Ugly Bastard

Kazuki, Rika, Endo, and Eiji sat in a cozy café, the warm aroma of tea mingling with the crisp evening air. The sky outside was a stunning shade of orange, the sun dipping below the horizon, casting long shadows and bathing the room in a soft, golden light.

Endo leaned forward, surprise evident on his face. "You met a Ghoul?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah," Rika nodded, taking a sip of her tea. "It was... unexpected."

Eiji, sitting next to Endo, added, "This incident truly shows just how many Ghouls have come to Kyoto. A lot of Poachers have arrived as well. Shoda's fighting ring is at the center of it all. "

"Did you learn anything?" Rika asked.

Endo nodded. "Not much, but Ghouls from Osaka have moved to Kyoto, along with them Ghouls from nearby towns have also come,"

"And the weird thing is that all of this being is done without any secrecy, we know this and so do the Poachers."

"A few of my contacts also told me that someone had persuaded Tanuki to follow this plan." Eiji said.

"Do you think it might be that Manager person?" Endo asked Rika.

"Who?" Eiji asked.

"It's plausible," Rika replied. 

She then told Eji about the man who called himself the Manager and how he had contacted her dad.

"Now that you are saying this, isn't it weird how that person knew that the Executioner would be coming to Kyoto so many days back." Eiji said.

Rika nodded. The Executioner was in the city, and this knowledge was only available to a few well-connected Ghouls, knowing it beforehand that he would be coming here is even more ridiculous. All of this clearly pointed towards the fact that the Manager was an insider in the Syndicate.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter to us." Rika said as she sipped her tea.

Kazuki listened to the conversation, but his mind was elsewhere. Since morning, he'd met three stunning girls, each leaving an indelible mark on his thoughts. One was Rika, sitting right in front of him, her indifferent gaze and confident demeanor captivating him anew every time he looked at her. 

The second was the Gloom Slayer, her fierce beauty and the memory of her cold demeanor still vivid in his mind.

The third, the Ghoul, had managed to enthrall Kazuki in a way he hadn't experienced before. The thought of her flawless beauty intoxicated his mind. Her delicate features, the way she moved, her voice—it all played on a loop in his head. He couldn't shake the image of her, even as he sat in the café, the conversation buzzing around him.

He absentmindedly stirred his tea, the clinking of the spoon against the cup broke away his thoughts. He glanced at Rika, who was deep in discussion with Endo and Eiji, her expression serious. The memory of her standing protectively beside him, ice cream in hand, flashed through his mind, and he felt a pang of confusion and curiosity.

"Are you ready for your first hunt, Mr Man-eating-monster?" She asked Kazuki, suddenly turning her head towards him.

Flustered by this Kazuki nodded. 


As the sun set over Kyoto, the sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the city. Inside a dimly lit room, the remnants of this fading light seeped through a small window, creating long shadows that danced on the walls.

Shoda, a man with darker skin than most Japanese, sat heavily on a worn-out sofa. His skin was tanned from years spent under the sun, his face showing signs of age with wrinkles and a mix of white and black hair on his balding head. He was obese, with a presence that commanded attention in the way that only an old and seasoned figure could. He looked like what degenerates these days call an "Ugly Bastard".

Opposite him sat the Manager, dressed in his customary dark oriental clothes and a plain white mask, exuding an air of quiet menace. The room was filled with a tense, expectant silence. He sat there like he owned this place.

"You've done excellent work, Shoda," the Manager said, his voice smooth and measured. "Expanding the fighting ring so quickly is no small feat."

Shoda nodded, his jowls shaking slightly. "I couldn't have done it without your support. After they kicked me out of the Black Market for something I didn't do, you were the only one who helped me out."

The Manager waved a hand dismissively. "No, no, let me show you some gratitude." He clapped twice, the sound sharp in the still room.

The door opened, and Emi entered, her presence instantly commanding the room. She wore the black maddy dress she had purchased earlier, the slit revealing her cleavage and accentuating her perfect curves and long legs. Her beauty was mesmerizing, capable of making most men weak at the knees.

The Manager gestured toward Shoda. "Please, enjoy this small gift."

Emi moved gracefully to Shoda's side, leaning in so her chest brushed against him. Shoda's eyes gleamed with lust as he grabbed her thigh, his smile broad and predatory.

"Thank you," Shoda said, his voice thick with desire.

The Manager stood and left the room, leaving Shoda and Emi alone. The atmosphere in the room grew charged with anticipation, as the last light of the day faded to darkness. Emi's beauty was amplified by the soft, dying light, casting her in an almost otherworldly glow.

Later, when the Manager returned, the room was nearly pitch black, save for the dark pink remnants of twilight outside. He flicked on the lights, revealing a scene of carnage. Blood splattered the floor, and Shoda lay limp on the sofa, completely naked, with slight movements in his chest indicating he was still alive. Emi sat naked on the floor, swirling a glass of whiskey, her dress stained with blood lying next to her.

The Manager approached Shoda, placing a hand on his torso. A devious purple light emanated from his hand, illuminating the room with an eerie glow. "Wear your dress," he told Emi.

Emi stood and put on the blood-stained dress, looking at it with regret in her eyes. 

The Manager then called out, "Ray!"

A man wearing dark clothing entered the room. Ray had dark features and didn't look Japanese. His tall height and well-formed, wide structure hinted at African ancestry. He exuded an air of quiet strength and authority.

"So, you finally killed him?" Ray asked, his voice low and steady.

The Manager nodded. "He was good at what he did. Manipulating him to work for us was indeed a great choice."

Ray glanced at Shoda, then back at the Manager. "So, what would he have done next, Mr. Bodyguard?"

"He would have sent some people to scout out some talent," Ray replied.