Rome's Brother: Rowe I

Rome glares at the double wooden door in front of him, his fists curled tight at his sides. He doesn't want to be here, he would rather be anywhere else than here, at Alrik's office. It's become a bad omen. Every time he steps into that room something has or will happen.

A guard appears at the end of the hall and pauses when he sees Rome. The aura radiating around him is full of darkness, of anger and hatred.

The guard quickly lowers his gaze and skitters around him, sweat dripping down his neck as he hurries away. Rome scoffs, tongue poking the inside of his left cheek as he tilts his head back and sighs.

He reigns in the urge to kill and straightens his back, fixing the cufflinks of his suit. In all honesty, he hates wearing them. Hates that he has to present himself in a manner that Alrik does. Being trapped under his thumb for so long, Rome hasn't been able to explore who he is as a person. He doesn't know if he's actually a neat person or not because he's forced to be one. If he were alone, with his own space, his own belongings, would he leave dishes in the sink? Would he let his trash can overflow for a while, simply because he didn't want to take it out right then?

He shakes his head to get rid of his nonsensical thoughts and knocks on the double door.

"Come in," Alrik says, his voice muffled. Rome opens the door and steps inside, closing it behind him. He stands in front of Alrik's desk with his hands behind his back, his broad shoulders stiff in his black suit. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever knock."

Rome stiffens, of course Alrik knew he was lingering outside.

"Relax boy." Alrik smiles, making Rome's eyebrows raise. "This is a good day."

"How so?" Rome asks. He relaxes his stance, his arms falling at his sides. Alrik is in a good mood, so things should be too bad. After Parma's death, his blood lust must have calmed down considerably. Let's see how long that lasts.

Alrik hums and taps his fingers against the surface of his desk, "You're brother is in his room. You may see him." he says, instead of answering.

Rome swallows down his sound of surprise. "Does that mean you've finally found what you were looking for?" He's known Alrik since he was ten, and ever since then, he's been searching for something related to his demon research. He's never come close to finding it until now. Could it really be possible that he found it?

Alrik smirks, a sharp grin that puts Rome on edge. "You don't have much time, I'm afraid. So go on."

Jaw clenching, he releases a breath and nods.

"Oh, there's one more thing." Alrik pauses Rome at the door. "There's something I need you to do. And I'll need you to bring Emory with you."

"What?" Rome scoffs and turns to fully face him. He runs a hand through his blonde hair and shakes his head, "Why do I need to bring her?" He frowns when Alrik doesn't answer. His jaw clenches, "Fine. But just to let you know, I'm not a babysitter. If she happens to die on whatever it is we're doing, you can't punish me for it."

"Good boy." Alrik chuckles, the sound full of smug satisfaction. Rome grits his teeth. "Now go. Get out of my sight."

Dismissed, Rome turns and with quick pace, makes himself to Rowe's room. Though the word room, isn't the right word for where Alrik sticks his brother when he's not in the dark room.

Rome walks into a dimly lit dungeon, ignoring the guard standing at his post outside. He scowls at the sight of the rusty bars and peers past them, into the unnaturally darkened cell. He frowns when he sees the shadow of a beast, crimson eyes glaring back at him.

"He didn't even let you transform back." Rome growls through gutted teeth. He turns around and smashes his fist into the wall. The stone crumbles beneath his fingers and he hisses when he pulls his arm back. He flicks blood across the floor, his wounds already healing. He rubs the heels of his palms into his eyes and makes a sound of frustration. The beast growls. "Sorry, I'm sorry." Rome murmurs. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, then he turns back to his brother.

"Oh, Rowe." He murmurs softly as he sits down and leans his shoulders against the bars. He reaches into the pocket on the inside of his black suit jacket and pulls out a flask. "Are you thinking about Parma?" he asks. He uncaps the metal tin, the smell of copper filling the area, and takes a generous gulp. When he pulls the flask back, his lips are stained red, fangs flashing against the color.

There's a moment of silence and the beast turns away, crimson eyes disappearing into the shadows. Rome sighs.

"What happened to her wasn't your fault." Rome continues, his voice soft as he trails a finger down the rusted metal bar. The beast huffs and Rome continues, "It was bound to happen sooner or later, you know that. You are both predators juiced up on demon blood."

The beasts figure reappears, red eyes narrowed. His snout sniffs the air, and his upper lip curls, baring sharp teeth. Rome doesn't flinch, just blinks up at his brother when he leans close and sniffs him. Then Rowe growls.

"You can still smell her, huh?" Rome murmurs as he rubs at the back of his neck. He knows Rowe can smell her. He hasn't exactly washed off her scent. It's shameful, really. "Her scent is very strong, isn't it?"

The beast chuffs and Rome takes another drink of the blood in his flask.

"I know." Rome chuckles and tilts his head back to glare at the ceiling, "She's driving me insane, too. I'm honestly surprised you haven't killed her yet. You must have very good control." He ends in a murmur, eyes darting to the front entrance. "Good. Let's keep that between us."

There's a moment of silence where Rowe glares at his brother through the bars of his prison.

Rome turns so he's facing him. "I'm so close, Rowe." He whispers, his hands curling tight around a bar. It creaks beneath his grip. "I'm so close I can feel it. Just hold on a little longer. I'll get you out, I promise."

The door behind him opens, "Times up, Rome. Let's go." It's the guard from outside.

Rome grits his teeth, it hasn't even been a full five minutes and he already has to leave his brother once more. He stands up and with a longing look back at Rowe, he seals his resolve.

"Just a little longer," Rome murmurs and walks away even though it's the last thing he wants to do.

It shouldn't be much longer now, though. Not when he's so close to getting his hands on freedom.