
Even though the schematic looks like a first-generation computer that can only execute instructions one at a time, the output of those instructions does not resemble a first-generation computer at all. It is more like a speculative concept of a sixth-generation or even seventh-generation computer, where the outcome changes depending on the superposition and entanglement of the ever-changing energy within a twisting vacuum tube.

For example, if he commands the magical computer to increase the gravity of this planet to bring down flying individuals, the instruction does not simply brute force the energy within the tube to instantly raise the gravity, resulting in meat paste. Instead, it initiates a gradual process that considers many factors to ensure that the individuals land safely on the ground.

Although he does not yet understand how the process works, Richard can guess it thanks to the random access memory that Lanfear created. This memory takes into account the collective consciousness of every creator of this computer sa'angreal, from the various experiential data in the storage memory that they contributed just a moment ago. Because of this, the operation can be considered semi-understanding, knowing what to do and what not to do when they command the magic in their language.

Overall, the schematic is ready with everyone contributing:

Yennefer Vengerberg is responsible for the cables connecting these tubes and the power consumption of these vacuum tubes.

Margarita Laux-Antille is responsible for the control unit and the flow of data between sa'angreal's various units from instruction to output.

Philippa Eilhart is responsible for the logic unit that handles every spell or weave given to the sa'angreal until the command is executed.

Triss Merigold is responsible for the display unit that handles the input and output read visually by the eleven creators into their brains.

Lanfear is responsible for the random access memory to temporarily store commands that are later processed in sequential data.

Moiraine Damodred is responsible for the storage memory access unit, receiving different kinds of knowledge and organizing it for easy access.

Jahar Narishma is responsible for the reader cards that read the input instruction data and the punch cards for the output of successful commands that was read by the sa'angreal.

Logain Ablar is responsible for creating the vacuum tubes themselves and every small part of the hardware, ensuring everything in the schematic works perfectly.

Mirabelle Ervine is responsible for the chassis vacuum tubes, drawing inspiration from the design of another sa'angreal, the Eye of Magnus.

Faralda is responsible for the filters on those cable sockets to prevent the perpetually generated energy from being invaded by foreign entities.

As for Richard, he is responsible for the entire assembly programming language of this computer sa'angreal, which he named Aon.

Although he calls it a vacuum tube computer, the shape and form are very different from his blurry memory. For instance, the tube is in the shape of a Möbius strip, the cables connecting different units look like veins, the random access memory drum is shaped like a crescent moon, the logic unit to process the data looks like an owl feather, and many other bizarre shapes according to the preferences of their creators.

The reason for this phenomenon is that even though they have the same understanding, the journey through which they understand that concept differs from one another. That's why when he arrives at the concept of RAM and imagines it to be rectangular and filled with many components, Lanfear envisions RAM as a moon that can hold surface thoughts, reflecting the mirage of that image into the sea.

But at the end of the day, when Richard zoomed out his vision, the schematic looked like two globes rotating around their axes and orbiting each other. One globe is responsible for the raw power brute force calculation of a spell, and the other is responsible for the sophisticated detailed calculation of a spell. Although men and women can access each other's half of this computer sa'angreal without any restrictions or even combine them, the efficiency when performing calculations is not as effective as when using their respective halves of the sa'angreal.

Even though this phenomenon confuses them, one thing is certain: Jahar Narishma's hypothesis has become more than just philosophy; it is a true theory they need to explore. But for now, they need to focus their efforts on creating perpetual energy and developing a spell to fix the physics of the world, rather than embarking on the long-term project of inventing perpetual ideas and enlightenment.

[Two hours later.]

"Wizards, please sit. Sorry for the rough edges of the chairs. We can only make these seating furniture with makeshift stone tools. And sorry we can't provide you with anything except these fruits that we found on the periphery of the tower. We don't have the tools and ingredients to make something better."

Sitting down on chairs crafted by the group of Aasimar using their hands and sharp-edged stones, he sees the brother and sisters he saved earlier approaching. The brother wipes his non-existent sweat from his temple, while Richard is then fed by the sister.

Without wasting any time, he continues the discussion, interjecting Faralda's suggestion, "No. For the perpetual energy of the Material Plane, just use my design of nuclear fusion. It's complicated to tear apart Aetherius first, or the Ethereal Plane first and then draw the energy from there, like your god Magus has done."

