Tainted Painting.

Emotional pain, such as spitting or slapping, Tian Xing and Rita explored all kinds of unimaginable actions. Throughout the ordeal, Lou Yi giggled with pride at how her entertainment succeeded beyond initial expectations. As a result, Tian Xing and his wife became increasingly wild, making her engage in animalistic behaviors. Seeing the exquisite jade laugh in amusement, as she was willing to do whatever it took to earn a place in their hearts, Tian Xing and Rita chuckled and finally painted her body with Yang Essence and Yin Essence, respectively.

Receiving it with open arms, Lou Yi lifted her veils and opened her mouth to drink both of their essences as if there were no tomorrow. After having her face held by their hands and being spat upon, she smiled affectionately at her two masters, telling them they could stain her beautiful body as much as they wanted. However, the next actions from them made her heart skip a beat and bloom with true love and devotion, contrasting her earlier expressions intended to make her more acceptable in their eyes.

After receiving kisses from both of her masters, especially her patriarch, Lou Yi teared up with emotion, touched that despite the blemishes, her master still cherished her. With Yang Essence and Yin Essence painting her face, she now giggled with true affection, eager to be stained further to receive more of their obsession. Once her face was done, they moved on to the rest of her jade-like body, leaving stains and kisses that made her heart bloom with love and adoration with every moment.

Since her patriarch was the only one wanting to stain her now, while the matriarch watched the action with submissive desire, Luo Yi crawled into a small incline as ordered by her sect master, allowing easy access to stain her face again. Knowing her master liked her face very much, she gazed at him affectionately throughout the ordeal, even when some of the essence entered her eyes. The kisses that followed, despite being blemished, made her heart bloom once more, seeing her master willing to do such things.

Luo Yi then saw her master place cow piercings on her nose, making her giggle with pride at having achieved something no one else had in the pavilion for the third time. Following this, she observed her master stain her two mound canvases, smearing them thoroughly while pinching them hard to produce pigment until they were stretched and pointed forward. She then saw her master suck on them one by one, which made her tear up unknowingly, as the Yang Essence was still there.

Pierced like her nose, Luo Yi stood straight for her master to view his unfinished artwork. She received more Yang Essence on her face, giggling as it seemed her master enjoyed staining her face very much. With her veils lifted, she saw the tip of his sword enter her nose, filling it completely before coming out of the other hole. Circulating her Qi to breathe through her skin, she was amused by how her master found a new way to stain her body.

Opening her mouth to let the stream of Yang Essence out, Lou Yi once again displayed to her master what he had done to this exquisite jade. She received the essence on her face, understanding that this was her master's way of appreciating her. After her canvases, her master then moved to her vignettes. First, he covered the outside with Yang Essence completely, then Lou Yi felt his sword enter her vignettes. This time, unlike before, she felt the sword lengthen until it rested on her middle dantian from the lower dantian.

Circulating Qi to turn the pain into bliss, Lou Yi raised an eyebrow, wondering what he planned to do. She soon found out as her stomach slowly grew larger. Laughing out loud at the amusing sight, she raised her head to kiss her master, not caring if he was stained with Yang Essence. She was amused at this kind of humiliation and thanked him, as it seemed her master was very much obsessed with her. Her belly, now stretched beyond belief as if carrying quadruplets, was a testament to his intense possession.

Her vignettes were completely sealed by Sealing Dao to prevent any Yang Essence from leaking out, ensuring she maintained a pregnant-like belly throughout the dark mode session. Lou Yi was then flipped over to repeat the process with her other hole, filling it with love to the brim. She was flipped again, and her face was stained by her master, who found this painting particularly sexy. After completing the set with piercings, she was marked by the sound of sprinkling bells summoned by her master to chain the piercings together. Once everything was done, she teasingly asked her master, "Master, do you want another show, but with this painting this time?"

Nodding, Tian Xing, who was in dark mode, chuckled and replied, "Yes. But this time, every scene will be wild."

Giggling, as her improvisation seemed to be working, Lou Yi replied, "As you wish, master."

"But before that, let's fill up your nose. And when it is removed, come bent down to the sword and receive it again."

Nodding, Lou Yi performed the entertainment that continued to spurt pigment and Yin Essence, wearing the painting of amused humiliation her master had given her. Refilling Yang Essence in her nose, she performed once again with eagerness and devotion, knowing she would become her true master's favorite this time. Thinking about the future and envisioning him holding a Golden Branch that would dictate the fate of all creations, Lou Yi shivered in excitement and performed the show to the best of her ability, maintaining the elegant allure of her cold jade beauty throughout the ordeal.

"Husband, I want one as well. So dominate me, love. But this time, don't worry about not hurting me—just let it all out."

Shaking his head at his wife who begged with puppy eyes, Tian Xing spat at her face and repeated the process with her, using a rougher method this time. After piercing, stretching the belly, and making sprinkling bell sounds, he embraced his wife after finishing his artwork and enjoyed the show of Lou Yi performing with vulgar elegance. Once he saw his tainted exquisite jade complete her elegant dance, he waved her over to fall into his embrace as well.

Sandwiched between two women with stretched-out bellies, he said to both, "I think this will stay private between just the three, or rather five, of us, including Lanfear and Yelena."