Chapter 25

Lan Ningshuang sternly exclaimed, "Tang Xuan, you've gone too far!"


Amidst the puzzled gazes of the guests, Tang Xuan continued to stride into the hall, saying, "I simply spoke the truth. Is that considered going too far? Everyone knows that in our Great Qian Dynasty, it's not easy for the groom to unveil the bride. The more effort the groom puts into unveiling the bride, the more he values her. Young Master Qin, don't you agree?"


Meng Xue and Qin Jian'an exchanged a glance, not understanding the man's intentions.


Qin An's face turned grim, and he stepped forward, saying, "This is my elder brother's wedding. However he wishes to unveil the bride, it's none of your business!"

At these words, Tang Xuan turned his head and looked at him, the smile vanishing from his lips. His expression turned icy as he said, "I am talking to your elder brother. Why are you interfering? Is this how the Qin family behaves?"


Before Qin An could reply, Mo Lao waved his sleeve, and a powerful gust of wind shot through the hall, sending Qin An crashing into a pillar with a loud bang.


"An'er!" Qin Jian'an and Second Madam exclaimed in shock.


The guests seated below gasped in astonishment.


Lan Ningshuang and Xing Sheng moved forward, glaring at Tang Xuan. It seemed a fight was about to break out. Some guests on the periphery even slipped away quietly.

As patience has its limits, Qin Feng, who had endured enough, stepped forward voluntarily, his face expressionless. "What do you want?"


"What do I want? I just want to follow the customs," Tang Xuan replied calmly.


"In general, to unveil the bride, the groom should recite a poem related to unveiling the bride's face. But Young Master Qin, being well-versed in the literary arts, surely reciting such a poem is beneath you. If we follow this tradition, it might be boring. How about this, we both compose a poem related to swords. We can discuss and compare them, adding a touch of joy to this wedding. What do you think?" As he spoke, Tang Xuan took a bloodstained black brush from the jade pendant at his waist.


Seeing this, Lan Ningshuang couldn't help but gasp, "The Heart Slaughter Brush!"


Qin Feng furrowed his brows. He had read in books that the Heart Slaughter Brush was an artifact that could materialize the poetic imagery. While it couldn't cause actual harm, it could shatter the Heart Questioning Platform of a Literature Saint Daoist. Once the platform was shattered, the Literature Saint Daoist would be severed from the Literature Saint Dao Lineage forever.

So, this guy had been planning this all along. I was wondering how to teach you a lesson. Since you're seeking your own demise, I'll oblige. Qin Feng squinted his eyes.


In this world, when it came to poetry, he had no match.


"Let's do it," he said.


"No!" Before Qin Feng could finish his sentence, Lan Ningshuang interrupted him. She approached his side and whispered, "Tang Xuan studied at the Grand Literature Academy in Heavenly City. He recently reached the Literature Saint Grade 8 Illuminated Heart Realm. You're only at the ninth rank. How can you compete with him? Please don't be rash!"


Seeing Qin Feng's determination, Tang Xuan sneered, "Young Master Qin, if you're afraid, it's fine. But there won't be a wedding if we don't follow the customs."


This was a blatant threat!


Qin Feng glanced at him and said calmly, "Miss Lan, there's no need to say more. I've made up my mind."


"Fine! Scholars should indeed have such courage!" Tang Xuan laughed heartily and threw the The Heart Slaughter Brush into the air.


Everyone saw a semi-transparent white light shield spread out from the brush's center. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped both Tang Xuan and Qin Feng.


Tang Xuan's scheme succeeded. He looked at Qin Feng, a cold smile playing on his lips. The murderous intent in his eyes seemed almost tangible.


However, Qin Feng remained unfazed. Instead, he asked, "Sir Tang, is there a specific theme for the poems?"


"As everyone knows, Miss Liu is extraordinarily talented. Her mastery of swordsmanship is beyond ordinary people's reach. In that case, let's each compose a poem related to swords," Tang Xuan suggested.


"Swords, the main tool of slaughter; in poetry, the dominant theme must revolve around solemn killing." Qin Feng pondered, watching Tang Xuan's unrestrained display of his murderous intent.


Looking at Tang Xuan, the moment his words fell, his fingers traced the empty space. Surprisingly, where his fingertips passed, a golden light emanated, and lines of poetry emerged in the void.


Is this the power of The Heart Slaughter Brush?


Outside the light shield, Lan Ningshuang saw that Qin Feng was still lost in thought. Anxiously, she reminded him, "Compose the poem quickly! The Heart Slaughter Brush can materialize the imagery in the poem. Although it won't shatter the Heart Questioning Platforms before the poems are completed, if the imagery in the opponent's poem affects you, it will be difficult for you to compose further!"


"It's too late!" Tang Xuan finished the last stroke with his finger, laughing wildly. In the void, the golden words and verses emitted a dazzling light. Within The Heart Slaughter Brush's shield, countless swords filled the space, exuding astonishing killing intent!


