Goblin Theater: First Scene; kill them. Kill them all. Kill the vermin before they poison you.

As I joined the others, who were forming a large circle in one of the rooms, I witnessed a scene that I found horrifying. At the centre of this large circle formed by enraged and excited goblins, some of whom were drooling as they watched, was a young girl.

She had curly hair and was badly injured. She was vomiting up a great deal of blood and was holding her stomach, from which a great deal of blood was still flowing. Her body was covered in wounds and she seemed to be at the end of her tether, both physically and mentally. She remained crouched on her knees and elbows with no reaction other than to cover her mouth with her hand while clutching her stomach wound.

Meanwhile, the goblins were all overexcited, ready to pounce on her at the slightest sign. They jumped, they shouted, they laughed and rejoiced in the misfortune of others. It was nothing but a show to them. The crouching girl looked up at them, muttering incomprehensible words under her beard.

* A young girl with curly yellow horses. That should tell you something, for this young woman was none other than Arcadia. Looking at the smiling goblins, she muttered

- Why is that? How did we get here? Why was there such a monster in this cave?

* Indeed, our hero sham wasn't able to understand Arcadia's words for the simple reason that she wasn't talking about the goblin. But there's a reason for the young girl's current state, and to understand it, I suggest you let me tell you the story.

* After entering the cave, Arcadia and her companions eliminated a number of goblins as they went deeper and deeper into the cave. Arcadia's speed and alertness were second to none. She would take the enemy by surprise, charging at them to pierce or slice them before they could react. In this way, she could eliminate five or ten enemies at a time over a large area without the Goblins being able to react to her speed. She was supported closely by the mage, who cast lightning spells to strike the goblins one by one or even in groups. Between them, this duo managed to clear all the corridors and clear the way for the others until they reached the large goblin hall.

* Arcadia charged into the room before making a great leap down several flights of stairs before landing on a suspension bridge in the middle of the floor itself, in the middle of hundreds or thousands of goblins. They all stopped for a moment in surprise before shouting and charging at the enemy.

- Yhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

*Arcadia shouted before extending her sword to skewer the dozens of goblins on the bridge who were charging at her. She withdrew her sword and the shortcut, and without even turning around, she swung her sword backwards before extending it to pierce all those who tried to attack her from behind. More enraged people jumped at her from the upper floors, so she jumped back to meet them at a high point and cut them all down with her sword. She took advantage of her jump to skewer all those a dozen bridges above her head and in the same line.

* She was soon swamped by goblins coming from all directions, and that's when the big guy with the axe jumped out of the tunnel and landed on one of the bridges. He immediately smashed it with a huge attack that smashed a dozen others all the way to the bottom. With the bridge broken, several goblins were buried in rubble and those who had survived, as well as those below, all threw themselves at the man with the axe. But he was nothing but carnage. There was no other word more apt to describe his violent and brutal manner towards his enemies.

* Meanwhile, the elf and the young ninja also arrived on the scene, but stayed up high to slaughter the goblins with Arcadia. The young ninja paid particular attention to those who might try to hinder Arcadia's performance. She didn't miss a single one with her churiken and when that wasn't enough, she had a knife behind her back which she used in close combat to kill all her opponents quickly and efficiently by stealth.

* And all the while, the elf was having fun with his spear, twirling it in all directions as he slaughtered his enemies without them being able to take the slightest step towards him, more than five metres from his position. As for the mage, he stood at the end of the tunnel watching them. He thought

- They really don't need me, do they? But let's help them anyway.

* He raised his staff and recited some sort of incantation before pouring a fateful aura into the whole room from top to bottom. Immediately, the goblins began to clutch each other's necks before coming crashing down one after the other. If it wasn't the fall that was killing them, then they were suffocating to death in excruciating pain.

- Halala little creatures like you deserve nothing more than a banal asphyxiation spell hahaha.

- That old fox, he can still leave us some. Pronounced the elf

- Are you all right, Miss Arcadia? Asked the little ninja to Arcadia, who replied

- Don't let your guard down. They're still down there. Whatever happens, I'm going to keep my promise and send all these devils to hell. We're off.

*Arcadia said before jumping down. The little ninja shouted Lady Arcadia before jumping down beside her, while the elf watched them with a blasé look on his face. He coughed again and looked at the mage before jumping back. Arcadia's landing below coincided with the end of the axe-wielding man's massacre of the goblins and the arrival of the goblin champions. A dozen of them were in the back room before coming out to fight with the group of adventurers. At exactly the same moment, Arcadia and all the members of her team felt a malicious, vicious look coming towards them.

- It's coming from the back. At the end of the corridor behind those goblin champions. I'll deal with it.

* Arcadia immediately charged at the enemy, shouting "Diversion! A bolt of lightning burst from the sky, striking one of the goblins and forcing all the others to move aside. The attack came from the mage and Arcadia took advantage of it to get past the defences of the goblin champions and run down the corridor alone. The ninja tried to join her but narrowly avoided the punch of a goblin champion as she shouted

- Miss Arcadia!!!

