Chapter 26: The One Eyed Prince

Aemond Targaryen

The day dawned bright and clear in King's Landing, the birds sang a cheerful song, and all around the people of the city went about their daily business happy that the bastards had been removed from the city. At least that was what his brother wanted to believe, Aemond knew Aegon still harboured some fears that the people of King's Landing wanted him dead and gone, and that they were conspiring to do so. Personally Aemond did not think that the people of King's Landing would dare to do such a thing, not now, not with their precious princes gone and fled from the city, Valarr left trapped and rotting in Duskendale and not when Aemond himself was here, present with the biggest dragon still to live in Westeros Quicksilver, his silvery beast that had once been ridden by Aemond's father, great grandfather and great great grandfather before him.

At present the prince was in the Dragonpit making sure that his dragon was being well fed and that the other dragons- his brother's golden dragon Sunfyre, his sister's dragon Dreamfyre, and his nephew and niece's dragons Shykros and Morghul as well as the dragons of their allies Ser Aenar Rivers and Ser Lewyn Waters were well- In times past it had become a custom for at least one dragon rider to live within the dragon pit to ensure that the dragons were guarded and that no one else could try and come and cause harm to the people of King's Landing, and at present it was Aemond's turn to do the duty. He knew that when they had been younger Aegon had greatly resented having to do this job, had resented having to be here instead of learning the power plays of court, Aemond had never truly had a head for politics, give him a sword and he would create his cause that way, and besides he preferred the company of dragons to that of people most of the time, there was less arguments and less complications that way. For him dragons were easier to understand.

Sometimes though as he listened to the dragons communicate with each other, he remembered the screams and the roars of the battle over Rook's Rest, and the sounds his nephew's dragon had made when Quicksilver had ripped him limb from limb. Aemond felt sorry for having to kill such a proud dragon, a useful dragon no doubt considering the blacks had more dragons than they did, and that was not likely to change for some time. Furthermore there was occasionally some doubt in Aemond's mind about whether or not Aegon truly wished to be king, it seemed to be more of a power play from both their mother and grandfather, settling an old grudge so to speak. Not that Aemond doubted his brother's true claim to the throne, it was just that he sometimes wished that he had been born first, as he would certainly make more of a king than Aegon, he was more martial in nature, something Westeros still needed, no matter what the maesters said. Eventually his squire came to inform him that his presence was requested in the small council chamber, sighing Aemond moved towards his horse and saddled up and then made his way from the Dragonpit. His squire, was a young lad some 12 or 13 years old, from House Darry, if Aemond remembered correctly, and he showed some promise, perhaps if he was leal till the end of this war Aemond might knight him.

They rode largely in silence through the streets of King's Landing, it was early still and so Aemond was surprised that his brother was up and not in bed with one of his many paramours, something that did disgust Aemond, his brother was married, and should stay loyal to his wife- their sister- not take up with any which way girl or whore took his fancy that would only cause problems later on. Regardless the minute Aemond reached the Red Keep he dismissed his squire, and walked with Ser Wills Fell of the Kingsguard to the council chamber, and then nodding to Fell entered the room. He immediately saw his brother looking rather happy and pleased about something, and decided that more good news must have come through, perhaps the alliance with Dorne? His brother's small council was slightly different to the council King Jacaerys had had, the hand of the king was their grandfather Ser Otto, master of ships was Lord Maron Blacktyde but the man was currently occupied in the Reach calling his ships together, master of laws was Ser Aenar Rivers- Ser Aelix's son- master of coin was Ser Denys Darklyn a most leal knight, Grand Maester Orwyle had of course been their faithful servant for many a year ever since that old crone Justin had copped it, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was of course Ser Criston Cole whom some were calling the kinslayer, and finally there was the master of whispers and elusive figure Lord Larys Strong the Lord of Harrenhal and the only man Aemond seriously feared other than his uncle Daemon.

"Ah Aemond, sit, sit. We have good tidings from the Reach." Aegon said delightfully, a cup of wine on the table in front of him. He most likely had not gone to sleep at all. Aemond found himself growing more and more disgusted by the minute.

"What news Your Grace?" Aemond asked.

"The best kind of news brother," Aegon said once more. "Another defeat for the Blacks, and the bastards of Ser Harwin Strong. Our brother and great uncle led a host that smashed the host led by the rebels Lord Tarly and Rowan on the Honeywine. We hold Highgarden now."

Aemond felt himself smile at that. With Highgarden under their control it was more than likely that the forces of the Reach would be joining them soon enough. "That is good brother. Has there been any more word from Ser Aelix in Riverrun?"

