Chapter 16: Blackrush


Many people who came to King's Landing from outside of the crownlands often remarked at how smelly and disgusting the seat of the royal family was, not that they did any complaining to Daven, no he often overheard the nobles in their silks and robes with their heating and posh ways of speaking complaining about the heat and the smell, as they walked toward the Red Keep, which Daven had heard some of the older boys say was the height of prosperity. He wouldn't know, for he was just a poor street urchin with no mother, no father and no family that he could recall, except for that scary old man down in the Street of Silk who claimed to be his uncle, and yet always looked at him in a way that made Daven most uncomfortable. Daven only knew one thing, and that was life out on the streets of King's Landing fighting to earn some bread and maybe steal some copper and gold from any of the poor bastards that visited Maya's the brothel that he slept in at night.

The ladies in Maya's- for that was what they had always been to Daven the mother and sisters he never had- always treated him kindly, they gave him food when he came to rest there in the evening, they told jokes with him, they cuddled with him when he felt like crying and sometimes they gave him money so he could buy some bread or some new shoes, he never truly knew where they got the money from, but he knew better than to ask. Sometimes when he had stolen enough money when times got hard, he would walk to the nearest shop and buy, beg or steal some of the nicer garments for Rose, the big sister that he cared for the most, he loved her like a brother loves a sister, and she loved him the same way, and so he was most upset when he found her bleeding and crying one night when he came back from the streets, she would not tell him who had done this to her, and neither would any of the other girls, they told him that it was none of his concern that one of the customers had simply gotten out of hand.

He left Maya's the next morning and found himself wandering the street of steel where all the metal and swords and weapons were sold in King's Landing, he often found himself wandering down this street, he wanted to be a knight, like the knights of the Kingsguard and defend pretty maidens and have songs sung about him, not knowing that that was just a childish fantasy. That was when he saw it, two of the biggest boys he had ever seen were pushing and shoving another boy, who was smaller and had no hair, he knew not why they were shoving the boy, but something made him run forward and shove one of the big boys and shout "Leave off him!"

The boy, built like an ox laughed and said "Shove off squirt, this doesn't concern you."

Daven was back against the back wall of one of the shops as he replied. "Why are you two hurting him?"

The boy who had laughed at Daven said "Because idiot, these fool thought to bring fine quality steel here, and refuses to give it to us. He doesn't seem to understand that when someone bigger than you asks you for something you give it to them, you don't talk back to them." As if to emphasise his point, the boy turned round and punched the bald boy square on the jaw, forcing him to his knees. The big lad's companion turned and began kicking the bald boy then.

"Well are you going to scram or not?" The big lad asked.

Daven knew that it would make more sense to leave and save his own hide and act as if he had never seen anything, especially if he didn't want any more trouble, but something made him stand tall, square his shoulders and as confidently as he could reply "No."

The big lad seemed stunned. "No? Very well then I guess I'll just have to beat you bloody as well." And with that the lad swung his fist toward Daven, but Daven being smaller and quicker than the big lad ducked and then launched himself at the lad's chest, barrelling into him and causing him to stumble. Daven kept one arm wrapped around the lad's middle and with his other arm began pummelling his stomach, until the lad was wheezing and had managed to push him off.

The big lad swung at Daven and this time his fist connected with Daven's jaw, it was a sharp pain, but Daven had been in enough fights as a lad to know what to do next, he ducked underneath the other lad's swing and then jumped onto the lad, knocking them both down to the ground and before the big lad could do anything he swung his left then his right fist into the lad's jaw and face he kept on doing that until the lad stopped moving underneath him. That done he got up and looked around at the big lad's companion who was now staring at him fearfully. "Run away." Daven said his voice suddenly deeper, despite his eight years. "And don't come back." The other lad nodded and left the bald boy lying on the ground bleeding from several places as he ran away as if his life depended on it. Daven sighed as deeply as an eight year old can sigh and looked at the bald boy who was now struggling to stand up. "Here I've got you." Daven said as he moved toward the bald boy to help him stand, resting one of his arms around the bald boy's shoulders he helped him limp out of the street. "Where do you live?" Daven asked.

