
Pausing, he then continued, "As for your question earlier about why the Dao is not increasing the ceiling on its own, think hard and remember one of our past lives when we were neighboring sect disciples. Especially when the northern side of our two-sect province was being invaded by the Netherworld Ghost Flame Emperor. Do you also remember the Wu Tou Gui race created by that devil cultivator? The headless zombies with such short lifespans that need Yin Qi to keep their bodily systems functioning?"

Having a eureka moment, Ying Yue asked in confirmation, "Ah… So, does Master mean that, just like the Wu Tou Gui headless zombies that can still fight because they have their souls, this world will also continue to function because it still has its Bagua? But since there is no consciousness to keep it running, just like those zombies need to kill to obtain Yin Qi to keep themselves functioning, this world also needs our enlightenment to sustain it. Is that correct, Master?"

Seeing her master raise an eyebrow and smile silently, seemingly indicating that she was getting close to the answer, Ying Yue thought hard. Finally, after realizing one of the reasons, she exclaimed with excitement, "Oh! I understand now! It doesn't need our enlightenment per se as its fuel, but it needs our participation to initiate the internal workings of the Bagua Diagram. Similar to how cultivators practice Qigong to draw in Qi for martial techniques, this world needs our involvement to perform its Taiji. And because it can perform its Taiji, this world can give birth to another aspect of Wuji, which we can then draw upon as inspiration for our cultivation of Yin-Yang. The cycle goes back to Taiji, then Wuji, then Yin-Yang, then Taiji, then Wuji, then Yin-Yang…"

Clapping his hands lightly for a couple of seconds in appreciation, which made Yue giggle with excitement, Tian Xing shook his head and smiled, pleased to see his sweetheart so happy with this small gesture. Turning his gaze toward his version of the Bagua Diagram, which was already seeping into the ground, he looked up at the sky, trying to find his wife but to no avail. Feeling the simple key to ascension for this world, which is understanding one of the laws of Wuxing, namely Earth or, in many of his variants word, the law of gravity, he said to Ying Yue, "Come, Yue. Let's ascend together. We have stayed in this world long enough."

Jumping into her master's arms to be carried up to heaven for their ascent, Ying Yue wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kept kissing him as a way to pass the time. After realizing that they were teleported to a remote area with no civilization in sight, she removed her outer layers, wanting to engage in dual cultivation while ascending. However, this time she did not fully remove her outer layers to reveal the parts underneath, as she lacked storage rings or similar items and abilities.

This act was new for both Ying Yue and her master, as in most of their variant lives, ascension was always followed by tribulation that required their full concentration. Perhaps that was why the Dao created the trial of heavenly transcendence in the first place, to preserve the sacredness of the process—Ying Yue wasn't sure. But what she did know was that her master needed attention. And so she provided it.

Moving up and down to bring sweetness and joy to her master, Ying Yue suddenly had a thought that would make the taste more tender and flavorful. Drawing on her Wan Shi Tong knowledge of the lower dantian, she ensured that her cherry was always fresh in every bite for her master. This created an overflow of red juice, which caused her pain but also eagerness to see her master's approval. She noticed him raise an eyebrow, as if asking if it was okay.

Understanding that, as a cultivator, this pain could easily turn into bliss with enough internal energy in the next world, she shook her head to indicate it was fine. For her, there was no difference between pain and bliss—only her master's approval mattered. However, since her master wanted this to be part of their relationship, she chose to make this process an act of enjoyment to ease his mind later in the next world. For now, she provided one-way service to please her master, wanting to demonstrate her commitment through this act of enduring pain. Because, she wanted to show him that all her variants who were unfaithful were not truly her but someone else.

Sighing, knowing that if he did not let her have her way, it would become a mental demon for her, Tian Xing simply enjoyed the process of Yue's cherry being popped with each bite. This would also reassure her that he accepted her gesture and did not hold the lives of those variants against her, as they were not truly hers and there was no need to be shackled to a past that was not their own.

After staining their lower attire with Yue's red juices, which made it look like they had butchered an entire flock of spirit beasts, they arrived in the new world. Ignoring Ying Yue, who continued to move up and down with eagerness—now turning this act into a blissful experience due to the internal energy in the new world—he looked around while holding his sweetheart to not fall down to the ground. Finding a nearby river to wash their clothes off and calculating with his fingers to find the closest cave for their dwelling later, Tian Xing then moved toward that river while Yue still continued to provide him with fresh bites of cherry nonstop without stopping.

Taking a twig from a tree, Tian Xing used it to perform a sweep of Butterfly Echoes, ensuring that no one would come to these rivers or even this area in the foreseeable future. He is not even spared the tiniest insects and animals. Once this was done, with many layers of predetermination in place, Tian Xing turned his focus back to Yue, who was still moving up and down. Gently peeling off her attire, he began to slowly enjoy this poppable cherry in every shape and form, painting the area with red and white colors.