Gait and Movement.

Turning toward his wife, who had returned to observe everything, and his assistant Emma Frost, who had met the Heaven Chosen's subordinate and was now trying to reduce the damage, Tian Xing asked, "Did I make too much of a scene?"

Rolling her eyes as if it were unnecessary to ask, Margarita responded aloud, turning it into an open manipulation for their potential enemy, "Yes, you made too much of a scene, husband. Almost the entire Road Path of this world was nearly cut to pieces by that man's intent alone. Did you, by any chance, want to make him your subordinate?"

Shaking his head as he began walking again, Tian Xing replied, "My subconscious mind said no, but my conscious mind said yes. Because of that, I decided not to make that Blade Dao practitioner my subordinate."

Raising an eyebrow, knowing his intent was to keep Dao Yan from harm so that he could grow safely and eventually deal with their enemies as a form of thanks—because their potential enemies' focus was solely on her husband—Margarita asked aloud to make it a reality, "So this is basically just a whimsical wish of yours, is that true, my symphony?"

Nodding as he noticed the next seedling, Tian Xing simply answered his wife and did the same for the Spear Dao practitioner, "Yes, that's basically it."

Nodding in agreement with her husband's answer, Margarita then left Tian Xing to his tasks while she tapped the Silver Branch on the ground twice, reviving everyone who had died from the attack of that Blade Dao practitioner. She revived those with lower cultivation than her and blessed those she could not bring back to life with good luck and destiny.

Turning toward Emma Frost, who had finished speaking with the Asura subordinate and was fixing this part of the Asura Road once again, Margarita asked, "So that man Asura is currently engaged in a Battle for Supremacy in the Heaven Chosen Power Ranking Arena with another Heaven Chosen, is that correct?"

Bowing slightly, showing just a hint of humility rather than full submission to avoid appearing weak to potential enemies, Emma Frost answered, "Yes, Matriarch. Asura and his personal forces are currently entering the Mystical Realm specifically to search for Comprehension. This Mystical Realm is now held by many parties in the highest heavens and is subsequently connected to the Lord Grim Power Ranking Arena Dao World."

Walking beside her husband and placing her hand on his elbow as they searched for the next seedling for their task of eliminating potential enemies, Margarita asked, "Oh? Does this mean that the souls of Asura's last wife currently reside in that Dao World with the long name, and not in the Mystical Realm, which is owned by many parties and has bad blood karma with both Asura and us?"

To lure the potential enemies—no, the enemies—who were currently spying on them after hearing that Tian Ming Emperor was on the Asura Road Path, Emma Frost responded, without using honorifics this time, "Yes, Asura is currently engaged in a war with another Heaven Chosen, Doctor Doom. He intends to pass through the Mystical Realm, named Titanium Abyss, briefly so that he can reach the Lord Grim Power Ranking Arena Dao World."

Nodding at Emma's information and the brief display of manipulating the fates of their enemies who were currently spying on them, Margarita waited for her husband to finish what he was doing, while periodically re-entering the fight with various illusory practice figures on the Asura Road Path to relieve her restless urge to punch someone.

The sight of her enemies mocking her in the simulated future of Tian Ming Dao, claiming she was an easy target to exploit in their schemes, while being unaware that they were the ones being led by the nose by her, was making her somewhat incensed.

Especially seeing those cold, calculating gazes as if everything had already been figured out, Margarita felt an urge to perform many of her little tricks, just to make the guy with the long title of The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth become tongue-tied, simply for the satisfaction of it. After all, she was the one who had clearly calculated everything.

However, she knew that it was not advantageous for a Tian Ming practitioner like her to act merely to appear impressive in front of others, as it would provide no real benefit except a fleeting moment of satisfaction from slapping someone in the face.

Since every action of a Tian Ming practitioner must have meaning in every gait and movement, Margarita, whether she liked it or not, had to endure the constant jeering of their enemies in the dark, who saw her as a dimwitted fool easily manipulated, even though she could easily deal with them using just one Butterfly Vestiges.

Maybe this is why her husband sometimes loses control of his dark urges. Constantly hearing mocking and jeering in the simulated future, Margarita sighed, now understanding why her husband, when embracing his devilish or demonic side, does so without regard for unspoken principles, since his calmness and placidity, tested repeatedly, have been pushed to their limits.

Seeing her husband finish arranging the one-on-one Dao practitioners in the one-hundred-meter area to be indebted to him and their family, Margarita placed her hand on his right elbow, while her junior sister stood on his left. This gesture was meant to mislead their spying enemies into perceiving a complex three-way relationship, when in reality, it was only a two-way connection.

Turning toward her husband, Margarita then said to Tian Xing, "Tian Xing, let's go to the Titanium Abyss and help Arusa fight Doctor Doom. We already know the specific location where the souls of that man's wife reside. It is in another Dao World, within the territory of another Heaven Chosen, named Lord Grim Power Ranking Arena, where everything appears like the system you once created, husband."

Nodding at his wife's information and noting that some of his variants know them, Tian Xing waved his Golden Branch to create a somersault cloud for them to stand on. He controlled the cloud to pass through the Asura Road Path and arrive instantly at the capital city of God Reviving Ridges, which was bathed in red and scattered with weapons, with battles raging everywhere.

Tian Xing then directed the cloud towards a gigantic building housing a portal hub, flanked by two statues guarding the entrance. They entered the portal marked with the karma name of Titanium Abyss Mystical Realm without any petty conflicts, as these guardians and many Asura subordinates were already familiar with the appearance of the Tian Ming Emperor.