Chapter 73

"Why is this person talking so seriously about nonsense?"


Qin Feng exclaimed, his mouth wide open in disbelief.


The others also looked at him with astonishment.


Even though the culprits causing trouble had been repelled, who knew where they had gone? What if they encountered them on the way to Qiyuan City? That would mean certain death.


Even if, by some chance, they didn't encounter them on the way, who could guarantee that those creatures wouldn't strike back unexpectedly?


Wait a minute, the key question was, "Why me?"


The demon slayer dressed in wooden attire spoke slowly.


The two of them, the thin-faced one named Yang He, and the silent one named Zhang Tiannan, had come on this mission to deal with the Heart Devouring Gu menace in Qiyuan City.


"Yesterday morning, one of the Twelve God Generals, Spear Immortal, arrived in Qiyuan City. He immediately used his insight to detect the Heart Devouring Gu in Qiyuan River," Yang He explained.


Qin Feng raised an eyebrow. The Heart Devouring Gu was invisible to the naked eye, colorless and tasteless, similar to Yin energy; ordinary people could not detect it.


But insight was different; it was a supernatural power that allowed one to perceive everything around them. When practiced to the extreme, it made everything appear as if frozen, akin to the legendary "Bullet Time."


Such an amazing supernatural power naturally could detect the Heart Devouring Gu.


"The other person who arrived with Spear Immortal, one of the Thirty-Six Star Lords, knew about the power of this cunning creature. He said that if this creature in Qiyuan River isn't eliminated, the harm would be endless. So he sent someone to find Sir Zheng, the Chief of Jinyang City. We are the ones tasked with this mission," Yang He continued.


Qin Feng was puzzled. He looked at Si Zheng, who explained, "I carry a gourd named the Yin-Subduing Gourd, a precious artifact capable of capturing souls and subduing Yin spirits. I suppose they hope I can use this gourd to remove the Heart Devouring Gu from Qiyuan River."


"I see, but after all that explanation, it doesn't really concern me," Qin Feng said, still confused.


Yang He glanced at him, understanding his thoughts, and spoke again, "Before we set off, the two of us were planning to go with Sir Si. However, we happened to hear about you from our four colleagues from the Demon Slayer Department returning. They were full of admiration for you, having dealt with the Heart Devouring Gu in Qiyuan City."


"What surprised us was that you actually have the ability to discern who has the Heart Devouring Gu in their body and the capability to extract these creatures. Those four colleagues of ours merely had a meal in Qiyuan City and got infected with the Heart Devouring Gu. Most likely, the majority of the people in Qiyuan City have already been affected by it."


"So, I hope you can return with us and help heal the people of Qiyuan City," Yang He said, clasping his fists. Zhang Tiannan beside him also nodded slightly.


The two of them were sincerely pleading for the people of Qiyuan City, and for a moment, Qin Feng didn't know how to refuse.


But the crisis in Qiyuan City hadn't truly been resolved, and Qin Feng didn't want to play with his own life. His expression was one of deep struggle.


"Master," Lan Ningshuang hesitated, her inner thoughts naturally not wanting Qin Feng to risk his life.


Cang Feilan stood aside, not saying a word, just waiting quietly to see what choice Qin Feng would make.


At this moment, wearing white clothes, Ya'an said, "Scholars have the world in their hearts. There's no need to hesitate at such a time; naturally, we should go."


Feelings won't save you. It's easy to talk when you're not the one involved, isn't it?


Seeing Qin Feng still hesitating, Ya'an furrowed his brows slightly. "Don't embarrass scholars."


Yes, yes, you're noble and impressive. You barely escaped death, and now you want to drag me into trouble?. Qin Feng glanced at Ya'an sideways. "Brother Ya'an is also a scholar. Why not go together with me? It would be good to have company on the way."


Ya'an didn't detect the sarcasm in Qin Feng's tone and was about to agree but was stopped by Wang Xu, who was standing nearby. "Young Master, don't forget about your right arm."


Oops, he forgot she was injured.


His plan to drag someone down failed on the spot, and the pressure came back to him. Qin Feng's face turned ugly.


Seeing Qin Feng's expression, Yang He and the others exchanged glances and shook their heads. "If Physician Qin is unwilling, we won't force you. Master Si, we've delayed you long enough; let's set off as soon as possible."


Si Zheng nodded and then looked at Qin Feng with a meaningful smile, saying softly, "Qiyuan City is not like Jinyang City. There are many influential people there. If we can do them a favor, it will surely be beneficial in the future. Consider it carefully."


In this world, having more connections provided more security. Qin Feng was indeed persuaded. "What about my reward if I go?" he asked.


Yang He raised an eyebrow. "No Heavenly City would lack money."


"To save the people from water and fire, it's our duty!" Qin Feng agreed immediately.


Seeing the strange expressions on Yang He and the others' faces, Qin Feng coughed and said, "Connections and money are secondary. The main thing is that I want to contribute my humble strength to the people of Qiyuan City."




Of course, besides these two reasons, there were certainly many people in Qiyuan City infected with the Heart Devouring Gu. Perhaps this opportunity could help him accumulate a lot of Literature Qi. Qin Feng had his own considerations.


With the matter settled, the group didn't delay any longer and quickly prepared their horses for departure.


Lan Ningshuang wanted to go with them, but Qin Feng stopped her. "Qiyuan City has just suffered a disaster caused by the Heart Devouring Gu. No one knows if it will affect Jinyang City. You stay at home and guard the Qin family. Otherwise, I won't be at ease leaving."


Huh? Qin Feng realized that what he said sounded a bit like planting a flag. He inwardly scolded himself a few times and added, "This time, Master Si Zheng will accompany me, as well as Miss Cang. Nothing will happen."


"In that case, Young Master, please take care on your journey." Lan Ningshuang no longer insisted.


"Understood." Qin Feng then looked at Ya'an's group and clasped his fists, saying, "I hope you guys can stay at my residence for a while. Regarding the medicinal herbs, it might take some time to gather them. During my absence, I hope you can protect my Qin family."


"Physician Qin, rest assured," the two of them promised.


After everything was arranged, Qin Feng arrived at the gate of the Qin family's residence. Si Zheng and the others were already mounted on their horses.


The servants brought out the best-maintained horses from the family stable to the gate. Qin Feng was about to mount one when he suddenly looked embarrassed.


Si Zheng noticed and his face turned strange. "You, kid, don't tell me you can't ride a horse?"


Qin Feng nodded stiffly.


Yang He said, "It's okay. There are four horses here. You can choose any one to ride along with someone else."


That was indeed a good idea.


Qin Feng looked up and saw two Thousand-Mile Steeds and two Yellow-Mane Horses.


The Thousand-Mile Steed was a rare and excellent horse. If the Snow-Stepping Dragon Horse was a Lamborghini, the Thousand-Mile Steed was at least a Mercedes-Benz. Who could resist the temptation of a luxury car?


However, the journey ahead was full of dangers. To be cautious, riding with Si Zheng would be more reassuring.


After thinking it over, Qin Feng made his decision without hesitation. He walked towards the horse belonging to Miss Cang, full of anticipation.


From the beginning, this wasn't a multiple-choice question; it was a single-choice question!


What were three smelly men compared to a long-legged beauty in tight pants? Beautiful women were the best!


However, just when Qin Feng was looking forward to riding with Miss Cang, Si Zheng easily lifted him up with one hand and placed him on the saddle behind him.


"You're just picking a horse; why are you thinking so much? Stinky kid, you'll ride with me."


Qin Feng thought, "I really have to thank your whole family." He felt his face twitch.