Chapter 7: Follow The Leader Dark Wings Of Steel


Steel clanged on steel, as Laecareys cut his way through the men bearing the sigil of House Tully. The screams of the dying echoed throughout valley where they fought, the land was being painted red with blood. This battle was being fought, not for any grievance that Edmund Tully or any of the riverlords had done to the Westerlands or to Laecareys brother Aegon per se, it was more to do with the fact that Lord Tybolt insisted that a show of strength was needed after they had fled King's Landing in great haste. Something that had been required after the man's schemes with Laecareys' grandfather had failed to come to fruit.

Laecareys buried his sword deep into another man's chest, trying hard not to wince at the blood that came pouring out of the man, when he pulled his sword out. Hacking and slashing his way through the ranks of riverland soldiers, Laecareys took no joy in what he was doing, he had always thought his mother and grandfather's insistence that Aegon was the rightful king was stupid and that they were blinded by some sort of slight that he could never truly understand. If they wanted Aegon to be king so badly, then having him and the armies of the Westerlands and the dragons burning their way through one of the kingdoms, was no way to win the people over to their cause, even he knew that.

The riverlords were being very stubborn; Laecareys could admire and respect that in them. Their refusal to bend or bow without a fight was definitely something Laecareys could respect, and something he knew his father would have respected as well. Laecareys had never know his father really, he had only been six years old when his father had perished from a wound taken on the Iron Throne. And yet Laecareys had often been compared to King Maegor, if not in his size then most certainly in his skill with a sword, that he was leading his brother's troops in this battle was a testament to that.

Suddenly the fighting stopped, there were no more riverlords trying to hack his head off, curious as to why that was Laecareys stopped his horse and called for one of the soldiers- a Marbrand man if he remembered correctly- to go and find out what was happening. When the man returns he bears the look of a wounded warrior. His words send chills down to Laecareys very core. "His Grace has ordered the fighting to cease for now Your Grace. He orders you back to the tent."

Laecareys said nothing he merely nodded and then turned his horse back toward camp and rode in that direction. Dismounting and giving his horse to the nearest stableboy, he walked toward his brother's tent still caked in dirt and blood from the battle. Not bothering to announce himself he merely walked in, and found his grandfather Lord Gerold Westerling, his uncle Gawen Westerling, Lord Tybolt Lannister, Ser Lucion Lannister, his brother Daemon and his brother Aegon sitting down before a large table looking rather grim.

"Ah Laecareys, come sit down why don't you." His grandfather had said.

And so Laecareys had sat and waited for whatever dribble his grandfather or Lord Lannister would spew to come forth. As such he did not have to wait for too long. It was his grandfather who spoke first, breaking the growing silence. "This battle will not go on for too long now my lords. Riverrun is ours." Silence greets his grandfather's words, as none of those assembled can quite believe what has just been said, even Lord Lannister who was always Laecareys' grandfather's toady. But then the illusion breaks and Gerold Westerling says. "Or at least that is what we shall make Lord Edmund think."

"So Riverrun has not fallen then?" Laecareys hears his brother Daemon ask.

Laecareys expects his grandfather to answer and so is surprised when it is Aegon who replies. "No it has not, but Lord Tully need not know that. Not until it is too late for him."

"Envoys will be sent to Lord Tully, to tell him to surrender and Riverrun and his family shall be spared, if not then they shall burn, all of them shall burn. And a new house shall become Lord Paramount of the Trident." Aegon says the ice that has so often been in his voice as of late returning.

Murmured agreements had come then, and the next day Laecareys had been sat vigil on his white horse waiting for news of the envoy, and hoping against hope that they could be spared the burden of more fighting. It was not to be, Edmund Tully would never surrender so long as Vaegyl lived, and with cousin Jaehaerys being related to Edmund Tully, there was a big chance that they could be seeing the black dread coming to end the battle, if that was the case Laecareys prayed to the mother on high that death would not find him.

The battle had raged on for more time than they had originally expected, until Aegon had decreed that enough was enough, and the dragons- Urrax and Firefree- had taken to the air. The screams of the burning and dying men haunted Laecareys even as he watched it happen, searing themselves deep within his memory, to haunt him until he died. Just as it seemed that the riverlords would either surrender or be burnt into submission, a deep roar had come from somewhere up on high, and soon the sky had been enveloped in a deep black shadow. Laecareys felt his heart drop, the dread had come, they were all doomed.

