I Found My Husband Through My Sister

Episode 1

My sister's husband keeps disturbing me and I don't know what to do about it.

I'm Erica by name, I live with my only and elder sister because we lost our parents few years back. I had to move in with my sister and her husband.

My sister works in a company and her work takes much of her time so she's not always at home while her husband has his own company he works with

On this particular day, my sister is about to go to work as usual and to be honest, I am bothered. Bothered because her husband is unrelenting in his advances to me.

"Erica make sure u take care of the house and the kids, also make sure you give my husband his food when he comes back," my sister will always say before going to work.

"Yes sister" I obliged. I'll say this about her, my sister doesn't have time for her kids and her husband. The children are so close to me that they forget they even have a mother.

I became their mother, her husband will complain that he was tired of the way she works but my sister will end up fighting her husband if he does

Now my sister's husband is coming close to me. At times I feel sorry for him but what can I do. I know too well that it is a taboo to sleep with your sister's husband in my town, but I can't help it now.

The more I stay with them, take care of the kids, serve his meal. The more I fall in love.

I mean, I'm in love with him but I just can't hurt my sister.

You don't know what you have until you lose it. I Have tried talking to her but she won't listen.

I'm lost.


"Erica Erica!!!" my sister's husband called from their room.

"Sir, I am coming," I replied from the kitchen. I brought down the pot from the cooker and ran to answer him.

"Come in," he called out from inside the room.

I walked in and found him with his towel around his waist. He looked admirable with rippling muscles and a broad cheat.

"Ha Jesus Erica, get hold of yourself silly girl. He is your sister's husband don't be f0olish," I chided myself.

"Sir you called me!" I snapped out of my reverie of lūst.

"Yes my dear, please get me my food, I would love to eat here."

"Okay, sir, I'll be right back," I said and I walked out of the room.

"Haa sister what is your problem, see how wonderful your husband looks and you're doing anyhow. , may God forgive me if anything happens because I feel sorry for this man." I soliloquized as I prepared his dishes and food.

I got his food and took it to his room. "Sir is there any other thing I can do for you?" I unwittingly asked just to buy time and keep peering and his admirable chest and muscles.

"No my dear this is all for now, I'll call if I need something... You can go."

"I'll be in my room." I said and walked out of his room.

Not long the school bus brought back the kids and they came running into my arms like I was their mother.

"Ooh my babies, I have missed you so much" I said hugging them.

"Here are their bags Ma'am" said their minder who was in charge of the bus.

"Oh, thank you so much for looking after my angels"" I said taking the bags from her and smiling like a Cheshire cat.

We went into the house, I bathed and fed them. Then bade them go into their father's room to greet him.

Afterwards, I took them into their room and made them take their nap, then went to my own room took my bath and slept off.

I woke up with my phone ringing, it was my sister. "Erica please I won't be coming back today I have a lot of work on my table, please tell my husband that I won't be home so he should not wait for me, biko take care of them okay? and do take care of your self, I love you guys bye", she hung up without even letting me say ok.

"Hmm sister! sister!! whoever that is doing this to you is not trying oh." I grumbled.

I got up and went to check on the kids they were still sleeping, so I went to the kitchen to make dinner and afterwards head to husband's room

When I entered his room I was shock at the sight in front of me,my sister's husband was but naked and his erected dick was looking at me...I became wet instantly,I know that's my Sister's husband but I can't help it I move closer to him and he did not stop me I move closer to feel his hard dick I was more than wet now,he said nothing and stood there looking at me whiles I was massaging his dick, don't blame me cause I can't control myself,he started massaging my breast and fingering me he pushed me to the bed and remove my clothes and started sucking on my pussy and that's the best feeling ever I was really moaning now cause I can't help it

He later moved his dick to the entrance of my pussy and and pushed it in,his dick was so big and long,he started trusting in and out of me and I enjoyed every bit of it...we have sex the whole night, the following day was Saturday so we had enough rest, since then I started thinking of ways to make him mine and mine alone