- Leave her alone. Let her deal with the big one. We'll deal with this first. In any case, simple goblins couldn't take on the younger sister of the famous heroine with the blood crystals.

* Pronounced the man with the axe full of confidence. He, the elf and the ninja found themselves up against nine of the goblin champions. The confrontation was total, as more lightning bolts burst from the ceiling to strike the goblins. As for Arcadia, she raced down the corridor until she saw a red light at the end. Without looking any further, she ran towards the light before leaping high into the room and erupting. Hovering in the room, she saw several humans of all ages and sexes, suspended in mid-air, bleeding to death. Their blood flowing upwards to join together to form a great ball of blood from which came this scarlet light.

- What the...?

* Arcadia spoke in front of the scene before noticing a goblin standing on a platform with a magic staff and a human skull on his head. She realised at once that this was the perpetrator of this horror. So she threw herself at the goblin, who had landed on the ground to pick up speed. Her scream was filled with rage and it was with this rage that she attacked the goblin head-on. The goblin saw her charging at him and created an explosion of energy to counter.

* In addition to the shockwave, the explosion hit Arcadia full force, but she tried to resist it by jumping up and trying to strike with her sword. After resisting quite well, the wave ended up throwing Arcadia backwards. She flew across the room and was about to smash into a wall when she spun round to stabilise herself in the air before leaning against the wall and delivering her attack once more.

* She ran at high speed towards her enemy. Her sword split the air as she concentrated all her strength into one powerful attack. But at the same time, the goblin was also conjuring up a sort of dirty white circle with a purple interior. From this circle, he fired a large number of mana projectiles at his opponent. Despite being in the air, she managed to avoid them all with ease. The closer she got, the more projectiles there were. But she managed to avoid them all and brought her sword down on the barrier that the goblin had erected around himself. The goblin tried as best he could to resist Arcadia's onslaught and even to push her away, while she raged, increasing the strength of her sword thrust with every second. A terrible battle ensued between the two, with each side trying its utmost not to be the first to give in.

- You're going to die, you bastard! I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done to these people.

* Arcadia's rage could be felt in her eyes and the goblin himself was terrified, but despite this, it was she who gave up first, being pushed back by the goblin's barrier. She jumped back to get back into position and catch her breath. As for the goblin, he quickly realised that he was no match for her so he began to invoke a spell, looking at Arcadia with a rather vicious smile. Before Arcadia could react, the cluster of blood in the room began to glow even brighter before being completely sucked into the mouth of a creature that appeared at the very centre of the cluster. The creature looked like a baby, with two horns on its head, three eyes, a wing on its back and a face that was half human and half pig. As soon as it appeared, it let out a cry like Kriiiikriiiiikriiiikriiiiiikriiiiiiiiiii hard to tell if it was a scream or a laugh but I'd say it looked pretty happy while the goblin couldn't hide its vicious smile and Machiavellian looks. Arcadia quickly identified the creature as being

- A demon? So all those deaths were just offerings for this demon...answer.

* Arcadia shouted in anger as the goblin only laughed at her fury.

- It doesn't matter, Arcadia. You can summon a demon if you like, but it doesn't change anything. You won't escape the edge of my sword.

* Armed with her courage, Arcadia took up a fighting stance, targeting the goblin, but as soon as she launched her attack, running towards the enemy, the demon started shooting light rays at her. She jumped back and moved from side to side to avoid the demon's ever-increasing and ever-faster fire. The demon fired more and more rays from his mouth and very quickly Arcadia found herself overwhelmed by his shots, although she managed to avoid them all while looking for the slightest opening. At one point, she managed to dodge several shots by going left and took advantage of this moment of respite to launch an attack with her sword, which extended to target the demon, but before the sword even reached its target, the goblin countered with a shot of mana that deflected the attack. Immediately, the demon laughed again before launching another salvo of rays.

* Busy fighting a demon and a goblin mage, Arcadia didn't notice the small amount of blood trickling from her left nostril. Meanwhile, in the great hall, having just killed another of the goblin champions, the elf fell to his knees, vomiting blood into his hand. He looked shocked and asked himself

- What the hell is going on?

* In addition to the goblin champions, another horde of goblins flooded into the great hall and joined in the fighting. But what's going on with the elf and Arcadia? What's going to happen to the adventuring party? What is this diabolical plan that the group of adventurers is facing? You'll find out all this and more in the next chapter.Because yes, this one ends here and there. I can't help it, I'm only the narrator, so see you soon...hey, what are you doing? Don't eat my pizza, big sister. It's not fair I haven't finished working so give me my slice back WOQ.

"First come, first serve."

* No way. This is my slice. You've already eaten yours and 2/3 of the pizza, so give it back. Give me back my slice.

"Gulp! Thank you. That was delicious. That was delicious."

*Whaaaaaa haa haaaaa that's not fair. You had no right to eat my share. You had no right. Haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa I'm going to complain to big brother author. Give me back my pizza.

"Too late. Besides, big brother won't do anything. Who do you think gave me your slice? Shut up and close the session."

* Big brother too? You've got no right. That was my share. My share whaaaa

"And Narra continued to cry for a long time. End of chapter."