Lesson of Humility

In a bright room of the secondary tower of the royal academy, students and professors gathered around tables, chatting joyfully while enjoying their meals. The atmosphere was convivial.

In a quieter corner, Adrien and Clara sipped their tea, their faces marked with worry.

"It's been two days already, and still no news." murmured Adrien, his voice tinged with fatigue.

Clara, after taking a sip of tea, nodded. "Maybe they have a good reason for not telling us anything." she replied softly.

At that moment, an owl burst into the room, clutching a rolled-up parchment in its talons. It flew directly to the table of the two researchers and dropped the message before disappearing.

The people present didn't react, accustomed to these winged messengers so common among mages.

Adrien, annoyed, picked up the tea-soaked parchment, silently cursing the bird before unrolling it.

Despite the moisture, the words were still legible. A few moments after reading the letter, Adrien's expression changed from surprise to determination.

He placed the letter on the table and turned to Clara. "The director informs us that the matter of the ruin is now top secret and of paramount importance. We are strictly forbidden to talk about it."

Clara frowned. "But everyone already knows about our mission. They saw us at the reception, visibly excited."

Adrien shook his head. "The director has already planned for that. He will announce that the ruin was just a simple resting place for a prominent figure of the Mu civilization, with no significant artifacts. However, thanks to us, they discovered a peasant with exceptional magical talent, justifying the creation of schools in that region to conceal the ruin."

Clara, reassured by these explanations, nodded, admiring the sagacity of the royal academy.

They continued to sip their tea, but their minds remained fixed on the mysterious figure glimpsed in the ruin.


Amidst the endless forests, Xiao Yao observed a noble's carriage, escorted by armed knights, approaching him. His imperturbable gaze concealed his secret thoughts.

Xiao Yao was very sensitive to changes in his environment for many reasons. He was no fool: he had walked ten hours on a wide road through the forest without encountering a soul, and now, in less than an hour, he was already meeting people.

He glanced down at his robe, pensive. He knew very well that if he had met merchants or other travelers in the forest, he wouldn't have found the old man's hut for certain reasons.

Thinking about this, Xiao Yao shrugged and muttered to himself, while nibbling on a herb he had picked beside him: "This forest is really peaceful."

Choosing to forget the matter.


A few minutes earlier.

Inside the carriage, Isabelle Abraham, a young woman with light brown hair and sparkling green eyes, watched the landscape pass by the window. Her elegant dress, adorned with delicate embroidery, testified to her noble status. Beside her, an old woman with a serene face and silver hair rested with her eyes closed, seemingly in a deep sleep.

Before them, a valiant-looking young man with slightly golden hair wore knight's armbands that gleamed under the dim light. Between his legs, he held a sword firmly, ready to be drawn at any moment. His discreet yet regular glances toward Isabelle revealed a perhaps unspoken desire.

Next to him, a six-year-old girl was crying, her voice trembling as she said, "I'm really sorry, I swear I didn't know."

Slightly annoyed after hours of complaints, he turned to her and said gently, "It's okay, Léa Abraham. Besides, your big sister has already forgiven you. Humans all make mistakes."

Hearing this, Léa stopped crying and looked up at the young man curiously. "Really? Then, has my father ever made mistakes?"

The young knight, taken aback, silently cursed the little girl's loose tongue. Isabelle smirked slightly, watching the scene with interest.

As he desperately searched for a prudent response to avoid getting into trouble, the old woman, without opening her eyes, intervened in a soft yet assured voice: "Yes, Lord Abraham has made plenty of mistakes, even being older than you."

The young man let out a discreet sigh of relief, grateful for this unexpected intervention.

Léa Abraham, the previous afternoon during a break for the horses, had asked to wander off to relieve herself in the bushes. By bad luck, she stumbled upon a newborn silver bear cub that she found adorable and started playing with. This innocent act brought an attack from two adult silver bears upon the group.

The two knights, standing guard at a distance, were gravely injured trying to protect Léa before the old woman intervened with a simple gesture to repel the beasts.

As a result, the journey had been delayed by a day to allow the knights to heal their wounds.

Just as Léa was about to say something, a voice rang out, stopping her short.

"Halt! This is the Abraham family's convoy. Step aside from the road. We mean you no harm, but we cannot risk the safety of our members," proclaimed a knight in an authoritative voice, his tone resonating firmly in the calm forest air.

Léa, curious about everything on her first trip away from the family manor, tried to open the door before being stopped by the old woman, who had now opened her eyes.

"Let me see for myself. You told me there were plenty of people traveling this road through the inner forest, but so far, we've seen very few !" Léa exclaimed in a resentful voice.

The old woman, observing the scene with amusement but also confusion, she had often traveled this path and always encountered numerous travelers. These past few days, however, she had seen only two merchants coming from the north.

She could only nod and step out with the little girl, leaving Isabelle and the clearly disinterested young man to remain in the carriage.

Stepping down while holding the little girl's hand, they both looked into the distance. A figure emerged: a young man with a noble air, his gaze dark but indifferent, chewing on a leaf. His hair floated in the wind, creating a scene worthy of a painting.

