Glimmer of Discovery

In front of the imposing gates of Felixburg, a scene of enchanting vivacity unfolded. Hundreds of people, hailing from all corners of the Lioness Kingdom, had gathered, their voices blending into a symphony of murmurs and whispers. The colorful garments of traveling merchants fluttered in the wind, their stalls overflowing with sparkling jewels, potions in vibrant hues, and ancient grimoires.

Skilled artisans displayed their magical artworks: stone sculptures animated by spells, flying carpets gently undulating above the ground, and enchanted jewelry emitting a mystical glow. Wandering jugglers and musicians intertwined with the crowd, weaving mesmerizing performances with magic tricks and captivating melodies.

Nobles dressed in sumptuous robes and gleaming armor engaged in animated discussions, while adventurers and mercenaries, recognizable by their exotic weapons and rune-adorned armor, exchanged tales of heroic exploits.

Beyond the bustling and colorful mass, the towers of Felixburg stood proudly, their crenellated battlements gleaming under the setting sun. The city itself seemed to pulse with magical energy, every street and building imbued with ancient mysteries and future promises.

Three figures hurried along, their footsteps echoing urgently as they made their way towards the tower on the city's right. This tower, part of the ensemble known as the Royal Academy, housed the realm's most skilled mages and prominent researchers. In stark contrast, the tower on the left, also part of the Royal Academy, was reserved for students and their mentors, a place of learning and growth.

The right tower loomed ahead, its spires piercing the sky and casting long shadows over the cobblestone streets. Behind its ancient walls, the kingdom's brightest minds delved into occult mysteries and groundbreaking research.

Upon entering, the person responsible for greeting visitors exclaimed with vivacity, drawing attention from others in the hall: "Dr. Adrien Leclerc, you're back! Have you found something interesting in that ruin?"

Adrien rushed towards her, followed by Clara and Roland, and urgently replied, "Elise! It's revolutionary! A groundbreaking discovery. Tell me, is the director here?"

Elise looked at him with surprise; it was the first time she had seen such an expression on his face. She immediately understood it was serious and nodded before saying, "He should be in the library as usual, with his confidants."

"Thank you, Elise!" he exclaimed before hurrying towards the staircase, narrowly avoiding bumping into someone on the way.

Clara followed, calling out for him to wait, while Roland followed with a light yet quick step.

Silence settled in the hall, but the confusion lingered palpably.

"Elise, do you know what their mission was?" asked a man, papers in hand, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

The others in the room immediately perked up, listening intently.

Elise hesitated for a moment, but under their insistent gazes, she relented and shared what she knew. "A few days ago, a landslide occurred in a mountain range south of the capital, revealing an ancient ruin. Their mission was to explore it... but I have no idea what they found to warrant such urgency."

"Think they've unearthed artifacts from the Mu civilization, or perhaps a treasure of immeasurable significance, given their urgency?" murmured a man to his friend beside him.

"It would be rare for them to leave anything valuable aside from scrolls," his friend shrugged in response.

"Other relics, perhaps? The southern capital is very close to the Endless Forests. It wouldn't be surprising if a relic from those smiths or even a vampire were hidden there," stammered a man behind them, eyes wide with excitement.

"Whatever it is, as long as it's a significant matter, news of it will eventually reach us. The difference between aristocracy and the Royal Academy is that one likes to keep secrets and we like to share what we know," replied a mature-looking woman, a sword at her side.

Whispers and speculations began to spread through the hall like wildfire.


As they ascended the stairs, Adrien was greeted by everyone present. In this sanctuary of wisdom and knowledge, his insatiable thirst for knowledge had forged a solid reputation, regardless of the fact that he was neither a mage nor a knight.

Approving looks were also cast upon Clara, his brilliant student.

On his part, Roland faced hostile looks. No university student appreciated seeing a stern military figure in the middle of their class.

However, being in the company of Dr. Adrien, they had to resign themselves to accepting his presence.