"Die!" Tang Xuan shouted. Countless illusory swords intersected, producing resonating sword sounds, directly attacking Qin Feng.


However, everyone present was shocked to see that under this situation, Qin Feng slowly closed his eyes.


"Foolish! The materialized imagery from poetry affects one's mental state. Closing your eyes won't help. Die!" Tang Xuan's face contorted with madness.


As he spoke, myriad swords flew, their glimmering edges passing through Qin Feng's body.


"Feng'er!" Qin Jian'an and Second Madam exclaimed, standing up in shock.


"Elder brother!" Leaning against the pillar, Qin An clutched his chest, his eyes filled with fury.


"Son-in-law!" Xing Sheng and Lan Ningshuang both attacked the light shield. However, The Heart Slaughter Brush was a formidable artifact. How could they break through it with their strength?


Tang Xuan's mad laughter echoed, confident that with Qin Feng's ninth-rank Literature Saint strength, under this onslaught, even if he didn't scare him out of his wits, he would be very close. However, the next sound made his laughter come to an abrupt halt.


"Is that all?" Qin Feng opened his eyes, his expression emotionless.


Seeing Qin Feng unharmed, the onlookers were pleasantly surprised, except for Tang Xuan. "No, this is impossible! You're only a ninth-rank Literature Siant. How can you withstand the murderous intent in my poetry?"


"Are these merely piled words and a surge of killing intent? Is that what you call poetry?" Qin Feng slowly lifted his right hand, pointing at the void and said, "Let me teach you what true poetry is."


Everyone stared, thoroughly captivated. He was about to make a grand show!


No, the affairs of scholars should be to demonstrate virtue in front of others.


Qin Feng waved his fingertips, and golden characters emerged vividly. It read, "A long sword, a cup of wine, a man's true heart."


The Heart Slaughter Pen in the sky vibrated, and the golden texts burst into flashes. A knight holding a sword in his right hand and a wine bottle in his left hand slowly walked out of the words and came behind Qin Feng.


The knight raised his head, took a sip of wine, then raised his sword high. Astonishingly, all those myriad sharp swords that evolved from Tang Xuan's poetry were knocked back!


Tang Xuan's eyes widened and he said in a trembling voice: "You clearly haven't completed the poem yet, so why can your artistic conception be embodied?!"


Qin Feng ignored it, his finger slid again, and again – "Silver saddle shines on a white horse, soughing like a shooting star."


With a neigh, a white horse clad in a silver saddle leaps in front of the Knight, who puts down his wine pot, raises his sword to the door, and rushes straight towards the countless sharp blades.


The white figure moved as fast as lightning, the sound of clashing echoed in the ears. In just a moment, the knight rode back to Qin Feng's side on a white horse. As for Tang Xuan, the myriad sharp blades that had evolved poetically were completely gone!


Tang Xuan's face instantly turned pale, the other party had only written two lines of poetry, and had destroyed all of his poetic intent. If the poem was completed, his Heartquery Platform would surely be decimated by the Heart Shlaughter Brush!


Seeing Qin Feng's fingers move again, Tang Xuan hurriedly said, "Wait, wait, I concede!"


"It's already too late," Qin Feng responded coldly. His fingers traced a few lingering shadows, and the third line of the poem was completed in a striking manner: "Ten steps to kill one man, no trace left behind for a thousand miles!"


The poetic knight's eyes widened suddenly. He swung his long sword, and ten steps away, Tang Xuan felt as if his head had been chopped off, letting out a piercing scream, his back soaked in cold sweat.


His hair was disheveled, his body trembling, bloodshot eyes contrasting sharply with his previous arrogant demeanor.


"I-I am the son of the Minister of War, you dare to destroy my Heart Questioning Platform, ruin the foundation of my cultivation. My father won't spare you! Did you hear me? If you dare to complete the poem, my father will send people to crush your Qin Mansion!"


Qin Feng remained unmoved. Both parties had reached a point of no return. Even if he let the opponent go, given Tang Xuan's character, he would definitely seek revenge later. So why not seize the opportunity now, cut off his roots, and eliminate the threat?


His fingertips glided, turning into a sword, and words fell like sharp blades!


"No, this can't be! Mo Lao, save me!" Tang Xuan screamed hysterically.


Upon hearing this, the old man in the cyan robe instantly appeared in the hall. He formed palms with his hands and struck the light shield with all his might.


However, even with his strength, he couldn't shatter the protective barrier created by the Heart Questioning Paltform!


Seeing this scene, Mo Lao immediately shouted, "Kid, stop now, or even if you're the son-in-law of the Liu family, I won't hesitate to crush you to pieces!"


But Mo Lao didn't expect that his threat would only be met with a cold gaze from Qin Feng.


Finally, the last line of the poem was completed.


"The affair is over; I brush my robe and leave, concealing my deeds and name!"