Chapter 28: I Am The King, I Am The Dragon

King Valarr Targaryen

Duskendale was a small town, the castle itself was strong and old, the Darklyns a proud family, but one that had fallen to the pretender's sway and the Hightowers promise of gold. Lord Darklyn had come when Lucerys had called his banners to march on Oldstones, and yet when Lucerys died Lord Darklyn had not come to Aemon's aid instead the man had gone to Valarr's uncle Aegon's side and had joined his strength to the pretender. It made no matter Valarr held the castle and the man's wife and young children were now Valarr's hostages. Lady Darklyn was a good host, though Valarr knew she deeply resented her husband and Valarr himself for putting her in this position, she gave him the news he needed and the resources he needed for his men. He had marched on Duskendale with some 2,000 men and none of them had needed to be bloodied in the arts of battle due to the fact that Lord Darklyn being the fool that he is had only left a garrison of some thirty men to hold his castle, the men had surrendered easily enough when Valarr had appeared in the air on Vermithor.

It was in Duskendale that he learnt of his brother's death over Rook's Rest slain by their uncle the pretender Aegon, the man now a kinslayer and Valarr now the rightful king. His grief had been consuming for so long, he had stayed in his rooms in the keep and not ventured forward leaving it to Lord Orys and Ser Steffon Darklyn to plot the taking of Rook's Rest, Aemon had not gone with men from Dragonstone, and yet when Valarr's grief was broken and he learnt that Lady Rhaenys with men from the Vale had taken Rook's Rest, his confidence came back and he summoned her from Rook's Rest to Duskendale. She had arrived some three days ago, bringing with her news that Lord Staunton was dead his son now Lord of Rook's Rest and his loyalty to his rightful king secured.

Now Lord Darklyn was outside the gates of Duskendale with an army of some 1,000 men Ser Steffon the man's uncle had gone to treat with him and Valarr was sat in the Lord's solar waiting for news from the parley. Lady Rhaenys was sat in the solar with him speaking of how they would take King's Landing. "It will come to dragon fighting Your Grace," the lady Rhaenys said. "Aegon the false will never deign to give the city to you, and the Kingslayer will never deign to fight without a dragon or two supporting him."

Valarr nodded and said. "That is true, I will need to summon uncle Daemon and the girl Nettles from the Riverlands soon enough. And then we shall crush mine uncle and take back what is mine by right."

"What will you do with Princess Heleana and the children though Your Grace? Aemond will continue to fight on in their name or perhaps even try and crown himself king, if you deign to kill them." Rhaenys asked.

Valarr was silent for a moment and then said. "Jaehaerys and Maelor will be fostered in King's Landing where I can keep an eye on them, and then when Jaehaerys reaches the age of majority he will be given Oldstones. Maelor and Heleana will remain in court for the time being as well, as for the girl I know not what I will do with her. Aemond will die I will see to it that he does. Ser Baelon has already agreed that he will deal with Aemond himself when the time comes."

"Jaehara could be wed to Prince Viserys Your Grace and the two bloodlines could be united once again. Do you think Ser Baelon can be trusted though Your Grace? The man went against your family already to gain whatever rewards he could from the usurper." Rhaenys said.

Valarr sighed and then said. "I always knew uncle Baelon would do something like that, it was I was always saying to father and Lucerys that they needed to keep him sweet. But alas they did not listen. Regardless I know uncle Baelon can be trusted, he has information on what the Greens are planning in the Westerlands that could prove to be very useful."

Valarr was about to go on when there was a knock on the door and Ser Steffon came in his white cloak billowing behind him. He bowed once before Valarr and then said. "Lord Darklyn is in the great hall awaiting your judgement Your Grace." Valarr nodded and then walked with Lady Rhaenys and Ser Steffon walking behind him.

He entered the great hall of Duskendale and sat in the Lord's chair and then looked at Lord Darklyn, who was chained and bound his armour covered in blood and mud. "You fought then I see Lord Darklyn." Valarr said dryly.

"I did. You hold my wife and children hostage Prince Valarr, I was not about to give them up without a fight." Lord Darklyn replied.

