Chapter 42

Qin Feng returned to the Qin residence and recounted the events of the day to his father and stepmother.

Upon hearing this, Qin Jian'an was furious. "This is simply outrageous! They dare to deceive us and resort to such despicable means. Do they really think I, a third-grade general serving the country, can be easily bullied?"

In the Great Qian Dynasty, a third-grade general like Qin Jian'an was someone anyone could trample on. Qin Feng remained silent, silently watching his father putting up a front, establishing himself as the head of the family in front of his stepmother.

After a passionate speech, Qin Jian'an felt at ease. He managed to send away his stepmother and then cleared his throat, asking, "So, Feng'er, what do you propose?"

"I knew it would come to this." Qin Feng smirked and immediately whispered his plan to his father.

Upon hearing it, Qin Jian'an hesitated. "Feng'er, isn't your approach similar to deceiving the common people? Isn't that unethical?"

"Yes, yes, giving away money like you do is the ideal approach," Qin Feng sarcastically thought to himself. He patiently explained, "It's because the City Lord's Mansion didn't adhere to moral principles first. We are just responding accordingly. Furthermore, our approach doesn't swindle money from the common people. They can choose where to eat; they have their own preferences."

"Very well then," his father finally agreed and instructed his subordinates to carry out the plan immediately.

Qin Feng hurriedly rushed to the Demon Slayer Department in Jinyang City and met with the Chief, Si Zheng.

"You said you want to cooperate with our Demon Slayer Department?" Si Zheng poured himself a drink, smiling with a hint of meaning.

"Yes, if Chief Si is willing to agree, I'm willing to share thirty percent of the monthly profits from Moonlit Pavilion with the Demon Slayer Department. Additionally, anyone from the Demon Slayer Department who dines at Moonlit Pavilion will receive a twenty percent discount."

The monthly salary issued by the court to the Demon Slayer Department in Jinyang City was meager, and the colleagues in the bureau were already suffering. Qin Feng's plan not only ensured Moonlit Pavilion's protection by the Demon Slayer Department but also gave Si Zheng a favor. It was truly a win-win situation.

"Your proposal does pique my interest, but as far as I know, Moonlit Pavilion doesn't seem to have much profit. Why should I cooperate with your Qin family instead of the City Lord's Mansion?" Si Zheng placed his wine cup on the table, tapping his fingers lightly.

"To be honest, officials from the City Lord's Mansion came to me a long time ago," Si Zheng looked at Qin Feng, waiting for his reaction.

"So what? Chief Si would never agree to work with them," Qin Feng said confidently.

"Why are you so sure? You should know that over fifty percent of the taverns in Jinyang City are under the City Lord's Mansion. In terms of profits alone, I should cooperate with them, shouldn't I?" Si Zheng continued to test him.

"The reason is simple. If Chief Si truly wanted to work with them, he wouldn't have let me finish my explanation here. Moreover, the Ye family from the City Lord's Mansion clearly has connections with the Imperial Capital's Ministry of War. As far as I know, the Demon Slayer Department has always been at odds with the Ministry of War. Therefore, Chief Si wouldn't collaborate with them. Of course, the most important point is that compared to the City Lord's Mansion, investing in me is a guaranteed profitable deal," Qin Feng said confidently.

Hearing this, Si Zheng couldn't help but chuckle. "Youth is truly remarkable," he said with a smile. With that, he pushed an empty wine cup towards Qin Feng and filled it up.

Qin Feng, seeing the situation, knew that the cooperation was almost certain.

"I agree," Si Zheng said.

Upon hearing the confirmation, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I have a condition," Si Zheng said slowly.

"What condition?"

"Within two months, apart from the taverns under the City Lord's Mansion, you need to acquire all the remaining taverns in Jinyang City. And our Demon Slayer Department will take twenty percent of the profits from all your taverns."

Qin Feng frowned, pondering the condition. But Si Zheng continued, "Do you know why the City Lord's Mansion has been aggressively acquiring taverns in the city?"

"Please enlighten me, Chief Shi."

"The officials from the Ministry of War in Heavenly City have, months ago, been ordered by the Emperor to open an official road called Huarong Road in the southern region. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it will take less than three months to open Huarong Road all the way to the outskirts of Jinyang City." Si Zheng raised his head and drank a glass of wine.

Qin Feng was shocked upon hearing this news.

Throughout history, one of the key factors driving the development of a region has always been transportation! If Huarong Road could indeed be opened to the outskirts of Jinyang City, Jinyang City would no longer be an obscure little town. After all, its geographical location was excellent, and if not for the surrounding mountain ranges hindering transportation, the city could have naturally developed and expanded.

The appearance of the official road could solve this issue!

This news was incredibly valuable! Qin Feng's eyes glittered with excitement. Yet, a trace of doubt lingered in his mind. "Opening an official road requires a significant amount of money and manpower. But the national treasury is tight; how could the Emperor agree?"

Si Zheng, being a high-ranking official, knew much more than Qin Feng. "Because this idea was jointly proposed by the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Personnel. More importantly, the Court Imperial Scholar also suggested to the Emperor to open Huarong Road."

Qin Feng took a deep breath. If The Court Imperial Scholar had suggested, a figure above ten thousand others, stood at the pinnacle of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, then it's no wonder the Emperor agreed.

"I understand. Within two months, the Qin family will acquire the remaining taverns. However, there is one more thing I need Chief Si's help with."

"Go ahead," Si Zheng said.

After Qin Feng explained, he bid farewell and left.

Watching Qin Feng's departing figure, Si Zheng's smile deepened. "The Qin family has truly produced an extraordinary individual. Gather the men!"

Not long after, a piece of news spread rapidly through the streets and alleys of Jinyang City.

"Have you heard? Moonlit Pavilion has introduced a new dish called hotpot. It not only promotes good health but is also affordable, even for ordinary families."

"Why have I heard that this thing called hotpot makes you grow taller and nourishes your Yin and Yang?"

"I heard that eating the hotpot can enhance your beauty and complexion."

"What? I heard it grants immortality?"

No one knew what the hotpot could really do, but their curiosity was piqued. They all hurried towards Moonlit Pavilion.

Moonlit Pavilion was just across the street, and the enticing aroma reached their noses, making their appetites soar.

Some people swallowed their saliva, wanting to go in and try this dish called hotpot.

However, when they saw the long queue outside Moonlit Pavilion, they were dumbfounded.

Since when did you have to wait in line to eat a meal?

Was this hotpot thing really that miraculous?

As the crowd stared in astonishment, a group of officials with Demon Slayer Tokens hanging from their waists walked out of Moonlit Pavilion, looking completely satisfied.

"We've never felt so content after eating so much delicious food."

"Thank goodness we came early. If we were late, we might not even get a sip of the hot soup."

"Brothers, remember to come early tomorrow. My treat."


They left, their arms around each other, completely satisfied, leaving the onlookers stunned.

What shocked them even more was that a waiter from Moonlit Pavilion came out and put up a sign that read: "Limited ingredients, limited to three hundred customers daily."

The crowd was utterly dumbfounded. They exchanged glances and, after a few moments, hurriedly joined the line, hoping to be one of the lucky three hundred.