It was Lord Larys who spoke, his tone waspish and as annoying as ever for Aemond. "There has my Prince. It would appear Prince Daemon has been sent to take back Riverrun, my sources on Dragonstone report that he took flight some three weeks past, now he will be over Harrenhal."

Aemond felt some of the old anger stir in him, Daemon, his uncle was a mad man, a womaniser and someone whom Aemond had always feared and respected in equal measure. The fact that Aemon had had the sense to send him out from Dragonstone, suggested that perhaps Riverrun would be back in Black hands before long. "What will be done about that Your Grace? Surely Daemon does not fly alone?" Aemond asked.

Their grandfather Ser Otto speaks then. "Lady Rhaenys flew forth from Dragonstone as well, whether to the Riverlands or to Duskendale we know not. But Dragonstone is left with only, Seasmoke, Syrax, Moondancer and Crimson Fury as fightable dragons, and Crimson Fury has been wild since the days of Aegon the Dragon."

"Will we strike for Dragonstone then?" Aemond asks, the sooner they can end this blasted war the better.

"No," Aegon says firmly. "Dragonstone still has two dragons who are experienced in the way of battle. We must deal with Prince Daemon and take the Westerlands before we can turn our attention there. Aemond, you and Ser Aenar shall fly out from here in two days time for Casterly Rock; I want the Westerlands fighting for us, if we are to take the throne properly. 15,000 men commanded by Lord Bracken will meet you on the Kingsroad."

Aegon was beginning to sound more like a king and less like a drunk. "And what if we meet either our uncle or our aunt on the way Your Grace? What then?" Aemond enquires, both fearing and hoping for the chance to fight his uncle.

"Then you shall fly as hard as you can for the Westerlands, I want no more deaths of Targaryens until the West has been taken. Besides Uncle Daemon will not think to engage you, he will be to busy flying to Riverrun to consider taking you on."

Aemond doubts the truth of his brother's words but merely nods then. "And what of the Vale, has Lord Joffrey decided where he will stand?"

"No, he has not, though my sources say Lord Royce may be mustering a host and bringing it down from the Bloody Gate soon enough." Lord Larys says.

"Then we should make it so that Lord Joffrey has to order his men to fight for us. Perhaps a betrothal could be arranged between Lord Joffrey and Princess Jaehara Your Grace?" Ser Aenar says.

Aemond snorts and then says. "Lord Joffrey is a boy who would still be on his mother's teat had his mother not been killed by that fool Corbray. I highly doubt his sister would wish her brother to wed the Princess."

"Then what do you suggest Aemond?" Ser Otto asked.

"That I wed Lady Jeyne, and we remove Lord Joffrey from the Vale." Aemond replied confidently.

There was silence for a long time in the council chamber as the members considered what he had said, Aemond knew that their grandfather had sought an alliance with Dorne through promising to wed Daeron to the daughter of the current ruling Prince of Dorne, and that the man was still considering the offer. The Vale could provide them with another 30,000 men and if Lady Jeyne was to be persuaded it was in her interest to wed him, then Valarr and his bastard whore of a mother would not stand a chance against them. Eventually it was Aegon who spoke. "My brother's proposal has merit. Bring the Vale in through a marriage, and the Strong Bastards will be dealt a heavy blow. I say we go through with it."

Ser Otto spoke then. "Well I suppose it could work. But first the Westerlands must be brought to heel. And letters must be sent to the Three Daughters, the blockade of the Gullet must be ended."

The meeting ended there, and soon Aemond found himself alone in the room with his grandfather and brother as well as Ser Criston Cole of the Kingsguard, and soon enough Aemond's mother Alicent Hightower joined them. His mother seemed tired, she always seemed tired nowadays, the strain of his and Aegon's father's death clearly still affected her, even if it had been necessary for Aegon's true claim to be recognised. Ser Otto spoke first. "There was more news that I did not think fit to share with the council." Aegon's interest perked at that as did Aemond's. "Lord Cregan Stark has declared for Valarr, and has sent some 5,000 men under Rodrick Dustin and his uncle Barth Stark to aid Prince Daemon in retaking Riverrun."

Aegon spoke then. "5,000 men against the strength of the Riverlands? I doubt Lord Stark truly understands just how outmanned the Strong bastards truly are. Ser Aelix and Ser Baelon are both in Riverrun as well, and the Cannibal is neigh as big as Quicksilver, and is certainly bigger than Caraxes and certainly as battle experienced."

"You forget brother, Lord Bracken will be taking 15,000 men with him when he joins me to take the Rock. There will only be 5,000 men left under the command of Ser Otho Rivers, to hold Riverrun and the Riverlands, and some of those men will be men from Harrenhal. We still do not know where Lord Larys' loyalties truly lie still." Aemond said.

