
While lying down in his dark cell, Kazuki's mind wandered through a lot of thoughts, and in the mix, somewhere he found a memory of him training, and then having a discussion with Junpei and Rika.


The hilltop was bathed in the warm, golden light of the setting sun. The lush greenery swayed gently in the wind, a tranquil sea of grass that seemed to stretch endlessly. The sky was a canvas of soft oranges and purples, the sun dipping below the horizon, casting long shadows behind Kazuki, Junpei, and Rika.

Kazuki stood in a small clearing, his breathing steady but his heart racing with anticipation. Opposite him, Rika moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, her every motion fluid and precise. Her eyes, sharp and focused, locked onto him as she prepared for their practice match. Junpei stood a little distance away, his arms crossed and a watchful eye on both of them.

"Ready, Kazuki?" Rika's voice was calm, a stark contrast to the intensity of her gaze.

Kazuki nodded, his muscles tensing. "Ready."

Without another word, Rika launched herself at him. Her movements were almost too fast to follow, a blur of motion as she closed the distance between them. Kazuki barely had time to react, his instincts kicking in as he tried to dodge her first strike. Her fist whizzed past his ear, the air pressure alone enough to tell him how deadly it would have been.

He pivoted on his heel, trying to evade the next blow, but Rika was relentless. She anticipated his movements, her foot connecting with his side and sending him sprawling. Kazuki rolled with the impact, quickly getting back on his feet, his breath coming in short gasps.

"Keep moving, Kazuki!" Junpei called out from the sidelines. "Don't let her corner you!"

Kazuki nodded, his determination renewed. He focused on Rika, trying to read her movements, to predict where she would strike next. She came at him again, a series of rapid jabs and kicks that he struggled to avoid. Each miss felt like a small victory, each hit a painful reminder of how much he still had to learn.

Despite the one-sided nature of the match, Kazuki could feel himself improving, his reflexes sharpening with each passing second. He dodged another kick, barely avoiding a punch that grazed his cheek. The adrenaline surged through him, his senses heightened, the world around him slowing down.

But Rika was a master. She feinted left, then struck from the right, her fist connecting with Kazuki's stomach and knocking the wind out of him. He staggered, struggling to stay on his feet, but Rika was already there, her leg sweeping his feet out from under him. He hit the ground hard, the air driven from his lungs.

For a moment, he lay there, panting and staring up at the sky. The clouds drifted lazily overhead, oblivious to the struggle below. The cool grass pressed against his back, a soothing contrast to the heat radiating from his body. He closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath, when he felt a shadow fall over him.

"Good work," Junpei's voice was gentle but firm, a hint of pride in his tone.

Kazuki opened his eyes to see Junpei standing above him, offering a hand. He took it, pulling himself to his feet, his legs shaking from the exertion.

"Thanks," Kazuki managed, still breathing heavily. He glanced at Rika, who was watching him with a small, approving smile. "You're really good, Rika."

Rika just smiled at him with her usual cold, indifferent eyes.

After that, the three of them sat down under a tree, and Junpei began giving Kazuki pointers on what to improve. The sun had dipped further, casting long shadows across the hill, the air cooling with the approaching night. Once Junpei had finished his advice, he gazed out at the town below them, the rooftops glinting faintly in the remaining light.

"Kazuki, do you know what happens when a human and a Ghoul get together and have a child?" Junpei's voice was calm, but there was a depth to it that caught Kazuki's attention.

Kazuki furrowed his brows, puzzled by the question. "I... don't know."

Junpei sighed, turning to look at Kazuki. Bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, his face was serious, the intensity in his eyes making him appear almost regal. Even Kazuki found himself momentarily in awe of him.

"Usually it doesn't happen, but when it does happen things are very strange. You see, my sister-in-law was human, and my brother was... well, a Ghoul. When she got pregnant, they did a lot of research, looking into various theories and possibilities..."


Kazuki lay on the thin, uncomfortable futon in his cell, his thoughts swirling as he stared at the ceiling. The dim light cast eerie shadows, dancing with the distant, muffled thump of the arena's music. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally, among other thoughts, the events of the day replaying in his mind.

His body ached from the fight, and his thoughts were heavy with the brutality he had unleashed. The memory of his opponent, a fragile-looking boy with PTSD from the darkness, haunted him. He had taken advantage of that fear, turning into someone he barely recognized. Someone who found a twisted joy in the violence.

Just as he felt the tendrils of sleep begin to take hold, a loud knock on the cell bars snapped him back to full alertness. His eyes flew open, heart racing.

"Get up. It's time to eat," the cloaked guard barked.

Kazuki sat up, irritated. He had been on the verge of drifting off, of escaping his thoughts even if just for a moment. Reluctantly, he stood, his muscles protesting as he moved towards the cell door.

As he moved, his eyes caught sight of a spider's web in the corner of the cell. A small bug was struggling, trapped in the silken threads, while the spider slowly made its way towards its prey. Kazuki sighed, a mixture of fear and determination crossing his face. He had always been scared of bugs and spiders, their alien movements and many legs triggering an instinctive dread. Yet, he couldn't leave the bug to its fate.

With a deep breath, he approached the web. His hand trembled slightly as he reached out and brushed it away, freeing the bug. It flew off in a desperate bid for freedom while the spider tumbled to the ground and scurried away, its perfect predatory design thwarted.

"Spiders," Kazuki muttered to himself, shivering as he watched the arachnid disappear into a crack in the wall. "The perfect predator."

There was a strange sense of relief in him now.

The guard produced an impatient grunt looking at Kazuki. Kazuki took another deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering unease from the spider and the frustration from his interrupted training. He walked out of the cell, feeling a mix of hope and irritation. He had almost managed to control his Aura, and now he would have to start all over again. 

Kazuki followed the guard, moving through the dimly lit corridors. The clang of metal doors echoed around him as other detainees were led out of their cells. They shuffled into a line, heading towards the eating area. The atmosphere was tense, filled with the murmurs and shuffles of uneasy feet.

The line moved slowly, and soon Kazuki found himself standing in a large, dimly lit room filled with tables and benches. People sat in clusters, talking quietly and eating. The smell of fried food hung heavy in the air.

Kazuki's eyes widened as he spotted the containers at the far end of the room. Each one was heaped with fries, more fries than he had ever seen in one place.

"What the fuck?" he murmured under his breath, bewildered by the sheer amount of fried potatoes.

"First day?" a voice said next to him.

Kazuki turned to see a girl standing beside him. She had shoulder-length black hair with streaks of flowery yellow, and her striking blue eyes seemed to see right through him. Her dark, practical clothing contrasted with the carefree way she stood, a small smile playing on her lips.