Finally reaching the top floor, an immense library unfolded before their awestruck eyes. Dark wood shelves stretched as far as the eye could see, meticulously lined and laden with thousands of books in various bindings. Soft, golden light filtered through large, arched windows, bathing the space in a warm, studious ambiance.

Elegantly curved wooden ladders with graceful wheels allowed access to the highest shelves, where rare and precious works found their place. The air was filled with the enchanting scent of old parchment and ink, creating an atmosphere both historical and timeless.

Every corner of the library revealed treasures of knowledge, from ancient manuscripts and philosophical treatises to volumes of ancient magic and historical chronicles. Some books seemed to almost whisper their secrets, waiting to be discovered by curious minds.

The floor was covered in thick carpeting, muffling the sounds of footsteps and providing additional comfort to those delving into the depths of knowledge within these walls. Solid wooden tables were scattered here and there, accommodating students and researchers absorbed in their studies—some diligently taking notes, others engaged in hushed discussions of complex theories.

In the center of the library, a large, polished oak table was topped with an ancient world map, pinned with maps and notes. Candles created small islands of light around this table, offering an intimate refuge for those needing to focus on delicate research or in-depth studies.

The atmosphere in this library was both solemn and inspiring, infused with a profound respect for knowledge and an unyielding desire to uncover the hidden truths of the world.

As they were about to enter, a voice suddenly resonated: "Dr. Adrien Leclerc, rules are rules, no knights in the library." The voice came from a man of singular appearance seated behind a massive oak desk.

He wore a long robe in olive color, adorned with intricate gold embroidery that faintly shimmered in the scattered candlelight in the room. His face was framed by a meticulously groomed gray beard, adding an air of wisdom and dignity to his appearance.

Round glasses rested on his aquiline nose, their lenses lightly tinted with amber. A white goose feather was carefully tucked behind his ear, ready to be used for annotating or writing in ancient books.

His desk was strewn with rolled parchments, open manuscripts, and various mysterious objects: an antique brass compass, a crystal-cut magnifying glass, and a small carved wooden box filled with colored wax seals. Beside him, a steaming cup of tea rested on a delicate porcelain saucer, its subtle fragrance mingling notes of jasmine and bergamot.

The wise man observed Adrien with a mixture of authority and curiosity, his brown eyes sparkling with intelligence behind the lenses of his glasses. His posture was upright and noble, like that of a vigilant guardian of ancient knowledge and hidden wisdom in the depths of the library.

He was clearly the guardian of this sanctuary of knowledge, a man whose presence commanded respect and reminded all visitors that in this sacred place, even the strictest rules were to be upheld.

Adrien turned to him with a apologetic smile: "Excuse me, Master Alistair," he said, immediately recognizing the library's guardian, a respected figure in the academy. "It turns out I have groundbreaking news to share with Director Beaumont. Could you direct me to where I can find him?"

Master Alistair, well aware of his status and reputation, nodded slightly. "Of course, follow the corridor to the Water Spells Hall. You'll find him there."

Adrien then turned to Roland, giving clear instructions: "Captain Roland, please wait for us here."

Following Master Alistair's directions, Adrien and Clara moved silently through the corridors, doing their best not to disturb those engrossed in their studies around them.

They finally arrived at the designated area and witnessed a surprising scene. An old man, charisma resonant with wisdom and authority, patiently explained something to a middle-aged man. His long white beard fell in neat curls over his deep blue wizard's robe, adorned with stars and mystical symbols. His eyes twinkled behind round glasses that seemed to contain centuries of knowledge.

The old man spoke in a soft yet commanding voice, as if each word were carefully weighed to convey a profound truth. His gestures were elegant and precise, accentuated by a magic wand resting beside him on a table covered with parchments and ancient books.

Adrien and Clara approached respectfully, aware of the imposing presence of this figure who embodied the very spirit of the Royal Academy.

