Chapter 4: Cold


"You can't be serious grandfather! Taking Visenya prisoner will anger Vaegyl beyond belief, and the man has little reason to love us already because of all the plotting you and mother have been doing!" Aegon said angrily.

His grandfather had been unrelenting. "It is the only way we can push for you to get what is rightfully yours Aegon. With Visenya captured, Vaegyl will have no choice but to fly south to where he believes her to be. That will mean that he will not be in King's Landing for when the High Septon dies, and the Faith Militant proclaim you king."

Aegon had bristled then, his grandfather and mother were insistent that he should be king, they had not even spared a thought for what he himself wanted what any of Jeyne Westerling's children wanted. "We have been through this grandfather; I do not want to be king. I have no right to be king, when Vaegyl has already been crowned and anointed and recognised as king in front of the Seven, and besides he was father's firstborn son, not me."

His mother had spoken then, Jeyne Westerling, she who had wed Maegor the Cruel, not for love, not for her own political benefit, but because Maegor had needed a spare heir, should the faith get out of hand again, the years had made her bitter, and that reflected in the words she spoke. "And why is that Aegon? Why should that product of incest who calls himself a king, be the king? The Faith and the whole of Westeros despise such things, they despise Vaegyl and his sisters, they despise their very existence, just as they despised Aenys the Weak his existence. You are the rightful heir to your father's throne, because you and your brothers are the only children of his not born from incest. You are the only one who can sit on the Iron Throne because you do not have the tendency for madness that Vaegyl has."

Aegon had gotten very, very angry. No matter what had happened between his mother and brother, he loved Vaegyl, he did truly, and he could not bear to hear any insults to his brother, not from anyone. "Vaegyl is not mad mother, and if he is, it is because you and grandfather have done nothing to make his life easier since father died. What with your constant plotting and scheming, it would be enough to drive anybody mad. So no Vaegyl is not mad, and I still refuse to become king."

His brother Daemon had spoken then, and Aegon knew, he just knew that his brother would side with their mother and grandfather. "Mother and grandfather have done everything they have, to ensure that you could claim what is rightfully yours brother. Do not spit that back in their faces; do not praise that incestuous born piece of scum, nor his sluttish wives. No the throne is yours, and with the help of House Lannister and the Westerlands and the Faith you shall have it. Picture it brother, you shall be King, and you shall have a beautiful queen, and all the glory you could want."

His brother had always been a very smooth talker, even when they were little children at court, Daemon had been one of the few people whom Vaegyl had never tried to hate from their side of the family, Aegon could feel his resolve slipping when he replied. "It is not right what you are suggesting grandfather. There is no honour in it."

His grandfather snorted then. "Honour? Do not speak to me of honour boy. Where was the honour when Vaegyl cursed and shamed your mother during the tourney at King's Landing? Where was the honour when he blatantly rejected the offer from Tybolt Lannister to marry one of the man's daughters, something that could have brought peace to the kingdom? No Vaegyl has no honour, though such things are to be expected from a man born of incest."

"Besides, there is no choice left now Aegon," his mother had said. "The Faith has already armed them and are ready and waiting to march as we speak at the Honeywine. Lord Hightower is assembling his men ready for a march on Highgarden, House Lannister are getting ready to call their banners. And Dorne, Dorne will be our scapegoats. The time is rife, Vaegyl will be busy trying to get his wife back, and he will not even have time to deal with the trouble that will be sprung from his absence. You must, you have to step into the gap and become the King Westeros needs. It is your destiny son."

And so Aegon had relented, and whilst preparations were made to apprehend Visenya, he turned a blind eye to them and got on with his life, he congratulated his brother on the fact that their sister was expecting a child, and when it was discovered that a pregnant Visenya had been kidnapped by 'Dornishmen' Aegon had played the sympathetic brother, though how convincing he had been he never truly knew. When Vaegyl had ridden off on Balerion, Jaehaerys riding off on Quicksilver with him, Aegon had gone to see them off, and the very next day had married Myreille Lannister in secret. Thus sealing the Westerling-Lannister alliance and committing Tybolt Lannister to this act of treason that Aegon's grandfather and mother had been plotting since Aegon could walk.

Vaegyl had been gone for four moons now; he had travelled to Dorne with their cousin Jaehaerys and 3000 men, and had yet to return. At first Aegon had paid attention to the reports that his grandfather presented to the small council, that Vaegyl had arrived in Dorne and had spoken with Lord Arthur Manwoody Lord of Kingsgrave, about gods alone knows what. From there Vaegyl had moved on throughout the rest of Dorne speaking with each Lord, what was spoke though Aegon and the small council never knew for Jaehaerys never included those specific details in his letters, though Aegon had a sneaking suspicion he knew what was being spoken of.

That Vaegyl had not yet gone to Sunspear, Aegon's mother had argued when Aegon had brought up his concerns, that Vaegyl still believed that Visenya was being held in Dorne, and that it was likely that he thought Sunspear to be a prime place. Aegon was not convinced, he knew his brother was too smart by half to truly believe that after four moons that his sister was still being held in Dorne, if he believed she wasn't then he either thought she was being held elsewhere, or that she had been killed. Aegon knew, he just knew that if Vaegyl believed their sister had been killed, Dorne would have been raised to the ground as would Sunspear, there would be no Dornishmen left, that this had not happened suggested to Aegon that either Vaegyl believed she was being held elsewhere or that he was trying to turn House Martell's bannermen against them. If he believed she was being held elsewhere, Aegon had no idea what he was still doing in Dorne, and he was beginning to grow deeply uneasy.

