A God in a painting ?

Xiao Yao glanced upstairs, noticing two rooms. He secretly thought the old man hadn't always lived alone. The door to the right room was already open, so he assumed it was the one the old man used and opted for the left door.

The room he found was simple yet welcoming. A wooden-framed bed, covered with a coarse wool blanket, was against the wall. A small wooden bedside table, topped with an oil lamp, stood nearby. An old wooden wardrobe was tucked into a corner, and a slightly open window let in a cool, soothing breeze. A worn-out rug on the floor added a touch of comfort.

Xiao Yao gently closed the door behind him and settled near the bed. He used the herbs he had gathered and mixed them with the mud still on his feet. He applied this paste to his wounds, knowing that the medicinal properties of the plants, combined with the coolness of the mud, would help soothe and heal his injuries.

After applying the mixture, he lay down on the bed, already feeling some relief. The pain gradually subsided, and a sense of peace washed over him. Closing his eyes, he let the calm of the night and the effectiveness of the natural remedies gently lull him to sleep.

His immortality did not grant him regenerative power; it showcased his strength when his life force was depleted.

The wounds still remained, disappearing only when his vitality was exhausted. That's why the torture he had endured at the hands of that evil sect had been particularly trying for him.

After applying the herbal and mud mixture, he fell into a deep sleep, less inclined to worry further. After all, he was immortal. If he couldn't rest when he wanted to, it would be unfair.

As the proverb goes : "Close your eyes tonight; problems will wait until tomorrow."

Seconds later, Xiao Yao opened his eyes blankly. Rising, he opened the door of his room to see the one opposite closed, likely the old man dozing inside. He hurried to the toilet to relieve himself.

A minute later, after washing his hands with the small bucket inside, he ascended the stairs muttering to himself : "I miss cultivation a lot."

What would the immortal emperors think if they knew their master had woken up from his bed to use the toilet ? Thinking about that, Xiao Yao chuckled.

But even if the urge to cultivate came to him, he wasn't intending to yet, not before he checked on a few small things.


Far in the midst of the mountains, the moon illuminated a campfire around which five knights sat, wearing solemn expressions.

Roland sighed as he saw this scene. Having just arrived, he felt immense relief to find them safe and sound.

When he had learned what had happened, that the being inside had "awakened" and set foot on their lands, shock had dilated his pupils and visceral fear had filled his heart.

He felt like he and his companions had opened the gates of hell for the devil to walk among humans.

Understanding perfectly why his apprentice had hurried to come to the capital, he couldn't help but curse the entire generation of those miserable killers.

Not wanting to keep this to himself, he recounted the events to everyone. That was why the atmosphere was so gloomy and dark.

Roland had no intention of returning to the capital. The first reason was that it was night, the second was that he was worried about his companions, and the third, the most important, was that reinforcements were on the way. Thinking about these reinforcements, Roland could only hope they would hurry.

Lost in his thoughts, a knight apprentice brought out food and distributed it to everyone to lighten the mood. Roland accepted his share and began to eat.

A few minutes later, the knights, gathered around the fire, began to reminisce together about past memories with this apprentice. Laughter and nostalgic anecdotes gradually warmed the atmosphere, plunging the group into a gentle melancholy. Dark thoughts seemed to temporarily evaporate under the stars, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and comfort.

Before turning in, they all raised a bottle of wine and poured it onto the ground in a farewell gesture to their companion.

At five in the morning, as the dawn rose in the distance, Roland looked at the horizon. Having slept for four and a half hours, it was now his turn to stand guard while everyone else rested. Turning his eyes away from the rising sun, he observed the tired faces of his apprentices, always ready to risk their lives for their kingdom.

Smiling at this scene, Roland suddenly heard a horse neigh. He jumped up abruptly and shouted : "Someone's coming ! Ready your weapons !"

The apprentice knights woke up startled. Without questioning, they obeyed and formed up in battle formation, brave and determined.

A few seconds later, two silhouettes on horseback appeared. Recognizing their appearance, Roland sighed in relief : "Master Theodore, Master Donovan, good to see you."

They were the two senior mages supposed to assist in exploring the ruin.

Theodore looked at Roland and, seeing the fatigue on their faces, greeted them : "Hello, Knight. Can you tell me your name ?"

Roland straightened his back with dignity. "I am Roland Vallière, Sacred Knight of rank 7, and these are my apprentices."

Donovan nodded with a sincere smile, devoid of condescension or disdain. Meanwhile, Theodore dismounted. "Very well, now that we are here, give us the orb and stay here. We will enter the ruin."