Valarr sighed then and said. "I would never have harmed a head on your wife or your children's heads. So pray tell me what foolishness bid you to try and retake your castle by force my lord? Did you have a death wish written on your head?"

Lord Darklyn laughed but there was no mirth in his tone. "No my prince. I was to be the distraction whilst Ser Lewyn Waters came and burnt your men to ash and then engaged you in combat. But the man is half the warrior his father is. Ser Lewyn fled the minute he saw Lady Rhaenys' dragon was here fled back with his tail between his legs to King's Landing and that whore he keeps in his bed."

Valarr was surprised by this news. "Ser Lewyn was to come here? Does Aegon not realise how foolish a move that would be?" Ser Lewyn knew of why his father had joined Aegon and then a switched side, Valarr was sure of it. Ser Baelon had written that his son understood the plan perfectly.

Lord Darklyn laughed. "Not every man is like their father Prince Valarr. Ser Lewyn wants glory more than he wishes to keep his honour intact. He will be in king's landing if you ever take the city. Now what will you do with me?"

Valarr looked at Lord Darklyn and then said. "You shall be pardoned but you will be left here under supervision. Until King's Landing is mine and if you set foot outside your castle again I shall feed you to Vermithor. Take him away." Once Lord Darklyn had been escorted out of the great hall Valarr turned to the maester of the castle, an old man named Dorren and asked him. "What news from the Riverlands?"

Most of the servants in Duskendale and even the nobles here seemed scared of him. It was as if he was some sort of beast that they were all so scared of him, he wondered at it sometimes, other times he merely used it to his advantage. Maester Dorren was no different. His voice shook as he spoke. "Prince Daemon and the girl Nettles engaged in a fight with Ser Aelix Rivers and Ser Baelon Waters and the men left by Lord Meryn Bracken on the Trident. Ser Aelix and the bastard of Bracken were killed and Riverrun was freed Your Grace."

Valarr nodded that was good news. "What of Ser Baelon where did he go, did he do any damage?"

"He deeply injured the girl Nettles and his dragon injured hers. But then he fled before Prince Daemon could find him." The maester replied.

Valarr sighed, uncle Daemon would want Baelon's head now if the rumours he had been hearing about him and the girl Nettles were true this could be very, very awkward. Shaking his head slightly he said. "Send word to Riverrun, I want Prince Daemon and Nettles here with their dragons and their men we shall be marching on King's Landing soon."

A week later Valarr welcomed his uncle Prince Daemon and the girl Nettles and their two dragons Caraxes the blood wyrm and Sheepstealer the big brown dragon who was infamous on Dragonstone. With them came 2,000 northmen led by Lord Rodrik Dustin and 15,000 Valemen led by Valarr's other bastard Uncle Ser Gaemon Stonefyre. Valarr greeted his two uncles warmly, he had always been close to the both of them Ser Gaemon especially. "the Riverlands are yours, Your Grace." Was what uncle Daemon said to him once they were all sat in the Lord's solar in the castle.

Valarr nodded and said. "I thank you for taking back the Riverlands from the usurper uncles. I trust Lord Simon is well and has the resources to hold the Riverlands should Aemond try and recapture it?"

Daemon nodded his head and said. "Aye Your Grace. Lord Simon and some 1,000 men hold Riverrun now, and men are coming from both the north and the Vale to help reinforce him."

Valarr nodded and then asked. "You discussed the marriage proposal with the Lady Jeyne did you not uncle, how did she take it?"

The girl Nettles snorted and spoke before his uncle could. "Well she obviously liked the proposal enough otherwise Ser Gaemon would not be here nor would the Valemen and the Riverlands would still belong to the usurper."

Valarr merely looked at her and then took in the slight swell of her stomach and felt his gut clench, Baela would not be happy when she found out the news. Turning to his uncles he said. "I know that Aemond holds the Westerlands and that Daeron has the Reach firmly for his brother, but Aegon is cut off from both of them, Lord Borros holds the Stormlands and the Dornish Marches. We must attack King's Landing and soon before we lose the advantage."

