Chapter 30: The Bleeding Water

King Valarr Targaryen

The Battle of the Blackwater had been violent, the Velaryon fleet was all but gone, the ships of the triarchy had seen to that as had the fleet of the Arbor. Still they had won the battle and managed to hold the city, the final nail in the coffin for his uncle's cause, no one would try to fight for Aemond now at least none of the lords in the Crownlands, Valarr had proven that he could hold his own. It helped, he supposed that Balerion and Crimson Fury the two biggest dragons in Westeros had come to their aid as well, just when it looked as if the ships might break and the dragons- the bonded ones- would not be enough. Such destruction Valarr has never seen before and he does not think he would be able to stomach such destruction again, he had been afraid the two dragons would go out of control and would start attacking everyone they came into contact with a fear that seemed grounded when Crimson Fury ripped apart Seasmoke and Addam Velaryon. Valarr had gone with his uncle Prince Daemon and together they had led the two dragons back to Dragonstone, where hopefully they would remain for the time being.

The victory at the Blackwater had come at a cost though; Valarr's own mother and sister had both perished. Queen Dowager Rhaenrya brought down by a score of arrows sent by Ironborn, and her golden dragon Syrax crashing to the watery depths below. Visenya and her dragon Orros, littered with arrows and scorpions, Valarr still has nightmares sometimes of that, seeing his sister's body fall to the sea, and he powerless to stop it. He knew that perhaps when the battle was over that he should give Lord Maron Blacktyde to Vermithor, and end the traitor's life, but then enough people had been killed because of the man's foolishness during the battle. Valarr had decided that he had a better way to use Maron Blacktyde. The man would serve as a distraction for the upcoming battle with Aemond and his forces. Maron Blacktyde would ride out with a group of some 100 men and speak of parley with whatever oaf Aemond sent out to lead the ground troops, and whilst that was going on Valarr and the dragons would fly around the camp and burn the troops to dust. It was not an honourable thing to do, but then again one could not afford to have honour during a war, Valarr had learnt that the hard way.

The plans had been drawn up and they had left King's Landing some five days ago, Valarr kissing his two wives goodbye, not for the final time though for he would return, he was sure of it. They mad camp on the eastern bank of the Trident, the armies of the crown and the Stormlands combined with the forces led by Ser Anthony Templeton and Ser Torrhen Manderly. Aemond and his men would soon be approaching the western bank of the river, and that was when the fighting would start. Valarr's scouts had reported that Aemond had managed to rouse the whole of the Westerlands to fight for him, 30,000 men had answered Aemond's call to arms from the West, led by the turncoat and Valarr's cousin Lord Tyland Lannister, along with some 6,000 Rivermen led by Lord Mern Bracken. They would make way for the western bank and Valarr was counting on his uncle's impatience to continue the fight, for his plan to truly work.

There had been no news from Lady Rhaenys when Valarr had left King's Landing, no news as to whether or not she had managed to find Heleana and her children, it was something that did slightly worry Valarr, the fighting had to end soon, and Westeros could not deal with more war that much he knew. What he would do once Jaehara and Maelor and their mother were brought back to King's Landing Valarr still did not know, and for the time being he did not truly wish to think on it. He was grateful when his uncle Ser Gaemon Stonefyre, the man Valarr had tasked with leading the van during the battle entered the tent and spoke. "Our outriders have come back from the south Your Grace. They report that Lord Gormund Hightower is marching up the bend with some 20,000 men with Prince Daeron riding Tessarion accompanying him."

Valarr nodded at his uncle's words and said. "Tell Ser Anthony that he is to lead his men south then, to engage Lord Hightower's host. We must keep them away from joining forces with Aemond at all costs." Valarr saw his uncle nod and then leave the tent, Valarr remained staring into space for a few moments, waiting for the horn to sound, and tell him that battle was imminent. He disliked waiting, he always had, though not in the same sense that Lucerys and Aemon had hated waiting, he simply disliked the nerves that came to him. It was why he poked his head out of the tent briefly and called for Ser Ryam Redwyne. "Ser Ryam I must ask, do you think the plan is sound?"

"I do Your Grace," The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard said. "We know that Prince Aemond is an impatient man and will likely wish to get the fighting start as soon as possible. He will not wait for Lord Hightower's host to reach the southern bank before he attacks. Lord Maron's words will prove ample distraction for the ground forces."

Valarr nodded and then they heard the horn being blow, signalling that Lord Maron had left to speak with Aemond. Valarr walked out of his tent, his black armour glittering in the sunlight, and he walked toward Vermithor, feeling the dragon's anticipation tingling through him. He nodded once at Ser Ryam before he mounted his dragon, and then he waited for the second horn blast that would signal the beginning of the attack, when it came he dug his legs into Vermithor's sides and when the dragon roared, he drew Blackfyre from its sheath and prepared for the final battle of this dance.