Not caring that some aspersion could be cast on his honour for fleeing, Laecareys ordered the men he was in control of to flee, and to flee as quickly as possible, he would not have the deaths of thousands of men on his hands when they could be easily avoided. And so flee they did, their horses galloping hard and fast, once or twice Laecareys spared a thought for Aegon and Daemon and deeply hoped that they would survive, no one knew what would happen when Vaegyl was in as deep a rage as he would undoubtedly be.

They had retreated to the Golden Tooth, and had camped there for nigh on two weeks, and once it became apparent that they would not be pursued by either the Riverlords or Vaegyl, Laecareys began to make plans to have the men return to Casterly Rock. On the day they were due to depart, Aegon and Daemon and their dragons both arrived, battered and bruised but still alive. Aegon and Urrax had gotten into a fight with Vaegyl and the Dread and had just managed to escape with their lives. Many thousands of men had been lost during the battle, including their uncle Goven Westerling. But a retreat to Casterly Rock continued, and the border was sealed off.

Here he sits in Casterly Rock, with his brothers, his grandfather and uncle, listening to the talk of how things progress in the rest of Westeros. Since the closing of the borders, the Westerlands had essentially become its own independent kingdom once again, though some of the more martial lords amongst Lord Tybolt's bannermen believe that the Iron Throne is ripe for the taking, Laecareys cannot help but shake his head at their stupidity. For he knows that when they speak of Vaegyl, they speak of a young man unaccustomed to war, and having grown up hidden from the atrocities of the world. They have never seen the Vaegyl that Laecareys has, the Vaegyl who when their father died became the father figure for Laecareys and Daemon and Aegon. Who cared for them, and made sure that the filthy rumours that surrounded him and their sisters never surrounded them. They have also never seen Vaegyl angry, as he was that day when the raven came bearing news of Visenya's kidnapping. They did not see the many men, the men of the Kingsguard that Vaegyl sent to be treated by the maesters in his anger, they do not know the cold and calculating man that Vaegyl can be when he puts his anger and rage aside. They do not know the man they would kill, one single bit, and that scares Laecareys.

"Daemon must marry one of Lord Marbrand's daughters Your Grace. Marbrand harbours uncertain loyalty, it is possible he could swing to Vaegyl's side, but if he is wed to Daemon he will have no need to." Gawen Westerling says.

"Janos is no fool Gawen. The man knows where his loyalty lies. He will not dare betray us or our cause. No it would be more prudent to marry Daemon to a daughter of another high lord from somewhere else in Westeros." Gerold Westerling argues.

"And whom pray tell would Daemon marry Grandfather? In case you haven't noticed the Westerlands have been stripped from the rest of Westeros. Whom would Daemon marry if not one of Lord Marbrand's daughters?" Aegon counters.

Laecareys once again finds himself trying to reconcile this new and much more forceful Aegon, with the Aegon who for so long was quiet and shy, and was forever being pushed around by their mother and grandfather.

It seems their grandfather too is at a loss for words, and merely manages to stutter something that causes both Laecareys and Aegon to smile. "So it is decided then," Aegon says to the room at large. "Daemon shall marry one of Janos Marbrand's daughters. Have it be done."

The assembled lords nod, and then are dismissed with it being just Aegon and Laecareys left in the room. Laecareys sees his brother slump in his chair, sees him run a hand through his hair, and see the slump of his shoulders. "Daemon will not be happy with either match, whatever it is that grandfather would have suggested, he would never have consented had it come from grandfather." Laecareys hears his brother say.

Laecareys knows not what to say, has never truly been good with words, preferring much like Vaegyl to use his sword or his actions to describe what he felt and so he only says. "I know."

Aegon looks up from his position in the chair and says. "I know not how to break this to Daemon. He was so convinced that I could allow him to marry Luke, to be with Luke, once I became King. I know not how he will take it, for all that he is cunning."

