Chapter 18: Queen of Dragons

The family tree for House Targaryen of King's Landing.

King Maegor I Targaryen Born 8 A.L. died 48 A.L.

Wives: Daenys Targaryen Born 6 A.L. died 30 A.L.

Eleana Targaryen Born 11 A.L. died 40 A.L.

Jeyne Westerling Born 14 A.L. died 70 A.L.

Children: Visenya Targaryen Born 35 A.L. Died 72 A.L.

Rhaenys Targaryen (twin to Visenya) born 35 A.L. Died 80 A.L.

Vaegyl Targaryen Born 37 A.L. Died 80 A.L.

Aegon Targaryen Born 42 A.L. Died 62 A.L.

Daemon Targaryen Born 43 A.L. Died 62 A.L.

Laecaerys Targaryen Born 44 A.L.

King Vaegyl I Targaryen

Wives Visenya and Rhaenys Targaryen

Children By Visenya : Aegor Targaryen Born 58 A.L. Died 74 A.L

Rhaegar Targaryen Born 58 A.L (triplet to Aegor) Died 78 A.L.

Aelix Targaryen Born 58 A.L. (triplet to Aegor and Rhaegar) Died 74 A.L.

Rhaena Targaryen Born 62 A.L.

Children by Rhaenys: Maegon Targaryen Born 57 A.L. Died 72 A.L.

Orys Targaryen Born 60 A.L.

Daenys Targaryen Born 63 A.L.

Daenaerys Blackrush nee Targaryen Born 63 A.L.

King Orys I Targaryen

Wife Rhaena Targaryen

Children: Eleana Targaryen born 80 A.L.

Baela Targaryen Born 82 A.L.

Baelor Targaryen Born 86 A.L.


The months passed by in King's Landing as Princess Rhaena Targaryen wife of Prince Orys Targaryen the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne waited for her husband and her parents to return from fighting the Tarlings, the side of her family that had rebelled against her father's rule some eighteen years ago. Her father, mother and brother-husband as well as the man who might as well be her brother Daven had all gone away to deal with the threat posed by the Tarlings, leaving Rhaena and her sisters as well as her uncle Jaehaerys behind to run King's Landing and it was somewhat frustrating.

Rhaena had been raised by both her mothers and her father to be able to defend herself, all of her siblings had, the boys Maegon, Aegor, Aelix, Rhaegar and Orys had been taught how to wield the weapons of war, Rhaegar had been the only one of her brothers who preferred books to weapons, and as such from what she could gather from Orys, that was why he had been poisoned. As some bastard Lannister knight believed that only a warrior should sit the Iron Throne not a bookish king, and so her husband was now the heir to the throne rather reluctant heir as well she might add. Rhaena had not wanted to remain behind in King's Landing, she had argued with Orys, begged him to bring her with him, Vhagar was the oldest of their battle ready dragons and would likely swing the battle in their favour from the outset. Orys had denied her the chance to ride with him in battle, claiming that she was much to precious to him to allow her to leave the safety of King's Landing. She had screamed at him then, yelling at him that their mothers had never been left behind by their father, that father had always brought their mothers into his war councils. So she had gone to her father then and begged him to allow her to fly off to war with them, her father had looked at her once before saying she could not fly, not because she was not capable but because she was with child and he would not risk the next in line to the throne being killed. She had been surprised her father had known, even she hadn't known and had had to speak to Maester Justin who had confirmed it.

And so she had remained in King's Landing had helped her uncle Jaehaerys rule the kingdoms, she had learnt all the intrigues of court, who was plotting what and where each courtier professed loyalty and where their actual loyalties lay. She and her sisters trained each day, training their dragons in the manoeuvres Rhaena's mother Queen Visenya had taught them all when they were little children, should the Tarlings come by sea to attack King's Landing they would face dragon fire and die. As she sat in on council meetings and listened in on court sessions she was amazed at how patient and calm her uncle remained, some of the things she heard some of the smallfolk and minor lords asking of her father were enough to work her up into an indignant rage, did they not realise that they were at war here, with people who wished to subject them to more tyranny and war? Her uncle merely smiled at her when she voiced these thoughts and said that as Targaryens they had a duty to make sure the people were well provided for and that their concerns were always listened and acted on, that her uncle Jaehaerys said was why her father was still so well loved despite his complete tyranny towards those who opposed him, because he was willing to listen to the people's woes and always made them feel important. That was a lesson that Rhaena took to heart and swore to herself that she would always make sure she tried to follow when she became Queen, for she knew her husband, Orys was many things but confident was not one of them.