His uncles nodded and then Ser Gaemon asked. "Of course we have the greater number of dragons, but how will we take the city on the ground. Aegon will still have the strength of the crownlands at his disposal will he not, or if he does not then Lord Gormund will march the minute he hears we are threatening the city."

Lady Rhaenys spoke then. "The lords of the crownlands marched with Aemond when he left for the Westerlands and Lord Gormund's host will take time to mobilise and march. By which point we will have King's Landing. There will only be the Gold Cloaks in the city to defend it. We must march soon."

Valarr nodded and then said. "If there is nothing else, I wish to speak with you alone Uncle Daemon. The rest of you get some rest we shall be leaving in three days time." When Ser Baelon joined them.

Once the others had left including the girl Nettles, Valarr fixed his uncle with a look and said simply. "Are you sleeping with Nettles?"

His uncle laughed and said. "Direct as ever, sounding just like your mother Your Grace. Why do you wish to know what is going on between myself and Nettles?"

Valarr sighed once and then said. "Because it is becoming obvious that she and you have some sort of attraction and her swell is becoming more noticeable, how far along is she?"

His uncle's face fell at his words, and Valarr knew his suspicions had been proven correct. "Four moons along, she was three moons gone when your raven arrived at Riverrun."

"SO she will not be taking part in the attack. I will not have a sibling of Baela's put at harm because its mother is too rash and bold to see sense uncle. And you should have known better but that is neither here nor there. Just make sure that when Ser Baelon comes here you try not to kill him." Valarr replied.

His uncle's face tensed at the mention of Ser Baelon's name and his voice was tight when he said. "Why is that traitor coming here? Are you a fool Valarr the man cannot be trusted!"

Valarr merely looked at his uncle and said. "Is this because he joined Aegon's side or because he injured your lover uncle? You know he joined Aegon's side on Lucerys orders, he did to make Aegon feel comfortable and to get Aemond away from the capital. Now King's Landing will fall all the easier to us now."

His uncle said nothing and then Valarr dismissed him and sat in front of the fire for a long time hoping everything would go as planned. Three days later, Ser Baelon on the Cannibal joined them at Duskendale, the atmosphere was tense, but thankfully both of his uncles managed to contain themselves and before mounting up on their respective dragons, Valarr told them. " We shall attack in a pincer formation, but first Ser Baelon shall go first to lure Aegon into a false sense of security then we shall kill him and take the city." He got onto Vermithor then and once his dragon had unleashed a deafening roar he took flight, and he prayed for victory.

On dragonback the journey from Duskendale to King's Landing would have normally take roughly three days, but with an army following him and the need to maintain secrecy it took them five days to reach the outskirts, and when they did it was not Vermithor who gave the roar that signalled the attack but the Cannibal. The fact that there was no answering roar worried Valarr but then the gates of the city opened and an army of Goldcloaks and men bearing the arms of House Hightower came streaming out and the fighting on the ground began. The ground army was commanded by Lord Rodrik and Ser Gaemon both intimidating fighters with Valarr's uncle's reputation having been well earnt over the course of fighting in both the third Tarling war and in the Stepstones and against the mountain clans.

The fighting on the ground seemed to last for hours as Valarr flew round on Vermithor looking for where Aegon could be, it would not be like his uncle to hide behind others not now at least. Whilst the screams and the sound of steel on steel could still be heard from the ground, eventually the sound was deafened by the roaring of dragons. And there they were Sunfyre the golden and Chromos the Red, hurtling toward them as fast as possible, Vermithor gave an answering roar and soon Valarr was lost to the fighting going on, on the ground as he focussed on Vermithor and the fighting with Sunfyre.

Tooth and claw the dragons fought, fire and tails were used, and soon enough both beasts were bloodied though Sunfyre was a lot worse for wear given his much smaller size. Vermithor followed the beast as he dived down coming down close to where the fighting was happening on the ground, and the fire was unleashed by the golden dragon, Valarr tense to feel the flames on his body but Vermithor the crafty old dragon that he was swerved to the side and then unleashed his own jet of flames on them. The dragons danced more and more, and eventually Vermithor caught up with Sunfyre the younger dragon tired from his exertions and trying to keep away from the older beast. Vermithor unleashed a jet of bronze fire that covered both Sunfyre and his rider and then once he had stopped both Aegon was already dead burnt alive in his armour but Sunfyre was still alive,. Vermithor grappled briefly with the golden dragon before he bit down hard onto Sunfyre's neck and keeping the golden dragon's neck in his jaws bit down hard before breaking contact, Sunfyre's head went falling down to the ground below where it crushed several of the fighters including Ser Matthis Blackrush of the Kingsguard.

