Chapter 90

Si Zheng exclaimed, "I didn't expect these bugs to be afraid of this thing."


Qin Feng replied, "I discovered this by accident before. Sir Si, as long as you pour all the Gu worms from the gourd into this container, the Heart Devouring Gu will be eradicated."


Si Zheng understood. With a tap of his right hand's two fingers, the mouth of the gourd he carried opened, and a black sphere instantly fell into the vessel containing the Vermilion fruits. After a violent shake, it turned into blood.


The Heart Devouring Gu, originally invisible to the naked eye before consuming heart blood, now appeared as a black sphere due to their large quantity.


Qin Feng placed a basket of Vermilion fruits in front of Yang He and said, "The waters of the Qiyuan River will eventually flow into Qiyuan City. We don't need to ensure there are no fish in the river. We just need to make sure there are no Heart Devouring Gu in the water flowing into the inner city."


Yang He suddenly understood, "I get it. As long as we put these fruits at the entrance of the river into the city, the Heart Devouring Gu will be eliminated. This way, the people in the city can be safe."


"Yeah," Qin Feng nodded, but he also noted a drawback to this method. People in the city would likely detect a pungent smell when using the river water.


I wonder if the people of Qiyuan City can handle spicy food. Well, I'm here to promote hot pot anyway; it's a good opportunity for them to get used to it early, Qin Feng thought.


With the troublesome matter resolved, the group relaxed and chatted for a while.


"I need to report to Lord Zhou. I'll take my leave." Yang He clasped his fists and turned towards the platform.


At this moment, Qin Feng hurriedly caught up.


"Is there something else?" Yang He looked curious.


"Besides the reward you promised, don't forget to mention compensating me for my True Manifestation of Life Source. Remind Lord Zhou for me," Qin Feng whispered, as if wary of something.


Yang He raised an eyebrow, "As soon as tonight, or at the latest tomorrow morning, Lord Zhou will surely thank you. Wouldn't it be better if you bring it up yourself then?"


I wish I could, but I'm afraid of getting on Lord Zhou's bad side. He might cause trouble for me later, Qin Feng chuckled nervously, "Please, help me mention it to him. I appreciate it."


"Alright, but I can't guarantee he'll listen. I know Lord Zhou quite well; he's always frugal. Sometimes, he can be a bit tight-fisted."


Qin Feng widened his eyes, looking surprised. Did you just speak ill of your Lord behind his back? Are you asking for trouble? He dryly laughed, "Frugal, right. Please, Brother Yang, help me mention it. I'm counting on you."


"Fine, but what I say may not work. Lord Zhou is quite particular, and your True Manifestation of Destiny is no ordinary thing. Ordinary gold and silver won't be enough to compensate, so it might be challenging for Lord Zhou."


After saying this, Yang He cautiously glanced back at the platform. Seeing no one coming out, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Qin Feng's mouth curled up, and suddenly he thought of something, saying, "There's something I'd like to ask. To advance from the seventh rank to the sixth rank among the Hundred Ghosts, besides absorbing Yin energy, what else needs to be done?"


Yang He didn't hesitate and immediately explained the key points, "For a seventh-rank Hundred Ghosts Daoist to reach the sixth rank in the Soul Confinement realm, the crucial step is to merge Yin energy with one's own divine soul. There are many methods to achieve this, such as using elixirs that nourish the divine soul to strengthen it, and then going to a place with dense Yin energy to merge it with the divine soul. This method is effective but quite expensive, as the elixirs that nourish the divine soul are not cheap."


"So, most people choose another method, which is to persistently activate the ghost eyes, stay awake for three days, and practice breathing in a place with dense Yin energy. By doing this repeatedly, over time, one can seize the opportunity for a breakthrough. Back then, I used this method and entered the sixth rank within half a year."


"I see, the rich rely on elixirs, and the poor endure." Qin Feng nodded.


"However, why are you asking about this? Aren't you a Literature Saint Daoist?" Yang He asked.


"Just out of curiosity, after all, the content I've read in books only mentions the ranks of the Hundred Ghosts but not the methods of cultivation." Although he said that, Qin Feng's true intention was to inquire on behalf of Cang Feilan.


In his speculation, Cang Feilan had never mentioned the opportunities for advancing to the sixth rank among the Hundred Ghosts, so she might genuinely not know.


On the other side, Si Zheng raised his eyebrows, "What are these two talking about that they've been chatting for so long?"


Cang Feilan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked, "What is the opportunity for a seventh-rank Hundred Ghost to advance to the sixth rank?"


"You've never cared about the cultivation of the Hundred Ghosts before, why ask about this today?" Si Zheng looked over with some surprise.


"My cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and I want to try breaking through to the sixth rank." Cang Feilan replied casually.


Si Zheng glanced at her and didn't think much of it. He then slowly explained the method of advancing to the sixth rank, which was not much different from what Yang He had said.


After chatting with Yang He, Qin Feng returned to Cang Feilan's side.


Si Zheng patted his shoulder, pretending to be tired, "I've been busy for two days and do feel a bit tired. I'll find a place to rest for a while, you two take care."


"The nearest tavern is just left when you go out. If you want to go to the brothel in Qiyuan City, you need to go to the right, seven streets away," Qin Feng said. This information was gathered during his conversations with the people while treating the patients in the past few days.


Si Zheng coughed, "Got it, I'll find a nearby tavern, that's enough for one night."


Qin Feng and Cang Fei Lan both showed skeptical expressions at his words.


Ignoring them, Si Zheng turned and left. When he stepped out of the Demon Slaying Department's gate, his body turned sharply to the right.


At that moment, Qin Feng shouted, "Lord Si, I almost forgot. Due to the recent troubles in the city, the brothel in Qiyuan City hasn't opened its doors yet!"


Si Zheng's body paused, immediately turned in another direction, and then waved goodbye.


"Lord Si, you're truly a straightforward person," Qin Feng sighed sincerely.


Suddenly, Cang Feilan asked, "How did you know that the brothel hasn't opened its doors yet?"


Qin Feng's face stiffened for a moment, then he calmly said, "I heard it accidentally while talking to the city's people."


"During casual conversation, do you still discuss the Red House?" Cang Feilan sneered.


"Who said we don't? When he mentioned the Red House, I was also taken aback. Perhaps the Red House is a significant feature of Qiyuan City." Qin Feng replied with a dry laugh.


Not good, Miss Cang's impression of me must be biased. I need to find a way to change the topic.


With this in mind, Qin Feng immediately spoke, "Miss Cang, about the method of cultivating from the seventh rank to the sixth rank in the Hundred Ghosts Dao Lineage."


"Earlier, you asked about the opportunity for a seventh-rank Hundred Ghosts Dao Lineage to advance to the sixth rank."


The two spoke in unison, and their eyes met, creating a moment of silence.


"Do you know?" they both asked simultaneously again. Qin Feng couldn't help but smirk; this couldn't be just a coincidence.


In Cang Feilan's faintly blue eyes, a hint of displeasure seemed to flicker. She didn't say anything and turned away alone.


Qin Feng looked at her graceful figure and scratched his head.


Did I say something wrong again?