The boy was silent for a moment before he said "I'll lead us home. Thank you so much for doing that. I, I will be in your debt for a long time."

Daven snorted feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Nonsense. I only did what I thought was right. Besides that was sort of stupid of you not to give them that sword of yours when they asked for it. Big kids like that don't take well to being refused anything."

The bald boy was silent for a moment before he replied. "I wouldn't have given it to them anyway, even if they hadn't started beating me. My father gave me this sword, and asked me to keep it safe."

"Well I'm sure your father would rather have you back in one piece then dead." Daven said lightly.

The bald boy grimaced, and said "Perhaps but my father is a very serious man. I didn't catch your name. I'm Orys."

"Daven."Daven replied, suddenly feeling as if he knew this boy from somewhere, but where he couldn't place, the name sounded very familiar.

They walked in silence for a while until they came to the foot of Aegon's High Hill. Daven began looking around for a sign of any house or hut at the foot of the hill where he could drop Orys off and give him back to his parents or older siblings but there didn't seem to be any sign of any hut or house, Daven was about to ask Orys where he lived when two men came riding down the hill toward them, white cloaks billowing behind them, beside him Orys groaned. "My Prince," one of the white cloaks said. "Your parents have been most worried about you, gold cloaks are out in the city looking for you."

For a moment Daven was confused as to whom the white sword was talking to, there was no prince here only him and a bloodied Orys. And then it struck him. He turned to Orys, and the bald haired boy grimaced at him. Before he turned to speak with the white sword "Well send Ser Addison here to tell the gold cloaks that they need not waste their time looking for me Ser Gowan."

"Yes my prince." The White Sword that Daven recognised now as Ser Gowan Baratheon said bowing his head.

Daven turned to look at Orys now and said shocked. "My prince?" He would have gotten down on one knee to bow but the prince might have fallen and he doubted Ser Gowan would have thanked him. "I, I did not know you were, you were…"

"Me?" The prince asked laughing. "Aye I may only be eight but I'm not an idiot. I know that if I go about in Princely attire by myself that will only attract unwanted attention. But Daven, do you wish to come inside and meet my family?"

"I, I…" Daven stuttered now feeling nervous.

"Oh come on Daven. Surely it would be nice for you, rather than sleeping out on the streets?" The Prince said a smile on his face.

"You should do as the Prince says boy." Ser Gowan said sternly.

"Yes, yes Ser." Daven replied.

And so it was that he followed on a horse beside the Prince as they rode up to the Red Keep, Daven feeling as if he was in a dream. Leaving their horses at the entrance to the Red Keep, they eventually made it to the throne room where suddenly Daven noticed that the prince's joviality had been replaced by a solemn face and a serious demeanour, likely he was expecting to be severly reprimanded by his father, the king. The doors opened and Daven watched stunned as a woman whom he supposed was the prince's mother threw herself at the prince and embraced him tightly. "Don't ever do that again. You had us all so worried." The woman said.

"Mother." The prince said embarrassed his cheeks having turned crimson. "Mother I have someone I would like you to meet. He helped me out of a spot of bother today. Mother this is Daven."

Daven bowed his head as the Queen looked at him, and was surprised when she titled his head up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for helping my son Daven. I am Rhaenys, Orys' mother. Come we must meet your father and Visenya." Queen Rhaenys said before she turned around and walked back into the throne room.

There sat on the Iron Throne in all his glory, a black tunic on with the crown of Aegon the Conqueror atop his head sat King Vaegyl, an imposing and terrifying man as Daven had heard in the stories he had heard in inns and taverns across King's Landing. Though when the King looked at his son's bloody and beaten form something else flitted across his face briefly, and Daven could have sworn his eyes turned black for the briefest of moments. "What happened to you Orys? Who did this to you?" The king asked, anger lacing his tone.

"I was attacked whilst wandering around the street of steel father. Two boys wanted the sword you had given me for my nameday and I refused to give it to them, so they started beating me, and it was only thanks to Daven that I escaped. He beat one of them so bad that the boy isn't moving anymore, and he scared away the other boy." Orys said quickly.

