Chapter 11

In this book, it is explained that the nine levels of the Literature Saint build their foundation by harnessing Literature Qi, injecting it into the sea of the spirit, enlightening the mind, and accumulating the foundations.


At the eighth level, the heart is enlightened. When literary energy accumulates to a certain extent there will be a test of the heart to establish the ambition in heart.


The seventh level of Righteous Qi and the sixth level of Fate Divination are related to the abilities of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage.

When cultivation reaches the seventh level of Literature Saint, the Literature Qi in the body travels throughout the body and turns into Righteous Qi, avoiding all evils and immunity to poisons.


As for the sixth level Fate Divination, it is even more incredible. This will give Literature Saint Daoist a certain ability to divine and seek luck and avoid calamity.


It must be said that the defensive power of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage is formidable—it wards off all evils, prevents poisons, and ensures good fortune while avoiding disasters.


However, the problem is, it seems like there are no offensive techniques at all? Could it be that scholars are afraid of death, so they invest all their points in defense?


Qin Feng felt quite ambivalent about this. As a glorious transmigrator, he would undoubtedly prefer the exhilarating feeling of breaking the sky with his fists and treading on the earth with his feet if given the choice.


But this Literature Saint Dao lineage always gave him a feeling of having power but nowhere to use it. Did it mean that before every battle with an enemy in the future, he would have to first divine his fate? Qin Feng pondered this for a moment and imagined the scene:


Enemy: "Today is your day to die!"


Himself: "Wait a moment, let me first divine my fate. Oh no, the Divination indicates great danger. This battle is a matter of life and death. Goodbye!"


This would be too embarrassing, wouldn't it? He continued reading further in the book. It didn't introduce the realms beyond the sixth level of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, but Qin Feng finally understood the meaning of the original treasures and imitations that Cang Feilan mentioned earlier.


The so-called original treasures are works personally created by the Literature Saint Daoist, infused with Literature Qi. These works could be poetry, calligraphy, essays, or musical compositions.


As for imitations, the name speaks for itself—they are works imitated from the original treasures.


Original treasures embody the beliefs and artistic conception of the Literature Saint Daoist. When combined with Literature Qi, these treasures gain unimaginable abilities.


The stronger the belief and the higher the artistic conception, the more powerful the abilities displayed by the original treasures. However, ordinary people cannot use these original treasures because they require Literature Qi to activate.


"So, does that mean only those from the Literature Saint Dao lineage can use original treasures? It's a pity the book doesn't mention how these abilities of the original treasures are manifested." Qin Feng sighed. He roughly understood the value of original treasures now. But as someone who hadn't even reached the ninth level, why would his couplet make Baili, an elder, want to claim it as his own?


Qin Feng shook his head, feeling that he still had much to learn.


As he flipped to the last page of the Scripture, he gained a deeper understanding of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage. When he opened the last page of the book, wanting to see the author's name, he found that the signature had been deliberately erased.


Qin Feng looked puzzled but didn't think too much about it. He closed the book, intending to put it back in its place. Suddenly, a white light shot out from the Scripture, entering his forehead, and his consciousness followed the white light into his sea of spirit.


In his spiritual sea, the white light transformed into a white human-shaped phantom. Qin Feng was shocked by what he saw.


Could it be the soul of some powerful figure hiding within the "Tradition of Literature Saint Dao Lineage," attempting to possess him?


The white phantom waved its right hand, guiding the Literature Qi from the waterfall of literary essence into itself. In this moment, the white phantom displayed the human body's internal organs and meridians. The flow of literary energy was incredibly clear at a single glance.


At this point, Qin Feng had a clue. This white phantom didn't seem to have its own consciousness. Its actions were more akin to imparting some kind of technique!


Realizing this, Qin Feng immediately focused his attention, staring intently at the route of the Literature Qi. He didn't want to miss even the slightest detail.


After circulating through three heavenly circuits within the white phantom, the Literature Qi reconverged in the right hand of the phantom. Immediately after, a white mirror manifested at the right hand, its surface rippling with vibrant white light.


At the same time, a voice echoed in his mind, "This supreme art is called the Heavenly Mirror. It can be utilized once you reach the ninth level. The mirror is condensed from Literature Qi and can withstand attacks from others. The stronger the Literature Qi, the more robust the defense."


As the voice fell, the phantom disappeared into thin air, and Qin Feng's consciousness returned to reality.


The Heavenly Mirror. Just the name sounded impressive. But why was the Literature Saint Of Dao Lineage supreme art still a defensive technique!!!


Qin Feng felt a mix of amusement and frustration. "Does this mean I'll be the ultimate tank in the future?"


"Oh well, at least I got a supreme art for free by reading the book. That's not a bad deal. But I've been reading for so long, and I haven't even completed one percent of the first level."


Qin Feng examined his sea of spirit. The Literature Qi on the waterfall had increased by about a quarter compared to before entering the tower. Based on these estimates, he had probably read more than two thousand books.


"As long as I finish reading all the books on the first level, filling the waterfall with Literature Qi should be no problem. But the crucial question is, will the Literature Qi be compressed again when the waterfall is filled, like it happened before?"


Just as Qin Feng was pondering this, he heard Cang Feilan's voice behind him, "How is your reading going?"


Qin Feng shook his head, "I still have a long way to go."


"Alright, I'll take you back to the Qin residence today. I'll bring you back here tomorrow."


Qin Feng was puzzled, "Can't I stay here? Senior Baili didn't seem to mention any time restrictions."


Cang Feilan blinked her pale blue eyes and replied in her cold tone, "You can't stay overnight in the Listen To Rain Pavillion; it's an unspoken rule. It's normal if you don't know."


"I see." 


Cang Feilan had visited the Pavilion of Listening Rain many times; she probably knew more about it than he did. So, Qin Feng didn't doubt her explanation.


"I'll come by myself tomorrow morning; I don't want to trouble Miss Cang anymore. I feel bad about it."


"No!" Cang Feilan immediately refused.


Qin Feng was surprised; he had only said some polite words, why was her reaction so strong?


"Is there something wrong?" he asked.


Cang Feilan furrowed her delicate eyebrows, pondered for a moment, then replied, "The demonic evil that invaded Jinyang City still hasn't been found. You're just an ordinary scholar, coming and going late at night. If you encounter that demonic evil, accidents might happen. As a member of the Demonic Slayer Department and having some acquaintance with your father, I can't let you fall into danger. It's safer for you to come with me."


Qin Feng was delighted by her concern. "Miss Cang is so concerned about me; there must be a place for me in her heart. I wonder if there's a chance to win her over. It doesn't matter if she's beautiful or not; what's important is to find genuine love in this unfamiliar world…"


Wait a minute, why does this sound like one of life's three major illusions?


Qin Feng pondered for a moment and suddenly thought of a possibility. He tested, "Miss Cang, could it be that you're afraid you won't be able to enter the Listen To Rain Pavillion alone?"


"I don't understand what you're talking about." Cang Feilan's eyes flickered with panic, then she strode away, not looking back.


It really was the reason. Qin Feng smirked; his beautiful dream shattered in an instant.