushed like this.

And unlike his usual forward behavior, he hadn't rushed to grab her hand. It was clear his feelings for Melanie were different—maybe because she had saved him.

"W-What are you talking about! I... I'm just grateful to Melanie for saving me," Brock stammered, his face growing even redder.

"Really? You like taking care of Pokémon, don't you? Why not stay here and help Melanie with her work?" Misty teased, raising her eyebrows with a smirk.

"I... I didn't say I wanted to stay!" Brock quickly retorted, flustered.

Ash paused for a moment. In the anime, Brock did seem like he wanted to stay, but in the end, Melanie hadn't agreed.

I don't know whether Melanie didn't really need Brock's help or if she was simply aware of his intentions but chose not to point them out, sparing him some embarrassment. Either way, it seemed this relationship was destined to be a bit rocky.

As the three of them joked and played around, they unknowingly made their way back to the hut. Melanie was still busy taking care of the Pokémon when they returned. She was very grateful when she saw Ash and the others had brought back so many supplies.

Even though she lived in the village, because she needed a quiet place to care for the Pokémon, it was more challenging for her to gather medicinal herbs by herself in such a remote location. What Ash and the others brought back would last her a long time.

"Thank you so much! And you even brought Oran Berries—they'll be really useful!" Melanie said, her eyes lingering on the berries.

Oran Berries were valuable in this world. While they weren't as powerful as full healing items, they were effective enough. Melanie knelt down with an Oran Berry and handed it to a nearby Pokémon.

"Ah! Isn't that the Oddish from this morning?" Misty suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Ash looked over as well. It was indeed the same Oddish they had seen earlier that day. Misty hadn't realized it was also one of the Pokémon under Melanie's care.

"Do you know this little one?" Melanie asked as she fed Oddish the berry. Oddish, however, was too focused on the food to notice Misty.

"Yeah, I didn't know it was one of the Pokémon here, and I tried to catch it this morning," Misty admitted, feeling a bit guilty.

"I see. This little one was abandoned by its original Trainer because it was too weak, so I took it in," Melanie explained. Misty, hearing this, felt even more remorseful and slowly knelt down next to Oddish.

As Misty crouched down, Oddish finally noticed her. It hesitated for a moment, taking a small step back. Misty, feeling responsible, spoke gently.

"Oddish, I'm sorry. I didn't know what had happened to you, and I did something so thoughtless." Misty, although often brash, was still kind-hearted at her core, deeply moved by the stories of the Pokémon in Melanie's care.

Thinking about how she had tried to capture Oddish earlier made her feel terrible, and her voice trembled as she spoke. Tears began to well up in her eyes, falling softly.

Oddish looked up at Misty's teary face and slowly let its guard down. Pokémon have a way of sensing people's emotions and kindness.

Sensing Misty's genuine apology, Oddish used the leaf on its head to gently wipe away her tears. Misty smiled through her tears, realizing that Oddish had forgiven her.

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