
Episode 3




I clutched my legs together trying hƦrd to control myself.

Seeing him here will worsen it! !!!!

I could feel my priv*te part clenched and unclenched


What do I do? I need a man right now! I need someone!

I took some steps towards him and before I knew it, I pushed him back to the couch!

He fell on it, I didn't forget to use the opportunity to climb up on him.

" Mā€¦ ma'am?" He called in a shock expression!

There's nothing I can do, I need someone deep in me!

" F*"k me please " I begged making my way to remove his belt but he stopped me!

" Ouch"

Pain! And pain was what I was feeling in my abdomen!

This is how it happens if I don't let a man have me!

It will worsen till I won't be able to bear it anymore!

" Mā€¦ ma'am please " he said nervously pushing me off him.

" Pā€¦ please, I ā€¦I ouch ! Need you please" I pleaded with my hand in between my legs!

I dragged his shirt , he stumbled and fell on me!

I wish to stop this but I can't! I just can't!

I am dying each passing minute without the satisfaction of a man!

" Help me please, Iā€¦I will pay you any amount you want " I said in tears! I can't bear the pain anymore!

" C..can you please calm down ma'am?"

I jumped up as he said that!

I totally forgot Mum is around! I don't want her to ever find me this way!

I don't want her to know I have a problem, I don't want her to know that I sleep with men I don't even know!

She will definitely die if she hears of it!

Ouch! My! Tears poured down freely! I . dyiƟng! I am suffearing!

P_ain! Intensifying and cru_cifying!

The last time this happened, I went unconscious for a week!

I picked up my bag feeling so embarrassed but I don't care right now!

I ran into my car and drove off to the nearest hotel!

At least I will see someone that will help!








What the hell just happened?

I stood up from the floor in shock and surprise!

That was really an escape!

Brittany asking me for s*x on my first day?

How will I be able to cope with the temptation?

What's wrong with her? She was actually crying too?

Does that mean she's not in control of herself?

I just don't get it!

" Brittā€¦."

" where's she?" Her Mum asked coming down stairs while I composed myself immediatetly!

Thank goodness she didn't meet her daughter in that state!

" Uhhm, she left " I replied

" Left? Why? " She asked but I stayed mute!

I can't reply that you know!

" Anyways, you are welcome son. I am sorry my daughter left " she apologized

" It's fine ma'am "

" Okay, I will show you to your room and then the kitchen " she said.

Well, she's not that bad!

" Thank you "


" I don't think she will be coming back till evening so you have all the time to explore the house while I go back home"

She doesn't stay in this house? Meaning I am here alone with Brittany?

Goodness! How do I survive it?

" Okay ma'am thank you " I said politely.

" Call me Mum please, I wasn't the one that employed you " she said chuckling while I nodded smiling at her.

First time seeing a rich person with ego and pride!

She's so friendly!

" Alright take care Son " she said and left!

I went back to my room and lay comfortably on the king size bed! I have never had this type of bed in my entire life!

This is heaven!

How do I start preparing her meal?

What happened earlier still remain a shocker to me.

I mean, how will she ask someone like me? Her ordinary chef?

I can't imagine how I will face her when she's back!

Is she even fine out there? Where did she went to ?

I see what's wrong with her as a problem but I can't tell !

She was normal when she came in but few minutes later, it came like a timely sickness!

It doesn't seem right to me!

Is it normal for a lady to behave that way?

I think I will find out later!ā€¦..




" More p.. please.."

" Faster" I continue yelling in pain!

My legs were weak, my wa-ist hurts but the addiction is still there.

I wanted more! I don't feel satisfied!

I held the unknown man as he fell back on me!

Sometimes I wouldn't have any option than to beg for s*x .

I will be so wounded down there but be needing more!

I can't help it!

Am I the only one created this way?

Why is my life different from other ladies out there?

" I will pay double, just please don't stop" I pleaded with him.

He seems to understand my plight as he nodded slightly before he began thr*sting in again.

This time not slowly but very fast! This is what I go through everyday day in my life!

Behind every of my smiles lies a pain in my heart!

How do I face him? I mean Damien, yeah!

I feel so ashamed of myself!

I showed him my real self on his first day!

With him around, will I be able to get hold of my self and addiction?






I slapped his hand away coming down from the bed to dress myself!

It's enough for today!

" Baby, one more round please" imagine this old fool!

I don't sleep with a client more than once!

" Pay me my money, I need to get out of here" I snapped!

" H.."

" I am waitingā€¦.sir "

He sighed as he dipped his hand in his wardrobe before handing me some cash!

I collected my money and dashed out of his goddamn house before his wife or children will set their eyes on me!

I have a next client waiting for me!

Well if you must know, everyone thinks I only work in a company but I am a call girl as you know already.

Not even Brittany knows about this! I just want to get money!

I don't care the means so long I become richer than Brittany!

That's my aim and it's my body not yours!





" Good evening ma'am " I bowed slightly without glancing at her!

" Y..yeah evening " she replied blatantly heading to her room practically avoiding my gaze!

Well, If I am the one. I will be embarrassed too although I don't think it's her fault she did what she did.

When I browsed about it this morning, there was no clear explanation on it but I think she took a strong drug.

But why?

" Uhhm, ma'am?"

She paused but didn't turn back.!

" Your uhhm dinner " I stammered

" I am filled up, don't worry" she replied and began walking away again!

Is she mad at me?

" And Damien?"


" Ma'am?"

" I will give you a time table to be following, I don't eat junks please"

" Oh..okay ma'am "

This is really awkward!

Few minutes later!...

I covered my ears but the shout was becoming unbearable!

She's been shouting for hours now!

Is Brittany okay? Why is she shouting or more less crying?

I sprang on my feet tracing it to her room to at least check up on her.

I slowly opened the door to see her lying helplessly on the floor.

Oh my goodness!

" M.. ma'am?" I called as I rushed to her.

What happened?

" Dā€¦ Damien?" She called faintly.

Her legs clutched to one another, her hands in a fist!

" Iā€¦ I am dying Damien helpā€¦"

She said as tears flows down from her eyes and what?

Don't tell me she wants s*x again!

" I.. I want you daā€¦"

" You need to calm down okay, I will go get you a drug " I left her on the floor and left.

In my research I found out there's a drug that will subside it but not permanently.

Maybe it will help!.