"Wow!" Léa exclaimed, her eyes filled with innocence. Even the old woman, accustomed to seeing many things, was taken aback by the young man before them.

He wore a beautiful black robe with golden patterns, a style entirely different from anything they had ever seen. This attire added to his mysterious and elegant aura.

He exuded a presence that was hard to ignore. It wasn't a dominant or arrogant presence.

No, he seemed to have an aura that was captivating and intriguing, naturally drawing attention.

He appeared indifferent to the knight's warning, emerging from the carriage upon hearing the sound of swords, with a confidence that put the knights on alert, their hands instinctively reaching for their swords. Barely listening to the noise, the young man finally stepped out, raising his sword with determination.

His expression seemed surprised for a few seconds upon seeing the silhouette before he shouted, "Didn't you hear what the knight said ? We come from the Abraham family, don't even think about causing trouble !"

The young man seemed unfazed as he advanced. The old woman, observing the scene, felt her eyes widen as she caught more details of his behavior.

Having worked under Lord Abraham for a long time, she had attended many banquets. Besides her role in protection, she had developed a skill for studying people, understanding their motivations and personality through in-depth analysis.

At first, she had thought the young man was pretending to appear fearless, which was not uncommon among some adolescents. But what she observed now was different.

His gaze didn't linger on them for a second, his steps were measured with implacable precision, each movement testifying to an extraordinary discipline and control. His hands, perfectly placed, did not tremble, ready to react to any threat. His back was straight, exuding a proud and assured posture.

Every detail of his appearance and behavior seemed calculated, thoughtful, projecting an image of mastery and power. His eyes, though dark and indifferent, held an unfathomable depth.

There was something indefinable about his manner, a tranquility and confidence that could not be feigned. It was a natural confidence, deeply rooted within him, the kind of confidence that even the greatest leaders and warriors only acquire after years of battles and trials.

The old woman was somewhat shaken upon realizing this. Even the head of the Abraham family did not have this kind of confidence etched into his bones. To some, it might seem exaggerated to react this way to such details, but to her, it was remarkable. It was the first time she had seen such assurance, especially in a young man.

If Xiao Yao had heard her thoughts, he would have laughed and told her that a Dao Heart capable of deceiving the Heavenly Dao to hide spiritual energy was not something to be mocked.

Of course, he would have also laughed at the term "young man," making a joke like, "Young man? If I had a gold coin for every year I've lived, I could buy your entire kingdom." And he would still be kind in his words.

Xiao Yao stepped forward, noticing the knights drawing their swords and taking defensive stances. Another figure emerged from the carriage, shouting incomprehensible words with a clearly threatening expression.

But Xiao Yao didn't care. He didn't understand their language, and they couldn't understand him either. So, why bother?

Already eager to stretch his muscles, Xiao Yao smiled slightly at the knights, causing them to stiffen. Suddenly, the first knight yelled and charged towards him, sword raised.

Xiao Yao continued to smile. He had no intention of using his rune of destiny. As the sword descended from above, Xiao Yao subtly shifted his body and kicked the sword with his foot, causing the knight to stumble. In one fluid motion, he grabbed and flipped the knight to the ground.

After releasing him, Xiao Yao tilted his head to dodge another sword aimed at him. He then struck the second knight's chest with his elbow, seized the hand holding the sword, and swiftly spun him around to hurl him towards the first knight who was trying to get up. The second knight's knee struck the first knight's groin violently, eliciting a cry of pain.

Xiao Yao's movements were graceful and precise, each calculated gesture aimed at neutralizing his opponents effortlessly. He didn't need to fight seriously; his millennia of experience and mastery of martial arts were more than enough to dominate the situation.

Still smiling, Xiao Yao observed the remaining knights who hesitated to attack him. They tightened their formation, but seemed uncertain, casting anxious glances at their fallen comrades.

A third knight, gathering his courage, charged towards Xiao Yao. With disconcerting grace, Xiao Yao evaded the attack, his movements as fluid as water. He seized the knight's wrist with surgical precision, twisting it just enough to disarm him without causing serious harm. With a swift motion, he struck the knight's sternum with the flat of his hand, sending him flying several meters back, landing heavily but unharmed.

Another knight attempted to attack from behind. Xiao Yao, without even turning his head, grabbed the knight's arm behind his back and threw him over his shoulder. The knight ended up on the ground, disoriented.

Two knights advanced together, hoping that their numbers would compensate for their lack of coordination. Xiao Yao spun around, grabbing both men by the wrists. He pulled them towards each other, their armors clashing with a dull sound. Before they could react, Xiao Yao pushed them backwards, causing them to fall on their backsides.

The old woman squinted as she watched the knights being defeated one by one, but did not intervene. She could see that the young man was simply enjoying himself, controlling his movements to avoid causing serious injuries. Each strike was precise and controlled, leaving no doubt about his non-violent intentions.

Isabelle Abraham, hearing the knights' cries, stepped out of the carriage alarmed. She stopped abruptly, seeing the captivating scene unfolding before her. Xiao Yao, with an almost supernatural grace, evaded, disarmed, and threw his opponents to the ground effortlessly. His movements were so swift and fluid that they seemed choreographed, a deadly dance where only he knew the steps.