Vermithor gave a triumphant roar as Sunfyre's body went crashing down the ground, the bronze dragon's roars attracting the attention of the other riders, Rhaenys and Ser Baelon whose own dragons soon were roaring in answer to Vermithor's calls. Later on there will be serious debate over what drew Vermax, the former mount of Prince Lucerys from the Dragonpit where he had been resting since his rider's death, whether it was the sound and smell of the battle going on outside the city or whether it was the sound of the other dragons roaring. More questions will be asked about how the dragon managed to break free of his chains. Still Vermax was soon fond flying high in the sky towards them all, but even when Vermithor gave a roar trying to get the dragon to answer Vermax ignored the big dragon and proceeded to burn through men both green and black alike. Which forced both Vermithor and The Cannibal to act, they smashed into Vermax and both began dealing deft blows to the smaller dragon eventually ending with the Cannibal tearing the beast's head off and Vermithor flinging Vermax's body away into the Blackwater Rush.

Once that was done, it became clear that the battle was won. Valarr directed Vermithor into the city, followed closely by Meleys the Red Queen, the Cannibal and Caraxes soon followed but only after the two dragons had engaged in a growling match for Daemon had taken his revenge on Ser Baelon by killing both Chromos and his rider Ser Baelon's son Ser Lewyn. The gold cloaks of the city led by Ser Luthor Largent were loyal to Daemon and the memory of King Jacaerys, and had fought against the Hightower men within the city led by Ser Gwayne Hightower, and so when Valarr descended on Aegon's high hill and found Ser Luthor there waiting with Ser Otto Hightower and Princess Alicent in chains he merely nodded and promised that the man would be rewarded.

A feast was held that night that lasted well into the next day, many drinks were had, and many men and women celebrated their joy with acts of love and passion Prince Daemon and his lover Nettles who had flown from Duskendale the night before were inseparable and were much talked about by the lords and ladies of the court. Valarr himself spent much of the feast speaking with Ser Baelon Waters and trying to get him to end his attempts to kill Prince Daemon, eventually the knight agreed reluctantly to hold off on seeking justice until after the war was completely won.

The next few days after the feast were spent planning the coronation of King Valarr as well as organising the royal wedding, for the King had decided to wed both his own betrothed Lady Baela who had arrived from Dragonstone along with Queen Dowager Rhaenrya and Ser Addam Velaryon as well as Princess Visenya, Prince Aegon the Younger, Prince Viserys and Princess Aleana and Lady Sylvia Baratheon the eldest daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon, who had brought his men from Storm's End upon receiving news of Valarr's victory. The wedding was held in the godswood of the Red Keep as had been the tradition since the days of King Vaegyl, and then the coronations of the King and his two queens took place in the godswood as well and then in front of a large crowd in the Dragonpit where the King's own dragon Vermithor placed the Dread Crown upon his rider's brow.

It was only later much later, as the beginning months of 130 A.L. began to give way to the mid months and Winter was firmly rooted on the ground did the questioning of the captives begin. Prince Jaehaerys body was found buried deep within the bowels of the Red Keep, Grand Maester Orwyle declared the boy had been poisoned and under extreme duress admitted to doing the deed himself under the order of Princess Alicent, both the maester and the princess were sentenced to death and fed to Vermithor. Ser Otto was held under extreme questioning as to where Heleana and her children Maelor and Jaehara had gotten to, Dreamfyre was still in the Dragonpit so they would not have fled that way, but still there were those who thought that they might still be in King's Landing and yet the searches of the city yielded no results. Eventually Valarr grew impatient of waiting and took Ser Otto to the Dragonpit where Vermithor was summoned. "I will ask you but once more Ser Otto," the King said his voice cold and detached. "Where are my aunt and her children?"

