Chapter 2: Whispers, Treasons and Lies


It was hot as dragonfire in King's Landing, summer had truly arrived. The citadel had been proclaiming that this summer would be the longest one in existence, and with the weather being the way it was at present, Jaehaerys was very, very tempted to believe them. Of course those fools in the Faith Militant had taken to saying that this heat was a sign from the Seven, that the incest born bastards of the royal family would soon face the final coming, and would be damned to hell for all eternity. The smarter ones amongst the Faith Militant whispered these things within the septs of the kingdoms, where Jaehaerys knew to shed blood would definitely damn his cousin in the eyes of the lords and smallfolk that they needed, the less smart ones uttered these blasphemies in the streets, and were arrested and brought to justice for treason.

As he sat in the small council chamber waiting for the other council members to arrive he looked through the papers that Alysanne had given to him that day, and sighed. The rumours that the High Septon had had his uncle Maegor assassinated seemed to becoming truer and less like rumours, Alysanne was well loved by the commons and as such had been able to wean their trust and this had allowed her to pick up on certain tidbits of gossip that would otherwise not be picked up. Especially by that fool Westerling, a most incompetent hand, that one, what his uncle had seen in him Jaehaerys could never truly fathom.

The doors of the small council chamber opened and the members of King Vaegyl the first of his name's small council walked in. Old Tristan Massey who had served as Master of Laws under four kings now, Master of Coin Lyman Beesbury, Hand of the King Gerold Westerling, Master of Ships Ser Tybolt Lannister, Grand Maester Justin, Master of Whispers Harrold Tully and finally Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Alyn Connington. Jaehaerys who served as regent to the king (at least for another moon) watched as each man sat down in their respective chairs, and knew which ones wished for Vaegyl to truly come into his throne, and which ones wanted Aegon to come to power, the small council was divided and Jaehaerys knew he would need to manoeuvre round these divisions if they were to have a successful hand over to Vaegyl when the time came.

"Thank you for coming my lords, I know we have much work to do, but I thought that it would be best to discuss certain issues as they have arisen now." Jaehaerys said looking from one lord to another as he spoke. When they had all given their consent he spoke once more. "Reports have come in from the city, talk of treason and lies. It has been put to my attention that elements of the Faith are preaching against His Grace, and are preaching that there should be only one king in the land, one not born from incest." As he spoke the words Jaehaerys looked around the room assessing each man's reaction to the words he spoke. Massey seemed unperturbed, after all the man had served the Targaryens for as long as there had been an Iron Throne and so was used to his family's more controversial practices. Beesbury seemed uncomfortable but not unduly so, Westerling looked scared, of course he would, Jaehaerys knew he was the one getting his men in the faith to spread these words to get his grandson on the throne, Lannister hid his expressions, but Jaehaerys knew, that there was some part of this that was his work, Justin simply stared at Jaehaerys dumbfounded, and Tully and Connington remained expressionless.

Jaehaerys went on, "I would hear your suggestions my lords for dealing with this treasonous talk."

There was silence as all the lords assembled hesitated afraid to say anything that could possibly get them into trouble. It was Lannister who spoke first, as Jaehaerys had expected. "Find the men and kill them. That is the only way to stop such talk Your Grace. We have tried to peacefully bring them back into the King's peace, they have refused, the only way we can now end this nonsense is to kill them."

Jaehaerys inwardly cringed; the man was such a fool. It seemed old Massey shared his thoughts for he said. "Have you quite lost your mind Lannister? If we set out to attack the Faith, we shall drive every single pious and holy man in the land straight into the Faith Militant and then we shall never see an end to this war. No Your Grace, if you wish to end this talk then speak with the High Septon. A word from him will have these fools stopping their blasphemy at once."

Jaehaerys nodded, and saw Beesbury and Connington nodding as well. Gerold Westerling spoke next. "You are an old man Massey, His Grace King Maegor, tried to be peaceful in his methods when dealing with the Faith and look what that got him, a dead wife, and an arrow through the heart. No I agree with Ser Tybolt, the only way to deal with this talk is with firm martial action. If Your Grace would have the King sign the warrants then I can send out the ravens and call all those loyal to the Iron Throne and we can end this conflict once and for all, with fire and blood."

Jaehaerys sighed; of course Westerling would agree with the Lannister, the two had been working together ever since Jaehaerys' aunt Eleana had been killed. Jaehaerys was quite surprised when Lord Commander Ser Alyn Connington spoke. "There is another way to end the talk. Marriage. Have his grace marry some highborn lady from one of the Great Houses and the Faith will stop complaining and the violence will end. It is simple."

Jaehaerys nodded; there was sense in what the man said. Whether or not Vaegyl would see it that way, was something that would be up for discussion though. Something that Harrold Tully clearly thought as well. "It is all well and good saying that marriage into one of the Great Houses will end this talk, but what is there to say His Grace will allow it, will even want it. We all know how close he is to his sisters. What is to say Princess Visenya and Princess Rhaenys will wish to marry anyone other than their brother?"