The King turned his attention to Daven, and Daven felt like running away and never looking back. "You are the boy who saved my son?" Daven nodded. "I thank you for that. Do you have parents?" Daven shook his head. "Then you shall live here with us. Orys, you and Daven shall live together and shall take your lessons with the maester and your training together, and I have need of two squires, you both shall squire for me from now on."

Daven bowed as did Orys and they both mumbled their thanks, before being dismissed. Orys led Daven back to his room, where Daven saw two short swords, both of them wood, as well as several books piled on top of the Prince's bed, also lying atop the Prince's bed was a bronze scaled dragon that was as big as one of the great hounds Daven had seen wandering the streets of King's Landing. Orys noticing what Daven was looking at said, "That's Vermithor. My dragon."

Daven was shocked, Orys laughed once more. "Sit down Daven before you fall from shock. I think we got away free there. I was so convinced that father was going to skin me alive. And now we get to squire with him, if I knew that was what would happen I would have gone out wandering more often."

"You, you go wandering often my prince?" Daven asked, finally finding his voice.

"Oh please Daven, you've seen my get my hide handed to me, call me Orys please. And yes, I've been wandering around the streets near Aegon's High Hill by myself since I was seven, Aegor shaved my hair once as a joke and took me with him to wander the streets. It's so fascinating." Orys replied.

They spoke for many hours that day, and when it came time for them to go to bed Daven found himself sleeping in the great bed that Orys slept in as well, and for once he slept comfortably, and he didn't feel guilty for not returning to Maya's. The next few months passed by in a blur, of lessons- he learnt how to read and write his name, he learnt about the histories of the seven kingdoms, the conquest, the wars with the Faith- and he also learnt how to fight with weapons, for as Ser Jon Celtigar said the first time he was introduced to Daven "If you are to be a companion to a Targaryen Prince you must learn how to wield and fight with at least one weapon properly, fighting with your fists alone will not do you any good." And so Daven learnt how to fight with a sword, a mace, a spear, a bow and arrow and a morning star alongside Orys. Though of course all such practices were done with wooden swords and wooden weapons, and of course squiring for the king was an interesting thing, listening to the King interact with various members of his small council and his family Daven came to realise that King Vaegyl was not the complete brute that some of the stories painted him as, he was a caring and kind man when he chose to be.

There were also his lessons with Queen Visenya that kept him interested and often exhausted him by the time they were over. The Queen had come to see him perhaps two or three days after he had been introduced to the royal family proper, and had asked him if he would like to learn more about how court was run, knowing that to refuse such an offer after everything that had been done for him so far would be beyond rude Daven accepted. And so far he did not regret accepting the offer, each day he would attend the Queen as she sat in the small council, and he would observe how each member of the council including the king spoke and acted during the meeting and then afterwards the Queen would ask him for his observations and thoughts, and how he thought they could manipulate the little ticks in the council members to benefit the king and Westeros.

Daven quickly learnt, or as quick as his young brain would allow him that, Prince Jaehaerys the hand of the king was the most clever and cunning man on the council, he knew how to say the words that would appease the lords of the small council but would also make it so that they unknowingly agreed to things that would benefit the king but not necessarily themselves, Daven observed that Jaehaerys was loyal, deeply so to the King, and if anything that might be used as a weakness against him if the Tarlings ever got back to Westeros. The Queen herself, she was just as cunning and clever as her cousin, if not more so in that it was not entirely easy to read her emotions, as she often wore a blank face during council meetings, though it was quite obvious to Daven that she deeply loved the King and their children all of them. Lord Harrold Tully the master of whispers was someone who was very, very hard to read for Daven, the Queen had told him and he had learnt from his lessons that the Tully's were an honour filled family, but Lord Harrold seemed to completely go against that he seemed to be sly and cunning, though Daven could never truly figure out whether he was loyal to the king, the throne or the realm.

