Chapter 37: Tangled Webs

You make your way to the address Cam provided, a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of Vice City. The area is quiet, almost too quiet, as you park the Sanchez and wait. Thirty minutes pass, then an hour, and still no sign of Cam. Frustration starts to build, and you try calling him again, but there's no answer. Irritated and about to leave, you see a shadow move in the corner of your eye.

Instinctively, you pull out your gun and point it at the figure. "Freeze!"

The shadow freezes and raises its hands, trembling. "It's me, Tommy! It's Cam!" the figure blabbers.

You squint, taking a closer look at his face, then lower your gun. "Damn it, Cam. You can't just sneak up on me like that. You almost got yourself shot."

Cam gives a nervous laugh, still shaking. "Sorry, Tommy. I had to be careful. Things are bad."

You roll your eyes, holstering your weapon. "Yeah, well, next time try not to scare the crap out of me. Now, what's this big problem of yours?"

Cam takes a deep breath, glancing around nervously. "I stumbled onto something huge, Tommy. There's this underground network, a dark web syndicate. They've got their hands in everything—illegal arms, human trafficking, money laundering. And they've created this new AI system to control it all. It's called ECLIPSE. It can hack into any system, any device, without leaving a trace."

Your interest piqued, you nod for him to continue. "Alright, so what's your role in this?"

Cam shifts uneasily, his eyes darting around the dimly lit alley. "I was tracking some unusual activity in the city's network and accidentally intercepted some of their communications. They don't know who I am....yet, but they're aware someone is onto them. I managed to steal a prototype of their AI interface. My... 'friend' had it, but she disappeared after getting her hands on it. I might know a few locations she might be. Just a guess, but we have to find her."

"Where do we start?" you ask, urgency creeping into your voice.

"First place to check is the Malibu Club. She used to hang out there sometimes," Cam suggests.

"Alright, let's head there," you agree.

You and Cam move cautiously, sticking to back alleys and side streets. As you navigate through the city, you keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. The weight of the situation presses on your mind, but you stay focused on the task at hand.

You arrive at the Malibu Club, its neon lights casting a glow over the sidewalk. The sound of music and chatter leaks out from inside as you and Cam approach the entrance. You step inside, the thumping bass and flashing lights creating a sensory overload. The place is packed with people dancing and drinking, lost in the rhythm of the night.

Cam nudges you, pointing towards the back of the club. "We need to check the security room. If she was here, they'll have footage."

You nod, and the two of you make your way through the crowd, slipping past the bouncers and into the staff-only area. Cam quickly hacks into the security system, his fingers flying over the keyboard. He pulls up the footage from the previous night and fast-forwards through hours of recordings.

"There!" Cam says, freezing the frame. The screen shows a girl fitting the description being forcibly taken out of the club by two men.

"Can you track where they took her?" you ask, your voice tense.

Cam rewinds the footage and zooms in on the license plate of the car they used. "Hold on, let me tap into the city's traffic camera network." He works his magic, taps into the system, tracing the car's movement through the city streets. It's a painstaking process, but eventually, the trail leads to an old warehouse near the Viceport docks.

You both exit the club and hop back on the Sanchez, speeding towards the docks. The streets blur as you race through the city, the weight of the situation pressing on your mind. When you arrive, the warehouse looms ominously in the dim light.

You and Cam approach cautiously, weapons ready. Inside, you find the girl tied up, looking terrified. You quickly untie her, and she collapses into your arms, sobbing.

"It's okay, you're safe now," you assure her.

She looks up at you with wide eyes. "Who are you?"

"We're looking for someone, and we thought it was you," you explain. "Do you know who they are?"

She shakes her head, still trembling. "I don't know... but I remember hearing them mention something about a trace? Or was it a race? And stalking... I think they said something about stalking something."

You exchange a glance with Cam, both of you puzzled by the cryptic clue. "That's all you heard?" you ask.

She nods, looking scared and confused. "That's all I know."

You sigh, feeling no closer to finding the girl with the device. "Alright, stay safe. We'll get you out of here."

You and Cam escort her out of the warehouse and ensure she's safe. As you ride back into the city, you can't help but mull over the cryptic clues. "A trace, a race, and stalking... what could it mean?"

Cam shakes his head, a look of concern etching his features. "No idea, but we need to keep looking. Let's head to the next location I had in mind—Apartment 3c, just south of the Pay 'n' Spray in Ocean Beach. It's one of her safehouses; maybe we'll find a lead."

You nod, the mystery deepening with each step. The chaotic world of Vice City is as unpredictable as ever, and you're determined to get to the bottom of this.

As you approach Apartment 3c, the building stands out with its pink roof, complete with a Unique Stunt Jump and a parked Sparrow chopper on it. The south side features stairways leading up to the apartment room. The area is unsettling. Men in black vests and sunglasses swarm the place, and even local police officers are on site, interspersed with a few military soldiers. Cam nudges you, whispering, "There's Officer Frank Tenpenny and Sergeant Gary Smith from the VCPD. They're deep in this somehow."

You duck behind a parked car, discussing with Cam how to infiltrate the building. "We need a quiet way in, maybe through the back service entrance," Cam suggests.

You agree and make your way around, careful to avoid drawing attention. As you sneak closer, you overhear snippets of conversation from the guards. " the target but the package wasn't on her. We're tearing this place apart, but nothing useful yet."

The words send a shiver down your spine as you realize the gravity of the situation. Every step you take is fraught with risk. Narrow escapes from being spotted add to the tension, each moment fraught with danger.

Finally, you and Cam slip into the building. Inside, you move cautiously, checking room by room. The apartment is eerily quiet, amplifying your every footstep. While searching the bathroom, you find a chainsaw and a bloody wall.

"What the hell is this? Do i have to chainsaw Diaz again?" you snort, dropping the chainsaw with a shudder.

Cam looks over but remains focused. "Keep searching. The dead drop should be somewhere around here."

He describes the likely location of the dead drop—a loose floorboard, known only to trusted members. With this information, you split up to search, keeping an eye out for the patrolling men in black vests.

After a tense search, evading the guards by mere seconds at times, you find the loose floorboard. With a gentle tug, it comes away, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside, there's a USB stick, just as Cam predicted.

You quickly pocket the USB and signal to Cam. Together, you navigate back through the building, dodging the occasional guard and making your way to the exit. Once outside, you breathe a sigh of relief as you leave the tense atmosphere of the apartment complex behind.

"Good work," Cam says as you both head back to the Sanchez. "Let's get somewhere safe to see what's on that USB. This might be the break we need."

You nod, your resolve hardened. The stakes are high, but you're deep in now, and there's no turning back.