Chapter 4: The so-called bride role.

"Hurry!" Mr Franklivania ordered. Lily's fall has made a mess of the ceremony.The gossip was on every lips.

"Does it mean she isn't interested?" one woman spoke.

"I don't think she is actually. What could actually make a woman fall during her wedding?" They agreed.

They gossiped, ogling and giggling childishly as if they had no job. The situation was expected to put concerns on their faces but it didn't. That's how people of the high class can be. Less caring, less selfless.

The stretcher moved lily with speed through the halls of the hospital. The medical specialist was already prepared, news have reached him and he's already preparing his medical kits. 

"What happened?" Dr Harriet asked.

"She collapsed as soon as she stepped upon the alter." Franklivania answered.

"What of young master? Is he okay?"

"My son is fine. Just get on with her. The press is already craving for content, I must not allow them" he was stern.

Harriet knew Franklivania. Whatever he just said was not a request but an order. He quickly ran few test on her.

"She's tired. Like, serious fatigue" he uttered after some minutes.

"Tired?" Franklivania was perplexed. "Send in her sister. Where's Floria?" He thundered across the hall.

Floria came running. They had pushed her away so as to take Lily in for treatment.

"Lily!" She cried upon entering.

"What has she been doing? Thought she's done with the road safety whatever!"

"Of course she's done" Floria replied with an irritating voice. If only this man knows what her sister has passed through. "But work alone is not the only thing that can cause a woman to collapse on her own day"

"What are you insinuating girl?"

"If only you had given us some time "

"She was the one that sent the letter, not me! She was the one that approved...."

"We're still mourning!" Floria screamed. "You sound as if we needed this union better but you could query why a lady suddenly consented to a marriage that she's long rejected after her father's accident. Don't you have a heart?" Her voice was solemn. "Come to think of it, only you know why you want this marriage as soon as possible " her voice suddenly grew stern.

"Take her away" he ordered

"You don't need to. But let nothing happen to her" Floria left, with such a dare in her eyes.

Harriet has been on lily, injecting all sort of medicine on the already running drip. Suddenly, her fingers shook. 


"I saw sir. She will be awake in no time now"

"Are you sure?" Franklivania asked, getting suddenly excited.

"Of course, I am"

"Alert the hall!" He said to his staff. "Tell them everything has been taking care of and the bride will grace them with her presence once again. Also make sure they eat and drink as they like"

"Yes sir" they chorused and left.

Franklivania also left, to handle a few things especially those news mongering reporters.

"You can now open your eyes" Harriet said to her surprise.

"Thank you doctor" Lily finally opened her eyes. From the moment she shook her fingers, she had been awake, never wanting Franklivania to see her upon recovery.


"It's no pretence" Lily defended.

"Of course I know you collapsed. You didn't want him to see you"

"Doctor, I cannot confide in you" she said politely.

"You are allowed to have your trust issue, but can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you collapse?" He interrupted.

"You know" she said with distaste.

"Why should you overwork yourself knowing fully well that today is your wedding"

"If you must know, I wasn't actually tired" she fired back. 


"Yes, you might have diagnosed me of fatigue but I am strong enough to battle that. What happened to me out there is not fatigue!"

"So you want to tell me it was out of your control. If I may know, what can that be?"

"Quite a questionnaire, this one"

"Listen young lady, I know how people have feared the young master and his family. If that's what you're running away from, know that they're not actually so terrible"

"And why are you so sure"

"Because I've worked here more than you can ever think of."

The atmosphere suddenly changed to a friendly one. Lily now observed the person standing before her. He looked as if he knows a lot. He doesn't even look like one who asks a lot of questions. Whatever made him to protect her then ask her loads of questions might be serious. "Maybe he is looking for information" she thought to herself. However, She recalls the incident at the altar. It was strange. But she's needed to go back there. No matter what, she's doing this marriage. Not her desire but a reality she must accept.

"You need to return to the ceremony" Harriet said.

"Yes Doctor." She fastened her dress and wore her shoes.

"You're awake!" Frank suddenly appeared. Lily was startled.

"Yes sir" she said downcast.

"Don't worry, when we get back, I'll call the makeup lady to touch you up" he said as he left. Lily followed suit. They returned to the company once more to resume the wedding.

The hall was set again, as if nothing had happened. They were quiet waiting for her, the so-called bride.Lily quietly walked to the door, gasping for breathe. She had just embarrassed herself. 


She looked to the direction of the voice and saw her sister. She was already hugging her before she could utter a word. She had returned without them.

"You were scared?"

"Why won't I be Lily?"

"I'm okay now"

"What happened to you" Floria asked as she let go.

"It just happened Floria. It just happened" Lily answered to stop the questions that might be brooding in her head.

"Okay" Floria agreed. "You don't have to look nervous, people collapse every time" they laughed. "Cheer up and blow them away with your charms" she snapped her fingers.

The doors opened and Lily walked in with grace. Floria walked behind her as before, offering comfort. The crowd looked at her, some in awe of her beauty while others had thousand questions they wished to ask her if only they have the chance. Questions, she also asked herself. 