As he looks down from up high he sees the battle in full swing, can hear the sound of steel on steel, the sounds of men fighting and dying. Out the corner of his eye he sees a red shape appear next to him and he knows his uncle and Caraxes have joined them, ready and waiting for the hunt to begin. Sure enough they hear a roar from close by and Valarr sees the blue dragon of Ser Aenar Rivers appear, closely followed by the huge bulk that is Quicksilver. Vermithor and Caraxes give answering roars and then the dance begins. Serrax smashes into Vermithor, and soon enough the dragons are fighting in a huge mess of tooth and claw and tail. Fire, is unleashed countless times, and though it misses Valarr, he can still feel its heat.

Valarr manages to get close enough to Ser Aenar during their dragons fight, that he swings Blackfyre slightly and manages to cut deep into the man's slight armour drawing blood. Ser Aenar does not have enough time to react, as soon enough their dragons break apart and Serrax flies away with Vermithor soon giving chase. Vermithor unleashes a jet of bronze flame that singes Serrax's tail causing the blue dragon to screech and turn around and then they are fighting once more. Tooth and claw, the fighting goes and goes, so much so that they begin to plummet down toward the banks of the Trident, the water shimmering in the sunlight. Valarr has no illusions as to what will happen should Vermithor plummet to the ground, and so he digs his legs into Vermithor's sides causing his dragon to bite and take a chunk of Serrax's nose off before he dives and then flies upward. Serrax gives chase this time, and the dance starts once more.

Valarr knows that Ser Aenar believes himself to have the upper hand, can tell by the way his dragon fights, but Vermithor is older and wiser and much more battle experienced, and so it is not a surprise to Valarr when his dragon rips into Serrax's neck and then casually flings the dead dragon's body down to the ground as if it is nothing more than a piece of meat. He does not look down though to see the carnage that the body will create; if he had he would have seen the men who were crushed under the weight of the dragon. With Ser Aenar and his dragon dead, Valarr looks around the battlefield looking for either his uncle or Prince Aemond, the two have a grudge of old Valarr knows but Prince Daemon is as prone to rash behaviour as Valarr's other uncle Prince Aemond is, and losing him would be too much to bear especially after his mother's death.

He hears them before he sees them, a deafening roar, the sound of two of the oldest and fiercest dragons alive fighting to the death. He sees three dragons not two, and feels his heart plummet, Ser Baelon will want revenge, has wanted revenge since the day they took King's Landing and now he is using this fight as the chance to get the revenge on both Daemon and Aemond. The three dragons are all tooth and claw, no fire, that seems to be a thing that only Vermithor does in a fight, but Valarr watches spellbound as the three dragons plummet toward the Trident, and he is stuck watching as Aemond and Quicksilver plummet to the water first, their bodies covered in blood and dirt, then he watches as his uncle Daemon leaps from Caraxes as the dragon drops to the ground and splashes into the water, and is caught in the Cannibal's teeth, and though he does not hear the words the two men shout at each other he can imagine what they say, and he watches as the Cannibal engulfs Daemon in one gulp.

He is brought out of his stupor by the sound of arrow fire, Vermithor roars and breathes fire down on the men who dare fire at their rightful king. The sounds of men screaming in their death throes, will haunt Valarr for the rest of his life, but it is something that must be done. Vermithor burns the men until there are no more men to burn, and as he looks across the battlefield he sees the charred remains of what was once a beautiful place. Dragonfire has done this, a man's foolishness and greed have done this. He brings Vermithor down to land close to where they were camped in the morn, and Ser Baelon soon joins him. "So you have your revenge then uncle?" Valarr asks, sounding tired and dejected.

"Aye Your Grace I did. And I see that we have won then." Ser Baelon replies emotionlessly.

"Very well then. We should wait for Ser Gaemon to come to camp before we officially declare this war done then. Once all is in order you shall have your provisions for taking Volantis." Valarr says.

Ser Baelon nods, and what seems like an age passes before Ser Gaemon arrives, covered in dirt and blood but alive, graciously alive and with Lord Tyland Lannister in chains to boot. "Your Grace, we have won. Prince Aemond and Ser Aenar and their dragons are dead, and the Westerland host is smashed. What lords remained bent the knee the minute they realised Aemond was dead."

Valarr nods and ignores his cousin and asks his uncle. "And what news from the south. Have we beaten Lord Hightower's host?"

Ser Gaemon nods and says. "Aye Your Grace. Lord Gormund was slain by Ser Anthony our scouts report, and Prince Daeron and his dragon were felled by arrows."

Valarr nods in acknowledgement. "Very well then. Tell the men to strike their banners we are going home." It takes them two weeks to get back home to King's Landing, the winter snows which had been threatening to come finally arrive as they march south from the Trident, with their men and their prisoners. Valarr and Ser Baelon on dragonback leading the way back home, Valarr desperate to see his wives and family once more, more so for Baela than the woman whom Lord Borros thrust upon him. The man died during the battle killed by Daeron's dragonfire. The Lordship of the Storm's End will be one issue Valarr will have to discuss with his council once the dust has settled.