Barely noticing their arrival, the old man turned to them, his radiant face illuminated by a kind smile.

"Adrien, what can I do for you? I heard from Elise that you were tasked with visiting a recently discovered ruin to the south. How did that mission go?"

The old man, exchanging words with equal ease toward a non-mage, was the Director of the Royal Academy, known as Master Alaric Beaumont, a pillar of the Lionnes Kingdom and one of the most powerful mages on the Aurora continent.

His renown had traversed the entire Kingdom of Lionnes, reaching the Peaks of Toumant in the north. and extending to the Solara Kingdom. His reputation was particularly alive in the south, where he had personally led the assault against a major bastion of the Church of Death.

He was already over a hundred years old, having witnessed the death of two kings from old age.

"Well... that's exactly why I've come. I believe I've made a discovery that will revolutionize our understanding of history, no, of the world!" exclaimed Adrien, his voice regaining ardor.

"Really? To that extent? Very well, come, take a seat, both you and your student, Clara, isn't it?" Alaric responded, his interest piqued by Adrien's enthusiasm.

Clara said in a panicked voice, "Sir, I would not dare, sir..."

The director smiled at these words, then with an inviting gesture, had them both sit at the table. Massaging his temples, he said to them, "So, tell me."

Adrien turned his eyes slightly to the man next to him. Understanding his worries, the director shook his hand, saying, "Come on, Master Théobald, I'll join you later."

"Understood, Master Alaric," said the middle-aged man. He rose, bowed slightly, then left the table.

Seeing this, Adrien heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, with resolute eyes, Adrien decided to reveal his discoveries.

Ten minutes later, a heavy silence prevailed around the table. The director, frowning in thought, asked again, more seriously this time: "Dr. Adrien, confirm for me once again what you just said."

Adrien, feeling all the seriousness in the director's face, took a deep breath. "I swear by the high sun itself, what I said is the truth," he answered, his gaze determined and sincere.

The director remained silent for long seconds, his gaze becoming more piercing. Finally, he broke the silence: "Do you have the diffusion orb with you?"

Clara quickly intervened, "Sir, we entrusted it to a knight so he could record any scene in our absence."

The director nodded slowly, approving of their caution. "Wise decision. Very well, you may rest. I will summon the senior mages and discuss this matter."

He paused, then as if remembering something, added, "And of course, your contributions will not go unnoticed. When we send the cavalry, you will come with us. In the meantime, keep quiet about your discoveries."

Adrien, his heart pounding with excitement, vigorously nodded. "I promise you, Director."

The director Alaric watched them for a moment longer, then rose from his seat, indicating the end of the interview. Clara and Adrien also stood up, heading for the door with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

"Rest well," added the director in conclusion. "We will need your clear minds and determination for what lies ahead."

As they left the room, Adrien felt the weight of the importance of their discovery. Clara, by his side, shared the same sense of gravity and excitement. They knew this night's rest would be short, as a new era of discoveries and challenges lay before them.

Passing by Master Alistair, they nodded to him. This time, seeing the director at their side, Alistair, more reserved, responded in kind.

Alaric, in a serious tone without even turning his head, declared, "Master Alistair, please summon all rank 4 mages and available grand mages to my main study."

Alistair's heart skipped a beat. It had been a long time since an issue had stirred such agitation. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he replied in a muffled voice, "Understood, Director."

Alaric nodded and continued on his way.

Seeing the three approach, Roland stepped aside from the door to let the director pass, still lost in thought as he descended toward his office.

After the director had disappeared into the stairwell, Roland turned to Adrien and Clara, whispering to them, "So, how did it go?"

Clara responded calmly but confidently, "The Royal Academy is taking this matter very seriously. They will not delay in sending reinforcements."

Roland nodded, feeling the weight of the impending mission. The two archaeologists then headed towards their quarters, while Roland decided to return to support his apprentice knights, fearing the worst for them and wanting to assist in safeguarding the ruins.