Ser Alyn Connington the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was stoic and wedded to his vows and his honour, he spoke rarely during council but when he did all listened. Master of Coin Lyman Beesbury was loyal to the King and only the king and acted as such, Master of Ships Monterys Velaryon was simple in his allegiance to the Queen, not the King and not Westeros in fact Daven soon learned the only reason he was still on the small council and not dead was because Queen Visenya had stayed the king's hand after discovering Monterys plundering gold for some unknown cause. The gold had been returned but the man was no longer held in high esteem by the king. Grand Maester Justin was a simple man, who Daven knew plotted intrigue and was loyal to the king and the royal family but was also an excellent player at the game. The King, now the king was someone that Daven really did struggle to understand. He seemed to truly care about the realm and his subjects, yet he was prone to anger, both in words and actions especially whenever the Tarlings were mentioned. And it often took the Queen to get him to calm down when his rages were upon him, though Daven never saw him direct his rage at his family or Daven himself, sure when they stepped over the line or did something stupid, Daven and Orys would get a beating as would the others, Wild Maegon and Aegor, solemn Aelix, bookish Rhaegar the only two people who could get away with murder under the King were his three daughters Daenaerys, Daenys and Rhaena.

Daven entered his and Orys' room after a tiring day of observing the council. Where the two of them had once shared the one bed, with them both approaching adolescence Queen Rhaenys had decreed that they should both have separate beds and so they had been moved into a bigger room, the room that had once been Maegon's who had now taken up permanent residence in Dragonstone as its Prince. Orys was out, either in the Dragonpit with his dragon Vermithor had grown quickly and was now the size of adult elk, its bronze scales were something to behold, and Daven knew his friend was enraptured with the dragon. They had both seen twelve name days now, and Daven felt something akin to gratitude to the prince and the royal family for taking him in on that day four years ago, otherwise he knows not what would have become of him, though sometimes he feels guilty for not having visited Maya's to say hello to Rose and tell her what has become of him. Sometimes he thinks of asking Maegon and Aegor to speak with her and tell her he says hello, but he does not think it wise, there are some things that the oldest two Targaryen boys should never know about him, things only Orys knows about his past that he would rather no one else knows.

He sits at his table and listens to the sound of the city below and thinks on what he heard during the council meeting today. Tense words and even tenser people, the peace with the Faith had been strenuous before the first Tarling war, the man who crowned the pretender Aegon, Septon Loren had tried to stir the west in rebellion once more, but he had been handed to Vaegyl bound in chains from head to foot and fed to the King's dragon Malystryx, with the Black Dread dead, Vhagar the Queen's dragon was the biggest and oldest of the Targaryen dragons with Prince Jaehaerys' mount Quicksilver second, and the king's own she dragon behind them. It seemed as if some elements of the Faith were not content to allow the peace established after the Tarling War to last, and had been causing trouble for Lord Desmond Arryn, Lord Arryn had written that had it just been elements of the faithful that had been causing trouble he would not have written to the King, he would have dealt with them himself, but the fact that it was elements of the faithful amongst his lords- The Arryns of Gulltown, The Corbrays, The Belmores and the Templetons along with elements of once thought disbanded Faith Militant that were causing him trouble he thought that he needed to inform the king.

Severe discussion had held the day, with there being two sides in council with one side led by Lord Harrold advising the King that he send someone else to deal with the rebel Vale Lords perhaps his son Maegon, whilst others such as Ser Alyn argued that if the King wished for a lasting peace, he must go himself and in a show of strength deal with the rebels himself. Eventually the King had decreed that Prince Maegon would fly out to the Vale along with Queen Visenya and some 4,000 men to deal with the rebels, Prince Maegon would be setting out from the capital later today alongside his mother, for though he was Queen Rhaenys' child all of the king's children viewed both of the king's wives as their mothers and the Queens viewed each other's children as their own. The King had then ordered that he Daven and Orys be taken to Dragonstone by Queen Rhaenys so that they could spend some time there, Daven knew that in reality the King wanted his favourite son away from harm. For in his time, though he was still young Daven realised that though the king loved all of his children he in particular favoured Orys and Rhaena above the others, and it was easy enough to see why. Maegon and Aegor were both too wild, and would likely bring more war to Westeros once Maegon came to the throne, Rhaegar was too bookish for the king's liking Daenys and Daenaerys took after their older two brothers and both were wild, though Daenaerys less so than Daenys. Orys, Daven knew after comparing him with his father shared certain characteristics with King Vaegyl that made him the king's favourite son, there was the stubbornness to see right done in the world, to uphold justice, to put the people of Westeros before any family ambition or personal gain, and of course a strong love of his family and the dragons, the rest of the family might see the dragons as weapons for war or instruments to show off their superiority, but Orys much like his father saw the dragons as their family as well, and treated them as such.