"Lord Larys has proven most useful in giving us information that has been invaluable in controlling the Riverlands. Harrenhal is a strong and powerful castle I see no reason for your continued doubts as to his allegiance to our cause Aemond." Alicent said, sounding slightly annoyed that Aemond had brought the matter of Lord Larys up once again.

Aemond fought hard to keep his anger in check, his mother did not know some of thing things Aemond did, things he heard about Lord Larys the master of whispers. Instead he chose to say the words that he knew might sway his brother and grandfather to take more seriously the threat posed by the clubfooted master of whispers. "Lord Larys and House Strong came to hold Harrenhal due to King Vaegyl giving them the title and the castle, House Strong fought honourably and valiantly for King Vaegyl and King Orys during the Tarling wars. They are nothing if not loyal to that line of pretenders; I do not think Lord Larys will seriously wish for Aegon to remain on the throne. He was in the Dragonpit when Lucerys was killed, why was he there and not in the Red Keep? Was it he who told Aemon to flee before we could capture him?"

His grandfather seemed to see the merit in what he was saying for he said in calm and measured tone. "That is true, and whilst Lord Larys has deflected questions over what he was doing in the Dragonpit, the simple truth is for now we must rely on him until the Strong Bastards have been dealt with sufficiently. For now we must bring the West to heel and make sure the Vale does not side with Valarr. We must also remove Valarr from Duskendale and have Vermithor killed as well."

Vermithor, the dragon was neigh on seventy years old, and had fought in as many if not more wars than Caraxes and was twice as big as well. The bronze fury the male dragon was called and for apt reasons when Jacaerys had died, Vermithor had unleashed an earth shattering cry that had shaken the Dragonpit and could be heard as far as Oldstones. No wonder everyone lived in fear of Valarr, the boy had claimed Vermithor had bent the fierce dragon to his will, and so there was power in the boy. He would need to be dealt with. "Who will go to fight Vermithor and Valarr though grandfather, Ser Aelix and Ser Baelon hold Riverrun, and with Caraxes and Meleys heading toward Riverrun it may be that they will be needed there. Ser Aenar and Serrax shall be coming with me, Daeron is in the Reach helping to hold the region together, and Sunfyre is needed here."

"Ser Lewyn is still at Oldstones now holding the castle as Castellan though Ser Gunthor has begged for the honour countless times," Aegon said and Aemond did not truly like where this was going he did not trust the bastards who had sided with his brother, their loyalty was too easily bought. "Ser Lewyn and his dragon Chromos shall ride out to Duskendale to fight Valarr and should they prove victorious then that will leave just the two male strong bastards left for us to deal with."

Aemond merely nodded and though he could feel the protest about using the bastards he said nothing, though Ser Criston spoke then. "Your Grace would be wise to send some men with Ser Lewyn when he marches to take Duskendale. We know Lord Darklyn left the city without a garrison when he marched. But it is likely those rebel riverlords those left of them anyway would have been welcomed in Duskendale by Valarr, and the men he brought with him, they too will be there."

Aegon nodded and then said. "I shall send Ser Denys and 1,000 men no more no less, we need men to hold King's Landing as well." With that meetings came to an end and Aemond left the council chamber ready to wage war.

Three days later Aemond and Ser Aenar Rivers flew off on their dragons Quicksilver and Serrax, one silver and as large as Meraxes had been during the conquest, the other as big as the mammoths beyond the wall were said to be and growing every day, its scales blue as the water. Beneath them on the ground marched 1,000 men from King's Landing made up of men from the crownlands and commanded by Lord Oswell Hayford, the first man to bend the knee to Aegon when he came to King's Landing. At the same time as Aemond and Aenar departed for the West, Ser Lewyn took flight on the back of his red as blood dragon Chromos a dragon bigger than Serrax and far older as well, Ser Denys Darklyn led the host of 1,000 men that followed Ser Lewyn and his dragon bound to reclaim Duskendale. Aemond and his brother parted with Aegon simply saying "Bring me the Rock brother, and Lady Jeyne shall be yours." Aemond nodded and took flight.

