Meeting the man himself

A lot of questions were going through Kazuki's hazy mind as he looked at the obese figure in front of him. Why was the boss of the place here?

"Come with me," Shoda said, unlocking the cell door and leading Kazuki out. They walked through dimly lit corridors until they reached a balcony overlooking a large hall packed with people. The sound of the crowd chanting and murmuring was audible to both of them.

Shoda leaned against the railing, staring down at the spectacle below. Kazuki stood next to him, feeling the oppressive atmosphere of the place.

"You need to fight," Shoda said, not taking his eyes off the crowd. "Win 20 matches, and I'll let you go. That's the rule."

Kazuki felt a lump in his throat. "Why…why are you doing this?" he asked hesitantly.

Shoda turned to look at him, a small smile playing on his lips. "You don't need to know anything," he replied. "All you need to know is that you have to survive. Or maybe you are suicidal. That works too."

Kazuki nodded slowly, his mind racing. "What if I refuse?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Shoda chuckled darkly. "Refusal is not an option. Fight, or die."

Kazuki swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his situation pressing down on him. "And... who am I fighting?"

"You see, some people come here for their own reasons, willingly," he said with a twisted smile, "while others, like yourself, are brought here by me. I'm a very benevolent person, so I offer you all a chance at freedom, along with other benefits." He turned to Kazuki, his smile widening. "All you have to do is win."

"Those two have also come here recently." Shoda pointed toward a certain ring where a fight was just about to start.

Kazuki followed Shoda's gaze and saw a woman with a buffed physique standing in the ring, her muscles rippling under the harsh spotlight. She looked more muscular and masculine than most men, her presence dominating the arena.

On the other side of the ring stood an average-looking man, but something about him felt familiar. Kazuki's eyes widened in recognition. It was Naito, the person who had come here with him. His heart pounded as he realized they were both trapped in this brutal spectacle.

Naito took a fighting stance, his eyes focused and calm. Across from him, the buff woman stood with her fists clenched, her tanned smooth muscles visible to everyone. The tension in the air was palpable, the crowd's murmurs and chants a distant hum as the two fighters sized each other up.

The referee's whistle echoed through the large hall, signaling the start of the match. Naito took a calm step forward, then suddenly disappeared. In an instant, he reappeared a meter above the ground behind the behemoth-like woman. She had already started to turn around, but her movements were slow compared to his. Naito capitalized on her sluggishness, delivering a powerful kick to her face that sent her crashing down a little further away.

He stood above her, looming like a great tyrant, his presence imposing and unyielding. He allowed her no time to recover, launching a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Each strike was precise and devastating, a testament to his skill and training.

The woman tried to fend him off, swinging her fists in desperate arcs, but Naito was too quick. He dodged her attacks with ease, his movements a blur of speed and agility. He aimed a powerful kick at her midsection, causing her to double over in pain. With a swift, fluid motion, he followed up with a crushing elbow to her back, forcing her to the ground once more.

"You think you can beat me with brute strength alone?" Naito taunted, his voice cold and determined.

The woman growled in response, struggling to get back on her feet. Naito didn't give her the chance. He grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up, his eyes blazing with intensity. With a forceful shove, he sent her crashing into the ring's edge, the impact reverberating through the arena.

The crowd roared, the excitement palpable as they watched the intense battle unfold. Naito's focus never wavered. He closed the distance between them in a flash, his fists a blur as he delivered a series of rapid punches to her torso. The woman grunted in pain, her attempts to block his attacks proving futile.

In a final, decisive move, Naito spun around and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to her head. The force of the blow sent her sprawling to the ground. She lay there, dazed and defeated, unable to muster the strength to get back up.

Naito stood over her, his breathing heavy but controlled. He looked down at her, his expression unreadable.

The referee stepped in, raising Naito's hand in victory. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.

The fight between Naito and the other party left Kazuki dazed, as he looked at the battle with Shoda.

'Will I be able to fight like them one day?'

"Newbies…" Shoda sighed as if he didn't acknowledge the fighters.

After the fight ended, Shoda handed Kazuki a cardboard box that looked like a burger box. "Enjoy this last feast," he said with a twisted smile. "I've already given this introductory session to both of them. If you win ten matches, we will probably meet again. Until then, I hope you enjoy your stay."

Kazuki took the box, feeling the weight of his situation settle heavily on his shoulders.

Just then the power went out again. Everything went quiet and dark. This had happened at least once every thirty minutes or so.

"This damned generator" Kazuki heard Shoda curse in the stillness of the situation.

Kazuki thought he caught a glimpse of a faint purple glow in Shoda's eyes, visible only in the darkness. However, he didn't dwell on it. Instead, he turned his focus to his own dire situation. Currently, he was scared shitless.

Shoda's words echoed in his mind as the man turned and left, leaving Kazuki alone to contemplate his fate.

A mix of fear, desperation, and a tinge of madness coursed through Kazuki. He knew he had no choice but to fight, to survive. The chanting of the crowd grew louder, echoing in his ears, as he braced himself.

Soon, a cloaked guard approached Kazuki and escorted him back to his cell.

"Your match is in twenty minutes. Get ready," the guard informed him. As the guard turned to leave, his cloak caught on a small, rusted screw jutting out from the cell door. Muttering a curse, he wrenched the garment loose and strode away.

Kazuki gulped, lying down on his futon and contemplating his situation. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath, feeling the weight of his predicament.

After a few minutes, he sat up and looked at the burger Shoda had given him. He unboxed it, inhaling the toxic smell emanating from the burger. It had been two days since he last drank blood, and his condition was far from optimal. He took out the patty from the burger and ate the rest of it, satisfying his taste buds but not his hunger.

'Huh, why is it that my taste buds haven't changed?' Kazuki suddenly realized this. Junpei had told him that ghouls have a different taste palette than humans, yet his remained the same as it always had been. The realization added another layer of confusion to his already chaotic thoughts.

Just then, the guard arrived again, banging on the bars. "It's time."

Kazuki took a deep breath and stepped out of the cell, still not ready to fight but knowing he had no choice.