"He will do his duty," is all Laecareys can think to say, for it is true. Though they may not always like what they have been tasked with doing, they three siblings have always done their duty, and when that duty has conflicted with their family, they chose their duty to their family over anything else. Daemon will do what he must, to further the family, to strengthen their hold over the west, Laecareys understands this, but it still does not suppress the bitterness he feels at their grandfather and mother for putting them in this situation.

Something must have shown on his face, for he hears Aegon say. "Fear not brother. I will not have you married off just yet. You shall remain on the ground as our commander. I need you to combat our grandfather and uncle's follies. They still believe that this is the conquest or even the war with the faith. It is not and as such we must needs get another dragon if we are to win this."

Laecareys merely nods.

When they tell Daemon of whom he is to marry, his reaction is muted; there is no pain, no anger and no grief evident there. He merely nods and accepts what must be done, must be done, after all Daemon is one of the more cunning and sly people in their court, if not a skilled warrior, he is a good politician and he will know the need for this marriage to prevent Marbrand from going over to Vaegyl.

The wedding takes place in Casterly Rock, with Septon Loren- the man whom if rumours are true could be appointed High Septon by the Faith Militant- overseeing it. Daemon weds Melissa Marbrand, and Laecareys feels something within him break. He and Melissa had grown up together at court, had been remarkably close to one another, and Laecareys had felt the pangs of affection for her very deeply before this whole mess had started, he had kissed her, had taken her maidenhead. In a sense it is a relief that it is Daemon she is marrying and not some Westerlord, for then he supposes he can still visit, but then that would bring dishonour on their family, and that is something he cannot afford to do.

He drinks himself silly during the feast and when the bedding occurs afterwards, he begs leave from Aegon and goes and gets even more drunk drinking with Urrax and Firefree watching and protecting him. No one comes to look for him neither that night, nor the day afterwards and for that Laecareys is very, very grateful.

The Faith Militant arrive at Casterly Rock four moons after the battle of the Trident, bringing with them 6000 Warrior Sons and 4000 Poor Fellows, and the second in command of the Most Devout, who now leads the Militant- Septon Peter- with them they bring their talks of the abominations that Vaegyl, Visenya and Rhaenys and their children are, and Laecareys has to hold back his anger and his rage that these idiots would dare insult his family. Daemon finds him after the first meeting with the Faith Militant and sharply reminds him that Vaegyl, Visenya and Rhaenys are no longer their family, so long as they stand between Aegon and the throne, they are not family. Reluctantly Laecareys nods his head in agreement.

The next few moons are spent preparing for the upcoming war that seems not so far away. Arrangements are made for Aegon's wife Myrielle and their children to be kept under the strictest of protection during the fighting, Lord Tybolt assures them that no one will ever get into the Rock without his strictest permission. Daemon and Melissa's first child is born, and that he looks like a Targaryen is enough to hide Laecareys' shame, the dishonour he has brought to the family, even whilst Daemon consorts with Luke at night. Laecareys begins to drown his sorrows in drink and often finds himself fighting some of the household guard simply to vent the anger he feels. One day it comes to a head where he fights and beats the heir to the Rock Ser Lucion black and blue, and only Aegon's arms pulling him off of the man, stop him from killing Ser Lucion.

The next day Laecareys is sent to the Crag, and away from Daemon and Melissa and to their mother, who is beginning to ail. He is at the Crag when word comes that Septon Loren has been anointed the High Septon by the Faith Militant. When he is summoned back to Casterly Rock he goes, but he goes reluctantly.

He stands and watches as Aegon is named King, is anointed by Septon Loren, and all he can think about is the death and destruction that this act will bring. There will be no peace now. He is named the first of his brother's Kingsguard, dons the white cloak that he had coveted as a youth, and feels nothing but emptiness.

When Aegon sends their uncle to Storm's End to bring the support of the Stormlands, and Daemon goes to the Reach to bring the support of House Florent, Laecareys stands still by Aegon's side and tries to crush the feeling of futility that engulfs him. When the letter comes bearing Vaegyl's seal, declaring war, and Aegon laughs and tears the letter up, Laecareys feels like crying. He does not though; he merely nods at Aegon and begins to sharpen his mind and his sword for the horrors to come.