They were eight days gone from King's Landing when the first skirmishes began to happen. They were set upon by a host no bigger than 400 men, a rag tag group of swordsmen and archers, men who had fled the battle of Riverrun and not sworn their swords to anyone. Quicksilver was not needed to deal with the threat for Ser Aenar ever keen to prove his loyalty to Aegon took most of them men out with dragonfire, those that escaped Serrax's flames were killed by sword or by spear. The leader of this band of rebels was bound and presented to Aemond after the fighting which had taken place on the banks of the Blackwater Rush, close to where the traitor house Blackrush's castle was. The man who was presented to Aemond as the leader of the group was none other than Ser Laswell Waters, the castellan of Blackrush castle. The man was defiant and refused to answer any questions Aemond threw at him so much so that Aemond simply lost his patience and declared that the man be fed to Quicksilver. After that they faced no more problems and were met by the host commanded by Lord Bracken in the town of Stoney Sept.

The Riverlords host commanded by Lord Meryn Bracken a Paragon of the Faith, contained men from Seagard, Pink Maiden, Darry, Goodbrook, Wayfarer's Rest, Harrenhal and the Crossing. Lords Mallister, Piper, Darry, Goodbrook, Vance, Frey, Smallwood and Shawney had all joined Aegon when he had declared his kingship, and so now they marched to bring the west to heel. Lord Bracken was a quiet man, but a skilled warrior, one who had fought in two of the Tarling wars as well as one of the wars against the kingdom of the Three Daughters, a proven warrior. Lords Blackwood and Ryger as well as Ser Godwin Strong and their men made up most of the host that Ser Otho Rivers had to control Riverrun. When Aemond asked Lord Meryn about this, the man said "We have two dragons there one of whom is almost as big as my prince's own dragon. I do not think we need worry about Lords Blackwood and co turning traitor."

Their marched continued, unimpeded by snow, or by storms or by rain. So much so that by the time they reached Sarsfield and were greeted by an army flying the banners of the Lannisters as well as Valarr's Bronze Dragon banner, Aemond was not surprised. Lord Gerion clearly was present as well, as evidenced by the sight of his dragon Thunder flying high in the sky. Aemond spoke once briefly with Ser Aenar. "We attack him together, and we leave neither man nor rider alive." Before he set off on his course to end Lord Gerion Lannister.

The dragons clashed in the air, red and silver and blue, a smattering of claws, jaws, and fire. Screeches and the sound of steel on steel, as dragons and riders alike fought. Lord Gerion had fought in many a battle, as had his dragon, but Quicksilver was the oldest of the Targaryen dragons and so knew things that neither Thunder or his rider knew, and so when Quicksilver slammed into Thunder, knocking Gerion Lannister sideways Aemond and Aenar took advantage of the chance presented to them and swung their swords Dark Sister and Martyr at the same time, stabbing Lord Gerion in both the back and the heart. Gerion Lannister came tumbling down into Sarsfield castle, his dragon's body soon followed, Thunder's head still firmly in Quicksilver's jaws.

When Aemond and Aenar land, Lord Meryn Bracken greets them a smile on his face. "Lord Gerion sent his green boy of a son Ser Jason to command the host on the ground my prince. He fell right into the trap, the pincer got him and cut him off from the rest of his troops. He's dead now."

Aemond nods and then says. "I see you have a sword there, is that Valyrian Steel Lord Bracken?"

Lord Bracken nods. "Aye my prince, got it from some Reyne bastard after I killed him."

Aemond nods. "Keep it then. You've earnt it. Now where is the castle's maester?"

The maester of castle Sarsfield is an old and balding man one who stutters slightly as Aemond tells him to send a raven to Casterly Rock, and inform Lord Tyland Lannister that his father and brother are dead, and so if he opens the gates to the Rock and bends the knee to Aegon, he will be recognised as Lord of the Rock. Aemond cares not for practicalities, if Lord Jason had children they will have to die now, boy lords are the bane of any house after all it seems Ser Aenar shares his opinion for he says. "Perhaps it is for the best then that Lord Gerion was an ageing man and his son was so green." Ser Aenar looks pale and worn, and Aemond orders him to remain in Sarsfield and be treated, he took severe beatings during their dance with Lord Gerion.

Five days later when Aemond arrives in front of Casterly Rock with the army of the Riverlords behind him, he finds the gates wide open and Ser Tyland Lannister waiting for him. Ser Tyland gets down on bended knee when Aemond comes to stand before him, in a deep voice Aemond says "For your pledge of fealty, I Prince Aemond Targaryen in the name of my brother his grace King Aegon Targaryen second of his name king of Westeros, do recognise you Ser Tyland Lannister as Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, rise now." Ser Tyland rises and then they enter the castle Aemond sends word to King's Landing of the battle and the taking of the Rock. Two weeks later he receives word that Ser Lewyn Waters is dead and that Duskendale and Rook's Rest now belong to Valarr. Aegon's hold on the crownlands looks as if its slipping.