Chapter 87

Qin Feng slowly laid down a man, covering his body with ice.


This time, the patient being treated was a middle-aged man, robust with calloused hands, and wood shavings on the edges of his pants, appearing to be a skilled carpenter.


A white inch turned into a narrow blade, effortlessly slicing open the chest. The medical practitioners couldn't help but exclaim at this incredible technique.


While working, Qin Feng explained, "The Heart Devouring Gu, such parasites fear the cold. Before treating the patient, covering their body with ice can have a paralyzing effect on the insects."


"Secondly, these insects are highly sensitive to metallic objects. If you want to remove them from the heart, avoid using metal tools; otherwise, the insects will go berserk and devour the patient's heart."


The medical practitioners suddenly enlightened, realizing why they often failed at the final step in previous treatments.


The surrounding crowd felt that this young doctor was incredibly skilled and professional, sparking immense excitement. Having such a physician in charge meant hope for their families.


Qin Feng transformed the white inch into a white needle without moving the chest covering, directly probing into the incision. In just a moment, the ferocious-looking insect was extracted.


Cang Feilan flickered and neatly collected the insect in a jade bottle.


Everyone present stared at each other in astonishment. The parasites that had previously left the medical practitioners helpless were effortlessly removed?


Next, Qin Feng applied ointment and administered a cold broth to the strong man.


Before long, the man woke up, sat up, looked at himself with joy after surviving the ordeal, and then expressed a thousand thanks to his lifesaver.


Amidst the cheers of the people, they looked at the city physicians, then at the young handsome gentleman. Without a comparison, they couldn't see the difference, involuntarily harboring more disdain for the former.


Qin Feng continued, "After removing the insects, be sure to store them properly. Otherwise, these insects are very likely to infest someone else. When the time comes, collect the insects, and I have a way to eliminate them."


The medical practitioners nodded one after another. After witnessing Qin Feng's medical skills, any lingering doubts in their hearts had completely dissipated.


Extracting the parasite was just the first step; the aftermath was the second. Qin Feng listed the medicinal ingredients for repairing the chest incision and the cold broth to eliminate the insect poison, explaining the preparation method.


Some physicians immediately volunteered, "I have these medicinal ingredients in my clinic. I can go get them."


"Very well," Qin Feng nodded.


However, before these physicians could leave, they were stopped by the people.


"Saving lives is the priority now. Let us handle these trivial matters."


"Right, my family runs a pharmacy. We have these ingredients at home. You all wait a moment."


The people responded enthusiastically, leaving the crowd and rushing towards their homes.


Qin Feng added, "We also need a large amount of ice here. Who can fetch it for me?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd responded.


"I'll go!"


"I'll go!"


"There's an ice cellar in my house!"


Another group of people hurriedly left.


"I've said what needs to be said. Now, one by one, you all come forward, and I'll be watching on the side," Qin Feng said, glancing sideways.


The various physicians nodded. They took a deep breath, suppressed their nervousness, and one by one stepped forward to treat the injured according to the points explained by Qin Feng.


In the Demon Slaying Department, within the elevated building, Zhou Kai put down the official document in his hand, a smirk forming on his lips. "I didn't expect that the young man Yang He brought from Jinyang City would have such skills."


Mr. Wen beside him nodded, "Earlier, Lord Wu of the Thirty-Six Stars mentioned that the aftermath of the Heart Devouring Gu is severe, and ordinary physicians can't treat it. It's necessary to invite imperial physicians from the capital."


"But unexpectedly, a young physician from a small city can achieve this."


"And he is also a Daoist of medical arts, a future master in the field of medicine," Zhou Kai added with a smile.


"Speaking of which, can we consider incorporating him into the Demon Slaying Department?" Mr. Wen suggested.


Members of the Demon Slaying Department are often involved in demon-slaying and inevitably get injured. A skilled physician would be an invaluable asset to the Department. Moreover, this physician is also a Daoist of medical arts, making him even more precious.


Besides, if they can really recruit him, considering his status as a Daoist of medical arts, Zhou Kai thought with some contemplation.


Suddenly, Zhou Kai interrupted his thoughts and raised an eyebrow. "Our governor is here."


"I suppose he heard the news and needs me to receive him?"


"Receive him? Let him wait by himself," Zhou Kaifang's expression darkened. He hadn't forgotten the blame the governor placed on him for losing the Dragon Protection Monument earlier.


Mr. Wen sighed and said no more.


Li Mingxuan led a group of officials to the outskirts of the gathered common people. Contrary to the expected chaos and commotion, there was a well-organized group of people. Some were transporting ice blocks, while others were simmering medicinal soup.


The chill from the ice blocks made the already cold winter day even more biting, and the rich aroma of medicinal herbs filled the air.


"What's going on here?" Li Mingxuan turned to the official who had reported earlier and asked.


"The subordinate doesn't know."


Just then, a young man hurriedly ran out, but he was intercepted by an official. "What's happening here?"


The young man initially wanted to express his frustration, but upon seeing the attire of the people, he held back his words of complaint and proceeded to explain what had occurred.


After listening, Li Mingxuan and the others were greatly shocked.


"A young physician."


"Named Qin Feng?"


"He actually cured the symptoms of the Heart Devouring Gu?"


"Not only cured but also taught other physicians how to extract the Gu."


The officials looked at each other, seemingly still digesting this information.


"If the gentlemen have no further questions, may I go and transport the ice blocks?" the young man respectfully asked.


Li Mingxuan nodded, "Go ahead."


The young man left as if granted clemency.


"Governor Li, do you think we should bring in another person for questioning?" an official asked.


Li Mingxuan shook his head, "Such a scene is rare. Let's not disturb. Follow me to the front; I am curious about this young physician named Qin."


Along the way, scenes of the people cooperating were everywhere, with shouts and calls echoing.


"There's not much astragalus left. Who will go get some?"


"I'll go!"


"Have the new ice blocks arrived? Qin's side is running out."


"They're on their way. Urging them. Ask Dr. Qin to wait for a moment."


"The cold soup here is ready. Where is it needed?"


"Wait a moment. I'll come to get it soon."


Li Mingxuan observed the scene along the way, nodding slightly and showing a pleased smile. Under unified efforts, the harm of the Gu insects seemed insignificant.


Arriving at the front of the crowd, cured patients could be seen walking away with the support of others.


And finally, Li Mingxuan saw the young physician praised by everyone.


Dressed in black, with sharp eyebrows and a handsome face, the young physician elicited favorable impressions.


At this moment, the young physician was treating patients with a fluid and graceful technique that was truly remarkable.


"The Gu has been extracted from this person. You can administer the medicine and arrange for the next one!" Qin Feng shouted, looking lated.