Chapter 49

Qin Feng handed over the tools and operational details of the liquid distillation method to Old Li, who received them like treasures. He immediately promised them to come to this place in the early morning three days later to collect the alcohol.


The two said goodbye and left.


In the courtyard, Old Li sat back on the stone stool, and an incredible scene unfolded before his eyes.


The broom that had fallen to the ground got up and began to sweep the courtyard by itself.


The unattended sorghum was inexplicably stripped of its grains and thrown into a wicker basket.


The wooden stick in the large pot began to stir by itself, and even the wine cups on the table, lifted by some unknown force, began to pour wine.


Old Li seemed to realize something, stood up and tapped the floor with his stick.


In the corner near the outer wall of the courtyard, a cloud of dust rose, and the ground cracked, revealing a staircase leading down.


Descending the stairs, they found a huge cellar, its space many times larger than the courtyard!


At a glance, the flickering candlelight illuminated rows of memorial tablets, all for the deceased. Beneath the plaques, barrels of alcohol were stacked on top of each other.


Old Li's eyes were clouded with emotion as he smiled and said, "My friends, I have discovered a new method of brewing that produces incredibly fragrant and strong liquor. When the time comes, I will let you taste it."


The flickering flames cast shifting shadows, but no one reacted.


A sigh echoed through the cellar.


On her way back, Lan Ningshuang suddenly lowered her head and bit her lip. "Young Master, it's my fault for not being able to keep you safe."


Qin Feng smiled at her words. "Miss Lan has already reached the seventh rank of the Martial Divine realm, with a profound sword intent. You call that lack of strength? Then what am I, a useless person?"


"But just now…"


"He is already so old, why compare yourself to him?"


Feeling the continued self-blame of the woman beside him, Qin Feng paused and said seriously, "The martial paths in the world are diverse, and martial artists have different goals. Warriors value open-mindedness and are willing to cooperate. You shouldn't dwell on this and hinder your own progress."


"But if it weren't for me, Young Master wouldn't have to cooperate with him."


"Cooperate? I wonder why you feel so guilty. It seems there's been a misunderstanding," Qin Feng shook his head and chuckled. "I willingly chose to cooperate with Senior Li, there was no coercion involved. You don't need to blame yourself anymore."


"Youn Master, you don't have to comfort me." Lan NIngshuang bit her lip, looking even more embarrassed.


This girl is quite stubborn. Unable to help himself, Qin Feng had to explain, "What kind of person do you think Senior Li is?"


"What kind of person?" Lan Ningshuang was taken aback and began to analyze, "He has a somewhat fiery temper, acts straightforwardly, is rough but principled, and has those scars. It's like he's… a soldier who fought on the battlefield?"


Qin Feng nodded, his eyes filled with admiration. "If my guess is correct, Senior Li is no ordinary soldier. He is one of the few survivors from the Battle of Zhenling Pass eighteen years ago."


"The Battle of Zhenling Pass?" Blue Frost exclaimed. This battle was well known throughout the Great Gan Dynasty. The soldiers who went to Zhenling Pass were considered heroes by the people of the Southern Domain. However…


"Young Master, you may be mistaken. The hundred thousand soldiers who went to Zhenling Pass back then have long since perished in the river of history. No one survived."


"How could that be? I read in the historical records that less than a hundred people returned," Qin Feng said in shock.


Lan Ningshuang replied, "That's indeed true. However, Young Master, you may not be aware of the fact that Garuda's long-term consumption of dragons has caused them to accumulate dragon blood in their body, which turns into cursed fire. Once contaminated, it's like a festering sore on the bone that can't be extinguished.The soldiers who survived at that time couldn't reunite with their families. On their way back, they were burned to ashes by Garuda's cursing fire, leaving no remains. The Records of the Great Qian Town Ghost War also documented this. Less than a hundred soldiers returned, and their bodies were hidden in the wilderness. To this day, no one knows where the ashes of those returned soldiers ended up."


Qin Feng opened his mouth, recalling the contents he had seen in the Listening Pavilion. It indeed did not provide any explanation about the fate of those surviving soldiers. 

No, that's not right. The unseeable, enduring flames at Senior Li's broken leg, it was undoubtedly Garuda's curse fire!


But if Senior Li was truly one of the surviving soldiers from the Battle of Zhen Ling Pass, why would he hide and live in the small city of Jinyang?


Qin Feng thought it over but couldn't understand the reason behind it.


Perhaps he could go to the Listen To Rain Pavilion and ask that old man?


Qin Feng had an idea and immediately went to the Listen To Rain Pavilion with Lan Ningshuang.


The Old man Bai Li shook his fan, glanced at the two of them, and said, "Oh, you're quite early today, huh?" Although he said so, there was no surprise in the old man's words, as if he had already expected their arrival.


"Old man Bai Li, I have a question I can't figure out," Qin Feng began, but he was interrupted.


"Stop! I'm just a lousy old man guarding the place. If you want to know something, go inside and find the answers yourself." The old man raised his legs, looking indifferent.


Lan Ningshuang frowned slightly.


I really want to punch this old man. Qin Feng clenched his fists, but eventually let go. After all, he still needed help from the old man.


"Senior, I've read the books on the lower three floors of the Listen To Rain Pavilion. I would like to know if there are any specific requirements to access the upper floors above the third floor?" Qin Feng asked politely. He had mentally prepared himself to be challenged by the old man, but what he heard next caught him off guard.


"Requirements? There are no specific requirements. If you want to go up, just go up. Except for the ninth floor, you can roam freely on the other floors," the old man replied casually.


"Is it that simple?" Qin Feng widened his eyes, hardly believing what he heard.


The old man swayed his fan and said, "Do you remember the last bet?"


Qin Feng recalled and tentatively asked, "Above six zhang in poetry?"


"Correct, I said back then, as long as you write poetry above six zhang, you can come and go as you please in the Listen To Rain Pavilion. I also took your poetry. The restrictions below the third floor are naturally lifted; otherwise, if I take advantage of a younger generation without reason, where would I put my old face?" The old man cleaned his ear and blew off the dirt.


With your attitude… Qin Feng's lips twitched. Suddenly he thought of something and asked again, "If that's the case, why didn't you mention it before?"


"Didn't I say it?" the old man raised an eyebrow.


"Did you?" Qin Feng immediately countered, sounding reproachful.


The two men stared at each other. After a long time, the old man yawned, "Didn't you just ask before? Just go in quickly if you want to. Don't disturb my rest."


I really want to hit him! Qin Feng suppressed his frustration and said, "Miss Lan, could you please go to the Moonlit Pavilion and tell the manager Peng that the matter of alcohol and wine has been resolved. I probably won't leave the Listen To Rain Pavilion for the next three days, so you don't need to guard me. If there's anything urgent, come find me here."


"Of course, Young Master," Lan Ningshuang bid farewell and left.


Qin Feng entered the Listen To Rain Pavilion, unaware that at the corner of the street, a figure stood with a sinister smile on their face, watching his back.


This person was one of the seventh-rank warriors who had died and come back to life in the Lord's Mansion!


He slowly approached the Listen To Rain Pavilion, his right hand moving toward the sword at his waist.


But just as he was about ten steps away from the Listen To Rain Pavilion, a gentle breeze blew, and his figure paused. In the blink of an eye, his body turned into smoke and dissipated with the wind!


All of this happened in an instant, and no one around noticed!


The old man Bai Li was still lying on his cane chair, squinting his eyes, muttering, "Did a rat come in? Why does it smell so bad?"