Daven's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Orys walking into their room. His best friend was caked in head to toe with dirt and sweat, no he hadn't been with the dragons after all he had been sparring perhaps with a knight or knights of the Kingsguard. "Well what makes you so dour brother?" Orys asked, and as always Daven felt something strange flip in his stomach, Orys and his brothers always regarded Daven as their brother, and if he was honest he did too, which made his feelings for Daenaerys all the more confusing.

"We are to go to Dragonstone tomorrow." Daven replied.

"Oh good," the prince replied a smile breaking out across his face. "I've been getting bored of King's Landing. And besides it'll be good for you to get away from those blasted small council meetings and all those stuffy lords, pouting and postulating nonsense. And also I might be able to show you something not even Maegon knows about."

"I hope it's nothing to serious, after our last adventure to Oldstones I thought I die from a heart attack." Daven jokes, their visit to Prince Jaehaerys seat had been an adventure that was for sure, though whether or not Prince Aemon and Meleys the Red Queen would agree was another matter entirely.

"Oh no, don't worry its nothing like that. This will be all the more interesting." The Prince replied eagerly, and already Daven could feel some sort of dread coiling up inside of him.

"Well make sure that you keep an eye on Danaerys and Daenys when you and Daven go off wherever it is you will go on Dragonstone Orys." Queen Rhaenys said from the doorway, she was dressed in a silk dress, and looked beautiful.

Orys groaned next to Daven. "Why do they have to come mother? They'll ruin whatever fun me and Daven try to have."

Daven smiled slightly behind his hand. Queen Rhaenys looked at her son seriously as she said "Because Visenya and Maegon are flying to the Vale tonight to deal with those traitors who are causing Lord Desmond no end of trouble and your father wishes for the four of you to be safe on Dragonstone. Rhaena will be staying with Aegor and Rhaegar."

Daven did not have to turn around to know that his friend was grimacing at that, whatever else Orys might say, it was quite clear he loved Rhaena and more than in just a brotherly way. And he did not like Aegor one bit. "Why can't Rhae come with us? Why does she have to stay behind? Why can't Daenys stay behind?"

"Because your father wishes for Rhaena and Aegor to better know one another before their marriage." Queen Rhaenys replied and that was the end of that.

That night as they lay in their beds, Orys spoke and Daven could hear the pain in his friend's voice. "Is it wrong that I don't wish my brother and my sister happiness in their marriage Daven?"

"No my prince, no it's not. You can't help you love." Daven replied.

"Then I shall ask father to marry you to Dany then" Orys replied, Daven tried to get Orys to explain what he meant but his friend had already fallen asleep.

A few weeks later Daven found himself on Dragonstone, the ancient Targaryen fortress with its towers and its gloomy reputation, and the dragons that were either too big for the Dragonpit or too wild to be kept in King's Landing. Daven had counted four dragons during his time here already, there was the black beast that was named the Cannibal, the mud brown dragon whom some had named the Sheepstealer and then there was the pale violet dragon whom Danaerys had named Dusk, the she dragon had bonded with Danaerys and so was no longer wild, but had been wild since the days of Aenys and Maegor, having hatched during Orys' grandfather's childhood. There was another dragon now as well Daven was staring at its mountain sized frame as one of its red eyes stared at Orys. Balerion the Black Dread, whom all had thought dead, was in fact resting in hibernation on Dragonstone helping to guard the Targaryen stronghold and Daven was just as shocked and amazed as Danaerys and Daenys at the behemoth's survival.

"I thought Balerion died when papa killed the pretender." Danaerys said quietly,

Orys who was moving closer to Balerion simply said "No, Balerion was injured but not killed. Nothing can kill Balerion, he's immortal."

