

It feels so good to become myself again! I have never felt this happy and at peace in years now!

I can't believe I stayed for a month now without any addiction!

Without me begging for s*x from some random guys in the street!

My treatment will end in two months which means I will be free again!

I will be like every other lady out there! S*x won't be my obsession again!

What can make me more happier? The two things now is the fact that I am getting better!

Speedily recovering! And the contract Damien won for my company!

Within this month he took over, he has created more fame for my company!

If anyone will tell me he had a quality education, I wouldn't have believed!

I wonder why he chose to be a chef with a business talent!

He's very intelligent! My company has won three contracts in one month! Just in one freaking month!

I myself haven't won that before .

Yesterday was company award winning day in three places nearest to Philippine and it itself! Philippine, Korea and France!

Did you f*"king believe that my company won the three awards?

Damien did it for me! My company has had more name outside Philippine!

I received a call from a company in California this morning, the man was urging me to extend my branch to California!

He actually said he will sponsor everything!

What can make me more happier? I feel like a dumbo where Damien is!

That guy has everything! He's Charming, VV hot! Like very hot! , He has a good luck charm, he's attractive, loving, caring, kind, selfless, intelligent! No a genius you name it

By now, I was smiling foolishly to myself! All Thanks to Karen, she did me a great favour by bringing Damien into my life!

He's just full of blessings! He's the reason I am getting cured!

He's the reasons companies are calling for partnersh¡p, he's the reason my company has grown just in one month!

Someone cleared her throat and I raised my head to see Mum standing staring at me with a suspicious look!

And yes! Doctor Carl is treating me from home, I have told the security! No visitors! Not even Hilda because Damien told her I was out of town too! I know she will be very mad at me but I wonder why she hasn't call!

I made a mental note of calling her later!

" Mum" I called!

She sat beside me still staring curiously at me!

" What's it Mum?" I asked!

" Why were you smiling so widely? I know there's a reason behind it"

I bowed my head! I am never gonna tell her I am thinking about Damien! Of course not!

" It's nothing Mum, I am just happy "

" Well! A woman can be this happy when she's thinking about the one after her heart "

She said and I nodded excitedly!

Huh? Wait! What?







No one has the idea of how happy I am right now!

Damien came to my house and told me he's accepted to date me! Not a night stand I asked for!

Can anything else be compared to that? We even k-ssed!

Yes! Damien k-ssed me! He didn't reject me and now he's brought me to his house!

It's small but beautiful!

" You like it?" He asked holding my wa-ist gently.

Goosebumps! That was it! The feeling was heaven! What I have always wanted!

I can't believe he's mine now! I have succeeded in taking him away from Brittany!

That's all I ever wanted!

" Of course baby, I do " I replied

" I am glad yoy like it " he said and picked me up into his room!

Don't tell me he wants me already!

My dreams are coming true! Where is the transformer? I want to hug it!

He placed me on his bed placing w-t k*sses all over my body!

" Well, I am going to make you scre-m baby"

" I can't wait, just go down already"

I replied sed-ctively!

" But first, I have something for you"

He went under the pillow and brought out the thing!

A surprise before s*x! Isn't that amazing?

Wait! A string? An injection? What?

" This is my gift to you baby, you are gonna love it" he said trying to inject me but I shifted away!

I know this injection! AF2? I shrieked immediately realizing what he's about to do!

" No! No! Damien don't! Don't do this to me please" I pleaded and he chuckled dryly! His face turned cold!

" You guessed what the injection is right? Hilda! How can you be this selfish? You injected your own best friend with it and you don't want that to happen to you?"

" I have decided to make you have a taste of what she's been going through Hilda"

He held me down! I wasn't able to fight or protest!

No! This can't happen to me! There's no cure for it!

" I..I am sorry please don't do this to me I beg you"

That fell on deaf ears!

" Don't f*"king plead with me Hilda "

With that he injected me with it!


" It's getting sweet down there right?" He asked laughing!

I wasn't in myself anymore! My body heated up immediatetly!

My pr*vate part clenched forcefully!

Fire! Hotness! My abdomen tightened!

Fire is an understatement! My body was in flame!

Is this what Brittany goes through?

" Suit yourself dear Hilda" he said walked away and closed the door! No! He locked it!

This can't be happening to me! He can't leave me!

I need him! I need a man right now! I feel like dying!

" D… Damien please "


The Boss


(Her s€× addiction)


Episode 13




Pain! Pain! And pain! Was what I feel! I couldn't bear it anymore!

I pushed my two fingers into me f*"king myself out but it wasn't working!

That's not what I need ! I need a c*"k in me ! A d*"k that will give me the pleasure I want!

I rushed to the door and banged it several times but it didn't work!

Damien was gone for real. He left me to suffer all alone!

I cried, shouted, tossed and puked. The sharp pain between my legs just wouldn't go! It kept increasing!

I think I am gonna die! I..I am dying! My abdomen! My stomach!

I felt like my area was gonna tear apart! Is this what Brittany has been going through for ten years?

If it is then, I am very wicked and heartless!

