Chapter 6

I really couldn't find anything after trying hard to find it, and now it took no effort to get it.

I didn't expect this so-called Literary Qi to be as far as the horizon yet right before my eyes!


However, after the initial joy, Qin Feng's face stiffened, and he fell into deeper despair.


The original owner had studied for over a decade and still couldn't absorb the Literary Qi from these thousands of books. How could he do it?


His current mood was like that of a eunuch just entering the palace, seeing a graceful woman lying on the bed, constantly beckoning and calling out, "Master, come and play!"


He felt itchy and unbearable, but also extremely helpless!


"No, I must calm down and not be impatient. At least now, I've found where the Literary Qi lies. What I need to do next is find a way to activate the Literary Qi!"


Qin Feng took a deep breath and started analyzing continuously.


"Firstly, just reading books certainly won't trigger the Literary Qi. This has been confirmed by the original owner. But the Literary Qi is in the books. Reading won't work, so do I have to eat them? If I do, won't I become truly knowledgeable?"


Qin Feng glanced at the thick book in his hand, then scanned the entire library and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.


"If I really have to eat it, I'm afraid I won't be able to successfully trigger the Literary Qi before I'm choked to death by these pages. This method definitely won't work."


"Could it be the method of reading that's wrong?" Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.


In his memory, although the original owner had spent over ten years flipping through the thousands of books in the study, he only managed to form a vague impression of them. He never reached the level of memorizing them by heart or comprehending their content thoroughly.


Perhaps, if he memorized every single word of a book, he might be able to trigger the Literary Qi within the books? Qin Feng felt more and more that this idea made sense. He was just about to give it a try, but when he saw the densely packed words and the thick pages, he hesitated and retreated from the idea.


"So many thick pages, even if I'm as clever as I am, it would take at least a couple of months to memorize every word. If it works, that's fine, but if not… wouldn't I be wasting so much time for nothing?"


Just as Qin Feng was struggling, something unexpected happened.


Under his shining golden eyes, the words on those pages seemed to come to life, continuously flowing into his mind. With just a glance, he could remember every detail on the pages!




At first, Qin Feng was stunned, then he was overjoyed.


"I didn't expect these eyes could be so useful. This way, memorizing this book is just a matter of moments for me."


To quickly verify his conjecture, Qin Feng wasted no time. He rapidly flipped through the pages, and in no time, he understood the contents of every book.


At the same time, the faint white light above the books turned into lines, connecting to the top of his head like raindrops falling continuously. Qin Feng felt a surge of energy!


He closed his eyes, focusing his mind, feeling the changes in the Literary Qi within him. He saw a dry waterfall appear out of thin air in his consciousness, and the strands of Literary QI evolved into tiny streams as thin as his little finger!


Seeing this, Qin Feng pondered, "Literary Qi Initiation… Literary Qi Initiation. I understand! To step into the ninth rank of the Literary Saint, all I need to do is to activate enough Literary Qi and fill this waterfall!"


"In that case…"


Discovering the direction of his cultivation, Qin Feng was extremely excited. He didn't want to waste a single moment and started quickly reading the books in his room. Time passed unknowingly.


Night fell, stars scattered across the sky.


In the main hall of the Qin residence, Second Madam picked up her chopsticks but put them down again.


"Where's Feng'er? I haven't seen him all day."


"In the morning, I met with Eldest Brother. He went to the study at that time, and now I don't know where he is." Qin An swallowed his food and said so.


"Library? He can't possibly stay there the whole day."


Qin Feng's maid, Qing'er, immediately answered, "Madam, Young Master is still in the study. Earlier, he told me he didn't want to waste his reading time, so he won't have dinner."


Qin Jian'an, sitting at the head, thought for a moment but didn't say much. However, Second Madam was extremely worried.


"This is nonsense. No matter how hard he works, he shouldn't skip meals! Husband, go and persuade him!"


"If Feng'er is working so hard, why disturb him? Let the kitchen prepare some food for him. When he gets tired of reading, he will naturally call Qing'er to heat it up for him."


"I guess we can only do that."


The next day, before dawn, Qin An rose and went to the courtyard to practice his swordsmanship. His sword hadn't left its sheath when Qing'er hurriedly ran to him.


"Young Master, you should go to the library. Young Master Feng seems to have gone mad. He hasn't come back all night, continuously reading in there. He doesn't listen to my advice."


"What?!" Qin An exclaimed and immediately abandoned his sword practice, rushing towards the study.


A moment later, the two of them arrived outside the study. Peering inside, they indeed saw Qin Feng, his face filled with excitement, moving back and forth in the room.


Every time he picked up a book, he only glanced at it before returning it to its original place. Then he quickly picked up another one and started reading again.


Does it look like he's reading?


"Did the eldest brother have his soul taken away by the evil spirit a few days ago!" Qin An was shocked and immediately ordered, "Qing'er, go find my father and mother. I'll stop my brother."


Qing'er nodded and rushed towards their father's room without delay.


Without saying a word, Qin An swiftly approached Qin Feng, grabbing his wrist firmly. "Big brother, what are you doing?!"


Qin Feng was startled. He recognized his brother and shouted, "Let go, Second Brother, this is a critical moment!"


After a day and night of effort, he had memorized nearly ten thousand volumes of books. He was on the verge of filling the waterfall in his mind with the Literary QI and didn't want to be interrupted by anyone.


However, Qin An, seeing his brother's bloodshot eyes, thought he had truly gone mad. He refused to release his grip, infuriating Qin Feng to the point where he gritted his teeth!


He only needed to finish reading the book in his hands to fill the waterfall with Literary Qi. Why did this idiot come over to cause trouble?


In his desperation, Qin Feng made a quick decision. He looked at the door with horrified look and shouted, "Second Brother, be careful!"


Seeing this, Qin An, thinking there was something dangerous behind him, hurriedly mobilized his entire body to face the perceived threat. But when he turned around, there was nothing at the door – it was completely empty!


When he turned back, he saw his older brother had reached the last page of the book, his face contorted with excitement and madness.


"I did it! I did it!"


In his mind, with the final trace of Literary Qi merging into the waterfall, a sudden burst of white light appeared, flowing down like a waterfall.


Qin Feng understood; this was the precursor to the initiation of Literary Qi.


He couldn't contain his excitement. He pointed to the sky, shouting, "Second Brother, watch as I initiate my Literary Qi, stepping into the ninth rank of the Literary Saint!"


However, what he didn't expect was that after the white light emerged, the previously filled waterfall instantly shrank to one-tenth of its size.


To make matters worse, their father and Second Madam arrived at that exact moment, witnessing the bizarre scene.


Qin Feng's lips twitched. "Father, mother, Second Brother, I can explain."


Qin An paid no attention. He swiftly restrained Qin Feng.


Second Madam exclaimed, "Quick, go find Physician Song!"


Qin Jian'an also spoke, "I'll go to the Bureau of Demons to find Miss Cang for an examination!"