My Boss


" You are such a scary idiot, she's awake and I have started the treatment already" he chuckled!

I didn't wait for him to say anything further as I dashed out of his office to Brittany's ward of course !

You don't know how happy I am to see that she's awake! Just two days out of a week that's remaining!

Opening the door, I embraced her in a bone crushing hug forgetting Mum said as around and the fact that she's my boss!

The embarrassment didn't come until I released from the embrace!

Hearing the both of them chuckled added more fire to it!

It was over excitement, you don't know how much I have prayed for the day she was gonna wake up!

I scratched my head and sat beside Mum!

" Uhhm, ho…how are you feeling now?" I asked stuttering a little!

She looked weak and pale although I am glad she woke up at least!

I believe she will have herself back again! That I know!

Different sort of things were just fixed on her body! She's really become slimmer within this five days she was in coma.

She stared blankly at me for a while and a smile curved her face!

That smile! I freaking missed it! I miss seeing her smile! I miss hearing her voice!

" I am better now Damien, I feel a lot better" she said .

Yeah! I understand! The addiction isn't there now so that is enough to make her feel better!

I just wish that addiction go, I really wish that for her.

" Don't worry, you will be fine…. ma'am" I replied!

She narrowed her eyes at me then glanced at her mum who's been staring at us!

" Can you cut the formalities and start calling me my name please?"

Huh? That's not possible right? I can't bring myself to call her that to her face! It will not only make me feel nervous but timid too.

" Uhhm.."

" Please " she pleaded! But why did she want me to address her by her name? Has the coma made her forgotten that I work under her?

" Okay! " I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

I turned to mum who kept a sheepish smile on her face all this while!

I am just wondering what's making her smile!

" I guess you both haven't eaten right?" I asked and she shook her head!

" Then, I will go back home and prepare a delicasy for you " I said standing up but Mum held my wrist!

" What about work Damien? Forgotten you came from there?"

Oh yeah! I totally forgot but it's not more important than Brittany eating right?

" Work can wait Mum, beside I don't have much to do at the office and Karen will take care of it" I replied

" You should rest while I go get you something" I said and turned for the door!

" Damien " I paused in my s₱0t as I heard Brittany's voice!

" Thank you " ….



No one can tell how happy I am except my heart !

I have never been this excited in a long time now!

Seeing that Brittany is getting better brings so much joy to me!

I quickly dressed up in my office outfit, package the breakfast, took my car keys and headed out!

I drove out of the compound to the hospital, I see today as a good Monday. I am very eager to meet Mr Cole over the contract!

I won't be happy if I don't get that contract, Brittany will be very disappointed in me. That will make her sad!

Having that contract will fetch a lot to her company, gaining more fame and wealth!

I packed my car and headed to her ward and I met Carl on my way!

Such a dedicated doctor, he's here this early to check on his patients!

I envy him a lot for his hærd work! I could have just taken a job here but what do I know about doctrine? Absolutely nothing!

" Hey bro" he greeted as we shook hands !

" Yeah, good morning Carl"

" Morning, Damien " he replied staring weirdly at me!

I had to take a look at myself if what I put on is bad or if I am smelling awfully but nothing like that!

" Is there something on my body ?" I asked and he burst out laughing!

" This isn't the Damien I grew up with "

Huh? Did I change?

"You are going crazy Carl, what did you mean?"

" When did you become this caring? I am surprised Damien! I know there is more to this " he replied giving me a suspicious look!

Seriously? Can't I just be caring in peace? And it's my job to prepare dishes for Brittany right?

" You've lost it, you are totally wh¡pped bro"

I pushed the laughing head off my way and left!

What's he thinking? I can't fall for my boss!

When I know nothing can ever work between us! .

I know I haven't seen her with a man but I believe she date men if higher class like her, not someone like me!

Even if I have any feelings for her, I will definitely keep it to myself to avoid the stort that touches the heart!

It took me a long time to get over Cathy so I don't want to get that emotional again !

" Good morning Damien "

Mum! Gosh! This woman is really trying seriously!

Must she stay in the hospital to receive the treatment?

I need to talk to Carl about this, he should be coming home to treat her on daily basis! .

I know Brittany will pay him any amount he wants!