Ser Otto never the bravest of men, had become even more weak in his composure and stuttered. "She, she fled to Tumbleton when we received word of your movements. That's where she will be, please spare me Your Grace and I will get Aemond to end the fighting, we can have a peace and a council can be called to decide the matter of succession."

The King snorted at that and said. "No my lord. Aemond will never abide by a council ruling; you shall die as shall he and Daeron. Vermithor." And with that the king stepped back and allowed his dragon to devour Ser Otto Hightower in one single bite. It was the fourth day of the sixth month of 130 A.L., Valarr had held King's Landing for three moons and had been king for two of them when he found out where Princess Heleana was. Calling a meeting of his councillors, he spoke to Lady Rhaenys and said. "Go to Tumbleton and bring my Aunt and cousins back alive. No harm shall come to them. Her dragon is here so there should be no risk of attacks from the air. Still should Daeron try to attack, I shall send Lord Rodrik and his northmen with you."

Lady Rhaenys nodded and so a week later Rhaenys Velaryon the Lady of the Driftmark departed on the back of her dragon Meleys the Red Queen for Tumbleton to bring Heleana and her children Jaehara and Maelor back home. There was more pressing matters for Valarr to consider once Lady Rhaenys had left, having named Lord Corlys as hand of the king, he spent long hours with the council discussing how best to end the war, Aemond and Aenar Rivers were still at large in the Westerlands most likely gathering a sizeable host, and though the Vale was secure as was the Stormlands, the Riverlands was still under threat and the Reach still belonged to the greens. "Aemond will continue to fight until his last breath, and the kingdoms can ill afford to bleed anymore we must fight soon or take flight." The King said.

It was then that Lord Larys Strong who had served his oath to Prince Aemon as truly as possible and had gathered all the information he could about the greens plans said. "It seems that the Greens will be taking the fight to you Your Grace. Before King's Landing fell, Ser Otto Hightower had reached out to the Kingdom of the Three Daughters and had asked them about sending naval aid to defend the city. My sources in Essos report that the Daughters have decided to accept Ser Otto's aid and are sailing now from Lys, Myr and Tyrosh with ninety warships. It would also appear as if Prince Aemond has managed to convince Maron Blacktyde to sail forth from the Arbor with his full strength. They shall be on the shores of King's Landing soon enough."

These were grim tidings, though they had six dragons ready for fighting, they did not have enough sea power to deal with the ships that would be coming to attack the city. Thus prompting the King to say. "Aegon, Aleana and Viserys must be somewhere other than King's Landing when this battle begins. Aegon is betrothed to Jeyne Arryn it would be wise if he goes to the Gates of the Moon and spends time there. Viserys and Aleana will need to either go to the Driftmark or somewhere else that is safe."

This prompted Lord Borros who had stepped up onto the King's small council as master of coin to say "Prince Viserys and Princess Aleana could stay in Storm's End Your Grace. I have enough men to hold the castle and enough men here to spare for protection on their journey. The castle has never fallen and would be very secure should anything go awry with the naval battle."

The King seemed as if he was seriously contemplating doing this but then said. "Whilst I appreciate your suggestion my lord, Storm's End is too far away for us to reasonably expect for them to reach there and be safe before the naval battle begins. No it must be the Driftmark if nowhere else."

Lord Corlys spoke then and said. "They will be very, very safe there Your Grace, especially if Ser Addam or perhaps another Dragon rider was to go with them. The Greens after all are spread thin with dragons."

Valarr nodded and so it was decided and Prince Viserys and Princess Aleana boarded a ship for the Driftmark that night to avoid allowing any Green spies from reporting the move, with them went Princess Visenya on her black as night dragon Orros. A moon later and Prince Aegon had left with a guard of some 100 men including Ser Steffon Darklyn of the Kingsguard for the Vale. Around the same time Queen Sylvia was declared with child as was Queen Baela and the Red Keep and the city of King's Landing celebrated this news. Though a few days later the ships bearing the banners of the Three Daughters and the Green and Black Skulls of House Blacktyde and the Arbor fleet were sighted. The Battle of the Blackwater had begun.