Chapter 29: Bombs Away

The RC Goblin hovers over the construction site, the live feed showing a maze of steel beams, half-built walls, and bustling workers. You steer the helicopter towards the second target, a pillar on the ground level. As you descend, the noise from the rotors draws the attention of a few workers.

"Hey, what's that?" one of them shouts, squinting up at the small helicopter.

"Just a toy, probably some kid messing around," another worker responds, waving it off.

You smirk, focusing on the task. The first bomb is attached without issue, but as you lift off, a security guard notices the RC Goblin. "What the hell? That ain't no toy!" he barks, reaching for his radio.

"Shit," you mutter, pushing the helicopter to move faster. "Gotta stay under the radar."

As you fly towards the third target, the tension escalates. The workers below start to become more alert, their eyes following the RC Goblin suspiciously. One of them picks up a rock and throws it, narrowly missing the helicopter.

"Watch it!" you shout at the screen, even though they can't hear you. "You break it, you buy it!"

The third bomb is trickier to place, requiring you to navigate through a tight cluster of scaffolding. Sweat beads on your forehead as you carefully maneuver the RC Goblin, avoiding obstacles. Just as you secure the bomb, one of the PIGs spots the helicopter and starts shouting.

"Hey, get that thing down! Now!" He pulls out his baton, trying to swat at the RC Goblin.

"Come on, come on," you whisper, your hands steady on the controls. You manage to evade the guard and make a quick ascent, heading back to the van for the final bomb.

By now, the entire site is on high alert. Workers and security guards are scanning the area, some pointing at the sky. You can hear their frantic conversations through the RC Goblin's mic.

"Who sent this thing?"

"Is it a bomb?"

"Call for backup!"

You grit your teeth, the pressure mounting. As you grab the final bomb, the timer is ticking down relentlessly. Navigating the RC Goblin towards the last target, you have to fly low to avoid detection, weaving between beams and avoiding the watchful eyes below.

"Almost there," you tell yourself, focusing intensely. Suddenly, a worker throws a wrench, hitting the helicopter's rotor. It wobbles, nearly crashing.

"Dammit!" you yell, struggling to regain control. "Just a bit more."

With sheer determination, you stabilize the RC Goblin and make it to the final target. You quickly attach the last bomb and pull up just in time to avoid another flying object.

As you fly back towards the van, you can hear the chaos below. The PIGs are trying to organize a response, but it's too late. The bombs are set. You land the RC Goblin back in the van just as the timer hits zero.

The resulting explosion rocks the site, sending debris flying and workers diving for cover. You step out of the van, watching the destruction unfold with a sense of grim satisfaction.

"That should send a message," you mutter, surveying the damage before slipping away from the scene.

Ken gives you a call, telling you that Diaz has a job for you. A day later, you find yourself heading to Starfish Island. As you approach Diaz's mansion, you mutter to yourself, "Ah shit, here we go again."

The mansion is a sprawling estate with lush gardens and an imposing gate that signals the wealth within. Palm trees line the driveway, leading up to the grand entrance. As you step inside, the opulence continues with marble floors, extravagant decor, and luxurious furnishings.

You're led into a lavish living room where Diaz is fixated on a large television, watching a horse race. The room is decorated with expensive artwork, a plush sofa, and an array of ornate lamps casting a warm glow. Diaz's frustration grows as his horse loses, and in a fit of rage, he smashes the television set, shards of glass scattering across the floor.

"Come on, baby! Come on!" Diaz shouts, but his hopes are dashed as the horse loses. He then notices you entering the room, accompanied by two of his bodyguards.

Diaz's face is unfamiliar, though you've met before under less-than-pleasant circumstances. It's clear he doesn't remember you, which suits you fine for now. The last time you saw him, it didn't end well, and you'd rather keep that memory buried - for now.

"Who the hell are you?" Diaz growls, his irritation barely contained. You introduce yourself, pretending it's your first meeting.

"Tommy Vercetti," you say, keeping your tone neutral. "I'm here for the job."

Diaz's expression shifts from anger to a faint glimmer of recognition. "Ah, yes, Tommy Vercetti. You did good, my friend. I like that. You got guts," he finally acknowledges, his voice softening. "Listen, I got a problem. There's a little thief, a leader of those Streetwannabe punks, who's been stealing 3% of my income. That's my money, Tommy!"

Your mind races. The last encounter with Diaz was intense, but here he is, acting like he's never seen you before. It's unsettling, but you play along. "What do you need me to do?" you ask.

"I need you to find this thief, follow him to where he's stashing my money, and then deal with him. Make sure he understands nobody steals from Ricardo Diaz," Diaz says, a sinister edge to his voice.

You nod, keeping your expression serious. "Consider it done."

Diaz's mood lightens, and he even offers a rare smile. "Good. I knew I could count on you, Tommy. Now, get going. I don't like waiting."

As you turn to leave, you can't help but feel a mix of irritation and intrigue. Diaz not remembering you works to your advantage, but still, the question is why. You shake off the thoughts for now, focusing on the task at hand.

After leaving Diaz's mansion, you drive to the thief's apartment on Ocean View Drive, a shabby building that contrasts starkly with the luxury of Starfish Island. The area is filled with rundown shops and the constant hum of traffic from the nearby main road.

As you approach the apartment, you mutter to yourself, "Where is the fucker?" You glance around, trying to spot any movement. You notice a figure tiptoeing away on the rooftop. "Gotcha," you whisper.

The thief yelps, "Oh shit!" as he sees you. He bolts across the rooftops, and you give chase.

"Stop chasing me!" he yells, his voice filled with panic.

"Then stop, and we can talk!" you shout back, jumping over a gap between buildings.

"I don't believe you!" he responds, shooting at an oil barrel. The explosion sends flames into the air, blocking your path momentarily.

"Too slow, grandad!" he taunts, glancing over his shoulder.

"You better keep on running, punk!" you retort, pushing through the flames and debris.

The chase leads you both down to the street, where the thief leaps onto a waiting BF Injection, a rugged off-road vehicle. "Go, go! Gotta lose him!" he yells to his gang mates.

You jump onto a nearby Faggio, the scooter's engine roaring to life. The pursuit is intense, weaving through the crowded streets. The thief's gang fires at you, bullets whizzing past your head. You dodge most of them, but one finds its mark, puncturing a tire. The scooter wobbles, but you maintain control, frustration building as the distance between you and the BF Injection fluctuates.

"Eat my dust!" one of the gang members shouts.

"You're gonna regret this!" you fire back, your focus unwavering despite the challenges.

Navigating through tight alleyways and busy intersections, you push the Faggio to its limits, determined not to let the thief escape. As the chase continues, the thief's taunts only fuel your resolve, and you finally manage to force them off the road, leading to their hideout.

You follow them to a dilapidated mansion on Prawn Island, watching as they scramble inside.