Chapter 17

In an instant, Cang Feilan had already held a dagger to Si Zheng's face. 


"If you don't want to speak, do you want me to help you cut your tongue off?"


Si Zheng quickly raised his hands in surrender. "Little Cang, it was just a joke. There's no need for such a big reaction."


Cang Feilan didn't respond, she just withdrew the dagger and twirled it in her hand before sheathed it back at her waist.


Si Zheng also wiped the smile off his face and asked calmly, "Alright, spill the beans. What's going on?"


The three of them walked together on the street. During the conversation, Si Zheng learned the whole story from Qin Feng: "Kid, impressive! You managed to stumble upon the key to the treasure, but I never thought that the ghost cultivator was after you. By the way, do you really not know why that ghost cultivator wanted to kill you?"


Qin Feng pondered for a moment. "I usually help old ladies cross the street, feed beggars, and do good deeds. I never make enemies, so the possibility of revenge is low. Thinking about it, maybe, like the ghost cultivator said, it was jealous of my handsome looks, so it targeted me."


Cang Feilan glanced at him sideways, but Si Zheng ignored him and changed the topic. 


"Speaking of which, you said your surname is Qin Feng. In Jinyang City, I only know one family with the surname Qin, that's the third-ranking Assistant General Qin Jian'an. When he moved to Jinyang City with his family, he brought some wine to visit me specially. What's your relationship with him?"


This old man might not have a head for business, but he's pretty good at networking. Qin Feng affirmed this in his heart. 


"I'm his son, Qin Feng. I don't know if that wine met Sir Zheng's taste. If you want, I can mention it to my father when I go back." The key to business is connections, and Qin Feng understood this well!


"No need, I didn't even want those wines. I could tell just by sniffing them that they were diluted." 


"In fact, Sir Zheng, my father and I have never had a good relationship." This stingy old man! Those wines might not be worth much, yet he still diluted them! In this small Jin Yang City, besides the city lord, the Chief of the Demon Slaying Department was the top official. How could he not know how to manage relationships properly!


"Is that so?" Si Zheng looked at him curiously, his eyes meaningful.


"Uh, Sir Zheng, you've been working day and night for the people of Jinyang City. Now that the ghost cultivator is gone, why don't you go home and rest for a while?" Qin Feng awkwardly changed the topic.


"I was just about to find a place to rest. Look, we're almost there." 


Qin Feng was surprised and then heard a familiar bird's voices.


Looking up, he saw the elegant building of the Wind and Elegance Pavilion, where the red cloth fluttered and colorful threads swayed. The charming ladies' voices floated into his ears, "Uncle, come in and play~"


"I'm coming, I'm coming." Si Zheng responded loudly, speeding up his pace eagerly.


At the entrance of the Wind and Elegance Pavilion, the madam, upon seeing Si Zheng, immediately smiled and welcomed him, "Master Si, it's been days since you last came. The ladies have been thinking about you."


"I'm here now, and I won't be going back tonight!" Si Zheng waved his hand grandly.


"Not going back? Isn't there a curfew in Jinyang City recently?" The madam's face showed a troubled expression. They had been opening early every day precisely because they couldn't operate at night due to the curfew.


"Curfew? I don't care. I haven't slept for days, all for the sake of killing that short-sighted ghost cultivator. From today onwards, the curfew is lifted!" 


Once this was said, the entire brothel buzzed with excitement. The madam was even more delighted, "Oh my, this is great news! With Master Si here, those demonic evil beings are nothing. Ladies, bring out the best wine, perform the best dances, come and entertain Master Si!"




Not long after, a group of lively and beautiful women surrounded Si Zheng and brought him inside the pavilion.


Qin Feng stared at the scene with wide eyes and said, "Has he always been like this?"


Cang Feilan seemed used to it. "For him, places like this are where he rests. If it weren't for wanting the brothel to reopen soon, how could he be so desperate to chase down that ghost cultivator?"


"Sigh, Sir Zheng, you really are a man of temperament." Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh, admiring his single-minded pursuit of his ideals, regardless of society's judgment. A real man should be like this!


Outside the entrance to the pavilion, a few ladies were wearing thin veils, showing off their dazzling thighs and smiling at passersby.


On such a cold day, wearing so little, they must be enduring quite a lot. Qin Feng felt a pang of sympathy. If it weren't for his tight budget, he would have wanted to take care of these ladies' business.


When these ladies saw Qin Feng, their eyes couldn't help but light up. They were about to say something, but they felt like something was stuck in their throats. The words they were about to say clearly reached their mouths, but they just couldn't say them.


At the same time, Cang Feilan glanced casually at the ladies, and they felt their body temperature drop instantly. They forgot about soliciting business and hurriedly embraced themselves, rushing into the pavilion to keep warm.


Seeing this, Qin Feng reluctantly looked away.


"What? Reluctant?" a cold voice echoed.


"Naturally, I am not reluctant. Miss Cang, where did you get that idea? As a scholar, I detest such vulgar and immoral behavior. It's broad daylight, how can they dress so provocatively and solicit customers on the street? If they hadn't ran so fast, I would have confronted them right then and there!" 


Cang Feilan snorted and walked straight ahead. 


Qin Feng scratched his cheek and hurriedly caught up.


The two of them arrived at the outside of the Listen To Rain Pavilion as if they were on familiar ground. Old Bai was still lying leisurely on the wicker chair, fanning himself.


Hearing movement, he opened his eyes a little and then said impatiently, "Why are you two here again?"


Ignoring him, Cang Feilan went straight to the point. "Are the rules still the same as before? Provide the first line."


"Hey, you girl has no shame at all. A while ago, you came alone and couldn't come up with the second line every time. You would get all teary-eyed and cry. Now, with this kid's help, you managed to enter the pavilion once. Are you addicted now?"


This old man's tongue was as sharp as ever. But teary-eyed and crying, was he talking about Miss Cang? Qin Feng glanced at Cang Feilan, remembering her frustrated expression when she couldn't come up with the second line yesterday, a stark contrast to her confident and heroic demeanor during the battle just now.


"What are you looking at!" Cang Feilan's tone carried a hint of embarrassment and anger.


"Just looking around, casually observing," Qin Feng replied softly.


Cang Feilan glared at the old man. "You set the rules of Listen To The Rain Pavilion, and there's nothing in the rules that says you can't ask someone to answer questions for you."


The old man burst into laughter in exasperation.