Chapter 32: Bronze Fury

King Valarr I Targaryen

Valarr listened to the septon drone on and on about the Seven, and how this marriage was blessed and would help heal the realm. All the while he simply wished to cut the fool's tongue out and feed it to Vermithor. Honestly he would never understand why his goodsister and her cousin had insisted on getting married in the Sept, and why Lord Corlys had agreed to it. What was wrong in getting married under the sky with the wind lapping at your feet, with the eyes of the Heart Tree looking over you? Why would anyone want to get married in the confines of a sept with seven stone faces looking at you, and judging you? It was something Valarr who like the rest of his siblings had been raised to follow the Old Gods would never understand, and he supposed that was why Aegon the usurper had managed to bring so many of the Riverlords to his cause.

That and those damnable rumours that Ser Harwin Strong had initiated all those years ago. Valarr had spent a lot of time since the war had ended researching what Strong had said, looking for proof that would discredit him. He had not found any solid proof that went either way, all he had found were letters, between his mother and Ser Harwin, dating from when his mother would have been but a girl no older than Visenya had been when she had died. These letters had simply confused him even more; they had not elevated any of his concerns, simply added to them. No one but Baela and Sylvia knew that he had found the letters, and no one else would ever know. If they found out, they would be fed to Vermithor.

As if she could read his thoughts, Sylvia squeezed his hand tightly. Valarr looked at her and smiled weakly. Sylvia was the wife who should have been Aemon's she had never been meant for him and yet he loved her all the same. Things had initially been tense between himself, Baela and Sylvia as they tried to figure out how to make their marriage work. It was Baela who brought them both on side, his two wives found that they shared more in common than they had first thought, and so they had bonded over that, and the minute Valarr had looked at his children, Matarys, Rhaenrya, Helen and Baelor he had fallen deeply in loved with both of his wives. Matarys had turned three two moons ago as had Rhaenrya and Helen, Laenor was three months old having been born during one of the fiercest storms King's Landing had ever seen, Sylvia had laboured for two and a half days bringing Baelor into the world and Valarr had been deeply worried that perhaps she would not survive, so worried in fact he had spent most of the time in the Dragonpit with Vermithor, only returning to the castle when he felt calm, and to be presented with a black haired child who had his mother's hair and storm blue eyes.

Valarr's thoughts drifted to Baela, who was stood beside him on his left hand side, looking radiant in a black and red dress. She was the girl he had been betrothed to since he had turned thirteen, she was his first love, the girl whom had he had shared most of his life with. She had borne him, his heir and he loved her fiercely for it. But she was also a fighter, and when they had discussed Ser Baelon's campaign for Volantis the night before, she had argued stringently for going with him, to in her words. "Make sure he kept to his part of the bargain." It had taken a heated row and some passionate love making before she eventually said she would not leave. Valarr did not fully trust his uncle Ser Baelon, the man was fierce and proud alright but he had also asked Nettles if she wished to join him. There were many things Valarr worried about, and the image of his wife and his wife's father's lover on a campaign with Ser Baelon, the man who had killed Baela's father terrified him more than he could put into words, he had not told either of them the truth of how Prince Daemon had died, preferring instead to say that Daemon had died bringing down Aemond, not a lie as such, but not a truth either, and it ate away at him.

Baela nudged him in the ribs, and Valarr looked briefly at her and then towards the front of the Sept where the Septon had finished speaking and the bride and the groom had exchanged vows and kisses and changed cloaks. Valarr stood up then and in as loud a voice as possible said. "Today House Velaryon and House Targaryen have been united once more in the bonds of marriage. Let the feast begin." And with that the ceremony was done, yet there was still more of this to come before Valarr could return to spending time with his wives and children. They walked out of the Sept which was in the grounds of the Red Keep, the ceremony had been a small one to keep the cost down according to Lord Corlys, and then they all made their way to the throne room where the feast would take place. Valarr whispered briefly to Baela who seemed slightly pale. "If you wish to rest my love, you need only say so."

Baela, fierce strong Baela merely shook her head and whispered back. "I will be fine, the child is not kicking around as much as he has been lately. I will make it through the feast my love."

Valarr merely nodded and then helped her and Sylvia sit down in their chairs next to him, whilst he sat down on a chair that cut an imposing figure to the right of the bride and the groom who sat below the steps of the throne the bride and the groom, and the feast began. Valarr observed those who had come to witness the wedding and the feast: Lord Corlys of course Valarr's hand and grandfather to both the bride and the groom, Lady Rhaenys grandmother to both bride and groom who seemed to be smiling brightly at the sight of the newlyweds, Ser Baelon Waters seemed none the bit interested in whatever it was Lord Maron Blacktyde was saying to him, Lord Tyland Lannister was staring intently at Lord Corbray and the man's wife, and Valarr began to feel a sense of unease creeping in. Lord Lyman Corbray Lord of Heart's Home had been very vocal as of late over Aegon's marriage to Jeyne Arryn, claiming in light of Lord Joffrey Arryn's death that Valarr was trying to control the kingdoms through marriage. Valarr had had to fight very hard to control his temper, though Vermithor had shown through snarling and puffing smoke.