"He's also been asleep for ten years brother, be careful you don't anger him." Daenys warned.

"I won't anger him. I've spoken with him." Orys replied.

"How could you have spoken with him my prince? He's been asleep and on Dragonstone since the Tarling war ended, and you've been on the mainland for all that time." Daven asked.

"I can't explain it but I've spoken to him in my dreams, and that was how I knew where he was. He's been calling out to me for years and only now have I had the chance to come and find him." Orys replied his voice sounding unnaturally deep, almost primal.

Just then Balerion raised his head and opened both eyes, and covered Orys in a jet of black fire, then another, and then another. Daven screamed, Daenys screamed as did Danaerys. Dusk came flying over to see what had distressed her mistress and screeched at Balerion but the behemoth ignored her and continued covering Orys in jets of fire. When he eventually stopped, it was not charred remains that they saw, but Orys standing straight and tall, wearing black armour, and a crown that was black encrusted with seven black swords with a likeness of the black dread on the front. Daven and the girls watched amazed as Balerion bent his neck to allow Orys to climb onto him, and as the Black Dread took of and flew around the island of Dragonstone, Daven had a strange feeling that this had been written in the stars by the gods, the rebirth of the Black Dread in human form perhaps. When Balerion landed, and Orys came to stand next to them, Daven noted that his friend's eyes were red, as red as the Black Dread's had been before they returned to their normal purple.

"We must return to the castle, mother is expecting us." Orys said his voice ten times deeper than it had been.

And with that they all hastened to follow Orys back to the castle, as they walked back from the forests where Balerion was to the castle they passed several hundred smallfolk all of whom bowed and mumbled something that sounded strangely like father to Orys who was still wearing the armour and crown forged from Balerion's flames, when they entered the castle they heard Balerion give a terrifying and mournful cry. Danaerys asked "Why is he crying brother?"

Orys merely said "We shall find out soon enough." He stopped a passing servant and asked "Where is the Queen?"

"In great hall my prince." The servant replied

"Come." Orys said and so they followed him into the great hall where they found Queen Rhaenys and the castle's maester Ormond deep in discussion though they looked up when Orys walked in. "Has a raven come from King's Landing mother?"

"Yes sweetling. Your father has written, Maegon and Visenya have been killed by those traitors Belmore and Corbray in the Vale, Vaegyl and Aegor ride for the Vale now to deal with them." Rhaenys replied her eyes shining with unshed tears.

Outside a storm rumbled and the dragons roared their grief. Inside Daven felt his heart break for one of the only women he had ever known as his mother. And he swore a bloody vengeance against the Faith.

Two years had passed since Queen Visenya's death, two years in which King Vaegyl had declared a bloody vengeance against the Faith Militant and those who aided them. Plans to bring the Faith to King's Landing had been abandoned, with Daven's adopted father declaring that House Targaryen would no longer be sworn to uphold the Treaty Of Seven, they would no longer defend the faith from persecution, from any such threat. He had proved that declaration most ably at the battle of the God's Eye where in front of the ancient order of the Green Men he had killed Lord Jasper Florent, the man who had taken control of the Faith Militant's forces, Lords Corbray, Belmore and Arryn of Gulltown had all been fed to Malystryx, the King's great red she dragon, and those pious fools who had led the faith militant in trying to destroy Desmond Arryn were all hung from the branches of the weirwoods in the Isle of Faces.

Queen Visenya's dragon Vhagar, enraged at the death of her rider had gone on a rampage in the Vale burning and killing as she pleased before flying to Oldtown to wreak havoc on the denizens of that city of learning, Lord Hightower desperate to end the threat to his people and knowing that King Vaegyl would more than likely ignore his pleas for help, sat in long discussions with the High Septon and the Chief Archmaester of the citadel, and those two pillars of society joined together in union for perhaps the first time and began working to end the threat that Vhagar posed. The Faith Militant reformed in all its bloody glory and the maesters began creating poisons and devising traps for Vhagar, and just as all out war began looking likely, Princess Rhaena emerged in Oldtown aged eleven years old riding on the back of her cousin's dragon Meleys the Red Queen, and through some feat of magic tamed the wild Vhagar and brought the giant she dragon to heel, ending the dragon's rampage and bringing peace to Oldtown once again.