At these words, Roland's face darkened. "About that... Master Mage..."

Seeing Roland's somber expression, concern gripped Theodore as he asked."Has something happened?"

Donovan, while tying his horse to a tree, turned his head towards Roland at these words, observing his hesitation.

Roland sighed lightly and explained to them about his apprentice's death and the disappearance of the orb.

Upon hearing these words, both masters expressed their sincere condolences. Then, Theodore patted Roland's shoulder and said : "If it's the Knights in Lion's Armor who did this, know that this matter will be of great importance to the Royal Academy. We will search the kingdom and avenge your companion."

Roland relaxed his grip upon hearing these words and bowed slightly to express his profound gratitude.

Just as he was about to discuss further about what had happened, Donovan, behind him, asked delicately : "Please forgive this intrusive question, but why did your companion want to make this journey with the orb? From our information, they were all supposed to stay here."

Theodore also nodded, showing his curiosity. Roland sighed as he answered. "Yes, I was getting to that. The reason my apprentice hurried to bring the orb back to the kingdom was because the being that was supposed to be 'sealed'—if that's the correct term—that being has emerged from the ruin and was walking freely."

At these words, the hearts of Theodore and Donovan tightened, and not only theirs.

Far from this scene, in the capital of Lionnes, in a room at the top of the right tower, the most eminent mages of the academy were gathered in a circle around a mirror. This mirror showed the entire scene through Theodore's senses.

One point hit the table, emanating from a lean mage with a face marked by burns. "How is this possible ?!" he exclaimed.

The faces of the director and all the senior mages instantly darkened. The atmosphere in the room became heavy with gravity, almost palpable. The mages, known for their calm and composure, all seemed overwhelmed by a mix of disbelief and deep concern.

The director, an elderly man with a wise and penetrating gaze, stared intently at the mirror reflecting the images of events unfolding far in the mountains. His hands clenched on the armrests of his chair, betraying a tension he struggled to contain.

Around him, the other senior mages murmured among themselves, exchanging meaningful glances. Some furrowed their brows, others seemed deeply absorbed by the gravity of the news.

The lean mage, whose burns testified to past trials, repeated in a slightly trembling voice, "How can this be possible? An ancient being, dating back millennia, alive and walking among us..."

The silence that followed was heavy with reflection and apprehension. The mages were faced with a reality that defied their understanding of seals and magical protections. The presence of this ancient being represented a threat that even their combined knowledge and powers might not be enough to contain.

There was a murmur of voices through the mirror, amplified by concern and the urgency of the situation.

You could hear Roland's voice through the mirror : "According to the words of my apprentices, the person in question did nothing to them, not even speak to them. He just looked at them without reacting to their threats."

"He ignored them and just walked towards the endless forest. It's been over ten hours now since this happened. I apologize on their behalf for their lack of reaction."

Silence filled the room for a few seconds before it was broken by an explosion of voices.

"We should send the senior mages immediately to invade the endless forest in search of him !"

"No ! If we do that, the dogs of the endless forest will think it's for them and attack us well before we get there."

"And what do you propose, then, to leave that being whose history and intentions we do not know, walk among us ? It's downright terrifying!"

"In my opinion, the perfect solution would be to share this news with the world, sparking a frenzy of research."

"No, we cannot let anyone know about it. Otherwise, dangerous individuals from the South and North, desperate for ways to increase their lifespan, will focus on our kingdom. It would be chaos."

"And you think Lionnes kingdom is a lamb?"

The debates were lively and charged with emotion. Each of the mages present seemed ready to ardently defend their position.

As for the guilt of the apprentice knights, the mages present did not take it to heart, understanding the profound respect that the citizens of Lionnes had for history and the past. Thus, they found it logical that the apprentices showed no reaction upon seeing a person emerging as if from a painting of the past.

"It seems we must prioritize the search for the Diffusion Orb now." exclaimed one of the mages seated around the table. "If anyone has witnessed these events, even a layperson could understand the presence of that being before them. If word spreads, our plans will be completely compromised."

"Yes, absolutely. Besides, the orb is our only means to see his face! It's a crucial tool." added the mage with the scarred face.

"Allow me, Director, to move heaven and earth to track down those responsible for this theft and retrieve the orb." he proposed, affirming his determination to act swiftly and effectively in this burgeoning crisis.

The director, his face grim, having listened to this proposal, solemnly nodded towards him. "Very well, Master Lucien Durand will be responsible for finding these culprits and retrieving the orb. This is an absolute priority !"