Her husband, Orys was the fourth son of their father King Vaegyl, and as such had never expected to become the heir to the Iron Throne had thought to become a knight of the Kingsguard. She knew this, as she knew that she had loved her husband from the time they were little, it was always she and Orys playing together whilst their older brothers played at war or read books, it was always Orys she went to when Daenys or Danaerys were causing her trouble. It was she who brought out the extrovert in Orys, a boy who was so shy and introverted that no one really paid him any mind, only after he emerged from Dragonstone with a crown of black forged from the flames of Balerion the Black Dread did anyone other than she take notice of him. When her betrothal to their brother Aegor had been announced, Rhaena had cried and cried, she did not want to marry Aegor wild as he was, she wanted to marry Orys, her sweet and gentle Orys who she knew loved her with all his heart, it was around that time that Orys began speaking of joining the Kingsguard, and it was then that her heart broke some more. But then their brothers died, one by one just as her mother had died and their brother Maegon had, and Orys was now heir to the throne and they were wed, just as they were meant to be.

The day news arrived of her cousin Aemon's death and the capturing of his dragon, was the day she went into labour. Oh how much agony and pain it was bringing a new life into the world. She laboured for what seemed like days but perhaps was no longer than a few hours, and at the end of it all when Maester Justin placed the bundle in her arms, she found herself overflowing with love for the baby girl they had placed in her arms, a girl with a mop of silver hair just like Orys and her violet eyes, which were staring intently back at her. She had pondered long and hard over what to name her and Orys's child, had debated naming the child Visenya after her mother if it was a girl, or Aegon if it was a boy, eventually though staring into her daughter's eyes she decided she did not want for her child to be weighed down by the expectations of what naming them after someone brought, no she decided on a named not used before by the Targaryen family. She named her daughter Eleana, and it seemed that her daughter was happy with that name, for she gurgled happily when Rhaena had said it aloud.

Most of her time now was spent looking after her daughter, Eleana though still a baby required Rhaena's constant attention, she was up at all hours making sure her babe was fed and well protected, these were dangerous times and this child was her husband's heir should anything happen to him, she needed to be safe. The rest of her time was spent with her sisters Danaerys and Daenys, the twins, were both a year younger to her and were completely different to how Rhaena herself was. Whereas Rhaena was more martially inclined, and had always sort of enjoyed fighting with swords, both of her sisters preferred the more womanly arts of sewing, dancing and other such nonsense. Though, from what Rhaena knew of Danaerys and Daven, she knew that Danaerys was likely trying to model herself more on the first Visenya so as to impress their foster brother, oh how foolish that was.

Four moons after Eleana's birth and seven moons after she watched her father, mother and husband fly off to war, a raven arrived bearing the family sigil. Her uncle Jaehaerys had entered her solar accompanied by Ser Glendon Tyrell, a solemn expression on his face which had made Rhaena fear the worst, but he had not answered any of her queries instead he had merely handed her the raven and allowed her to read it in silence. As her eyes scanned down the words towards the bottom of the page, she felt both relief and grief in equal measure. For whilst they had won the war and Daemon Targaryen who would be their cousin had been killed by her father, as had three of her uncle Laecareys sons, but her father and mother had been killed along with their dragons. The letter was written in Orys' hand, and she could feel the weight of her beloved's grief in the words he wrote, Maegor Targaryen their cousin had escaped along with his dragon and their uncle Laecareys back to a ship bound for one of the free cities, and Orys had decided against giving chase. The war had been won but at what cost? Orys knew not, neither did Rhaena, all she knew now was that all of her parents were now dead, her birth mother dead eight years past during the storming of Gulltown, and now her father and mother by love dead in what many were calling the battle of Straw.

A moon after the raven came her husband and his party of men. They all looked tired and broken, Orys most of all, the crown that Balerion had placed upon his head all those years ago now bore much more sense than it had on that long ago day. With the Faith completely out of favour with their father, they had converted to the Old Gods some time ago, and so when it came to their coronation, they were crowned kneeling in front of the weirwood tree in the godswood of the Red Keep. The Black crown with the seven encrusted swords to represent the seven kingdoms with the replica of the Black Dread on its front was placed on her husband's head, and a green crown made from Vhagar's flames was put onto her head, the lords assembled cheered and from the Dragonpit she could hear Vhagar's roar, and perhaps somewhere in the distance the roar of an ancient beast awakened.