His worries must have shown on his face for Myrielle asked him. "What is wrong my lord? You seem so worried nowadays."

Aegon gave his wife a reassuring smile, in truth Myrielle knew nothing of what his grandfather and mother and her own father were plotting, nor the hand that he had had in the kidnapping of Visenya. He had not told her, he could not bear to see what she would think of him then, if he told her he was working toward placing their children on the throne. She was not like other Lannisters that Aegon had met, certainly nothing like her father, whereas Lord Tybolt was mostly power hungry and a cold and calculating man, Myrielle was so full of life, so joyful and so refreshingly honest. "It was nothing my lady, simply something that had been said during the small council meeting today."

"Oh, and what was so worrying that it has you so tightly strung my lord?" Myrielle asked, and once again Aegon was quite surprised that even after having only been married for four moons his wife could read him so well.

Aegon hesitated, unsure of how much he should actually say to his wife and hating that he most likely would have to lie to her again. He tried to give no indication of the internal struggle raging within him as he spoke. "Jaehaerys wrote from Ghost Hill, there still has been no sign of Visenya nor does it appear that the Dornishmen will willingly say where she is being held. As of yet there has been no bloodshed, though from what Jaehaerys wrote it looks like there could be some before the year is up."

Myrielle was silent for a moment, and Aegon feared he hadn't been able to keep the doubts out of his voice, but then she simply said. "Okay then, well I am sure that Visenya will turn up somewhere, the Dornish have always been known to be treacherous and vipers. I am sure his grace will find her."

Aegon simply nodded, not trusting himself to speak at that moment for fear that he may give away all the plots and intrigues that his grandfather and mother were currently running. He was about to speak when there was a knock on the door. Calling for whomever it was to come in, Aegon found himself looking at Ser Lucamore Strong of the Kingsguard. The man was his mother's catspaw, she had found out about the many women and children Ser Lucamore had, and in exchange for her silence the man had sworn himself to Aegon's service. "Yes Ser Lucamore, how may I help you?"

Ser Lucamore looked at Aegon once before swallowing nervously and saying. "Lord Gerold wishes to see you Your Grace. He says the matter is urgent."

Aegon felt dread begin to coil up inside of him, what could his grandfather want at this late hour? Aloud he merely said. "Very well then, I shall go now, Ser Lucamore if you could stand guard outside of my lady's chamber that would be most appreciated."

Ser Lucamore nodded, and Aegon got up from where he was sat, kissed Myrielle briefly on the forehead, and then opened the door and walked out. As he walked toward his grandfather's room he briefly went through all the situations that would require him to ask for Aegon at this late hour, none of them were good. As he knocked and then entered his grandfather's room he saw his mother sat on a chair looking tired, a glass of wine in her hand, Lord Tybolt was also sat with a glass of wine in his hand, looking worried.

Aegon felt the panic begin to grow inside of him as he took in the scene before him. Trying to keep his voice as calm as possible he spoke. "You asked for me grandfather, and I am here. What is it you wished to speak of?"

"Sit down Aegon." Lord Gerold Westerling said, sounding as old as his sixty years.

Aegon sat down and waited. His grandfather spoke once more. "We have had some disturbing news. There has been fighting in Dorne between Vaegyl and the Dornish."

Aegon did not know what to feel. "Surely this is good news? Surely it will give us the time to allow the Faith to strike of the capital?"

Aegon heard his mother sigh then. "He does not understand completely father, tell him all of it."

Aegon saw his grandfather look at him then, properly look at him. "It is not good, there was fighting and Ser Michael was slain. But afterwards, Vaegyl met with the Prince of Dorne, and was informed that Visenya was not, nor had she ever been in Dorne, and was told that they would never dare try and kidnap a Targaryen. Vaegyl of course was torn between relief and anger when he heard this. The man is coming back to King's Landing now to figure out where his wife is."

"So?" Aegon asked, still not truly understanding.

Lord Gerold sighed. "The man believes you know where Visenya is. He believes that you kidnapped her, and that you have her hidden away somewhere. He will likely come and try and kill you if you stay here. You must leave; you and Myrielle must leave for Casterly Rock. You must leave at once."

Aegon felt dread begin to pool in his stomach. "He believes I took her, that I have her? What makes him think that? Hmm, could it be the fact that you were always making overtures that you wanted me as King, could it be that because mother has always felt slighted by father and that father always preferred Vaegyl to me, that he believes I took her. Fine I will go to Casterly Rock, but not because of you or mother, but because I do not want my wife needlessly killed by Vaegyl, when truly it should be you two whom he kills." He stormed out after that.

He kept walking until he reached the black cells and there he took a candle from one of the gaolers and stood in front of her cell. It took her a while to get accustomed to the light, but when she saw who he was she straightened out and took on a haunty demeanour. "Come to gloat have you brother? Usurper?"

Aegon sighed. "I did not want this to happen, you know I didn't."

She snarled back at him. "You did nothing to stop it though did you Aegon, you who would call yourself king."

Aegon felt anger burn inside of him. "Enough, I will not be insulted by you of all people. You will be happy to know that Vaegyl is coming back to King's Landing, he will be here to witness the birth of your child."

He heard her snort at that. "And you shall burn in all seven hells for what you have done."

Aegon sighed. "I know," he said softly. "I know truly I do."

Aegon Targaryen walked away from the cell, and began the long walk back to his rooms, he had no idea how he was going to explain this to his wife, nor did he truly wish to think about it.