Chapter 12 : Waters of the Wild

As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, Aiden, Emily, and Sarah stirred from their slumber. The morning was fresh, the forest alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves. Determined to make progress, they quickly packed their belongings and set out to hunt for werewolves.

The forest was dense, the path ahead uncertain. As they walked, the trio stayed alert, their senses tuned to the slightest sound or movement. Hours passed, the sun climbing higher in the sky, and they soon came upon a wide, flowing river. The water was clear and inviting, and they decided to take advantage of the opportunity to refill their bottles.

Kneeling by the river's edge, they filled their containers, the cool water a refreshing relief. "We should take a break," Sarah suggested, looking at Emily and Aiden. "An hour by the river will do us good."

Emily nodded, and Aiden agreed. "Sounds like a plan."

As they settled by the river, Aiden noticed small fish swimming close to the surface. "I'm going to try and catch some fish," he said, rolling up his sleeves. "We could use a good meal."

He waded into the river, but despite his best efforts, the fish eluded him. Frustrated, he glanced back at Emily and Sarah. Emily stood up and approached the water, a playful smile on her lips. "Here, let me show you how it's done."

Emily stepped into the river, the cool water swirling around her ankles. She showed Aiden how to stand still and let the fish come to him, rather than chasing them. "You have to be patient," she said softly. "Stay still and wait for the right moment."

Aiden watched her intently, admiring her grace and confidence. As she demonstrated the technique, her focus was absolute. Slowly, she reached down and, with a swift motion, scooped a fish from the water, holding it up triumphantly. "See? Like this."

Aiden tried to mimic her movements, but his initial attempts were clumsy. Emily moved closer, placing her hands over his to guide him. The touch of her hands sent a shiver through him, and he found himself momentarily distracted by her proximity.

"Focus, Aiden," she teased, her breath warm against his ear.

He took a deep breath, concentrating on the task at hand. With Emily's guidance, he managed to catch a fish, holding it up with a mixture of surprise and pride. "Got it!"

Emily laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Told you so."

They continued fishing, the playful banter between them making the task enjoyable. As they worked together, Aiden felt a growing connection with Emily, a spark that ignited something within him. By the time they were done, they had caught six fish.

Back on the riverbank, they built a small fire and roasted the fish. The aroma filled the air, making their stomachs rumble with anticipation. They each ate one fish, savoring the fresh, simple meal. The remaining fish were stored for later, a resource for their ongoing journey.

Once they had eaten and rested, they set out again, their spirits lifted by the successful break. The forest seemed less daunting now, the companionship and shared purpose giving them strength.

As they walked, the tranquility of the forest was suddenly shattered by loud, frantic shouts. The sound of many voices echoed through the trees, a cacophony of fear and urgency. Emily, Aiden, and Sarah exchanged worried glances and quickened their pace, moving toward the source of the commotion.

Bursting through the underbrush, they found a group of villagers in a clearing, their faces etched with panic. Aiden immediately approached one of them. "What's happening here?"

The villager, a middle-aged man with wide eyes, pointed frantically. "Werewolves! They attacked our village. We need help!"

Emily felt her heart race, the words sparking both fear and determination. "We're here to help," she said firmly. "Show us where they went."

The villager led them through the forest, the group moving swiftly despite their exhaustion. Emily, Aiden, and Sarah steeled themselves for the battle ahead, ready to face whatever dangers awaited.