Orys summoned a meeting in the throne room the day after his coronation. She sat beside her husband on a throne carved from weirwood, Orys sat big and imposing on the Iron Throne and they both stared down the hall as the lords and knights assembled bent their knee to them both and pledged their allegiance. With that done Orys spoke, in a soft voice, " We have come here today my lords for the formation of a new council, my father has died passing in the midst of war. It is my goal to end the wars with my cousins across the narrow sea for good, and for that we must have members of the council who will work toward peace." Rhaena heard her husband pause and out of the corner of her eye saw his hands shaking, she took one of them and held it tightly. Orys squeezed her hand back, thanking her. "As such, it is my wish that Prince Jaehaerys of Oldstones remain as Hand of the King." Their uncle voiced his acceptance. Orys went on "Furthermore, my father made the wise choice of appointing both of his wives to positions on the small council. In these turbulent times, I am sure the lords here will agree with me that family is one of the most important things to trust in and as such, I wish to ask my wife Queen Rhaena to take a seat on the small council as master of laws." Rhaena voiced her acceptance. Orys went on, "I also wish to invite my foster brother Ser Daven Blackrush to take the seat of master of ships and replacing the deceased Monterys Velaryon." Daven voiced his acceptance. Orys continued. "There are more appointments. Lyman Beesbury as master of coin and Larys Strong as master of whispers." Both men accepted as was expected.

Then came the issue of what to do with the rebel lords. Tommem Lannister a sweet boy who was Lord of the Rock had been betrayed by his mother and uncle both of whom had raised the banners of the West when the Tarlings came, both were put to death fed to Orys' dragon Vermithor, though Tommem did not watch, he had wished to watch but Rhaena had put her foot down and said he was too young and innocent, as usual Orys gave into her demands. The other Westerlords who had rebelled were either pardoned or executed, with their heirs either becoming grateful lords or being sent as wards to prevent against the threat of another attack. The first year of Orys reign passed by very quickly, spent as it was in arranging pardons and rebuilding the realm after yet another war.

A minor scandal, at least to the lords of Westeros emerged in 82 A.L. when Orys granted their foster brother Daven permission to marry their sister Daenaerys. Both of them had known that their foster brother and sister had loved each other for many a year, but both had been too blinded by pride or fear to admit to the emotions, Daven though was Orys right hand man, more so than Jaehaerys and as such was granted leave to wed Daenaerys, and was also made Lord of the Blackrush. Rhaena heard the whispers that emerged in court and in the rest of the kingdoms, brought to her as they were by Larys Strong the heir to Harrenhal who was developing his spy network all the time. The whispers claimed some trickery was going on here, how it was a waste that a Princess of the Blood was being married to an up jumped commoner from Flea Bottom. Such things angered her and Daenaerys though they did not bother Daven, and none of them spoke of such things to Orys for fear of what he would do once he heard.

Times of peace allow for rebuilding, that was true of the kingdom, but it was also true of their family. Two more children followed Eleana's birth, another daughter who they named Baela born in 83 A.L. and a son, born in 86 A.L, whom they named Baelor. Questions began to arise over whom would be named heir once Orys' time came, but Orys simply said that when the time came he would discuss it with her and the children first. She simply hoped her husband knew what he was doing. There was more rebuilding as well, their uncle Jaehaerys, grandson Daemon was born in 81 A.L., born to his son Baelon and goddaughter Melissa Blackwood, though Baelon was dead as was Aemon, Jaehaerys increasingly spent more time in Oldstones looking after his grandchildren, Rhaenys, Viserys and Daemon and so Orys and Daven and Rhaena spent most of the time ruling properly, learning the ropes of what they could and could not do.

Reports continued to come in from across the narrow sea from their spies within the Tarling camp who reported that their cousin Maegor was plotting a new but that he was running out of funds for his campaign to conquer Westeros and that their uncle Laecareys was also beginning to grow tired, it seemed peace might be lasting this time. A nice thought, but one that was short lived for two years after Baelor's birth, a raven arrived from Lord Vickon Greyjoy of Pyke reporting that he had seen war galleys being built in the Arbor for suspicious means, Orys sent a raven to the Arbor asking them to explain what they were doing. He received no response for two moons and then a raven came carrying a declaration of war, Lord Redwyne, the Lords of the Shield Islands and Lord Florent were rebelling against House Tyrell whom they accused of siding with the Tarlings. War was here again.