King's Landing celebrates the end of the war that people have begun calling the Dance of Dragons for many weeks. A feast is always held in the throne room, and though Valarr knows not how they will pay for it, how he will pay for all of it, it seems that no one else has this worry. Lord Maegon Hightower desperate to make up for the flaws of what his father and family have done offers to pay off for the feasts, and once the celebrations have died down and normalcy returns to court and to Valarr's life, he calls a council session to discuss what is to happen now.

Lord Corlys Velaryon is his hand, Lord Larys his master of Whispers, Lord Maron he has named his master of ships in honour and recognition of his bravery and skill, the citadel send them a new Grand Maester after much deliberation a hardy northerner called Godrick Manderly and for master of laws Valarr had named his bastard uncle Gaemon Stonefyre whom he had also named Lord of the Gates of the Moon as measure to protect his brother and goodsister from harm. There was still the issue of whom to appoint as master of coin for them to discuss as well. "My lords I thank you for coming today," Valarr began. "We have three very important matters to discuss. First of all we must find a suitable man to serve as master of coin replacing Lord Lyman Beesbury who unfortunately died during the usurper's stay in the city. I would hear your thoughts and opinions."

Lord Corlys spoke then. "Your Grace, myself and Lord Larys believe that Ser Boremund Storm the bastard of the marches would make a fine master of coin. Before his death Lord Borros did speak of the good deeds and work that the man had done in improving the finances of the Stormlands and Storm's End. Having spoken to the man myself I know that he is innovative and smart." Lord Larys seconded that notion.

Lord Maron however raised questions. "What of his bastadry though my lords. Bastards are known to be fickle and treacherous, after the war the kingdom cannot afford to have yet more money leeched from its coffers, especially with the gold going to fund Ser Baelon's campaign in Volantis."

"Whom would you suggest then Lord Maron?" Valarr asked.

Lord Maron seemed to turn red then, and it became evident he had not truly thought of another alternative. Lord Gaemon spoke then. "I believe Ser Boremund would make a good master of coin. He has proven himself during the war in keeping the Stormlands afloat and preventing the Iron Bank from calling."

Valarr nodded and then said. "So it shall be Ser Boremund then. Maester Godrick send the raven to the marches, and inform Ser Boremund that I expect him to be here within three weeks." Then Valarr decided to address the issue of the succession for Storm's End. "Lord Borros died without leaving a male heir. By rights the Ladyship should pass to his eldest daughter my wife the Queen Sylvia. However, given the recent war that has been waged over past claims, I believe it would be more prudent to give the lordship to Sylvia's cousin, Edric."

Lord Corlys spoke then. "Is Edric Baratheon not a boy Your Grace? Would it not be more prudent to name the lordship to someone who could actively go about securing his claim?"

Valarr replies. "Edric shall have the backing of the throne to secure his claim, and when the time comes he shall wed my daughter by Sylvia."

"Then I see no reason for him not to be named Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands." Lord Larys says and the other lords concur. One more issue done.

"There is also the issue of what to do with Princess Heleana and her children Jaehara and Maelor." Valarr says. "Some would argue having them executed would be best so that there cannot be the chance for future rebellions. However, I do not wish for the title of kinslayer, any more than I wish to see harm befall my aunt and cousins. I would hear your suggestions my lords."

Lord Corlys speaks then. "Perhaps it would be wise to betroth Prince Matarys to Princess Jaehara and then have the two of them wed once they reach maturity. That way the two bloodlines are merged once more."

"Prince Matarys is but a babe yet my lord hand. Surely it would not be wiser to wed the princess to a house that stayed loyal to his grace during the war?" Lord Maron argues.

"Such as the Tyrells my lord Blacktyde?" Lord Larys asks in his waspish voice.

"No, what Lord Corlys says makes sense. Very well, Princess Jaehara shall wed my son Matarys when they come of age." Valarr says. "And Princess Heleana shall wed Aemon Stonefyre." Lord Gaemon nods. "Maelor is the last male descendant of Prince Jaehaerys the wise, through the male line and as such he has the most valid claim to Oldstones, not the child that mine uncle had with the girl Nettles. I would see him raised to have that Lordship. Maelor shall be a ward of the throne till he reaches maturity." Yet one more issue done. The council meeting comes to an end, and Valarr walks to the nursery where he finds his wives talking with each other and holding their respective children, Sylvia with the twins Helen and Rhaenrya, and Baela with Matarys the heir to the throne. Valarr smiles as he looks at them both, many things still need to be done, he will have to speak with Ser Baelon about the campaign in Volantis and offers will need to be made to make sure the conquest does not come back to harm Westeros, but for now he can be safe in knowing his family is safe and that he has people to care for and love.