Isabelle watched, fascinated, as another knight attempted a desperate attack. Xiao Yao, without appearing disturbed, dodged the sword, seized his opponent's arm, and with a deft twist, brought him down unharmed but defeated.

The last knight, visibly more experienced, tried a more strategic approach. He feinted a downward attack to catch Xiao Yao off guard. But Xiao Yao, with lightning speed, blocked the blow by grabbing the blade with his bare hands. The knight's eyes widened in astonishment as Xiao Yao disrupted his balance with a simple circular kick, bringing him to his knees.

The fight had lasted barely a few seconds, but for the spectators, each second seemed like an eternity. Xiao Yao, without a scratch, stood amidst the knights lying on the ground, each one groaning or attempting to catch their breath. His smile had vanished, replaced by an expression of calm indifference.

The knights, humiliated but more perplexed than enraged, seemed unsure of their next move. The young man with golden hair, who had shouted orders earlier, seemed unable to decide whether to fight or negotiate. Xiao Yao waited patiently, like a cat playing with a mouse, ready to see what his new adversaries would do next.

Seeing the amused look of this young man before him, and especially in the presence of his crush, the young man with golden hair named Lucas couldn't afford to appear weak. Determination shone in his eyes as he drew his sword, his knightly armguards gleaming in the sunlight.

Lucas charged towards Xiao Yao with all the strength and ardor of his youth. He attacked with a series of quick and powerful strikes, hoping to overwhelm his opponent with speed and brutality. Each sword strike was precise, aimed at vital points, but Xiao Yao, with almost supernatural grace, evaded each attack with disconcerting ease.

Frustrated by Xiao Yao's constant evasion, Lucas changed tactics. He tried to feint, to outwit his opponent with unpredictable movements. But Xiao Yao, with unwavering calm, saw through every stratagem. His movements were so fluid and precise that he seemed to anticipate Lucas's actions before they were executed.

Lucas, increasingly desperate and out of breath, launched one final blow, putting all his strength and weight behind his sword. Xiao Yao, with effortless ease, caught the blade with his bare hands, halting the attack in mid-swing. Lucas's eyes widened in astonishment, realizing the vast gap between them.

Xiao Yao turned his wrist slightly, disarming Lucas in the blink of an eye. With a quick motion, he tripped Lucas, bringing him to his knees before him. Lucas's sword now lay between Xiao Yao's hands, which held it as if it were a mere toy.

Lucas, panting and humiliated, looked up at Xiao Yao with a mix of resentment and admiration. Isabelle, watching the scene, couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and admiration for Xiao Yao. The old woman, meanwhile, now clearly saw the extent of the power difference between their knight and this young man before her.

She shouted as she watched a few knights attempt to rise: "This young man has no ill intentions towards us; do not try to turn this into a deadly battle."

Xiao Yao dropped the sword and then walked to the left of the carriage where Isabelle, Lea, and the old woman were. The stars in the eyes of the little girl and admiration in those of the older sister did not move his heart. He was accustomed to such looks.

Arriving behind the carriage, under the eyes of the entire convoy, he climbed onto the horse of a knight still on the ground, causing Lucas's outraged cry: "That's a horse from the Abraham family, you damned thief, get off it!"

As if he didn't hear, Xiao Yao set off, indifferent to the two seriously wounded knights, covered in bandages, who stood in front of him.

The old woman, watching the scene, said in a calm voice: "Let him pass."

The two knights hesitated but obeyed the old woman, evidently aware of the authority she held in the family.

The knights got up one by one, their eyes humble and their arrogance dulled by humiliation.

The old woman watched them with a stern expression, then declared: "You see? Even though you have been trained by the family since childhood, there is always a greater sky. I hope you will use this lesson to no longer overestimate yourselves and to seek further improvement." Her words, though harsh, resonated deeply in the knights' hearts, who nodded, engraving this lesson in their minds.

Lucas, however, burned with resentment. Humiliated before Isabelle, the girl he loved, he felt her admiring gaze for the young man like a dagger in his heart. Unable to contain his indignation, he exclaimed: "Are we just going to let him go like this? He has just insulted the dignity of the Abraham family."

The old woman turned to him with a serene yet piercing gaze and replied: "No, Lucas, he has instead helped the Abraham family by humbling its knights."

She paused before continuing: "If he had wanted to kill you, he could have done so easily. Do not push your luck too far. Learn from this encounter and use it to improve yourself."

The old woman paused, letting her words resonate before continuing in a calm yet firm voice: "You will join the Sacred Knights' School. Use this experience to hone your skills and to protect the Abraham family even better. Do not betray the trust that Lord Abraham has placed in you."

Then, she turned her gaze towards Xiao Yao in the distance, adding, "He took the horse as compensation for your arrogance. We are not a petty and narrow-minded family to take offense at that. Now, get up! We still have a long way to go."

With these words, the knights mounted their horses again, while Lucas retreated into the carriage, unable to meet the gaze of the others present, consumed by shame and humiliation.