Non Canon Final Battle 01.

*Be aware this was Generated with Chat gpt and was modified a bit, so is not considered canon.

High atop the summit of Mount Veritas, where the air was thin and the heavens seemed within arm's reach, Elo and his nemesis confronted each other amidst a tempest of cosmic energies. The mountain trembled beneath their feet as they prepared to unleash powers that could reshape galaxies and bend the fabric of reality itself.

"Elo... who are you?" the nemesis's voice echoed, a ripple across the cosmic expanse.

Elo's eyes blazed with the incandescent light of Omnipotence, a power he had unlocked through trials that spanned lifetimes. His nemesis, equally formidable, exuded an aura of Omnipresence, his form flickering across dimensions like a phantom of cosmic authority.

"Founder Privilege invoked 1/3"



"Time has changed me," Elo murmured, his voice carrying across the astral winds. "And now, it ends."

A soft voice echoed in Elo's mind, resonating with warmth and guidance.

 Dala: "Elo, focus your Omnipotence. Use the cosmic cut to create openings. His omnipresence can be countered by focusing your attacks at the points where his echoes converge." 

With a silent invocation, Elo communed with the essence of creation. The skies above them darkened with swirling storms of celestial energy, the stars themselves seeming to bow before the impending clash of titans.


With a swift gesture, galaxies shifted. Planets trembled as cosmic forces gathered around them, swirling and colliding in a dance of creation and annihilation. Elo forged radiant swords of cosmic energy, each swing slicing through the boundaries of time and space. His nemesis countered with echoes of himself, appearing simultaneously across realities, each iteration a testament to his control over Omnipresence.


But Elo's mastery over Omnipotence was absolute. With each movement, he sculpted new universes, reshaping reality with the force of his will. Mountains crumbled, oceans boiled, and stars burned brighter as Elo unleashed the full extent of his cosmic potential.


"You cannot defeat me," Elo proclaimed, his voice a symphony of cosmic harmonies.

Yet, the nemesis persisted, his form flickering in and out of existence like a shadow dancing on the edge of a black hole. Waves of cosmic energy surged from his being, warping the fabric of space-time in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. For every strike Elo delivered, the nemesis countered with an unfathomable defense born of his omnipresent nature.


In a crescendo of power that shook the foundations of galaxies, Elo condensed the essence of stars into a single point of radiant energy.


With a gesture that transcended mortal understanding, he unleashed it — a beam of cosmic proportions that pierced through the heart of his nemesis's defenses, unraveling the very fabric of Omnipresence.


The nemesis staggered, his form flickering across realities. With a final, resolute gaze, Elo channeled the last of his cosmic power into a singularity that engulfed his adversary.


Reality folded around them, and in an instant, the nemesis was consumed by the very void he sought to control.


Silence descended upon Mount Veritas. Elo stood alone, his breath heavy with the weight of cosmic victory. The skies cleared, stars twinkling in recognition of the new order he had forged. Galaxies, once on the brink of chaos, now aligned in a symphony of cosmic balance under his stewardship.


Elo, now attuned to the omnipotent power within him, gazed upon the cosmos with newfound clarity. The battle had ended, but his journey as a guardian of cosmic balance had only just begun. As he descended the slopes of Mount Veritas, the universe itself seemed to whisper tales of his triumph, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dared to wield the power of gods.

Elo, now attuned to the omnipotent power within him, gazed upon the cosmos with newfound clarity. The battle had ended, but his journey as a guardian of cosmic balance had only just begun. As he descended the slopes of Mount Veritas, the universe itself seemed to whisper tales of his triumph, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dared to wield the power of gods.


The journey down the mountain was filled with echoes of battles fought and victories won. Elo's heart beat with the anticipation of seeing Dala again, his sister and steadfast companion through trials beyond mortal comprehension.

At the base of Mount Veritas, amidst the tranquil embrace of a verdant valley, Dala awaited him. Her eyes, pools of serenity amidst the cosmic storm, met his with a love that transcended time and space.

"Elo," she whispered, her voice a melody of joy and relief. "You've returned."

In that moment, centuries of trials and tribulations melted away. Elo embraced Dala, feeling the warmth of her presence, the essence of their shared journey etched into the fabric of their souls.


Tears of gratitude streamed down Elo's face as he held Dala close, their spirits intertwining in a dance of cosmic reunion. The echoes of their trials lingered, a reminder of their resilience and the unbreakable bond forged through adversity.

"I thought I had lost you," Elo murmured, his voice choked with emotion.

"You could never lose me," Dala replied, her touch a balm to his weary soul. "We are bound by more than blood. We are bound by the very essence of existence."

Hand in hand, they walked through the valley, the universe unfolding around them in a symphony of celestial hues. Stars twinkled overhead, bearing witness to a love that transcended galaxies.


As they disappeared into the embrace of the valley, the cosmos whispered tales of their triumph, a testament to the enduring spirit of love and courage that had shaped their journey through the cosmic tapestry.

and then the whole universe blowed away, cuz is not canon....