Mine is just a day and it feels like years! How about her that have been suffering for ten years now?

I think I deserve this after all!

Knowing how it feels, I now regret what I did! I went too far!

This pain is unbearable! Four fingers wasn't still satisfiable!

I am doomed! How can Damien do this and leave? Oh my God! Please forgive me Lord!

The door opened revealing Damien and two guys!

" Hilda darling " he called mockingly ! Hmph!

The pain wouldn't let me talk! My face was blurry because of the tears !

" D.. Damien, p.. please save me. I am sorry for what I have done" I managed to say faintly

If I knew this was how it felt to be injected with AF2 I wouldn't have done that to Brittany!

" Of course I am gonna help you Hilda , I am sure you know how it feels to be in Brittany's position. You are enjoying yourself right?" He smirked while I bowed my head clutching my legs together!

If this is enjoyment, I wish not to enjoy in life!

" How wicked can you be Hilda? I o have done that to the one that loves you so dearly? Brittany love you and took you like a sister, all you have to do is destroy her life? "

" When you were telling those guys to rape her, did you think of her contacting any disease? Did you have conscience at all Hilda?"

I can't answer all that! But I know I was wrong!

I was just being selfish! Brittany loves me yes! But her fame made me jealous!

She was in the position I wish to be found in! She got everything she wanted, what did you expect me to have done?

Just fold my arms and watch her progress?

Although I regret everything now! I feel so terrible right now!

Myself is a mess! My body was hyper! I was in need !

It is getting worse but I can't do anything about it!

" I..I am sorry Damien "

" Keep your sorry to when Brittany gets to know about this Hilda "

" You know I am a good man right? And I am not as selfish as you are Hilda so, I brought this men to satisfy you as you want "

" Guys, get to work " he said, stood up and left for the door!….






I know some of people might think what I did was wrong but I had my reasons!

I am not wicked of course! I just wanted her to taste how it feels to be a s*x addict!

How it feels to be heartless and inconsiderate!

I injected her with it because I know she can be cured even right now!

That's simply for the fact that hers is just in the mini stage!

Those drugs Brittany takes to subside hers can cure Hilda immediately!

So yeah! I will make sure she's cured since she already tasted how it feels!

Carl will check up on her too!

I am not heartless you know! She did what she did over!

For whatever reason it might have been, she shouldn't have done that to her best friend despite knowing how dangerous the drug can be!

What did Brittany do to her?

Within this few days I have spent with her during her recovery, all she does is to talk of Hilda this , Hilda is the best friend everyone could ask for, Hilda helped her, Hilda stood by her, Hilda this and that .

All Brittany does was praise and praise her not knowing she's the cause of every of her problem!


I entered into the house feeling so tired when I sighted Mum and Brittany sitting on the couch!

Brittany looked flushed while her Mum was laughing!

" Mum! What are you driving at? I ain't thinking of no one" Brittany said sharply still flushed.

I stood watching them since they didn't notice my presence!

" I can read you like a book Britt or wait is it Damien? Oh my goodness! Is he the one you are falling for ?"

Wait! What? Falling for me? Brittany's eyes w¡dened as she slightly hit her Mum!

" M.. Mum, w..why will you think of such?" She stammered nervously!

I can swear her face turned redder!

" Well, I got my answers already " Mum clapped her hands!

Hmph! Is she truly falling for me?

" Idiot! She can't fall for someone like you"

My mind reminded me and I nodded! Yeah! She can't be in love with a commoner like me!

I cleared my throat fully entering into the sitting room!

" Oh Son, you are back " Mum said smiling widely at me!

This woman is something else!

" Yes Mum good evening "

" How was work?" She asked further

" It was fine and hectic" I replied sitting beside her .

My eyes met with Brittany and she nervously bowed her head! Okay what's up?

" W… welcome Damien " she stuttered avoiding my gaze! Seriously?

" Hmm, thanks Brittany. Feeling better?" I asked

" Y.. Yeah, recovering faster "

Well, that's an improvement! But why is she suddenly becoming nervous?

I stared at her to read her thoughts but couldn't!

She looks so beautiful! Her hair was parked in a ponytail!

She got that shape of a model, even as she's sitting, I can see the curves!

I can melt with just staring at her! She's not just a woman of charisma but an angel!

Mum cleared her throat and I quickly looked away!

Even me myself can feel the tension around! A great tention!






I don't know what's happening to me anymore but I think I am loosing it.

I walked hastily down the stairs to pick my phone!

I believe my heart is playing tricks with me!

Why do I feel this way when ever he's around?

His name alone makes me all nervous! And Mum is adding to my plight!

I don't understand how I feel! I don't know what this feeling is called because I have not felt this way in my entire life!

It's time I see my therapist Gosh! This treatment should end already!

Lost in thought, I mistakenly matched plantain back I pilled a while ago! I totally forgot to pack them!

That made me slipped as I saw myself going down!

I closed my eyes tightly waiting for my butts to land on the floor but I didn't!

Someone caught me!

I snapped up my head to see who it was but what happened shocked me!

In my quest of seeing who it was, our l-ips brushed!

Oh my goodness!