It was starting to make sense as she stepped closer. Seeing that man's face again. The rumors had left how exquisite he looks, a beauty she was sure to have seen before.She kept her composure, trying to hide her thoughts from the thousand eyes that locked on to her, expecting her to fall again.

As she stepped upon the altar, she was now certain. But when and where is now the problem. The priest carried on with whatever, anyways. Proclaiming them husband and wife in a fearful matrimony. The crowds jeered and cheered with them. Everything was fine in a second till the priest uttered "And you may kiss the bride"

She has never had a kiss before in her life. And without hate or sentiments, any lady in her right senses would forever wish her first kiss to be with lips as the ones before her. Those lips were everything that glitters, they were all things, bright and beautiful. They looked at themselves for a minute before carrying out the priest's command.

It was as if the earth took a pause. As he leaned closer, Lily felt his breath against her face. It was hot, burning her being into desire. Then his pointed nose unintentionally caressed her cheeks, a silent gasp escaped her lips, her heart throbbed as if it was overworking it's four Chambers. Then his lips touched hers, never before had she felt something this sensational. All thoughts eluded her as they had their first marital kiss. Then, he withdrew from her lips, and everything returned. The fear, the thoughts, everything. Her sister looked at her and she smiled reassuringly. But the man in front of her never smiled. She quickly recalled his name. She remembered she had seen it during her research. It was Nicholas. Yes, she remembered, Nicholas Franklivania.

After the kiss, everything happened so fast till Floria was crying in her arms. She promised her she will come back after the honeymoon. That she was sure of. She couldn't leave her sister alone.

The couples entered the car set for them. People made loud noises to lift the gyration. Lily thought of so many things possible that could happen to her that night.

She thought of the making out. She wasn't ready and the person beside her doesn't seem like one who would ask for permission to please her desires. Then the car sped off.

For a while, she thought it was going to the Franklivanias rumored mansion. It was said to be a heaven on earth until they arrived in front of a beautiful bungalow at the side of a beach.

"Welcome to Cedar hills, young master" the driver announced.

"Thank you Jeff" he said, probably the first time she heard his voice. "Return home, safe and sound"

"Thank you sir" Jeff replied and as soon as they got off, he reversed the car and zoomed off.

Now it was just the two newly wedded. The anxiety returned. Lily wondered why he was looking at her. Then he turned and started moving to the house.

"Wasn't he going to carry her luggages for her?" Lily thought. She carried hers anyways and followed suit. Slowly, he opened the doors and walked in. What was she expecting? She thought she could find a reason to enjoy the marriage but he was indeed terrible. Playing indifferent to a woman she just married.

She struggled with her luggages and moved them inside. Hell no, there was only one room. Of course it was a honeymoon!

She entered the wee spaced room. If not for the fact that she herself is already acquainted with luxury, she would definitely pass out at the beauty of the house. Suddenly, he entered with a mean face.

"Why did you pass out?" He asked.

"Why are you suddenly asking?" She found courage.

"Because now's the time I can ask, so answer me, why did you choose to disgrace me?"

"Is that what matters now. Rather how I am, you care about your ego"

"I do beat up women if you did your research".

"About you?" She lied, protecting her ego. "Out of everything that matters, I'll choose to waste my time, on you"

"You're crossing limits Lily" he said with a stern face.

"That's true, what's even your own name?" She continued to pretend as if she knows nothing about him.

"I'll not have you render me unimportant"

"Won't you?"

"I'll guide my temper today, I do not promise you the same tomorrow. You will learn to respect me from now on"

Nicholas said as he started removing his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked afraid.

He looked at her, and for a single moment he thought her amusing. He scoffed.

The face returned to her. Her head ached again and then she saw. This time around, she didn't get an instinct but she saw. Just as if these things has happened before. A deja Vu.

She quickly sat on the bed, holding her temples again. 

"What is it?" Nicholas asked.

She raised her head in awe, as if the trans just returned her woes, sheeft a cry.

"So you care now" she said amidst tears.

"What do you mean?"

"You care to know what's happening to me"

"Of course I should. You're here alone with me.."

"Is that the only reason!" She blurted. "I got married to you, against my own desires and I hurt on the altar, but you were not even moved"

"It wasn't necessary"

"Is there.." she sniffed and wiped her tears. "Is there even a future for this marriage?"

"I've not thought of that as it's not my concerns now"

."Oh God..."

"And Lily" he called. "I hate pity, I don't like tears and all this perceived fragility. If you're going to be my wife, you've got to get rid of those behaviors" he said and wandered off into the bathroom.

Lily sat down on the bed. She knew there was no future at all. Then it came again, the visions. She had cried for a thing like this before. She had been in this situation.

Then it struck really hard. She saw the pictures perfectly. An ancient beautiful room just like this. And she shed despairing tears. It was left for her alone to figure it out. No parents. The visions kept coming. Oh, she had ran away. It wasn't a wise thing to do.

Lily screamed at those visions. She closed her ears as if she doesn't want to hear those things, then it stopped.

"No" she uttered with a now running nose. "I need to visit Grandma"