However, the damage had been done, despite his cousin's protests King Vaegyl decided not to try and reengage in peace talks with the High Septon instead declaring that he would take up the faith of the Old Gods and ordered the planting of several weirwood trees in the forests of Aegon's High Hill. The Green Men were called to King's Landing and Vaegyl was crowned in front of the heart tree in the Red Keep's Godswood in the 73rd Year after Aegon's Landing, taking on the title of Guardian of the True Faith, and those lords who wished to avoid drawing the ire of the king, converted to the faith of the old gods, among them were Lord Robin Tully, Lord Strong of Harrenhal, Lord Desmond Arryn, Lord Tyrell and many of their bannermen converted as well, Lords Stark and Blackwood already followers of the Old Gods were pleased with these developments, Lords Lannister, Bracken and Hightower feared for their safety and nominally swore allegiance to the old gods though it was widely known that they still prayed to the Seven.

Amongst all this Daven and Orys continued to learn their trades in lessons and arms, Daven was amazed by the change in his friend, gone was the shy cautious boy, Orys was now more confident and more talkative though on occasion he could still be reserved and when angered his eyes turned the same blood red as Balerion the Black Dread's, Daven himself continued his tutelage of understanding the game of thrones, this time under Prince Jaehaerys guidance. Daven came to understand the much subtler hints of the game, the clearer motives of each member of the small council and those lords who lingered at court hoping to earn the king's favour and avoid his ire. Prince Jaehaerys himself though was no longer the young man he had been before, the two years after Visenya's death had aged him considerably, his hair once pure silver, was now white, completely, he tired more easily and often spoke less during council, resigned it seemed to his cousin's relentless path of converting all to the Old Gods.

Tension in Westeros was palpable, therefore it was no surprise to Daven when he and Orys were called into the King's private solar one day in the early months of 74 A.L. and told that they would be marching with him, Aegor and Aelix to deal with the Lannisters and their sheltering of members of the Faith Militant, which had been outlawed. "You both shall serve as commanders during the battles that will be fought, both of you are my sons, and no son of mine serves anyone else but himself or his brothers. Call Ser Alyn and Ser Addison in." Once the two knights of the Kingsguard were present in the room King Vaegyl spoke once more. "Get down on one knee." They did so and the king drew Blackfyre from his scabbard and knighted them there and then. "Rise now Ser Daven and Ser Orys. Prove your valour during this battle Daven and you shall have lands and any wife you wish." With that the king dismissed them, the next day they rode for the Westerlands, Aegor and Aelix mounted on their black stallions, Orys mounted on his own red stallion- Vermithor not big enough to ride into battle yet- the King mounted on Malystryx the big red she dragon who was as big as Visenya's High Hill. Five knights of the Kingsguard rode with them, Ser Alyn Connington the Lord Commander, Ser Addison Hill, Ser Clarence Crabb (whose older relatives had sided with the pretender during the Tarling War), Ser Glendon Tyrell and Ser Gowan Baratheon, with Ser Robert Flowers and Ser Stafford Arryn staying in King's Landing to defend Queen Rhaenys, Prince Rhaegar and the three princesses, with them came Prince Jaehaerys mounted on Quicksilver, Prince Aemon mounted on Meleys the Red Queen and some 20,000 men and lords from the crownlands and the Stormlands.

It took them three weeks to reach the Golden Tooth where a scared Lord Leo Lefford allowed them to pass. The lines of battle were drawn at Oxcross where Lord Gerion Lannister met them with a host of 15,000 men including the Lords Westerling, Crakehall, Lannister of Lannisport, Reyne and Tarbeck. The Faith Militant were commanded by a knight known as Ser Florian and numbered some 8,000 they held Casterly Rock and defended Lord Gerion's wife and children. There was no parley, no talk of peace, just one massive roar from Malystryx and the battle began, Daven held the command over 1,000 men most of them foot, and as he led the charge his Morningstar held high he swore he would not fail today. He swung once and took some Lannister bastard's head off; he swung again and heard the crunch as a Westerling soldier's chest caved in. Around him he could hear the cries of men and the roar of the battle and the dragons.