Her Mum needs a lot of bed rest like she do too!

" Good morning Mum, hope you slept well?" I asked glancing at Brittany who just woke up!

She's a sleeping beauty, even when she sleeps, she still look that beautiful and innocent!

" Yes I did"

" Morning Damien" she greeted sleepily! That's the first!

" Morning Brittany, how are you feeling?"

" I can't help but feel better each passing day, thank you so much Damien. I really appreciate" she said while I just smiled humbly!

" Mum, where's my phone?" She asked and Mum dipped her hand into the bag bringing out her phone!

She collected it and scrolled through somethings and smiled!

" I found it " she said to herself as she continued what she was doing!

Mum and I glanced at each other then back at her!

What's she...

My phone beeped and I brought it out to see it was ….

Wait! This is a mistake! She was transferring money to my account?

300pesos? For what?

I stared at her with my mouth opened!

" W… what I am doing with it ?" I asked with confusion written all over me!

Mum was smiling too! Don't tell me she knows about this!

" You aren't doing anything with it Damien, that's your salary "

I choked on my spit as I heard that? My what?

That's not what we bargained for! It's was 70pesos and she's giving me this huge amount of money?

No! It's a mistake!

" B…but, I think you did a mistake! This is not my.."

" I know Damien! You have done more than this little amount of money I just gave you"

" You stood beside me when no one was, you've helped me. You've saved me numerous times, you are my saviour and you deserve more than this Damien"

" So yes! That's what you will be receiving from now on, I am sorry for paying you late " ....




Cathy's POV


" Are you sure about it Jane?" I asked again to be sure!

" Of course I am, it's all over the town Cathy, here take a look at the magazine. That's Damien right?" She said showing me the magazine!

She's right! That's him!

But how? I thought he said he applied for a chef! How come is he now the CEO of B and M?

I fell on the couch! I should have known! I wouldn't have cheated on him because he had no money to give me!

That was what pushed me into sleeping around with men!

" I told you about this , I warned you but you wouldn't listen! Damien is now famous, he's in everyone's lip Cathy, all the ladies are dying to have him. If only you listened to me, you would have been a star by now as the famous Damien's girlfriend "

She said disappointedly!

" What do I do Jane? I can get him back right?" She scoffed and threw her face away!

" What did you want to do? He's moved on already " she said!

I don't want to believe that, Damien love me so much to have moved on in just two months of our break up!

I will give it a try. I have to apologize to him and get my man back!






" Stop this nonsense Hilda, what's wrong with you?" I yelled!

This lady will never listen! Can't she get it that I can't have her?

" I know you want me Damien, stop sending me away " she roughly k-ssed me !

Yuck! Someone should tell this girl that I am loosing it!

Her phone beeped and she jumped down from tie!

" I will be right back Baby " she said and left.

I quickly stood up and headed to my room when something caught my attention.

" I don't know when she will be back from her damn trip Phil "

I heard Hilda said over the phone, I know this is about Brittany so I hid very well to listen to her conversation!

I am interested in knowing what she's talking about!

" Don't you believe me anymore? When she's back, I will get her drunk like I have always done then you can bring as many men as you can to f*"k her as you want"

Wait! What?

She does what? Get Brittany drunk and allow different men take advantage of her?

I knew this lady was no good! How can she do this to the one she call a friend?

I hastily brought out my phone to record what she was saying!

" Yes! I know Phil, Brittany is my sworn enemy and you know that"

" The injection? "

" Oh you mean that AF2? "

" Of course, after I injected her with it ten years ago. The addiction is still there, she f*"k any man she sees like I have always wanted and what worsen it was the drugs I was giving her to damage her system and increase her urge for s*x "

My phone fell from my hand as I staggered back ward which drew her attention!

She saw me and her phone nervously fell from her hand too….

" D.. Damien, w…what are you doing here?" She asked stammering picking up her phone!

" O..oh, it's nothing. I came to pick my towel "

" You just came?" She asked nervously

" Yeah, I just came " I replied and left!

S..she was the one that made Brittany a s*x addict?

W…why? What has she done to her?

I really need to do something real fast!

That girl mustn't go unpunished! She's evil!

I can't let the anger in me out this moment!

A perfect plan will do! I will make her pay! ….. No