"He's right, Faralda. I think it will be better for each plane of existence to generate Magicka on its own, rather than interchangeably transferring Magicka from one to another."

Nodding her head, Margarita continues Mirabelle's reasoning, "Chaos energy can only act as a catalyst to a spell if that spell is to become permanent and not fizzle out. So if we use that method, sooner or later the cores will become—"

Hearing all these different ways of saying the same thing, which only confuses her more over time, Ciri can't take it anymore, "Please, everyone, just use one language. The sooner you do that, the easier it will be for future contributors to understand."

"Hmm, as my daughter just said, we need to establish some ground rules for standardizing terminology and language if we want to avoid confusion. First, the big question: Chaos and Order, what should we call them? Magic and Science?"

Hearing this, Margarita instantly rejected Yennefer's idea. "Don't. It is too vague. Since they both draw from Chaos and Order. Even though Richard's knowledge of Science has not yet touched Chaos, sooner or later it will. The same applies to Magic, which can draw upon the Order of the world to strengthen spells. At the end of the road, Science and Magic will be interchangeable terms referring to these arts."

Regretting her earlier silence and giving Richard the limelight, Lanfear continued the line of thought, "And don't forget Tel'aran'rhiod. Magic and Science involve cognitive thinking, while Order and Chaos exist as environments we draw upon. Though I prefer to name them Saidin and Saidar, it doesn't do justice to Chaos and Order, as they are more than just sources."

"Hmm, okay then. So let me summarize what we understand so far. Chaos and Order are the environmental canvases for the arts we draw upon, while Magic and Science are the arts themselves. Do you all agree with this understanding?"

Richard, along with the other ten creators and one ashen-haired contributor, replied to Yennefer, "Agreed."

"Now that's settled, let's discuss the realm in which these environments and arts exist. Firstly, the Physical Realm itself. Any objections?"

Simultaneously, the other ten creators, one contributor, and Richard replied to Yennefer, "None."

"Secondly, the newly discovered realm, which I believe is different from the elemental or ethereal planes we know. Previously, many mages, including myself, thought this realm was the same as the ethereal plane. I assume you all share the same view of this realm's existence. So what should we call it? Tel'aran'rhiod is a good name, but the language doesn't unify with the Physical Realm we previously agreed upon."

"I know, I know! It's Shadesmar!"

Chuckling at the sight of Sylphrena hanging on Richard's forehead with her legs swinging back and forth, Ciri replied to her, "We want to unify the term, little girl. So, there must be a Realm in the world."

"Hey! I am not a little girl! I am this much old!"

Seeing her holding up three fingers with her two little hands, Ciri asked, "12 Months or 12 years?"


Seemingly understanding what she meant, Ciri teased, "12 decades or 12 centuries?"

"No… Not that either…"

Keeping the suspense, Ciri faked a thoughtful expression, "Hmm… What is after centuries, I wonder. Millennium? Era? Or Epo—"

"It's days! And it's three! Not twelve!"

Chuckling at the incensed Sylphrena, Ciri replied, "Calm down, little girl. I know what you mean. I just want to jest with you."

"You are so mean!"

Seeing this scene and thinking that it is not a bad idea to have a simple and pure companion, Lanfear then looked at everyone, "So, as you guys know, Tel'aran'rhiod is very different from any plane of existence. It connects the Physical Realm and the Mirror World or another Ethereal Plane, as Richard once stated. And as the first being that was discovered coming from that realm, I think it will do us good for the person in question to name that place, don't you agree?"

"Yay! I get to name it! It is Shadesmar! Shadesmar!"

"No. Change it to another. It does not correlate with the other word."

"Ahh… I-i…"

Looking at the party pooper Philippa Eilhart, Ciri retorted, "Why do you need to—"

"Well… How about the Cognitive Realm then?"

Surprised at seeing the little girl becoming astute and mature, Ciri wanted to help her but was cut short again this time by the party pooper instead.

"Now it is settled then. Physical Realm and Cognitive Realm. As for the last, let me just make it fast. It's the Ethereal Realm. Any objections? Good. Now we can talk about how to create perpetual energy in each of these Realms."