Chapter 15 : The Truth Unveiled

The pack leader laughed, a cold, mocking sound that sent shivers down Emily's spine. "Oh, but you are. Maybe you don't remember, but the scent doesn't lie. You're one of us, or at least part of you is."

Aiden's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean? I can't be a werewolf."

The pack leader's smirk deepened, enjoying the chaos his words were causing. "Oh, but it's true. Maybe you don't remember, but the scent doesn't lie. You're one of us, or at least part of you is."

Emily felt a chill run down her spine. She glanced at Aiden, seeing the confusion and fear in his eyes. "Aiden, this can't be true. You would have known if you were a werewolf."

Sarah, standing slightly behind Emily, looked equally stunned but stepped forward to support her friend. "This doesn't make any sense. Aiden has fought alongside us against werewolves."

The pack leader smirked, enjoying their confusion. "Maybe he doesn't know. Some werewolves don't remember their transformations, especially if they're new or if something is blocking their memory."

Aiden shook his head vehemently. "No, this isn't possible. I've never… I would know!"

The leader's eyes narrowed. "You don't remember attacking anyone during the full moon? Waking up with your house in disarray?"

Aiden's face paled. He had always thought those nights were just a mystery he couldn't explain. Could it be true? Could he really be one of them?

Emily saw the fear and realization dawning on Aiden's face. Her heart ached for him, and she stepped closer, her hand resting on his arm. "We'll figure this out, Aiden. We'll get to the bottom of this."

The pack leader looked at them with a mix of pity and amusement. "Good luck with that. But remember, you're not just hunting werewolves now. You're hunting your own kind."

With that, the pack turned and disappeared into the forest, leaving the trio standing in stunned silence.

The weight of the pack leader's words hung heavily in the air as Emily, Aiden, and Sarah stood frozen in the forest. Aiden's mind raced with the implications of what had just been revealed. Could it be true? Could he really be a werewolf and not know it?

Emily gently squeezed Aiden's arm, her voice soft but steady. "Aiden, we need to find out the truth. We'll get through this together."

Sarah nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "We can't give up now. We need to keep moving and figure out what's going on."

Aiden took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "You're right. We need to keep going. But if I am a werewolf, it means I've been lying to myself this whole time."

Emily's heart ached for him. She could see the pain and confusion in his eyes. "We'll figure it out, Aiden. We'll find the answers."

They continued their journey through the forest, their senses heightened by the tension of the encounter. As they walked, Emily couldn't help but replay the conversation in her mind. Could it really be true that Aiden was a werewolf? And if so, what did that mean for their mission?

Later that night, they set up camp in a small clearing, the flickering fire casting long shadows on the trees around them. Aiden sat by the fire, deep in thought, while Emily and Sarah quietly discussed their next steps.

Emily glanced over at Aiden, worry etched on her face. "We need to find someone who can help us understand what's going on. Maybe Marcus knows more about werewolf transformations and memory loss."

Sarah nodded. "We can head back to the village and ask him. But we need to be careful. If Aiden really is a werewolf, we don't know how others will react."

Aiden looked up, his expression determined. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find out the truth. Even if it means facing the possibility that I'm a werewolf."

Emily moved to sit beside him, her hand resting on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Aiden. You're not alone in this."

As they sat together by the fire, the weight of their mission felt heavier than ever. The revelation about Aiden's true nature had changed everything, and the path ahead was filled with uncertainty and danger. But they were determined to face it together, no matter what they might discover.