Chapter 84

Yang He, accompanied by three people, left the hall. Throughout the journey, he endured the constant gaze of someone and couldn't bear it any longer. He turned to Qin Feng and asked, "Why have you been staring at me?"


"I just want to see what color the hearts of the people from the Qiyuan City Demon Slayer's Department have." Qin Feng said leisurely.


Yang He sighed helplessly, "The True Manifestation Of Life Source is not something ordinary. Even in the Demon Slayer's Division's inventory, apart from the one I used, there are only two items that can be compared with it. Such precious things, Lord Zhou naturally does not want to part with."


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows at this revelation. He hadn't expected that the snake scale that Sister Mo gave him was such a precious item.


Sister Mo is really kind to me. After dealing with things here, I must go back to the Black Mist Forest and express my gratitude to her. Maybe I can ask for another scale. Qin Feng shamelessly thought to himself.


Seeing Qin Feng's lack of response, Yang He thought he was angry and added, "But rest assured, this time being able to safely return the Dragon Protection Monument, your True Manifestation Of Life Source played an indispensable role. I believe that when the people's illnesses in the city are cured, Lord Zhou will definitely compensate you with something else."


"I'll trust you once more for now," Qin Feng replied.


The group descended from the platform, and Yang He immediately called over a colleague and gave some instructions, and then ordered him to summon all the physicians in the city to the Demon Slayer's Department.


The colleague agreed and rushed away.


Yang He continued, "Lord Si, while there's time, why don't you and I go to the Qiyuan River and take a look?"


"Sure." Si Zheng nodded and asked, "What about you two?"


Qin Feng pondered for a moment and replied, "I'll wait here for the physicians to arrive and take the opportunity to carefully observe the condition of the people infected with the Heart Devouring Gu."


"I'll go with him," Cang Feilan said succinctly.


The commotion caused by the return of the Dragon Protection Monument was significant, and the officials in the governor's mansion naturally felt it immediately.


"Governor Li, the Dragon Protection Monument has returned!" someone exclaimed with joy.


Governor Li Mingxuan nodded, relieved. With this, the only thing to worry about now was the citizens in the city who were infected with the Heart Devouring Gu.


"What's the situation with the families of the patients?" Li Mingxuan asked.


"Reporting to Governor Li, those people are still crying. No matter how we try to persuade them, they refuse to leave," an official said with difficulty.


Someone else added, "There are also some people cursing us and the Demon Slayer's Department for being inactive. Should we send someone to forcefully disperse them?"


Li Mingxuan shook his head at the words. "No need. The Heart Devouring Gu has entered Qiyuan City, and we do bear some responsibility. One of you go and gather all the physicians in the city. Maybe through collective wisdom, we can find a solution to the Heart Devouring Gu disease."


"The official will take care of this immediately." A man stood up, clasped his hands in salute, and quickly left.


The rest of the people looked at each other, still not holding much hope.


"I presume those physicians have already discussed privately. If there were a solution, they wouldn't be in this helpless situation now," an official expressed concern.


Li Mingxuan furrowed his brow. He was well aware of this reasoning.


But doing something was better than sitting here, waiting.


After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the official who had left earlier hurriedly returned, saying, "Reporting to Governor Li, the physicians are not in the medical pavilion; they have all been summoned to the Demon Slaying Department."


"The Demon Slaying Department?" The others were curious.


One person asked, "What are they doing at the Demon Slaying Department? Could it be that they've found a cure?"


The official shook his head, "When I went there, I happened to meet a physician who was about to leave. He told me that the Demon Slaying Department had found someone with exceptional medical skills, and that person had a way to remove the Heart Devouring Gu. Moreover, that person was willing to teach the method to those physicians."


"Is that so?" The officials were excited. "If that's true, it would solve our urgent problem. But would a physician really pass on their medical skills? Could it be a charlatan from the martial world?"


You should know that true skills are not easily passed on, and many keep their knowledge hidden. Even if it's for a substantial amount of gold, masters may not teach their apprentices, let alone someone unrelated.


"Whether it's true or not, we'll know when we go and see." After pondering for a moment, Li Mingxuan stood up and left, and the other officials naturally did not dare to delay, quickly following him.


Qin Feng stepped out of the Demon Slaying Department, returning with Cang Feilan along the same path they came.


After opening his pupils and carefully observing the souls of the people detained, he sighed in relief.


"Fortunately, Lord Zhou detained their souls in time, preventing the Heart Devouring Gu from gnawing at their hearts. Otherwise, the moment the Heart Devouring Gu is removed would be the death sentence for these people."


Qin Feng scanned the crowd, couldn't help but exclaim, "I didn't expect the Hundred Ghosts Dao to reach such a high level, capable of detaining so many souls at once. The control effect is too strong. By the way, Miss Cang, you've stayed at the seventh rank of the Hundred Ghosts Dao for a long time. Have you touched the threshold of the sixth rank?"


At this point, he glanced at Cang Feilan. The dark aura still lingered around her body, but the concentration of that aura had not changed much compared to when they first met. Could it be that her cultivation had slowed down?


Cang Feilan, upon hearing this, replied nonchalantly, "For the Hundred Ghosts Dao Lineage to step into the sixth-rank Soul Confining realm, there are two requirements. First, they need to absorb Yin energy for their own use, and second, they need to find a suitable opportunity. Unfortunately, I have never found that opportunity."


"What exactly is this opportunity?" Qin Feng asked again, genuinely unaware of this aspect.


Although the books he had read before mentioned the names of each realm from the ninth to the fifth rank of the Hundred Ghosts Dao Lineage, they did not specify the conditions required for advancement.


He asked this question with a scholarly learning attitude, seeking knowledge with an open mind.


Unexpectedly, Cang Feilan fell into silence.


"Is it inconvenient to talk about?" Qin Feng asked curiously.


"An opportunity is just an opportunity. Why so many questions?" Cang Feilan frowned slightly, leaving these words behind as she strode forward with long steps.


Qin Feng innocently scratched his head, thinking, "Did I say something wrong just now? Did I make her unhappy?"


Understanding a woman's mind is truly difficult.


The two walked on and off, once again arriving at the place where the members of the Demon Slaying Department intercepted the family members of the patients.


However, this time, unlike before, those gathered family members did not clamor to break through the blockade. Instead, they all turned to look behind, shouting and cursing continuously.


There were even many family members who, from somewhere, found vegetable leaves and eggs, and suddenly threw them towards the back.


Qin Feng approached one of the Demon Slaying Department men and curiously asked, "Brother, what's going on here?"


The Demon Slaying Bureau man replied, "Some colleagues were tasked with bringing city Physicians to gather at the Demon Slaying Department. The Physicians arrived, but when these people saw them, they were filled with indignation and refused to let them in."