chapter 64

DoHyun stood up slowly. She held her arm, her entire being had already succumbed to defeat. It would be better to bloom here in the hands of Yuan than at the garden in the hands of unknown men' She thought, biting into her lower lip.

"Okay," she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yuan smiled "Good. You've made a good decision. In return for my silence, you give me your body." He turned around, "I'll see you after this mission is done." he said and walked away in high spirits.

After she freshened up, DoHyun met with the others.

In the dry fountain, there was a hidden door. There was no key and no means of opening it so while commander Lui Ling sought a way to break the lock, captain Li Xiao appointed the six to different locations all leading to where the fountain was in case of any movements.