Sylvia turned to him then, her eyes shining with merriment, a cup of wine in her hand. "It was such a glorious ceremony my love do you not think so?"

Valarr merely grunted, to preoccupied with looking over the room and making sure the Kingsguard where still present. "Yes, yes it was. Though why it had to be done in the Sept I do not understand." Valarr eventually replied.

Sylvia did not reply immediately instead she asked him. "When will be going to Dragonstone my love?"

Valarr was silent for a moment, considering how much he should tell her now, and how much he should save for later when the three of them would be alone. "Soon, once Maester Godrick declares you and Baela fit to ride we shall fly for Dragonstone. Until then we should simply enjoy the feast."

His wife noting the ending of the conversation turned to speak with her sister Lord Corbray's wife Shiera and so he continued looking out over the room, taking note of whom was speaking to whom and who was simply eating their food in silence. Somewhere in this room there was a traitor, someone who would willingly sell their family out for honours, but whom he knew not, only the words Larys had been able to find, and it was driving him mad. Before he knew it people were calling for the bedding, and so Valarr watched as the men and women of the court drunkenly hoisted both bride and groom from the hall and towards their chambers, he remained sitting, and waited for a long moment before he looked toward Ser Ryam Redwyne, the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard. Ser Ryam approached once he saw Valarr looking at him, his white cloak billowing behind him. "What did you see Ser Ryam." Valarr asked surprised at how tired he sounded to his own ears.

"Nothing out of the ordinary Your Grace," Ser Ryam began. But then he said. "Though Lords Grafton and Melcolm seemed intent on discussing something other than the wedding and the food provided."

Valarr looked at the man then and asked. "What did they discuss?"

Ser Ryam shifted uncomfortably before saying. "Ser Aegon reported that they were discussing shipping routes, and the best way for a big fleet of ships to dock in port either in Gulltown or in King's Landing itself."

Valarr's ears perked up at that and he asked his Lord Commander. "Did Ser Aegon hear anything more?"

"No Your Grace, he went to speak with his sister shortly afterwards." Ser Ryam replied.

Valarr nodded then and then said. "Very well, get some rest Ser Ryam I shall see you at the council meeting in two days time." With that he got up and walked out of the throne room closely followed by Ser Tom Costayne and Ser Madden Darry (otherwise known as the Demon of Darry) he meant to walk straight to his chambers, hoping to get some well needed sleep with his wives, but then he saw two figures whispering to each other, their heads pressed close together and he drew to a stop, the two white knights stopping behind him.

He listened to the couple whispering their treasons. "The King has no idea whom to trust now. The doubts have been planted in his mind, and with the Corbrays and Graftons plotting one treason, there will be no time for him to look to the south and Dorne." The man said, for from the deepness of his voice, the figure must be a man.

The second figure spoke then, a woman form the highness and the breathlessness with which she spoke. "What of Ser Baelon though, and the fact that he still lives whilst the other traitors died? What secrets does the King keep?"

Valarr felt himself tense at that, did the woman know what promises had been made to Ser Baelon? He was about to step forward when he heard the man say. "Ser Baelon knows not to get involved; we spoke once before the feast. He knows to go the Volantis and say not a word of what is coming."

Valarr stepped forward slightly, but then he heard the woman say. "How do you know Ser Baelon will say nothing to the King?"

The man replied. "Because we have a deal, I get the king to help him take Volantis and his silence ensures that our plan comes to fruition. But enough of that come back to my rooms and I will show you what else I am good at." And with that the couple disappeared into the night, Valarr stayed where he was standing, tired and feeling anger burn within him.

"Do you wish for us to find them and question them Your Grace?" Ser Tom Costayne asked.

"No Tom. Leave them be. I shall deal with them in the morn. Send word to Larys though, I will speak with him on the morn." Valarr said before he continued walking to his chambers, his head ringing with the words he had heard spoken.

The next morning, he was sat in his and his wives rooms when Lord Larys entered looking slightly worse for wear, Baela and Sylvia were in the nursery with the children so he could speak freely then. "What do you know of Lords Corbray, Grafton and Melcolm my lord?"

Lord Larys yawned briefly, the hour was early but there was much Valarr needed to do. "I know they are all ambitious men, who hoped to take Lord Joffrey Arryn to foster and rule in his name till he came of age. And I know that the wedding of Prince Aegon to Lady Jeyne ruined that plan."

Valarr remained silent for a moment and then said. "I want you to have your sources keeping an eye on them from now on. From today until they die. I want reports on what they discuss with each other, and what they plan in their hovels. Is that understood?"

