Beauty in the Moonlight

Naito stood in his hotel room, meticulously adjusting his tie in front of the mirror. The soft hum of the city outside filtered through the slightly ajar window, mingling with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. For the first time in what felt like ages, he was preparing for an evening of normalcy—no ghouls, no bloodshed, just a night out with old friends from school who lived in Osaka.

He ran a hand through his hair, ensuring every strand was in place. His routine had become a relentless cycle of gym sessions, work, and a monotonous return to his empty apartment. The few moments of respite he allowed himself were spent either in fleeting slumber, catching a film, or on even rarer occasions, indulging in video games. 

Once, he had dreamed of becoming an Esports athlete, but those dreams were buried the night his parents were killed by a Ghoul. That tragedy had led him down the path to becoming a Poacher, drafted by the government to hunt the very monsters that had shattered his life.

As he slipped on his jacket, he thought about his best friend from high school. Unlike Naito, his friend had achieved the dream, of becoming a renowned Esports athlete. Tonight, they would reconnect, and for a few precious hours, Naito hoped to shed the heavy mantle of his current life and embrace the carefree camaraderie of their youth.


The bar was a cozy haven, its warm lights casting a golden glow over the polished wooden tables and the low hum of conversations filling the air. Naito spotted his friends at a corner booth, their laughter rising above the background noise.

"Hey, Naito!" His best friend called out, waving him over. Naito approached with a smile, sliding into the booth beside them.

"Hey Kuro! It's been too long," Naito said, his voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and relief.

His friend grinned, raising a glass. "To old times and new beginnings. How's life treating you?"

Naito chuckled. "Same old, same old. Gym, work, sleep, repeat. What about you? How's the Esports scene? How's Kuroiyox doing?"

"It's been a wild ride," his friend replied, eyes lighting up. "We just came second in a major tournament in Seoul. The competition was fierce, but we pulled through. As for Kuroiyox, he is nothing without his Shiroiyox." 

Hearing the last sentence, Naito was hit hard by the nostalgia. Kuroiyox and Shiroiyox were in-game names, he and Kuro had come up with, the latter still used the same name even when playing at the highest stage.

Another friend leaned in, smirking. "You've been hitting the gym to get some action, isn't it Naito? You look like you could bench press this table."

Naito laughed, now pulled out of the nostalgia. "Gotta stay in shape somehow. Sitting behind a desk all day can't be good for anyone."

They continued chatting, the conversation flowing easily, filled with stories of the past and updates on their lives. The atmosphere was light, a stark contrast to the darkness Naito usually navigated.

As the night wore on, his friends began to drift away, one by one, leaving Naito alone at the table. He was about to finish his drink and call it a night when a woman approached him. She was striking, her dress clinging to her curves in all the right places, and her eyes held a seductive glint.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice smooth and inviting.

Naito looked up, slightly taken aback but intrigued. "Sure, why not?"

She slid into the seat beside him, her leg brushing against his under the table. "You looked lonely. I thought you might want some company."

Naito smiled, though his instincts remained on high alert. "Company is always welcome."


The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a cold silver light over the desolate street. Naito and Emi walked side by side, the only sound of their footsteps echoing off the empty buildings. The street was dark, the occasional flickering streetlamp casting long, eerie shadows.

Naito was trying to be on high alert, but his heart was racing, and the thought of getting lucky tonight filled his brain.

"Are you sure this is the correct way?" Naito asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he glanced around the deserted area. He was looking down at her legs and the curve of her bottom, accentuated by the moonlight.

Emi stopped abruptly and turned to face him, a sly smile playing on her lips. She walked over to him, her hips swaying provocatively. "This is supposed to be a shortcut," she said, her voice dripping with seduction. "But I don't want to wait. I want to devour you right now."

As she spoke, she lifted the hem of her short, skimpy dress, revealing her smooth, toned legs. A little glimmer appeared in her beautiful eyes as she leaned in towards Naito and hugged him, pressing her body against his. Naito, momentarily surprised, felt a surge of heat as he accepted the hug, and wrapped his arms around her.

Emi's embrace felt warm and inviting. But, unbeknownst to Naito, sharp claws of pink Aura were forming around her hands, ready to strike. Just as she was about to drive her claws into him, he placed both of his hands on her face, covering her cheeks and ears. A loving expression on his face.

With a smile filled with affection, he leaned in closer and whispered, "Fuck you."

Suddenly, Emi's expression changed from seductive to horrified. Soon she began to shout in agony as a loud, piercing sound emanated from Naito's hands. The frequency was inaudible to humans but could be heard by Ghouls. Emi tried to pull away, but Naito's grip was ironclad, his hands pressing firmly against her ears.

The moonlight illuminated the scene, highlighting the contrast between the serene night and the violent struggle. Naito's eyes remained calm and focused, while Emi's were wide with panic and pain. Her claws, poised to strike, fell limp as the Aura augmenting her hands dissipated. 

Naito held her tightly, ensuring she couldn't escape. The moon cast their shadows on the ground, merging them into a single, writhing form. Naito used his phone to call Subaru.

Suddenly, Naito sensed a disturbance and immediately released Emi, leaping back. A figure clad in dark clothing materialized in front of Emi, their presence almost ethereal. The figure wore a blank white mask that concealed their entire face, giving them an eerie, faceless appearance.

"Are you fine?" the figure asked Emi, their voice calm and steady.

The figure bent down and checked Emi's pulse. After confirming she was still alive, the figure straightened up.

"Crap, I didn't think that I'd have to work even now," Naito muttered, bringing his hand up, his palm facing the figure. He unleashed his ability, a powerful burst of sound aimed directly at the masked intruder.

To his surprise, the figure didn't even flinch. Instead, it stared back at him, unfazed and silent.

Without a word, the figure bent down and scooped Emi up effortlessly, her limp form draped over its shoulder. Naito's eyes widened in disbelief as the figure turned and began to walk away. The figure's clothes fluttered with the cold night breeze.

"Hey, stop!" Naito shouted, taking a step forward.

But the figure didn't respond. The figure leaped and landed on the roof of a nearby. It moved with eerie calm, its dark attire blending into the shadows as it leaped to the next building. Within moments, they had disappeared into the darkness, leaving Naito standing there, the echoes of his failed attack lingering in the air.