There was some murmuring at that, and Jaehaerys could have sworn he saw Westerling and Lannister share a knowing look. In order to dismiss the small council and think about what had been discussed Jaehaerys said "I thank you for your time my lords, let us finish here for today and go about doing our business."

Once the small council had left, Jaehaerys waited for a few moments before he too got up, followed by Ser Alyn Connington, to his cousin Vaegyl's chambers. After Ser Lucamore Strong announced his presence, and was bid enter, Jaehaerys entered his cousin's chambers, and found his cousins Visenya and Rhaenys in bed whilst Vaegyl sat at his table looking through a book.

"Your Grace." Jaehaerys said formally.

"Cousin, what news do you have for me?" Vaegyl asked in that deep voice of his.

"The Small Council met today and we discussed the issue of the blasphemy being spoken of by those of the Faith." Jaehaerys replied, speaking carefully, he knew his cousin was quick to anger- much like his father had been-.

Vaegyl seemed to notice that he was still standing. "Do sit down cousin, you as well Ser Alyn," once they had sat down, Vaegyl spoke once more. "And what did that bunch of old women saw should be done about it?"

Jaehaerys spoke once more. "Ser Tybolt and Lord Westerling were in favour of taking a military approach to deal with the Faith. Whilst Lord Massey and Beesbury wished for a more conciliatory approach."

Vaegyl snorted. "Of course Lannister and Westerling want me to attack the faith, they want to use that as an excuse to sit their little pawn Aegon on the throne, with the backing of the Faith and all those other self righteous idiots in the Faith Militant."

Jaehaerys sighed, his cousin had become paranoid that anyone not a Targaryen- or atleast not in his immediate family- and not a member of the Kingsguard was trying to depose him, whilst Jaehaerys had his own suspicions, it would not do to have the king seem so openly paranoid. "Your Grace whilst, Lannister and Westerling may have questionable motives, it would not be wise to dismiss their notions completely."

Vaegyl snorted once more and said. "Why not cousin. In a moon's turn I shall be crowned properly king. I would name you hand right now, if it wouldn't drive that fool Westerling and half those bloody Westerlanders into an outrage. Father was a fool to appoint the man Hand and give him so much power."

Jaehaerys could not disagree with his cousin on that notion, but instead said. "There is another option Your Grace. An option that would not require bloodshed or the need for you to bend to the whims of the faith."

Vaegyl looked up from his book then, interest written clear as day on his face. "Oh?" he asked. "And what would that be?"

"Marriage," Jaehaerys said. "To a lady from one of the Great Houses or even perhaps to a lady from House Hightower."

Jaehaerys could see that this was not the solution his cousin had wanted to hear, nor was it one that he found agreeable. It showed in the way his face began to contort in anger and his chest began to puff up. "Marriage? Those fools, those old women would dare to suggest marriages to me? To a lady of a Great House perhaps, but to a Hightower? To those Lickspittles of the fools who killed my mother and father? Never. I am a dragon, and I would not have my sisters sold off either. No once I become King, I shall marry Visenya and Rhaenys and let those who dislike it take it up with Balerion." As if on cue, from the Dragonpit came the bellowing roar of the Black Dread.

Jaehaerys often did not know how to calm his cousin when he was in a rage, Alysanne was usually someone who could calm him down, as could his sisters, and they proved that once again. Both Visenya and Rhaenys got up from the bed, bringing the sheets with them and placed a cooling hand on their brother's shoulders.

Jaehaerys saw Rhaenys kiss her brother's earlobe and whisper soothing things into Vaegyl's ear. Visenya looked at Jaehaerys then and said in a cold voice. "Whose idea was the marriage cousin?"

Jaehaerys could see Ser Alyn swallow nervously next to him, out of the three of his uncle Maegor's children, Visenya was always the most dangerous- she was very, very clever and cunning and like her namesake was rumoured to dabble in sorcery- Rhaenys, was the sweet one, the one whom all the lords lusted after, and all the ladies wanted to be. And Vaegyl, Vaegyl was the bull; the one whom everyone claimed was Aegon the Dragon reborn. He certainly seemed to be when he was angry. Still Jaehaerys was their elder, and would act as such. "I did Visenya. It makes sense do you not think? It would end the claims of the faith, and the High Septon."

Visenya continued to keep one hand on her brother's shoulder, but she looked at Jaehaerys long and hard before saying. "Be that as it may, we are blood of the dragon, and we shall marry whom we deem fit. Not whom the pious fools on the street deem fit."

Jaehaerys sighed, but nodded his acceptance. As he got up with Ser Alyn to leave, Vaegyl stopped him and said. "I am sorry I got angry cousin, it was not fitting of me. But make sure that Lannister and Westerling know their place."

With that Jaehaerys nodded and then left with Ser Alyn, he would have more work to do, to convince the small council of the wisdom of what his cousins wished to do.