Larys nodded. "Yes Your Grace. If I may ask why?"

Valarr looked long and hard at the man who served as his master of whispers, who had served as master of whispers for fifty odd years, he was loyal no doubt. "Because I believe there may be a plot afoot, and I want proof before I burn the traitors."

Lord Larys merely nodded and then left the room. Valarr walked out of the room and towards the throne room, where the guests were hungover and having a feast for breakfast, he merely nodded to Lord Corlys before walking out of the room and toward the nursery. There he found his two wives playing with their children, a sight that never failed to bring a smile to his face. Matarys was growing bigger every day as were Rhaenrya and Helen, and for a moment he felt like he simply wanted to freeze time and keep his children as they were, so that they would not have to face the pains that life would throw at them, if only. He left the room after a moment more and walked towards the godswood, he needed to think, to pray.

He spent a long time in prayer; he always did when he came to the Godswood. He found it more soothing than his brothers Lucerys and Aemon had, Aegon and Viserys were too young to truly understand the importance of prayer, and Aegon was in the Eyrie now safe from harm, Viserys though, Viserys and Aleana remained on the Driftmark for the time being, growing and becoming mature. Valarr would need to bring them back home soon, he would need to arrange marriages for the both of them, and Viserys would need a home for himself soon enough. Later that night he spoke to both of his wives of Ser Baelon, and though the conversation was short, he knew they were unhappy he had hidden some key information about the man from him, though they promised not to tell Nettles, lest the girl do something rash and stupid.

It took a week before the wedding guests departed, Ser Alyn and Lady Rhaena for the Driftmark and the other guests for their respective lands. Valarr told Ser Alyn that he would have his chance to tame a dragon when the time came, and to look after Viserys and Aleana as well. Lady Rhaenys left with the bride and groom, flying atop Meleys the Red Queen though before she left, Valarr spoke to her of Volantis and the need to make sure Ser Baelon stayed true. The woman looked at him once and said in that reassuring way of hers. "I will make sure he stays true Your Grace." And so she left as well, and soon enough Valarr found the Red Keep devoid of other nobles and settled into a comfortable routine.

Until of course he called the next small council meeting. That was when tension became evident. Lord Maron Blacktyde wished to commit the royal fleet to aiding Ser Baelon in taking Volantis, a suicidal move, one which was sure to bring about more war, something Westeros could not afford. However, when this was pointed out to him Lord Maron got very angry exclaiming. "If you are worried about offending Volantis my lords, then you should not have promised to support Ser Baelon in his quest to conquer it. If we are to do this, we must do it properly or not at all!"

Lord Corlys Velaryon the Hand of the King was ageing but he still had a commanding presence. "Whilst what you say is true, the Three Daughters have fallen apart, but Pentos and the Slaver Cities still remain as does Bravos. Sending the Royal Fleet would only give the wrong message and war would be here once more. It is wiser that Ser Baelon goes with men not known to the world at large."

Ser Boremund Storm snorted at that and said. "What like the criminals that rot in the dungeons of the Seven Kingdoms my lord? For that would surely save us money, though it might not add to Ser Baelon's reputation."

Valarr was tired of this discussion and so said. "Ser Baelon shall go with his dragon, and Lady Rhaenys and her dragon and then shall go with whoever wishes to join him, those who seek fame and fortune and criminals if so. They shall go and that is the end of that. Now unless there is anything else this meeting is over."

"Your Grace, a moment if you please." Valarr heard Lord Larys say as he meant to walk toward the nursery. He stopped and waited for Lord Larys to join him, the man was panting heavily. "I have news on Lord Corbray that would interest you."

Valarr looked at the man and then said. "Go on."

"It would appear that Lord Lyman is working with Lords Grafton and Melcolm and others within the Riverlands to bring some sort of war down upon the Kingdom." Larys said his voice barely louder than a whisper.

Valarr nodded he knew the first part but not the second. "What Riverlords?" He asked.

"Lords Bracken, Goodbrook, Darry, Smallwood, Shawney and Frey Your Grace. They seek to start another rebellion amongst the Faith." Lord Larys said.

Valarr cursed under his breath, the damned faith, always a problem, he often wondered why neither his father, grandfather nor great-grandfather had not burnt the damned Starry Sept to the ground when they had the chance. "Will they succeed?"

"There is dissent in the ranks of the most Devout, the High Septon is ailing and Lord Maegon Hightower will not consent to arm the faith should they so choose. It would seem that Lord Corbray knows this and has other means with which to cause trouble. Ser Boremund Storm is working from within to undermine the council."

Valarr was shocked by this. "But why? All he has he owes to the throne."

Lord Larys smiled grimly then and said. "Because your wife is wed to you. Queen Sylvia and he have a history Your Grace. It might do to look into it."