He swung and swung his Morningstar, taking men down to their deaths left right and centre, he received his fair share of bruises as well a hit to the arm, a dent in his visor that left one of his eyes bleeding quite badly, and a hit to the chest that momentarily winded him. Still he fought on, by the time he had broken through the left flank of Lord Robert Westerling's reserve, most of the man's men were lying dead on the ground, their blood soaking into the dry and parched earth. He saw Aegor going up against three foes at once and immediately wheeled his horse toward his brother's direction swinging his way through whoever was foolish enough to try and stop him, but he got there too late, he was duelling a big boar of a man with the boar of House Crakehall on his armour when he heard a piercing cry echo out from where Aegor was, knocking the Crakehall down to the ground, he turned and saw Aegor falling off of his horse a sword thrust through his chest, a million sword wounds pierced his armour. Daven spurred his horse on to try and get to him before he died, but he was too late Aegor's eyes were closed by the time he got there, his older brother had stopped breathing.

The fighting raged on for three days, Daven gave himself up to the blood fuelled rage and anger at the westermen for daring to rebel against his adopted family. His Morningstar knew no rest, he kept swinging it until it was covered in blood, and some of the spikes were dented from heavy usage. The result of the Battle of Oxcross was a resounding victory for the King, his host of 30,000 men 10,000 of whom had come from the Riverlands easily defeated Gerion Lannister's patchwork host of 15,000 men not a single man from Lannister's host was left alive. Those that were not killed in battle were fed to the dragons, all three of which had proved how strong the Targaryens truly were. They marched on Casterly Rock only to find that the Faith Militant were blockading any further passage for the Rock and yet another blood battle ensued, this time at the foot of Lann's mountain. It rage for two days, but at the end of it the whole host of men from the Faith Militant were dead as was Prince Aelix, the last son of Queen Visenya had been killed by atleast a dozen arrows through his chest as he fought to protect Lord Robin Tully who had been nigh unstoppable.

King Vaegyl and the loyalists entered the Rock victorious, and for that Daven was grateful, though the king had lost two sons during the battles, he seemed not to bent on revenge and instead he pardoned Lady Gemma Lannister the widow of Lord Gerion Lannister and decided to take Gerion's oldest surviving son Tommem as a ward. The fate of the Westerlings however was not so kind, Robert Westerling and his oldest two sons had perished along with his uncles and two brothers. His remaining son who was a boy of ten saw his castle burnt to nothing, the Crag now a ruin, and the King informed he that this would be his seat from now on, a ruin, just like House Westerling.

They returned to King's Landing victorious, Daven, Orys and Prince Aemon as the heroes of the battles. Prince Aemon's reward was his daughter the Princess Rhaenys, named in honour of Queen Rhaenys, and much of the gold that had been plundered from the gold mines around the Rock, thus adding to House Targaryen of Oldstones riches. Daven with his knighthood before the battles was simply pleased that he had not disappointed his adoptive family, and so was surprised when King Vaegyl announced that Daven was to be given lands to the north of King's Landing, encompassing the whole of the Blackwater Rush, the Ivy Inn, Brindlewood Village, a Holdfast bordering the God's Eye and southern most part of the Gold Road. Daven honoured by the lands bestowed upon him, promises to be a most loyal and faithful subject to the King and promises to be deserving of the honour. He names his new house, House Blackrush after the river from which his people will draw their water from, and his castle which is built near the Blackrush River's middle point encompasses four plots of land and is named Castle Blackrush, the house's arms encompass the red dragon of house Targaryen quartered with a scythe, a skull and a bronze dragon- in honour of his closest friend's dragon Vermithor- on a field of black.

Four years after the battles of Oxcross and Lann's Mountains, Daven wakes one day to a raven from the capital, Prince Rhaegar had been found dead in his bed, poisoned. The King had declared war once more, this time though the Tarlings were back and ready to fight.