No Breaths from Hell

Endo, Rika, and Kazuki were crammed into an old, ragged sedan, heading towards the last suicide spot near Kyoto. Endo was driving, with Rika next to him in the front seat. She had shouted "Shotgun!" as soon as they were ready to leave, leaving Kazuki, who didn't even know that such a competition existed, to settle in the back seat.

The sun was directly overhead, beating down mercilessly as it was noon. They were currently driving on a bridge that connected Kyoto to the northern region. The lack of traffic made the journey feel eerie. Most people had already reached their offices and schools, so only a few cars were driving by.

They approached the final suicide spot, a bridge under which ran a train track. This was their last hope after checking all other spots and finding nothing. The car rumbled to a stop, and the three of them got out, stretching their limbs.

"Let's make this quick," Endo said, shading his eyes with one hand as he looked down at the tracks below.

Kazuki followed their gaze, but as soon as he saw the splattered blood on the tracks, he turned away, his stomach churning. There was no body in sight, just the blood—a chilling reminder of what had happened.

"See anything?" Rika asked, leaning over the bridge's edge for a better view. Her usually indifferent demeanor was replaced by a tense focus.

"No body, just the blood," Endo muttered, his brow furrowing. "Even if a train had hit them, there should be some remains. Something's not right."

Rika's face turned serious as she said, "Let's leave."

"Wait, do you think...?" Endo began, his voice trailing off.

Rika simply nodded, her expression grave.

Kazuki looked between them, confusion etched on his face. "What?" he asked.

"I'll tell you on the way," Rika said as they started walking back to the vehicle. But suddenly, the sound of the world itself faded away. The noise of passing cars, the rustle of the wind, the hum of any movement—all of it vanished.

The three of them tensed, instinctively drawing closer together. From one end of the bridge, they heard the sound of footsteps. A high school girl wearing a sailor school uniform, black and blue-themed with a short skirt, was walking towards them. A scabbard hung on her back, swaying slightly with each step.

Kazuki's eyes first registered the girl's beauty, but as soon as he spotted the sword, unease washed over him. "What's happening?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"She's a Gloom Slayer," Rika said, her tone grim.

As soon as she spoke, an animal-like roar echoed from behind them, down below where the blood had been splattered. The sound was primal and filled with rage, sending a shiver down Kazuki's spine.

Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest. He glanced back at Rika and Endo, their expressions mirroring his own fear. The girl's steps were steady, unfaltering, as if she was walking towards a preordained confrontation.

Endo's voice was low, almost inaudible. "We need to get out of here, now."

Rika nodded, her eyes never leaving the approaching girl. "Stay close," she said, her voice tight with tension. "And be ready for anything."

They backed towards the car, their movements slow and deliberate. The world remained eerily silent, the only sound the girl's footsteps growing closer. The roar from below was a chilling reminder of the danger lurking just out of sight. Hiding behind the car, the trio looked at the scene unfold. 

The atmosphere was harrowing, the silence thick with tension. The once bright and sunny day felt overshadowed by an impending doom, and the bright sunlight seemed to cast darker shadows. 

The echoes of the primal roars from below filled Kazuki with an all-encompassing fear, each sound a horrifying reminder of the unknown terror lurking beneath the bridge.

The girl had reached the spot where they were standing earlier, her blue eyes cold and unyielding as she looked at them. The trio was hiding behind their vehicle, hearts pounding. Another bone-chilling roar echoed from below, more horrifying than before, sending shivers down Kazuki's spine.

Without a word, the girl drew her sword, its blade gleaming ominously, and jumped down from the bridge with an effortless grace. The sounds that followed were even more terrifying. 

The roars turned into screams, a cacophony of battle that seemed to last an eternity. Each roar was a reminder of the deadly conflict happening just out of sight, amplifying the fear that gripped Kazuki's heart.

After a few agonizing minutes, the sounds ceased, and the world's normal noises slowly returned. The trio remained tense, their senses on high alert. The silence after the chaos was almost deafening, a stark contrast to the horrifying symphony they had just endured.

The girl climbed back up the bridge, her uniform slightly stained, but her demeanor unshaken. She looked at them again, her gaze lingering on Kazuki. Her eyes were intense, almost as if she was peering into his very soul.

"Awakened or Ghoul?" she asked, her voice cold and authoritative.

The trio stared at her, unable to find their voices. The tension in the air was palpable, their fear rendering them silent.

"Mind your business," Rika replied, her voice filled with resolve.

"Thought so," she said, her tone dismissive. She turned and walked away, her figure exuding a chilling sense of purpose. 

Kazuki couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and a strange, unsettling admiration as he watched her leave. His eyes traced her form, the fear slowly ebbing away, replaced by a reluctant appreciation of the beauty of her body.

"So, what just happened?" Kazuki finally managed to ask, his voice trembling slightly. The encounter had left him shaken, and the lingering fear mixed with an unsettling curiosity about the girl and the horrifying roars from below.

"Get in the car, I'll tell you," Rika said as she got into the car.

"There are two types of emotions, positive and negative," she began. "Negative emotions are usually stronger than positive ones. So, when a lot of negativity corrupts the mind of a person, or a group of people, those emotions form bonds with the Marmic Particles wandering around us. Awakened humans use these particles to gain strength. They're of no use to us Ghouls, though."

Kazuki listened intently, his curiosity piqued.

"So, when these particles bond with negative emotions, monsters called Glooms manifest into reality," Rika continued. "Gloom Slayers are special Awakened who deal with these abominations. Even most Awakened don't know much about them. We Ghouls know about them because we sometimes run into them near suicide spots."

Kazuki frowned. "These Glooms, they don't form from every person who dies by suicide?"

Rika shook her head. "I don't know what the criteria are. I told you everything I know about them."

Kazuki nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "It's a lot to take in," he admitted.

"Welcome to our world," Endo said with a wry smile. "It's never simple."