As Lucien nodded in response, acknowledging his director's trust, he heard his voice continue. "As for the decision regarding the search for this ancient figure, it is entirely impossible to find him with just a few people."

There was a widespread legend among the citizens of the Aurora continent concerning the Endless Forest : a normal person taking the challenge to cross it entirely on foot without encountering any obstacles would need 10 years. While it seemed exaggerated, it spoke to the immensity of the forest.

"Moreover, I refuse to deploy all our cavalry to avoid a counterattack from those who inhabit it and thus cause unnecessary damage. Let's first find the orb!"

The high mages of the Royal Academy silently acquiesced to the director's words, recognizing the wisdom of his decision. In the dimness of the room, the director continued with a calm yet authoritative voice, "Master Alistair, please provide Master Lucien with the tool you have in the library, the one related to the orbs. This will facilitate his task."

Alistair, previously silent and thoughtful, nodded solemnly in response to the director's command.

Silence fell again as all eyes turned to the mirror, their minds troubled by uncertainties and concerns for the future.


Meanwhile, Theodore tried to recall the appearance of that mysterious person through the apprentices' descriptions. Suddenly, the director's voice echoed in his mind. After a few moments of reflection, he turned to Donovan and murmured, "The director spoke to me through the trace of the celestial mirror. He instructed us not to go in search of that entity, but to enter directly into the ruins."

Donovan frowned at this news, but he eventually nodded resolutely. "Then, let's enter now." he replied with a sigh of resignation.

The two mages pushed open the door that the apprentices had closed behind them and stepped inside, letting the faint light of dawn dimly illuminate the darkness of the ruins.

Roland joined them, carrying a lamp that he handed to the two mages. "May the sunlight guide your way," he murmured, tracing a circular sign on his chest.

Theodore and Donovan followed the knight's gesture, allowing the lamplight to gradually dispel the shadows as they ventured deeper into the mysterious depths of the corridor.

After a few minutes of silent exploration, Theodore and Donovan finally reached the chamber on the right. The door was partially open, letting in a faint light from inside. Theodore spoke quietly. "This is the one with the Blasphemer's painting. Let's see what spell was used to implant these memories into Adrien's mind."

Donovan nodded with a slight movement of his head. Together, they cautiously entered the room, their gazes immediately fixed on the painting. They ignored everything else around it, focusing solely on their objective. However, what unfolded next was far beyond what the highest mages of the Royal Academy could have anticipated.


Uttering a piercing scream, Theodore collapsed, clutching his head as he struck the chamber wall with his feet. The sharp sound of his blows echoed in the room, and several high mages hurriedly rose from their seats, alarmed.

"What's happening?" someone demanded.

"Why is a Rank 4 mage thrashing on the ground like this?" exclaimed another, his voice filled with bewilderment.

"Could it be because of the painting ?" timidly suggested one mage, their voice almost drowned in the sudden silence that had descended upon the room.

A silence so deep that one could hear a pin drop. A Rank 4 mage was a powerful figure, capable of influencing the course of events across the realm of Lionnes. Seeing him in such distress because of a simple painting seemed inconceivable.

"How is this possible ?" cried out a mage, visibly frightened. "What kind of spell could be cast on this painting to cause such a reaction ? By an Archmage ?"

Alistair shook his head firmly. "Even if that were the case, let's not forget that this painting dates back several years. How could a spell persist for so long without any visible symbols or enchantments ?"

The mage persisted, "Then, how do you explain what's happening here ?"

Alistair paused, feeling the weight of the director's scrutinizing gaze upon him. After a moment of reflection, he took a deep breath and declared, "My intuition tells me that the person depicted in this painting is the primary cause !"

"Nonsense !"

"This is simply impossible !"

Voices rose in reaction to this bold suggestion. Even Alistair seemed incredulous at his own words.

"Enough !" ordered the director with a loud voice, restoring calm to the room.

"What Alistair says is not entirely impossible." continued the director, scanning the faces in the room.

"But, Director..." Elara began, visibly reluctant to entertain this possibility.

"This scene has been observed before in our time; we simply overlooked it." insisted the director, cutting off Elara before she could express her doubts.

As all the mages, including Alistair, stared at the director with confusion, not understanding what he was talking about, a palpable tension filled the room. The murmurs had ceased, replaced by an anxious silence, each face reflecting a tense anticipation of understanding. Under the weight of the gazes fixed upon him, the director felt a certainty welling up within him. He took a deep breath to voice this growing conviction:

"It is the same authority as that of the gods that governs this world."